New Directions in Research on Multiculturalism, Interculturality and Migration: A workshop for Early Career Researchers across the Disciplines
Published: 8 November 2017
Dr. Claire Bynner, Research Associate in Public Service Reform, recently attended the 2017 Universitas 21 Early Career Researcher Workshop hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile. The theme was “Interculturality and Multiculturalism: The Challenges for Changing Societies.”
Exploring Multiculturalism and Interculturality
Dr Claire Bynner, Research Associate in Public Service Reform, recently attended the 2017 Universitas 21 Early Career Researcher Workshop hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile. The theme was “Interculturality and Multiculturalism: The Challenges for Changing Societies.” The event, run from 4 to 6 October 2017 and gathered 51 early career delegates from 17 countries engaged in the Universitas 21 Network. The event included a series of presentations by Professor Roberto Gonzáles and Professor Hanna Zagefka, short presentations from the delegates and workshop sessions to facilitate the development of research links and future international projects. The delegates represented a series of disciplines, ranging from neuroscience to engineering, health and care services, sociology, psychology, and linguistics. The participants were also able to learn about the activities at the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research, as well as the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies.
The University of Glasgow was represented by two delegates: Dr. Claire Bynner, Research Associate in Public Service Reform and Dr. Lavinia Hirsu, School of Education. Dr Claire Bynner discussed the findings from her PhD research on social contact and trust in a super-diverse neighbourhood. She described various ways of seeking ‘unity in diversity’ at a local level including community dialogue, collective action, practical activities, and cooperation between neighbours. Dr. Hirsu shared her experience of working with the Scottish Refugee Council on the project “Sharing Lives, Sharing Languages” which focussed on creative pathways towards social and language integration.
As a way of sharing the rich conversations from this workshop, Dr. Hirsu and Dr. Bynner are currently planning a workshop for early career researchers on multiculturalism and interculturality to shape a future research agenda. The workshop will give the two organisers the opportunity to share some of the key themes and conversations from Chile. The second goal of the workshop is to connect early career researchers from the University of Glasgow across the disciplines with local stakeholders. It is entitled "New Directions in Research on Multiculturalism, Interculturality and Migration: A workshop for Early Career Researchers across the Disciplines" and it is scheduled for January 16th, 2018 (2:30-4:30 p.m.).
More information will soon be available. If you are an early career researcher (within 8 years from earning your PhD) and have an interest in these themes, do not hesitate to sign-up for this event!
First published: 8 November 2017