In 2022/2023, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment's Alieda McKinney and Nicola McMeekin attended the Advance HE Aurora women in leadership course, and reflect here on the highlights and benefits of this unique training experience

 Photo of SHW staff members Alieda McKinney and Nicola McMeekin in Cardiff

The course is a development and leadership course for all women working in universities, colleges and related organisations. This year is the 10th anniversary of Aurora and there have been over 10,000 attendees over this period, from nearly 200 organisations.

The University of Glasgow supports women in attending this course and we were lucky enough to be chosen to attend this year’s programme. The programme teaches skills to make an impact, understand internal politics, influence, listening and adaptive leadership and gave us time to reflect on our career journey so far. There is also an active Aurora network which holds regular online networking events.

The course has seven cohorts based on geographical area. Unfortunately the Scottish cohort dates were not convenient, so we joined the Wales and South West of England cohort. This meant we had a trip to Cardiff for the last session of the programme. Whilst setting aside a whole day for each of the 8 sessions was sometimes challenging, being able to focus entirely on the programme was good for contemplating our careers and futures.

Highlights of the programme include meeting women we would not ordinarily come across and listening to their experiences of working in HE, learning how to listen effectively, finding solutions to problems with support, taking time to consider our career and aspirations, and visiting the beautiful city of Cardiff.

Alieda McKinney
Project Manager
Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment

Nicola McMeekin
Research Associate
Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment

NB Application to the Aurora programme is through an annual School of Health and Wellbeing and College of MVLS nomination process. Staff cannot apply directly to the programme. 

Find out more about the Aurora programme

Find out more about leadership training opportunities in UofG

First published: 3 August 2023