Athena Swan in SHW
A to Z of Athena Swan in SHW
This page aims to list School of Health and Wellbeing's main Athena Swan, equality, diversity and inclusion-related activities and resources. For information about university-wide equality policies and initiatives, please visit the University of Glasgow Equality and Diversity website.
We hope you find the information you need. If not, or if there is something you would like us to add to this page, please email
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- Academic appointment and promotions (Moodle training module)
- Application, Athena Swan Gold renewal (2023)
- Athena Swan champion: Julie Langan Martin
- Athena Swan Gold Award, SHW's journey to
- Athena Swan home page, SHW
- Athena Swan in HAWKEYE (SHW newsletter)
- Beacon activities: wider collaborations
- Behaviour and culture in SHW
- Belonging in SHW
- Black Lives Matter, SHW newsletter special edition (Jul 2020)
- British Sign Language (BSL) cafés
- Bullying and harassment prevention: dignity at work and study "bitesize"
- Career development for professional services staff (Moodle training module)
- Career journeys of professional services staff (case studies)
- Career progression, SHW working group
- Career progression, support for
- Carers and parents, support for
- Carers, peer support forum for (in MS Teams)
- Case studies of professional services staff career journeys
- Case studies of staff working flexibly
- Champion, SHW disability (Stefanie Krauth)
- Champion, SHW ethnicity (Mahnoz Illias)
- Champion, SHW maternity/paternity
- Core meeting hours (10am to 4pm), SHW policy
- Culture and behaviour in SHW
- Development time (personal and professional), guidance on staff entitlement
- Dignity at work and study "bitesize"
- Disability champion: Stefanie Krauth
- Disabilities, invisible
- Dogs at work, SHW policy
- Dogs at work, SHW registration form
- Early career researcher (ECR), SHW working group
- ECR/PhD mentorship scheme
- Email, SHW etiquette and guidance
- Ethnicity champion: Mahnoz Illias
- Gold award, our journey to
- Gold award, renewal application (2023)
- Good practice for online meetings, SHW guidance on
- Good practice for remote studying, SHW guidance on
- Good practice for remote working, SHW guidance on
- Groups, working
- Guidelines and policies, SHW
- HAWKEYE, SHW newsletter
- HAWKEYE, Athena Swan in
- HAWKEYE, Athena Swan/EDI special edition (Oct 2022)
- HAWKEYE, Athena Swan/EDI special edition (Oct 2021)
- HAWKEYE, Black Lives Matter special edition (Jul 2020)
- Home page, SHW Athena Swan
- Maternity, paternity and carer issues, SHW working group
- Maternity and paternity champion scheme
- Mentoring arrangements, SHW working group
- Mentoring for PhD students
- Mentoring for professional services staff
- Mentoring for research and teaching staff
- Minutes of SHW Athena Swan self assessment team (SAT) meetings
- Parents and carers, support for
- Personal and professional development time, guidance on staff entitlement
- PhD students mentorship scheme
- Postgraduate research and DClinPsy student issues, SHW working group
- Postgraduate taught and undergraduate student issues, SHW working group
- Professional services staff, career development training module
- Professional services staff, career journeys (case studies)
- Professional services staff, etiquette for allocating work to
- Professional services staff, SHW working group
- Professional services staff mentorship scheme
- Promotion, myths about
- Promotions and academic appointment training module
- Pronouns in HR Core/staff web profiles
- Public holidays, working on
- Self assessment team (SAT)
- Self assessment team (SAT) minutes
- Staff carers, peer support forum for (in MS Teams)
- Staff consultation, SHW working group
- Suggestions, comments and questions box
- Suggestions box: you said we did
- Taught student issues, aspirations and development, SHW working group
- Training module, academic appointment and promotions
- Training module, career development for professional services staff
- Toolkit, older workers
- Trade unions at University of Glasgow
- Twitter feed, SHW Athena Swan, equality, diversity and inclusion
- Wellbeing in SHW
- Work/life balance in SHW
- Working groups, SHW Athena Swan
- Working on public holidays, SHW guideline
- Wellbeing of older workers (WOW), SHW working group
- Wellbeing of older workers (WOW), peer support group in MS Teams
- Wellbeing of older workers (WOW) toolkit for staff and managers
Something missing from this list or that you would like us to add? Do let us know.