If you currently bring your dog into the office, or would like to do so in future, please access our updated guideline and complete the SHW dogs at work registration form.

Photo of Parsons Russell dog on office chair

We have recently reviewed and updated our dogs at work guideline for staff, and would ask all who bring their dogs to work to access this latest version, and then to complete our newly-launched registration form. 

Other colleagues on whom this might impact – those who share offices which dogs sometimes visit, for example – may also wish to familiarise themselves with the guideline. 

Key points include the following (but, if you bring your dog work or may wish to do so in future, do please access the full guideline, so that you are clear about the requirements):

  • Dogs must be kept on short leads at all times in communal areas. (No extending leads please, as these are potential trip hazards.) 
  • An agreement must be reached with your line manager and, if you are in a shared office, with your roommates in advance of you bringing your dog into the office. You must also check with anyone who subsequently moves into your office or area that they have no objection.
  • If 3 or more people complain or express legitimate concerns, or you are not complying with the guideline, it's likely that you will no longer be able to bring your dog to work. 
  • Non-SHW colleagues or visitors to SHW premises must also follow this guideline. 

We also now ask colleagues who plan to (or already) bring their dog to the office to complete a registration form (retrospectively if you already have an arrangement in place), including confirming that you have read and agree to comply with our guideline. 

Access the SHW dogs at work guideline

Access and complete the SHW dogs at work registration form

First published: 26 April 2022