HEHTA Research Associate Janet Bouttell is a co-author of a new report 'Evaluation of firework-related harm in Scotland - October 2020', presented to the Scottish Government just before Guy Fawkes night.

Photo of boy watching fireworks

This important research into the impact of harm caused by fireworks hopes to inform future legislation.

The report concluded:

"The evidence of firework-related harm in Scotland remains evident and substantial. Those most affected are young, male and from areas of greater social deprivation. The health economic costs relating to the treatment of firework-related physical harm to one Scottish NHS Health Board is ~40,000/year. A study of the national health economic costs would be beneficial. The short and long term health effects from exposure to firework-generated particulates warrants investigation."

The report was produced in collaboration with NHS Scotland NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde & Care of Burns in Scotland. Funding for the health economic evaluation was from the Jean Brown Bequest Fund, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health board endowments.

Professor Andrew Hart, Honorary Senior Research Fellow (School of Life Sciences) and Honorary Professor (Institute of Molecular Cell & Systems Biology) at the University of Glasgow is also a co-author.

Read the full report 

First published: 1 December 2020