
 Photograph of Professor Kate O Donnell

Welcome to the web pages for General Practice and Primary Care.

Our staff, both clinical and non-clinical, are dedicated to undertaking research and teaching that addresses problems posed by complex care needs and inequalities, particularly in relation to chronic illness and multimorbidity, and marginalised populations such as migrants and those living in areas of severe deprivation. We have a strong focus on anticipatory approaches to health and the implementation and integration of complex service innovations (e.g. e-Health services, screening) along with an emphasis on the role of health policy in shaping the experiences of patients and professionals.

We undertake interdisciplinary research with colleagues across the university, as well as NHS staff, the voluntary sector and other appropriate colleagues and agencies, locally, nationally, across the UK and internationally. We aim to promote person-centred, quality healthcare with a particular focus on the role of primary care as a vehicle for better coordinated and continuous care.

Professor Kate O'Donnell
Head of General Practice and Primary Care