Black African families of adults with learning disabilities
Published: 10 February 2025
Looking for Black African adults with learning disabilities living at home, and their carers/parents, to take part in an interview. Deadline 14th March 2025.
This research aims to understand the daily lived experiences of the adults with learning disabilities and their family carers including accessing health and social care services and how religion and culture may influence these experiences. The research also aims to understand what the families perspectives of their experiences are.
We are looking for Black African adult people with learning disabilities (18 years and over) living at home. And Black African family carers/parents of a person with learning disabilities.
Participation in the study will involve one interview with the researcher. In the interview the researcher will ask the participant to talk about their experiences of living with learning disabilities or caring for someone with learning disabilities.
A thank you token of £30 will be provided for participating in the interviews. Transport costs will also be reimbursed.
Benefits to participants may include having an opportunity to talk about their experiences and express their needs. Results of the study will inform policy and practice that may later improve experiences of the study population.
Interested? Please email Shylet Njanike:
First published: 10 February 2025