We hope that you are coping as well as possible with our new norm of home-working.

We are aware that everyone is struggling even more than usual with work-life balance due to child-care, home-schooling, supporting elderly or vulnerable family members, and family illness, and it is heartening that everyone is trying to find ways of supporting each other as much as possible. We appreciate that you may not be able to be as productive as normal.

It is great that everyone is showing great flexibly and imagination in finding new ways of making this situation work. Children and dogs are now regular attendees on zoom meetings (even when not officially invited!) keeping everyone entertained.

We have set up an online resource for everyone to share ideas, tips or stories to provide practical advice and help keep up morale. These can cover anything from suggestions on home-working to entertaining kids, to home-based hobbies. If you would like to contribute to this page, please either email IHW admin or submit via our online suggestion box.

Additionally, UofG Sport has put up lots of tips and links to workouts.

Jill Pell, Sally Wyke, Kate O'Donnell and Asha Costigan 
IHW Executive Group

First published: 14 March 2018