The Athena SWAN team took centre stage at the recent IHW Research Away Day at the Grosvenor Hilton Hotel on Tuesday 26 February 2019.

Prof Rich Mitchell, Prof Kate O’Donnell and Dr Jana Anderson joined forces with Athena SWAN Champion, Dr Cindy Gray, to lead an open floor discussion on what makes IHW a good place to work. Trust, flexibility, feeling valued and respect were among the important factors suggested by the panel. On the negative side, short-term contracts for early career researchers were identified as contributing to work-related stress.

Following these initial discussions, the Athena SWAN team are looking to hear more from you. The biannual workplace culture survey will launch shortly (a link will be sent out by email). It should take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time to complete. We are also looking for staff (both academic and professional and support) to contribute their experiences of (i) work-related stress; and/or (ii) being an ‘older’ worker (aged 50+) in two in-depth staff consultations we are conducting this year (if you would like to take part in either of these, please contact

Finally, we would like to hear from you if there are any equality and diversity issues that you feel passionate about and think the AS team should address (please email

First published: 2 May 2018