Institute of Health and Wellbeing's Athena Swan project officer, Rebecca Robinson, is conducting research into how working practices have been affected by COVID-19. We are interested in your experience of working from home, the challenges and the opportunities it has provided.

working from home with dog

This will help the institute provide support as home-working continues and understand whether some sections of our staff are facing greater challenges than others. If we believe the findings are of more general interest we may seek to publish the research in a peer reviewed journal.

  • The first part of the research is the survey which should only take 5 minutes to complete. People from all staff groups are eligible to participate so that we have a range of views.
  • Rebecca will also be conducting interviews lasting 30-45 minutes. If you are willing to be interviewed or have any questions about the survey or interviews, please indicate at the end of the survey or contact Rebecca directly on Participation in both the survey and interviews is entirely voluntary.

The survey can be accessed here and closes on Friday 03 July 2020. To volunteer to be interviewed, please contact Rebecca direct

First published: 2 May 2018