Awards and recognition

MVLS Engagement Awards 2019

Supported by funding from the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund, these recognise and reward the inspiring people and projects that share our MVLS research with those outside the University. Open to all MVLS staff and students applications can relate to support for public engagement as well as delivery. You are invited to nominate yourself or colleagues. On-line Applications close Friday 25 October 2019. Award winners will be announced at the College Christmas Council in December 2019.

Impact in 60 Seconds Competition 2019

Competition offering postgraduate researchers the opportunity to create an original one-minute film showcasing their research to a public audience. The deadline for entries is Thursday 5 September 2019 at 5:00pm.

Public Engagement Funding

The MVLS Engagement team is pleased to offer advice and support on all internal and external engagement funding applications.

  • MVLS Engagement with Research Fund
    Supporting researchers to put public engagement ideas into practice with awards of up to £2,500. Applications reopen on 2 September 2019 until 6 December 2019.
  • NEW ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award
    £500,000 fund to help Wellcome grant holders engage the public with their research. First call will close at 5pm on Friday 25 October 2019 with a second call open in early January and closing Friday 27 March 2020.

Engagement opportunities

University of the Third Age (U3A)

Emeritus Prof. Peter Holmes is the Science Convener for the recently formed Helensburgh and District Branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A). The operating model for the Helensburgh Science Group is to have a monthly speaker on Friday mornings (10.30-12.00).  The audiences are usually about 20-30 retired people from a variety of backgrounds.

He would like to try to identify speakers for next year (September 2020 onwards) from MVLS and wonders if you can help.  Although he would particularly welcome senior members of staff who are accomplished speakers the meetings are also an ideal opportunity for younger members of staff who are developing their public speaking skills to address an educated lay audience.  Local travel expenses will be covered.

If you are interested please contact him by email

Glasgow Science Centre

  • Science Lates
    Share your passion for science and showcase your research by hosting workshops, shows, stands and discussions at these adult only event hosted on Friday and Saturday evenings between September and March. Contact
  • Curiosity Live
    Delivering exciting activities and engage with schools and families that visit - help them to help you with your research. Next events are 6-10 November. Contact before 7 November to be involved.

MVLS Engagement Team
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
University of Glasgow

Email |
Tel | 0141 330 2134

Staff and students are invited to join the MVLS Engage Yammer group

First published: 28 June 2018