What’s been happening to promote equality and diversity in IHW this month? Our AS Champion Professor Cindy Gray provides a quick overview.

  • Photo of Cindy GrayA new Yammer group has been set up for professional services staff in IHW, aimed at sharing good practice and ideas, work-life balance tips, recommendations for training courses and other career development opportunities, and fostering a sense of community among MPA, technical and specialist, and operational staff across all our units. You can join the group here.
  • Six female staff in IHW will be attending the Aurora Leadership training (Advance HE`s leadership development initiative for those who identify as women) in 2019/2020.
  • We are still looking for people to join our new Athena SWAN LGBTQ+ working group. This is open to all staff and PGR students across IHW, both LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ allies. Please email Rafael.Venson@glasgow.ac.uk and/or Caroline.Haig@glasgow.ac.uk if you would like to join this exciting new initiative.
  • Following our successful British Sign Language taster training in August/September (reported on elsewhere in this edition of HAWKEYE), plans are now in place to offer monthly British Sign Language “cafes” for staff and students across IHW and beyond who already use or are interested in learning BSL. The first café is likely to take place in January 2020, and will be advertised in HAWKEYE. In the meantime, if you are interested in joining a mailing list about these events, please email Public Health’s Lorraine Waddell (Lorraine.Waddell@glasgow.ac.uk), who is leading this initiative.

Professor Cindy Gray
Athena SWAN Champion
Institute of Health and Wellbeing

First published: 1 May 2018