Athena SWAN in SHW

Wellbeing of older workers and students (WOWS)

Wellbeing of older workers banner


 Elaine Hindle and Laura Wood 


This group was formed in 2018 with the aim of examining issues relating to workers aged 50 and above, addressing potential discrimination or disadvantage, and improving wellbeing.


Work to date has included: 

  • collecting and reporting on data relating to 50+ workers within SHW;
  • undertaking a qualitative research project to identify older workers' opinions on areas of interest or concern;
  • raising funding for and appointing a project officer, Rebecca Robinson, with the remit to build a toolkit of resources and run workshops for older workers and their line managers;
  • linking with the school's Athena Swan maternity, paternity, parental and carer issues working group to address issues relating to older workers' caring responsibilities; 
  • on an ongoing basis, considering ways in which to challenge age-related stereotypes, raise awareness of issues that specifically affect this staff group, and ensure that SHW is a supportive environment for older workers.