Iain Taylor and Claire Brunton reflect on their group's contribution to SHW's successful application for Athena Swan Gold renewal earlier this year, and priorities going forward in addressing inequities in the areas of career progression and flexible working.

Photo of person completing an application form

The School of Health and Wellbeing’s Athena Swan professional services staff working group was set up to help identify and address any inequities in the treatment and conditions experienced by non-academic staff in the school.

The group continues to have a strong focus on career development and worked closely with the school’s Athena Swan Gold renewal team to make sure that a professional services staff promotion framework was a key focus for the school’s new action plan.

We are also exploring how best to contribute to the university’s new Career Pathways initiative – a new project aimed at designing career progression pathways for professional services staff across the university.

The group continues to track emerging university and school flexible working communications, guidance and policies, paying particular attention to areas affecting professional services staff. And in recent months the group welcomed its first academic staff member bringing a new perspective to the group’s discussions and work. 

Iain Taylor and Claire Brunton
Chairs of SHW Athena Swan professional services staff group

If you'd like to join this Athena Swan group, please contact the group chairs – they'd be delighted to hear from you.

First published: 23 October 2023