Athena Swan in SHW


As our name suggests, promoting the health and wellbeing of all our staff and students is central to all we do. In addition to our work/life balance initiatives, we run regular activities to support inclusion of staff and students with disabilities and have an Athena Swan working group that specifically addresses the needs of older workers. Our new Clarice Pears Building is designed as a physical space that enhances wellbeing.

Photo of students on Gilmorehill Campus

SHW working groups 

All our working groups are actively engaged, one way or another, in supporting, protecting and enhancing staff and student wellbeing. Our Wellbeing of older workers and students (WOWS) group, for example, has a remit that relates directly to the wellbeing of staff and students aged 50+. Our mentorship group arranges one-to-one mentoring for anyone in SHW who feels they may benefit from the advice, support and guidance of a more experienced colleague. The activities of our professional services and ECA groups include addressing issues relating to the wellbeing of these specific groups of staff. 

SHW guidelines

Several of our guidelines aim to promote staff and student wellbeing:

SHW allies and champions

A number of colleagues have been appointed to represent the interests of particular groups of colleagues within our school. Our current disability champion is Stefanie Krauth.

Other SHW resources and initiatives

  • SHW invisible disabilities campaign 
    Information and resources relating to invisible disabilities, their impact in the workplace, and how peers and managers can best support affected colleagues
  • British Sign Language (BSL) cafés 
    Monthly café-style events hosted by SHW for UofG colleagues with an interest in learning BSL or increasing their awareness of Deaf/deaf culture
  • SHW wellbeing of older workers (WOW) toolkit  
    A resource to support staff with challenges related to being an older worker, including health, career development, pay and pension, preparing for retirement, and thriving in the workplace
  • SHW mentorship schemes 
    Information about our three mentorship schemes (research and teaching, professional services, and PGR students)
  • SHW new staff induction (Moodle site) 
    We aim to ensure that all staff receive a comprehensive induction – including the signposting of wellbeing resources – and monitor this via a detailed checklist system. 
  • Severe mental illness project 
    A project we are currently working on with MVLS colleagues to start to address the stigma of severe mental illnesses (e.g. psychoses, personality disorders, severe anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, eating disorders) and make UofG a safe, supportive environment for affected colleagues.

Related University of Glasgow resources

Main University of Glasgow health and wellbeing webpage