On Tuesday the 5th of March 2024, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was awarded an honorary Doctorate from the University of Glasgow in recognition of his work as Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), especially during the Covid19 pandemic.
Earlier that afternoon, he gave the master’s students from the Global Health, Global Mental Health and Public Health programs an hour of his time.
We are thrilled to have had the extraordinary opportunity to dialogue with Dr Tedros on the Pandemic Accord and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Dr Tedros' approach to tackling global challenges, emphasising active listening, negotiating partnerships, and understanding root causes profoundly resonates with our respective fields. It reinforces the importance of following one's passion and embracing learning amidst challenges.
During discussions on the Pandemic Accord, our voices found resonance as Dr Tedros eagerly sought our insights. Inspired by the collaborative spirit, we championed innovative approaches, including the ingenious proposal of a social media campaign spearheaded by University of Glasgow students under the banner #GlasgowForPandemicAccord. As the dialogue unfolded, anticipation mounted for the pivotal decision day, scheduled for March 18th. In this intersection of expertise and enthusiasm, we witnessed the power of collective action and the potential to forge a brighter, healthier global future.
The graduation was open to students and members of the public, and the highlight of the evening included Dr Tedros’ speech and the fireside discussion with former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown and University Chancellor, Dame Kathrine Grainger. The focus of these discussions was on the Pandemic Accord and the WHO funding.
We are grateful to the University of Glasgow for providing such inspiring opportunities that align with our aspirations. We as students feel immensely privileged to have been part of this historic event and we are more committed than ever to work towards our shared goal of health for all. In the words of Dr Tedros himself: “We will not settle for a world in which people have to choose between sickness and poverty because of the costs of paying for care out of their own pockets.”
Ratchita Pradkasajhatham, Student MSc Global Health
Sagarika Vijay Limaye, Student Masters of Public Health
Celeste Majcher, Student MSc Global Mental Health
First published: 28 March 2024
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