Dr Sarah Falkowski

  • Research Scientist - Noble Gas Thermochronology (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)

telephone: 0044 (0)1413305445
email: Sarah.Falkowski@glasgow.ac.uk

Room 408, Molema Building, Lilybank Gardens, G12 8RZ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8745-4387



Research Scientist, University of Glasgow, UK


Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tübingen, Germany


Visiting Researcher, University of Cincinnati, USA (Fulbright Scholarship doctoral programme)


Doctoral Researcher, University of Tübingen, Germany

  • Thesis Cenozoic evolution of the Yakutat-North American collision zone, southeast Alaska


MSc Geosciences, joint programme, University of Bremen, Germany, and University of Waikato, New Zealand


BSc Geosciences, University of Bremen, Germany

Research interests

My research focuses on interactions between tectonics, (paleo-)climate, and Earth's surface processes on geomorphic to geologic time scales and over catchment to mountain range spatial scales.

I am particularly interested in thermo- and geochronologic applications to study the evolution of mountain regions and adjacent sedimentary basins.

In collaborative projects, I aim to integrate thermo- and geochronology with other data sets and modelling to disentangle controls on topography and erosion patterns.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014
Number of items: 19.


Stutenbecker, L., Krieg, D., Djahansouzi, A., Glotzbach, C., Falkowski, S. , Adolffs, T., Sindern, S. and Hinderer, M. (2024) How to quantify heavy mineral fertility from point‐counting data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129(4), e2023JF007545. (doi: 10.1029/2023jf007545)


Buford Parks, V. M., McQuarrie, N., Falkowski, S. , Perez, N. D. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Timing and drivers of exhumation and sedimentation in the eastern Peruvian Andes: Insights from thermokinematic modelling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, 118355. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118355)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , McQuarrie, N., Glover, C. O., Perez, N. D. and Buford Parks, V. M. (2023) Exhumation and incision of the eastern Central Andes, southern Peru: Low-temperature thermochronology observations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, 118299. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118299)

Glover, C. O., McQuarrie, N., Falkowski, S. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Assessing drivers of high exhumation magnitudes and young cooling ages in the eastern central Andes, southern Peru (13–18°S). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, p. 118281. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118281)

Falkowski, S. , Glover, C., Buford Parks, V., McQuarrie, N., Perez, N. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Drivers of Eastern Andean Plateau Incision from Integrated Thermochronology and Thermo-kinematic Modelling. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 Apr 2023. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12157)

Glotzbach, C. and Falkowski, S. (2023) Erosion Patterns in the European Alps from Zircon Fission-track Tracer Thermochronology. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 Apr 2023. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12637)


Koptev, A., Nettesheim, M., Falkowski, S. and Ehlers, T. A. (2022) 3D geodynamic-geomorphologic modelling of deformation and exhumation at curved plate boundaries: Implications for the southern Alaskan plate corner. Scientific Reports, 12, 14260. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17644-8)

Abbott, L. D., Flowers, R. M., Metcalf, J., Falkowski, S. and Niazy, F. (2022) Post-Laramide, Eocene epeirogeny in central Colorado—The result of a mantle drip? Geosphere, 18(4), pp. 1223-1246. (doi: 10.1130/ges02434.1)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , McQuarrie, N., Buford Parks, V., Glover, C. and Cárdenas, J. (2022) Along-strike Variations in the Timing and Magnitude of Exhumation in the Eastern Peruvian Andes. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10064)


Enkelmann, E. and Falkowski, S. (2021) Deformation between the highly oblique Yakutat–North American plate boundary and the Eastern Denali fault. Geosphere, 17(6), pp. 2123-2143. (doi: 10.1130/ges02410.1)

Athanassas, C. D., Papanikolaou, D. I., Falkowski, S. , Papanikolaou, I. D. and Ntokos, D. (2021) Thermotectonic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Pindos fold‐and‐thrust‐belt by low‐temperature (U–Th)/He thermochronometry. Geological Journal, 56(10), pp. 5311-5328. (doi: 10.1002/gj.4240)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , Madella, A., Glotzbach, C., Georgieva, V. and Strecker, M. R. (2021) Glacial catchment erosion from detrital zircon (U‐Th)/he thermochronology: Patagonian Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(10), e2021JF006. (doi: 10.1029/2021JF006141)

Andrić‐Tomašević, N., Falkowski, S. , Georgieva, V., Glotzbach, C., Strecker, M. R. and Ehlers, T. A. (2021) Quantifying tectonic and glacial controls on topography in the Patagonian Andes (46.5°S) from integrated thermochronometry and thermo‐kinematic modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(8), e2020JF005. (doi: 10.1029/2020JF005993)


Michel, L., Glotzbach, C., Falkowski, S. , Adams, B. A. and Ehlers, T. A. (2019) How steady are steady-state mountain belts? A reexamination of the Olympic Mountains (Washington state, USA). Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(1), pp. 275-299. (doi: 10.5194/esurf-7-275-2019)


Enkelmann, E., Piestrzeniewicz, A., Falkowski, S. , Stübner, K. and Ehlers, T. A. (2017) Thermochronology in southeast Alaska and southwest Yukon: Implications for North American Plate response to terrane accretion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, pp. 348-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.032)


Falkowski, S. and Enkelmann, E. (2016) Upper-crustal cooling of the Wrangellia composite terrane in the northern St. Elias Mountains, western Canada. Lithosphere, 8(4), pp. 359-378. (doi: 10.1130/l508.1)

Finzel, E. S., Enkelmann, E., Falkowski, S. and Hedeen, T. (2016) Long‐term fore‐arc basin evolution in response to changing subduction styles in southern Alaska. Tectonics, 35(7), pp. 1735-1759. (doi: 10.1002/2016tc004171)

Falkowski, S. , Enkelmann, E., Drost, K., Pfänder, J. A., Stübner, K. and Ehlers, T. A. (2016) Cooling history of the St. Elias syntaxis, southeast Alaska, revealed by geochronology and thermochronology of cobble-sized glacial detritus. Tectonics, 35(2), pp. 447-468. (doi: 10.1002/2015tc004086)


Falkowski, S. , Enkelmann, E. and Ehlers, T. A. (2014) Constraining the area of rapid and deep‐seated exhumation at the St. Elias syntaxis, Southeast Alaska, with detrital zircon fission‐track analysis. Tectonics, 33(5), pp. 597-616. (doi: 10.1002/2013tc003408)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 12:05:01 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 19.


Stutenbecker, L., Krieg, D., Djahansouzi, A., Glotzbach, C., Falkowski, S. , Adolffs, T., Sindern, S. and Hinderer, M. (2024) How to quantify heavy mineral fertility from point‐counting data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129(4), e2023JF007545. (doi: 10.1029/2023jf007545)

Buford Parks, V. M., McQuarrie, N., Falkowski, S. , Perez, N. D. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Timing and drivers of exhumation and sedimentation in the eastern Peruvian Andes: Insights from thermokinematic modelling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, 118355. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118355)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , McQuarrie, N., Glover, C. O., Perez, N. D. and Buford Parks, V. M. (2023) Exhumation and incision of the eastern Central Andes, southern Peru: Low-temperature thermochronology observations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, 118299. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118299)

Glover, C. O., McQuarrie, N., Falkowski, S. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Assessing drivers of high exhumation magnitudes and young cooling ages in the eastern central Andes, southern Peru (13–18°S). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, p. 118281. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118281)

Koptev, A., Nettesheim, M., Falkowski, S. and Ehlers, T. A. (2022) 3D geodynamic-geomorphologic modelling of deformation and exhumation at curved plate boundaries: Implications for the southern Alaskan plate corner. Scientific Reports, 12, 14260. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17644-8)

Abbott, L. D., Flowers, R. M., Metcalf, J., Falkowski, S. and Niazy, F. (2022) Post-Laramide, Eocene epeirogeny in central Colorado—The result of a mantle drip? Geosphere, 18(4), pp. 1223-1246. (doi: 10.1130/ges02434.1)

Enkelmann, E. and Falkowski, S. (2021) Deformation between the highly oblique Yakutat–North American plate boundary and the Eastern Denali fault. Geosphere, 17(6), pp. 2123-2143. (doi: 10.1130/ges02410.1)

Athanassas, C. D., Papanikolaou, D. I., Falkowski, S. , Papanikolaou, I. D. and Ntokos, D. (2021) Thermotectonic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Pindos fold‐and‐thrust‐belt by low‐temperature (U–Th)/He thermochronometry. Geological Journal, 56(10), pp. 5311-5328. (doi: 10.1002/gj.4240)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , Madella, A., Glotzbach, C., Georgieva, V. and Strecker, M. R. (2021) Glacial catchment erosion from detrital zircon (U‐Th)/he thermochronology: Patagonian Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(10), e2021JF006. (doi: 10.1029/2021JF006141)

Andrić‐Tomašević, N., Falkowski, S. , Georgieva, V., Glotzbach, C., Strecker, M. R. and Ehlers, T. A. (2021) Quantifying tectonic and glacial controls on topography in the Patagonian Andes (46.5°S) from integrated thermochronometry and thermo‐kinematic modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(8), e2020JF005. (doi: 10.1029/2020JF005993)

Michel, L., Glotzbach, C., Falkowski, S. , Adams, B. A. and Ehlers, T. A. (2019) How steady are steady-state mountain belts? A reexamination of the Olympic Mountains (Washington state, USA). Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(1), pp. 275-299. (doi: 10.5194/esurf-7-275-2019)

Enkelmann, E., Piestrzeniewicz, A., Falkowski, S. , Stübner, K. and Ehlers, T. A. (2017) Thermochronology in southeast Alaska and southwest Yukon: Implications for North American Plate response to terrane accretion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, pp. 348-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.032)

Falkowski, S. and Enkelmann, E. (2016) Upper-crustal cooling of the Wrangellia composite terrane in the northern St. Elias Mountains, western Canada. Lithosphere, 8(4), pp. 359-378. (doi: 10.1130/l508.1)

Finzel, E. S., Enkelmann, E., Falkowski, S. and Hedeen, T. (2016) Long‐term fore‐arc basin evolution in response to changing subduction styles in southern Alaska. Tectonics, 35(7), pp. 1735-1759. (doi: 10.1002/2016tc004171)

Falkowski, S. , Enkelmann, E., Drost, K., Pfänder, J. A., Stübner, K. and Ehlers, T. A. (2016) Cooling history of the St. Elias syntaxis, southeast Alaska, revealed by geochronology and thermochronology of cobble-sized glacial detritus. Tectonics, 35(2), pp. 447-468. (doi: 10.1002/2015tc004086)

Falkowski, S. , Enkelmann, E. and Ehlers, T. A. (2014) Constraining the area of rapid and deep‐seated exhumation at the St. Elias syntaxis, Southeast Alaska, with detrital zircon fission‐track analysis. Tectonics, 33(5), pp. 597-616. (doi: 10.1002/2013tc003408)

Conference or Workshop Item

Falkowski, S. , Glover, C., Buford Parks, V., McQuarrie, N., Perez, N. and Ehlers, T. A. (2023) Drivers of Eastern Andean Plateau Incision from Integrated Thermochronology and Thermo-kinematic Modelling. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 Apr 2023. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12157)

Glotzbach, C. and Falkowski, S. (2023) Erosion Patterns in the European Alps from Zircon Fission-track Tracer Thermochronology. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 Apr 2023. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12637)

Falkowski, S. , Ehlers, T. A. , McQuarrie, N., Buford Parks, V., Glover, C. and Cárdenas, J. (2022) Along-strike Variations in the Timing and Magnitude of Exhumation in the Eastern Peruvian Andes. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10064)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 12:05:01 2025 GMT.


  • 2025–2026 £29,345, The Royal Society, Research Grant, "Assessing the geothermal potential of Scottish granites by establishing their long-term thermal history", PI
  • 2024–2025 £6050, University of Glasgow, The Glasgow Crucible 2024, "Coding, creativity and confidence in the Generative Artificial Intelligence era", Co-I
  • 2018–2021 ~€350k, German Research Foundation (DFG), "Tectonics, climate, and erosional controls on Andean Plateau incision and width, South Peru", PI


I am open to inquiries from prospective students (MSc by Research or PhD level) in the broad area of thermo- and geochronologic applications to study tectonics and Earth's surface processes. Please get in touch if you have an idea of what you would like to work on and have investigated potential funding or scholarship options. Some information is available here and here.

Funded and unfunded projects will be posted below, but feel free to contact me with your own project ideas and your CV.


Available Projects (unfunded; please ask for project details)

MSc by Research

  • Thermo-kinematic evolution of the Southern European Alps 
    in collaboration with Hannah Pomella (University of Innsbruck, Austria), and Paul Eizenhöfer (University of Glasgow, UK)
  • Fold-and-thrust belt evolution and exhumation along the arcuate South American margin
    in collaboration with Paul Eizenhöfer (University of Glasgow, UK)


Completed MSc projects

  • 2023, Getting the most out of a single grain: Cooling history reconstruction of single apatite crystals from LA-ICP-MS in-situ (U-Th-Sm)/He measurements, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 2020, Quantifying exhumation in the Southern Patagonian Andes using low-temperature thermochronology and thermo-kinematic modelling, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 2019, Topographic long-term evolution of the South Patagonian Andes derived from low-temperature thermochronology, University of Tübingen, Germany

Completed BSc projects

  • 2021, Tracer thermochronology in the Eastern European Alps, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 2018, Timing and extent of glacial advance during the Last Glacial Maximum in Patagonia, University of Tübingen, Germany

Professional activities & recognition

Prizes, awards & distinctions

  • 2023: Charles and Nancy Naeser Prize (International Standing Committee on Thermochronology)
  • 2014: Doctoral programme scholarship (Fulbright Germany)
  • 2013: Scholarship (Alaska Geological Society)
  • 2010: Broad Memorial Fund (University of Waikato)

Editorial boards

  • 2024 - now: Basin Research

Additional information