Recent activity and additions
If you would like a copy of a document or resource for which there is no link, please email
- Deep End Report 43 Language and cultural health inequalities
- Deep End Summary 43 Language and cultural health inequalities
- Graham Watt | From Glyncorrwg to the Deep End - Medics Voices An interview by Medics Voices, reflecting on the career of Professor Graham Watt
- Deep End International Bulletin No 12 (November 2024)
- Deep End Report 42 Continuity of Care (October 2024)
- Deep End Summary 42 Continuity of Care (October 2024)
- Deep End Report 41 Emergency Medicine at the Deep End (July 2024)
- Video of the Deep End conference in Glasgow
- Deep End International Bulletin No 11 (June 2024)
- Tackling the inverse care law in Scottish General Practice
Health Inequalities in Scotland. A national calamity: A frontline GP view
Report written by Dr Catriona Morton in 2022 and updated in 2024. Catriona is a founding member of the Deep End project in Scotland. It pulls together frontline clinical and patient experience, and a wealth of published data on the subject, making it an extremely useful reference document
- Deep End International Bulletin No 10 (December 2023)
- Deep End teaching and learning
Information about Deep End related teaching at University of Glasgow, including opportunities to contribute - Developing a Deep End project
A new web version of Deep End founder Professor Graham Watt's description of the process of setting up and developing the project and the initiatives that have grown out of it - Our impact
Dr David Blane summarises the impact to date of the Scottish Deep End group
- How an Exclusion Prevention Group (EPG) could operate in general practice
Dr Adam Burley (Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Professional Lead for Trauma Services NHS Lothian)
Dr Carey Lunan (GP Chair of Scottish Deep End Project - Examples of trauma-informed approaches in a general practice setting
Dr Carey Lunan, Dr Adam Burley and Dr Andrea Williamson - Supporting registration with a general practice
Dr Carey Lunan and Dr Andrea Williamson
- Stories from the frontline
The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on our patients - Social determinants of health: experiences of educators in Canada, USA and Scotland [Upstream Lab Podcast, Episode 2]
Podcast | Video
Ashti Doobay-Persaud, David Blane, Andrew Pinto
- Fourth Medical Student Conference (May 2023)
- DEEP END REPORT 40 Cost of living crisis
Deep End Summary 40 Cost of living crisis | Full report | Stories from the frontline - The challenges of reducing risk and severity of CVD in deprived communities
Dr Hamish Foster presented at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh on 17 November 2022 - The Scottish Deep End Project: what has it meant for us?
Dr Carey Lunan presented at the launch of Deep End Wales on 24 November 2022
- Primary Care Alcohol Nurse Outreach Service (PCANOS): full evaluation
- DEEP END REPORT 39 Prison health
Deep End Summary 39 Prison health | Full report - Deep End International Bulletin No 7
- Deep End Project end of year report (Apr 2021–Mar 2022)
Dr Carey Lunan and Dr David Blane - Resources from Deep End Third Medical Student Conference (Apr 2022)
- The human cost of the energy crisis: challenges we face and options for change
(Dr Carey Lunan presented at the annual Energy Action Scotland conference in March 2022) - Learning from the Scottish Deep End Project
(Keynote talk delivered by Dr David Blane at the annual conference of the Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland (AUDGPI) and the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP)) - Julian Tudor Hart: a general practitioner for the world
(Talk delivered by Prof Graham Watt on 03 March 2022, the third in series of talks about Dr Julian Tudor Hart – family doctor, scientist, writer, philosopher, artist, social advocate and community activist)
- Dr Carey Lunan delivered a session on "Addressing the Inverse Care Law in Scotland's most deprived communities" at a farewell plenary for Dr Neil Hamlet, public health consultant in Fife (February 2022)
- Ciftci, Y. and Blane, D. N. (2022) Improving GP registration and access for migrant health. British Journal of General Practice, 72(715), pp. 56-57. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp22X718301)
- Dr Carey Lunan, Dr Lynsay Crawford and Ms Claire Stevens (Chief Exec Voluntary Health Scotland) ran a joint evening learning event through University of Glasgow on Health Inequalities and Covid 19, hosted by David Blane (January 2022)
- Deep End general practice during COVID-19 (Carey Lunan)
- Undergraduate teaching during COVID-19 (Lynsay Crawford)
- COVID-19 inequalities: the impact and response from Voluntary Health Scotland (Claire Stevens)
- GP workforce analysed by deprivation (Carey Lunan and Stewart Mercer)
Report | Slides | Public Health Scotland analysis