Photo of laptop, coffee cup and handsA new Athena SWAN group has been formed within IHW to examine issues relating to workers aged 50 and above, with the underlying aim of addressing possible discrimination or disadvantage and improving wellbeing.

Aims and activities are likely to include:

  • canvassing older workers' opinions on potential areas of interest or concern;
  • collating statistics relating to 50+ workers (e.g. contract types, career progression, access to training, uptake of mentoring etc);
  • consider ways in which to challenge stereotypes, raise awareness of issues that specifically affect this staff group, and ensure that IHW is a supportive environment for older workers.

Any 50+ member of staff who would like to contribute to this work, or is interested in finding out more, would be very welcome to come along to the group's first formal meeting, which will take place on Thursday 16 August, from 11.00am to 12.30pm (venue to be confirmed).

Please email if you would like to attend this initial meeting.

First published: 1 May 2018