Mr Michael Shand

  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)


Geographical & Earth Sciences, Room 403 East Quadrangle, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts


Research interests

Research and International Projects

(Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, Philippines, Bosnia Herzegovina)

TANZANIA, Arusha/Moshi, Northern Tanzania  2014-2018   Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping and capacity building in support of the ZELS Projects (Zoonoses in Emerging Livestock Systems) incorporating Social, Economic and Environmental Drivers of Zoonoses in Tanzania (SEEDZ) is a new interdisciplinary research project exploring the factors driving animal-to-human disease transmission in Tanzania.

TANZANIA, Lindi - Mtwara, Southern Tanzania  2015-2017   Cartographic/GIS Expert
Research project in collaboration with Dar es Salaam University College of Education(DUCE).  Geospatial mapping of schistosomiasis and soli-transmitted helminthiases in Southern Tanzania using GPS and QGIS.

TANZANIA, Moshi, Northern Tanzania  2011-2015   Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping and support to a groundbreaking new University study which will help to prevent the transmission of fever-causing illnesses between livestock and people in northern Tanzania.
The Project is one of three to receive a share of £3.5m in funding from Ecology of Infectious Diseases Initiative by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council in the UK and the US National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in the United States.  The £534,000 project will investigate the transmission of three fever-causing bacteria which together account for 11 times more admissions to hospitals in the area than malaria. Currently, very little is known about how leptospirosis, Q fever and brucellosis are transmitted between animals and spread to humans.  Conducting a training workshop using QGIS, GPS and Google Imagery, KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, July 2013.

TANZANIA, Dar es Salaam 2013-2015 Cartographic/GIS Consultant  Undertaking GIS mapping consultancies and conducting Training Workshops using Quantum GIS (QGIS) for COWI Tanzania staff involved in international consultancy projects.

TANZANIA, Kilwa Masoko 2012 - 2013 Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative (MCDI).
Conducting 5-day Training Workshops using Quantum GIS (QGIS) for staff involved in Village Land Forest Reserve (VLFR) mapping.

TANZANIA, GHANA, and ANGOLA 2010-13 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping, SPSS database and organisational support related to an international DfiD/ESRC funded research project, Urbanization & Poverty in Mining Africa (UPIMA).

Undertaking GIS mapping support and training in related to a University Research Project for Rabies Control and Monitoring in Tanzania, Philippines (Visayas Islands), South Africa (KwaZulu Natal) and Indonesia (Bali).
MRC funded research project on "Understanding how a complex intervention works: designing large-scale vaccination programs".  Conducting a 5-day Training Workshop using ArcGIS and QGIS in Manilla and Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines 2011 & 2014.

ENGLAND & WALES 2001-2015 British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Cartographic Consultant.
Appointed Consultant Cartographer to the British Academy Hearth Tax Project.   Involved in producing a national GIS of the Hearth Tax for England & Wales and also Mapping the Hearth Tax for each parish/township within each County.

BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA 2010 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Short term expert position for the Census Cartography, Population in Housing Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina, based in Sarajevo.

TANZANIA 2009 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS projects related to Rabies and Armyworms in Tanzania and conducting a GIS Workshop at the Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam.

IRAN 2009 -  Cartographic Expert
Member of an international team of cartographic experts appointed by the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Commission on Education and Training (CET) to conduct a series of Cartographic Workshops for the National Cartographic Center (NCC), in Tehran, Iran.  See report in SOC Newsletter p9-10, July 2009.

NIGERIA  2007 - Census Mapping and GIS Consultant.
  Member of NPC/EU Evaluation Committee.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to an EU contract through ITAC-Santander, Spain, to prepare and evaluate a tender dossier to supply a RDBMS to support the Nigerian population and housing Census 2006 through the National Population Commission (NPopC), Nigeria.

SAUDI ARABIA  2005-2009 - Mapping and GIS Consultant.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to a German GTZ contract for the Saudi Arabia, Ar Riyadh Development Authority (ADA), Strategic Plan for the Development of the Ar Riyadh Region (SPAR).  Initial tasks involve the setting up of a dedicated SPAR Digital Mapping/GIS Unit at ADA to support all strategic planning activities utilising GIS and other mapping/graphics software.  Several short-term expert missions to Riyadh have been completed for Phase I (2005) and are now in progress as part of Phase II (2006).  To date approx. 120 maps in the form of an SPAR Atlas have been created as part of the planning process for Phase I.  Phase III to follow in 2009.

SAUDI ARABIA 2002-2005 - Census Mapping and GIS Consultant.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to a German GTZ contract for the Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Planning, Central Department of Statistics (CDS), Riyadh, to undertake a review of Statistical Mapping Enhancement for the 2004 National Census. Contract extended to implement the above review and install a digital mapping/GIS within the CDS Mapping Unit during December 2002 and January 2003.  Further exchange visits took place during 2003-4 and are proposed for 2004-5 to include staff training in ArcGIS, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), verification of the Census GIS Enumeration Area database and the creation of map design and style templates.

Arusha, TANZANIA, 2004 - Cartographic / GIS Workshop
Lead presenter and lecturer at a Cartographic/GIS Workshop undertaken for the Tanzania GIS User Group (TZGISUG) at the Tanzania Carnivore Centre, TAWIRI offices (Njiro), Arusha, October 2004.   The workshop covered the "Principles on Map Design as part of  - cartography in a GIS environment"during the morning session, followed in the afternoon by a Practical Demonstration of Map Design using GIS software and Adobe Illustrator with the Avenza MaPublisher GIS plug-in.  The final Discussion Session in the afternoon concentrated on the design aspects of printed map examples supplied by the participants.

    Core Subjects covered by the Workshop included :
        Cartographic Communication & Visualisation;
        Colour in Map Design;
        Principles of Map Design;
        Names and Typography in Maps;
        Map Layout Options

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2002
Presentation of a ISPRS conference paper (Internet Mapping), tutorial and Advanced Cartographic Training Course (Internet Mapping & Map Design) for InfoBridge Consultants, Dar es Salaam.

RGS East Africa Expedition 1878-80 - Behobeho, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania, 2001-2004
An expedition was undertaken in 2001 to retrace the route of the RGS East Africa Expedition of 1878-80 from Zanzibar to Behobeho and locate the grave of cartographer/explorer Keith Johnston using GPS and GIS resources. In April 2002 the route from Behobeho to Lake Nyasa was successfully undertaken. A further unsuccessful attempt was undertaken in October 2002 to rediscover the gravestone of cartographer Keith Johnston at Behobeho. A further expedition took place during 2003 to Behobeho which generated new information and evidence on the location of the Behobeho villages.  The search area has been narrowed down to approx. 1/2 square kilometre.  A further expedition took place during October / November 2004.

Tanzania, Kagera Region 1999 - Food Security Atlas
Digital Maps and GIS in support of Research Project on Food Security in collaboration with research by Prof. Eric Tollens and Stijn Huysman, KAFOSEC, University of Leuven, Belgium.

Etosha National Park, Namibia 1999
Digital Maps and GIS in support of Research Project on Visitor Distributions and Flows, in collaboration with Prof. Myra Shackley, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Digital National Atlas of Tanzania 1997-99
As part of my Masters' dissertation in 1997, I under took a series of prototype maps as part of a proposal to producing a Digital National Atlas of Tanzania.Society of Cartographers Wallis Award Winner 1997

TANZANIA  1985-93 - Cartographic Training Programmes
As part of a British Council funded Link Programme between the Universities of Glasgow and Dar es Salaam, I have undertaken 3 visits to Tanzania as a technical expert in cartography. This has involved a review of cartographic facilities, cartographic training of staff and data collection for map publication. This link also resulted in the production of several high quality map publications in collaberation with Tanzanian cartographers. These include a Visitors' Map of Dar es Salaam, map of Kilimanjaro Region, and campus maps of the University of Dar es Salaam, the Ardhi Institute and the Muhimbili Medical Centre. On a lighter note I even managed to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, the "Roof of Africa" in Tanzania.

INDIA  1991 - Census Cartography and GIS Consultant.
As part of a British Council funded programme in census cartography training within this Department, I was involved as a visiting consultant in digital cartography and traditional mapping at a Workshop for Census Cartography at the Office for the Registrar General, New Delhi, India.

Last updated  07 January 2018


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Number of items: 16.


Ekwem, D., Enright, J. , Hopcraft, J. G. C. , Buza, J., Shirima, G., Shand, M. , Mwajombe, J. K., Bett, B., Reeve, R. and Lembo, T. (2023) Local and wide-scale livestock movement networks inform disease control strategies in East Africa. Scientific Reports, 13, 9666. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35968-x) (PMID:37316521) (PMCID:PMC10267211)

Kamani, J., Shand, M. , Shekaro, A., Laminu, B., Toyin, O., Abasiama, M. S., Schaer, J. and Harrus, S. (2023) Mycoplasma wenyonii and candidatus mycoplasma haemobos in pastoralists cattle in Nigeria. Acta Parasitologica, 68(2), pp. 430-438. (doi: 10.1007/s11686-023-00683-0) (PMID:37170044)

Kamani, J. et al. (2023) Molecular detection of Theileria annulata, Theileria mutans and Theileria velifera but no evidence of Theileria parva infected or vaccinated cattle in Nigeria despite extensive transboundary migrations. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 41, 100887. (doi: 10.1016/j.vprsr.2023.100887)

Kamani, J., Schaer, J., Nachum-Biala, Y., Baneth, G., Shand, M. and Harrus, S. (2023) Bartonella bovis in cattle in Nigeria: molecular detection and the analysis of risk factors. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 78(1), pp. 24-33.

Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2023) Wealth and poverty in mining Africa: migration, settlement and occupational change in Tanzania during the global mineral boom, 2002–2012. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 17(3), pp. 489-514. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2023.2265726)


Kamani, J., Irene, S., Qasim, A. M. M. M., Olubade, T. A., Abasiama, M. S., Gajibo, A., Balami, P. U., Shand, M. and Harrus, S. (2022) Nucleotide sequence types (ntSTs) of Anaplasma marginale in cattle in Nigeria based on the major surface protein 5 (msp5) gene. Acta Tropica, 233, 106544. (doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2022.106544) (PMID:35636526)

Aminu, O. R. et al. (2022) Participatory mapping identifies risk areas and environmental predictors of endemic anthrax in rural Africa. Scientific Reports, 12, 10514. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14081-5) (PMID:35732674) (PMCID:PMC9217952)

Bryceson, D. F., Gough, K. V., Jønsson, J. B., Kinabo, C., Shand, M. C. , Rodrigues, C. U. and Yankson, P. W. K. (2022) Mineralized urbanization in Africa in the twenty-first century: becoming urban through mining extraction. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 46(3), pp. 342-369. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.13086)


Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2021) Mining habitat, house and home during an East African gold boom: economic and emotional dimensions. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 15(4), pp. 663-684. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2021.1989135)


Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2020) Mining mobility and settlement during an East African gold boom: seeking fortune and accommodating fate. Mobilities, 15(3), pp. 446-463. (doi: 10.1080/17450101.2020.1723879)


Kamani, J., Rojas, A., Msheliza, E., Shand, M. , Harrus, S. and Baneth, G. (2019) Molecular detection of filarioid worms in dogs in Nigeria, West Africa. Veterinarski Arhiv, 89(6), pp. 821-830. (doi: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.0282)


Maze, M. J. et al. (2018) Risk factors for human acute leptospirosis in northern Tanzania. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(6), e0006372. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006372) (PMID:29879114) (PMCID:PMC5991637)

Cash-Goldwasser, S. et al. (2018) Risk factors for human brucellosis in northern Tanzania. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(2), pp. 598-606. (doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0125) (PMID:29231152) (PMCID:PMC5929176)


Millins, C., Howie, F., Everitt, C., Shand, M. and Lamm, C. (2014) Analysis of suspected wildlife crimes submitted for forensic examinations in Scotland. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 10(3), pp. 357-362. (doi: 10.1007/s12024-014-9568-1)


Townsend, S.E. et al. (2013) Designing programs for eliminating canine rabies from islands: Bali, Indonesia as a case study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(8), e2372. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002372)


Bryceson, D., Jonsson, J., Kinabo, C. and Shand, M. (2012) Unearthing treasure and trouble: mining as an impetus to urbanisation in Tanzania. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), pp. 631-649. (doi: 10.1080/02589001.2012.719376)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 23:07:43 2025 GMT.
Jump to: Articles
Number of items: 16.


Ekwem, D., Enright, J. , Hopcraft, J. G. C. , Buza, J., Shirima, G., Shand, M. , Mwajombe, J. K., Bett, B., Reeve, R. and Lembo, T. (2023) Local and wide-scale livestock movement networks inform disease control strategies in East Africa. Scientific Reports, 13, 9666. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35968-x) (PMID:37316521) (PMCID:PMC10267211)

Kamani, J., Shand, M. , Shekaro, A., Laminu, B., Toyin, O., Abasiama, M. S., Schaer, J. and Harrus, S. (2023) Mycoplasma wenyonii and candidatus mycoplasma haemobos in pastoralists cattle in Nigeria. Acta Parasitologica, 68(2), pp. 430-438. (doi: 10.1007/s11686-023-00683-0) (PMID:37170044)

Kamani, J. et al. (2023) Molecular detection of Theileria annulata, Theileria mutans and Theileria velifera but no evidence of Theileria parva infected or vaccinated cattle in Nigeria despite extensive transboundary migrations. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 41, 100887. (doi: 10.1016/j.vprsr.2023.100887)

Kamani, J., Schaer, J., Nachum-Biala, Y., Baneth, G., Shand, M. and Harrus, S. (2023) Bartonella bovis in cattle in Nigeria: molecular detection and the analysis of risk factors. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 78(1), pp. 24-33.

Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2023) Wealth and poverty in mining Africa: migration, settlement and occupational change in Tanzania during the global mineral boom, 2002–2012. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 17(3), pp. 489-514. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2023.2265726)

Kamani, J., Irene, S., Qasim, A. M. M. M., Olubade, T. A., Abasiama, M. S., Gajibo, A., Balami, P. U., Shand, M. and Harrus, S. (2022) Nucleotide sequence types (ntSTs) of Anaplasma marginale in cattle in Nigeria based on the major surface protein 5 (msp5) gene. Acta Tropica, 233, 106544. (doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2022.106544) (PMID:35636526)

Aminu, O. R. et al. (2022) Participatory mapping identifies risk areas and environmental predictors of endemic anthrax in rural Africa. Scientific Reports, 12, 10514. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14081-5) (PMID:35732674) (PMCID:PMC9217952)

Bryceson, D. F., Gough, K. V., Jønsson, J. B., Kinabo, C., Shand, M. C. , Rodrigues, C. U. and Yankson, P. W. K. (2022) Mineralized urbanization in Africa in the twenty-first century: becoming urban through mining extraction. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 46(3), pp. 342-369. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.13086)

Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2021) Mining habitat, house and home during an East African gold boom: economic and emotional dimensions. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 15(4), pp. 663-684. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2021.1989135)

Bryceson, D. F., Jønsson, J. B. and Shand, M. C. (2020) Mining mobility and settlement during an East African gold boom: seeking fortune and accommodating fate. Mobilities, 15(3), pp. 446-463. (doi: 10.1080/17450101.2020.1723879)

Kamani, J., Rojas, A., Msheliza, E., Shand, M. , Harrus, S. and Baneth, G. (2019) Molecular detection of filarioid worms in dogs in Nigeria, West Africa. Veterinarski Arhiv, 89(6), pp. 821-830. (doi: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.0282)

Maze, M. J. et al. (2018) Risk factors for human acute leptospirosis in northern Tanzania. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(6), e0006372. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006372) (PMID:29879114) (PMCID:PMC5991637)

Cash-Goldwasser, S. et al. (2018) Risk factors for human brucellosis in northern Tanzania. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(2), pp. 598-606. (doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0125) (PMID:29231152) (PMCID:PMC5929176)

Millins, C., Howie, F., Everitt, C., Shand, M. and Lamm, C. (2014) Analysis of suspected wildlife crimes submitted for forensic examinations in Scotland. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 10(3), pp. 357-362. (doi: 10.1007/s12024-014-9568-1)

Townsend, S.E. et al. (2013) Designing programs for eliminating canine rabies from islands: Bali, Indonesia as a case study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(8), e2372. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002372)

Bryceson, D., Jonsson, J., Kinabo, C. and Shand, M. (2012) Unearthing treasure and trouble: mining as an impetus to urbanisation in Tanzania. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), pp. 631-649. (doi: 10.1080/02589001.2012.719376)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 23:07:43 2025 GMT.


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Advanced Map Editing with ArcGIS - - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography
Statistical Mapping - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography
Internet & Mobile GIS - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography

Dissertation Workshops - Digimap; Basic Mapping with PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator; Advanced mapping with ArcGIS - UG Geography 4H students.

QGIS Workshop - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography

Additional information

See personal web page: to follow 


Last updated 07 January 2018

Education | Experience, Teaching, Workshops & CPD | Training & Software | Publications & Research |

Cartographic & Overseas Activities & International Consultancy

Michael Clarke Shand (FRSGS; MAppSci; FBCartS)

University of Glasgow
- School of Geographical & Earth Sciences (formerly Geography & Topographic Science; Geography & Geomatics)
- Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine

Honorary Research Fellow / GIS Cartographer / Analyst

M.App.Sci, University of Glasgow 1997
(post-graduate Master's Degree)
H.N.C. Topographic Cartography 1978
O.N.C. Cartography and Surveying 1974
Glasgow College of Building & Printing
Forres Academy Senior Secondary School
Findhorn Public School

GIS Cartographer, University of Glasgow, 1972- PRESENT
Honorary Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, 2011 - PRESENT

Part-Time Teacher/Lecturer, University of Glasgow 2004 - 2015
Visiting Lecturer, Crichton College, Dumfries 2002-5  
GIS/Cartographic Consultant, GTZ Germany/Saudi Arabia, 2002 - 2009
Consultant Cartographer, British Academy Hearth Tax Project, 2001-
Part-Time Lecturer, Glasgow College of Building & Printing 1997- 99
Cartographic / GIS Consultant, 1990-
Cartographer, Strathspey Estate, Grantown-on-Spey, 1971-72
Cartographer, Ordnance Survey, Southampton, 1969-71
Survey Assistant, Costain Ltd., RAF Kinloss, Moray, 1968

Total 49 years

Teaching and CPD Activities
University of Glasgow
Statistical Mapping - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2011-
Internet & Mobile GIS - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2009-
Dissertation Workshops - Digimap; Basic Mapping with PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator; Advanced mapping with ArcGIS - UG Geography 4H students, 2008-
Cartography with Adobe Illustrator, workshop - PG research students and staff in the Department of History, 2008-9
Poster Design in PowerPoint - PG research students in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2006-9
Advanced Map Editing with ArcGIS - - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2006-9
Internet Mapping - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2006-8
Cartography for Geologists - BSc students in Earth Science, 2006-9
Map Editing with ArcGIS - - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2005-
Map Design & Production with Adobe Illustrator - MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2004-
Internet Mapping - BSc students Geomatics & MSc students Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, 2001-7
Other agencies
South Lanarkshire Council, CPD course - ArcGIS, 2004-5
Crichton College, University of Glasgow, Dumfries.- Undergraduate students, Cartography & GIS, 2002-5.


Software Expertise
Quantum GIS, 2011 -

Microsoft Access 2016

SPSS statistical software - 2011
ArcGIS  - ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcScene, 3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst, ArcEdtor and ArcTools 2002-
Garmin GPS hardware and software utilities 2001-
ArcInfo (GIS mapping and analysis software) 1996 -
ArcView (GIS viewing and analysis software) 1996 -
MapInfo (GIS viewing and analysis software) 1996 -
Adobe Illustrator amd MaPublisher GIS plug-in 1996 -
CorelDraw (mapping and graphics) 1996-
Adobe Pagemill 1996
HTML programming for the Internet 1996-
Intergraph MicroStation (digital mapping and computer-aided design) 1992-
MapData (digital mapping data capture and editing) 1992-
TurboCAD and AutoCAD(computer-aided design and graphics) 1992-
PC GIMMS and DIGIT II (statistical mapping, GIS and data capture) 1991-
Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (mapping and graphics) 1990 -
MacroMedia Freehand (mapping and graphics) 1990-
Adobe Pagemaker 1990 -
Apple Macintosh - Excel, MacDraw Pro (spreadsheet and database) 1989-
Apple Macintosh - Word, Cricket Graph (word processing, graphics) 1987-
Apricot and Commodore microcomputers (Wordstar - word processing) 1987-88

Internal courses
Microsoft Access - 2016

Staff Develoment Course for Skill Teaching 1996
E-mail and the Internet 1993
Apple Macintosh - Pagemaker (desk top publishing) 1992
UNIX operating system workshop 1992
Apple Macintosh operating system and software workshop 1991
PC/MSDOS operating systems workshop 1988
ICL/VME mainframe computing workshop 1988
BASIC programming using Commodore PET microcomputres 1987

8 (spinal column point 44).

Grade 8 (Management, Professional and Administrative) 2008-
Grade 7 2006 (new scales)
Discretionary point 32 2000
Discretionary point 31 1997
Grade 7 (now F) 1990-present
Grade 6 1981-90
Grade 5 1978-81
Grade 4 1975-78
Grade 2B 1972-75


(Society of Cartographers; BCS; Internet Mapping; Tanzania; Namibia; Nigeria; India; Saudi Arabia; Sudan)



Shand, M. Historical GIS mapping, Rothesay and Kames Bay, Bute, Scotland.  Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK, 2009.

Shand, M. CPD course for Aquamarine Power staff incorporating cartographic design, layout and production with ArcGIS. Aquamarine Power, Edinburgh, U.K. 2008.

Shand, M.  RDBMS to support the Nigerian population and housing Census 2006 through the National Population Commission (NPOPC), Nigeria, (European Union / ITAC, Spain / National Population Commission, Nigeria).  2007

Shand, M.  Strategic Planning Ar Riyadh Region (SPAR) Mapping & GIS in Saudi Arabia, (GTZ, Germany / Ar Riyadh Development Authority, Saudi Arabia).  2005

Shand, M.  Census Mapping & GIS in Saudi Arabia,  (GTZ, Germany / Central Department of Statistics, Saudi Arabia).  2004

Shand, M. Death of a Cartographer - in Darkest Africa,  Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland and the British Cartographic Society .  2003


Journals, Proceedings and other publications

Bryceson, D., Jonsson, J., Kinabo, C., and Shand, M. (2012) Unearthing treasure and trouble: mining as an impetus to urbanisation in Tanzania. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30 (4). pp. 631-649. ISSN 0258-9001 (doi:10.1080/02589001.2012.719376)

Book Chapter – The Wild Heart of Africa, 110 years of the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania. Baldus, R.D., in press, Rowland Ward, 2009.

Evans, D.J.A., Twigg, D.R., Rea, B.R. and Shand, M.C.   Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Brúarjökull surging glacier landsystem, Iceland. Journal of Maps, submitted 2007.

Evans, D.J.A., Twigg, D.R. and Shand. Surficial geology and geomorphology of the þorisjokull plateau icefield, west-central Iceland. Journal of Maps, 1-13  2006.

Death of a Cartographer in Darkest Africa .... searching for the grave of Keith Johnston, British Cartographic Society 'Maplines', (Volume 10, issue 1) 2004.

Forrest, D., Shand, M. National mapping of Great Britain at 1:100 000 scale: Further experiments. Proceedings, 21st International Cartographic Conference, pp.600-606, 2003.

Mapping and Imaging The Internet.  Bulletin of The Society of Cartographers , Vol.36.1 2002.

Mapping and Imaging Africa on the Internet
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2002.

Atlas Mapping in Tanzania: An African Case Study.
Proceedings of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, 1996.

Map Image Construction - Negative Artwork Methods.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Census Cartography, Office of the Registrar General, New Delhi, 1993.

Looking Back: where it all began. Bulletin of The Society of Cartographers , Vol.23.1 1990.

Materials & Equipment Section. Bulletin of The Society of Cartographers , 1986-97.

Drawing Office & Large Equipment Survey Report. Bulletin of The Society of Cartographers , Vol.20.2 , 1986.

Internet Publishing

How to Create and View Maps and Imagery on the Internet (Internet Workshop), 2005.

Mapping and Imaging Africa on the Internet, 2002. (ISPRS Workshop, Dar es Salaam), 2002.

Mapping and Imaging the Internet, 2000.

Creating Raster and Vector Maps for the WWW (Internet Workshop, London), 1998.

Mapping the Internet. Workshop Leader, Joint Societies Meeting, Glasgow, 1997.

Digital National of Atlas of Tanzania, 1997.

International Conference Papers

Mapping and Imaging Africa on the Internet, 2002. ISPRS 2002, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mapping and Imaging the Internet, 2000. Cartography 2000, Oxford, UK.

Mapping and Imaging the Internet, 2000. Thompson Symposium 2000 , Guildford, UK.

Society of Cartographers Annual Conference / Summer Schools

Introduction to QGIS,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, UCL, London, UK, 2012.

"Google Mash-ups" - Workshop Leader and Demonstrator,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Southampton, UK, 2009.

"Advice from Experts" - Workshop Leader and Demonstrator,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Aberdeen, UK, 2008.

Mapping the Hearth Tax,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Keele, UK, 2006.

Cartographers of the 21st Century,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Bristol, UK, 2004.

Census Mapping in Saudi Arabia,  Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Bristol, UK, 2004.

Death of a Cartographer - in Darkest Africa, Liverpool John Moores University, UK , 2002.

MaPublisher - Importing GIS Data to Illustrator/Freehand, University of Edinburgh , UK, 1998.

Digital National of Atlas of Tanzania, online mapping, 1997.

Creating Raster and Vector Maps for the WWW, University of Middlesex, UK, 1997.

The contribution of SOC members to teaching students, University of Newcastle, UK, 1994.

Other Presentations
Mapping the Hearth Tax,  Roehampton University, London, UK, 2006.

Cartographic Workshop undertaken for the Tanzania GIS User Group (TZGISUG), Arusha, Tanzania, 2004.

Cartography in the 21st Century, LTSN Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Gloustershire, Cheltenham, 2004

Mapping in Tanzania, British-Tanzania Society, Scottish Group, Edinburgh, UK, 2002

Advanced Cartographic Training Course (Internet Mapping & Map Design) for InfoBridge Consultants, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania, 2002.

Recent Published Maps

Visitor’s Map of the Selous Game Reserve, North of the Rufiji, Tanzania –  update pending
Geology of Camus Bay, Ireland – 2011.
Fjallsjökull Glacier, Iceland –  2009.
Geology of the Western Galway Granite, Ireland –  2009.
Brúarjökull Glacier, Iceland – 2007.
Geology of the Central Galway Granite, Ireland – 2006.
SPAR Atlas, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia – 2006.
þorisjökull Glacier, Iceland – 2006.
Visitor’s Map of the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania – 2004.
The Dairy Industry in Ireland – 2004.
Breidamerkurjökull Glacier, Iceland – 2000.

Recent Published Maps in Books

Essex Hearth Tax2012.

Warwickshire Hearth Tax – 2011.
Westmorland Hearth Tax – 2010.
Atlas of the Second World War - Sir Martin Gilbert – 2008.
Israel & Palestine, Why They Fight and Can They Stop - Bernard Wasserstein – 2008.
West Riding Hearth Tax – 2008.
Barbarism and Civilization: A History of Europe in Our Time - Bernard Wasserstein – 2007.
Durham Hearth Tax – 2006.
Divided Jerusalem - Bernard Wasserstein – 2002.
Early Modern Italy - a Social History - Christopher F. Black – 2001.


Wallis Award Winner 1997 and 2004   'for excellence in cartography'.

Digital National Atlas of Tanzania  1997

ÞORISJÖKULL  Glacier, Iceland  2004

Member 1972 - present

Society Committee - Honorary Secretary 1987- 2015

Conference organiser  / Co-organiser / Workshop Leader
Society of Cartographers 50th Annual Summer School, Glasgow, 2014.

Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Southampton, 2009.
Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Aberdeen, 2008.
 Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Cambridge, 2005.
Cartography 2000, Oxford. (SOC / BCS Joint Conference) 2000
Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Edinburgh, 1998.
Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Sheffield, 1995.
Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School, Glasgow, 1991.

1999 (FBCart. S.)
Member 1972- present

Honorary Fellowship
2009 (FRSGS)

Cartographic Review Editor  2004 - present
JOM Best Map - Judge 2009-


(Tanzania; India; Saudi Arabia; Iran; Philippines; Sierra Leone; Sudan; Nigeria; Guyana; Zimbabwe and Gambia)

Overseas Technical Training Programmes 1977- present

I have been responsible for the cartographic training programmes and further education of senior and junior cartographic staff from Sierra Leone (1), Nigeria (2), Guyana (2); Zimbabwe (1), Tanzania (3) and Gambia (1) over a period of 20 years.  These programmes have included practical and theoretical instruction and supervision in monochrome / multi-colour map design and production, GIS, digital mapping, diagram / graph design and production, graphic design work for display or exhibition, word processing and computer graphics, office management and map cataloguing.

Overseas Activities, Visits and International Consultancy (Tanzania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, Bosnia Herzegovina)

TANZANIA, Arusha/Moshi, Northern Tanzania  2014-2018   Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping and capacity building in support of the ZELS Projects (Zoonoses in Emerging Livestock Systems) incorporating Social, Economic and Environmental Drivers of Zoonoses in Tanzania (SEEDZ) is a new interdisciplinary research project exploring the factors driving animal-to-human disease transmission in Tanzania.

TANZANIA, Moshi, Northern Tanzania  2011-14 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping and support to a groundbreaking new University study which will help to prevent the transmission of fever-causing illnesses between livestock and people in northern Tanzania.
The Project is one of three to receive a share of £3.5m in funding from Ecology of Infectious Diseases Initiative by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council in the UK and the US National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in the United States.  The £534,000 project will investigate the transmission of three fever-causing bacteria which together account for 11 times more admissions to hospitals in the area than malaria. Currently, very little is known about how leptospirosis, Q fever and brucellosis are transmitted between animals and spread to humans.  Conducting a training workshop using QGIS, GPS and Google Imagery, KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, July 2013.

TANZANIA, Dar es Salaam 2013 Cartographic/GIS Expert  Undertaking mapping and conducting a Training Workshops using Quantum GIS (QGIS) for COWI Tanzania staff involved in international consultancy projects.

TANZANIA, Kilwa Masoko 2012 - 2013 Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative (MCDI).
Conducting 5-day Training Workshops using Quantum GIS (QGIS) for staff involved in Village Land Forest Reserve (VLFR) mapping.

TANZANIA, GHANA, and ANGOLA 2010-13 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS mapping and organisational support related to an international DfiD/ESRC funded research project, Urbanization & Poverty in Mining Africa (UPIMA).  Research into the Tanzania National Census.

Undertaking GIS mapping support and training in related to Rabies Control and Monitoring in Tanzania, Philippines (Visayas Islands), South Africa (KwaZulu Natal) and Indonesia (Bali).
MRC funded research project on "Understanding how a complex intervention works: designing large-scale vaccination programs".  Conducting a 5-day Training Workshop using ArcGIS and QGIS in Manilla and Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines.

BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA 2010 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Short term expert position for the Census Cartography, Population in Housing Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina, based in Sarajevo.

TANZANIA 2009 -  Cartographic/GIS Expert
Undertaking GIS projects related to Rabies and Armyworms in Tanzania and conducting a GIS Workshop at the Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam.

IRAN 2009 -  Cartographic Expert
Member of an international team of cartographic experts appointed by the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Commission on Education and Training (CET) to conduct a series of Cartographic Workshops for the National Cartographic Center (NCC), in Tehran, Iran.  See report in SOC Newsletter p9-10, July 2009.

SUDAN 2008 - Census Mapping, Consultant GIS Cartographer
Appointed GIS cartographer to a consultancy bid for a UNFPA project in collaboration with Daleelteq, Khartoum, Sudan, for the Supply of Satellite Imagery and Related GIS Services to the Southern Sudan Commission for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE).   Other services under consideration by Daleelteq include Cartographic Design and Layout in a GIS Environment.

NIGERIA  2007 - Census Mapping and GIS Consultant.
  Member of NPC/EU Evaluation Committee.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to an EU contract through ITAC-Santander, Spain, to prepare and evaluate a tender dossier to supply a RDBMS to support the Nigerian population and housing Census 2006 through the National Population Commission (NPopC), Nigeria.

SAUDI ARABIA  2005-2009 - Mapping and GIS Consultant.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to a German GTZ contract for the Saudi Arabia, Ar Riyadh Development Authority (ADA), Strategic Plan for the Development of the Ar Riyadh Region (SPAR).  Initial tasks involve the setting up of a dedicated SPAR Digital Mapping/GIS Unit at ADA to support all strategic planning activities utilising GIS and other mapping/graphics software.  Several short-term expert missions to Riyadh have been completed for Phase I (2005) and are now in progress as part of Phase II (2006).  To date approx. 120 maps in the form of an SPAR Atlas have been created as part of the planning process for Phase I.  Phase III to follow in 2009.

SAUDI ARABIA 2002-2005 - Census Mapping and GIS Consultant.
Appointed GIS/cartographer consultant to a German GTZ contract for the Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Planning, Central Department of Statistics (CDS), Riyadh, to undertake a review of Statistical Mapping Enhancement for the 2004 National Census. Contract extended to implement the above review and install a digital mapping/GIS within the CDS Mapping Unit during December 2002 and January 2003.  Further exchange visits took place during 2003-4 and are proposed for 2004-5 to include staff training in ArcGIS, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), verification of the Census GIS Enumeration Area database and the creation of map design and style templates.

Arusha, TANZANIA, 2004 - Cartographic / GIS Workshop
Lead presenter and lecturer at a Cartographic/GIS Workshop undertaken for the Tanzania GIS User Group (TZGISUG) at the Tanzania Carnivore Centre, TAWIRI offices (Njiro), Arusha, October 2004.   The workshop covered the "Principles on Map Design as part of  - cartography in a GIS environment"during the morning session, followed in the afternoon by a Practical Demonstration of Map Design using GIS software and Adobe Illustrator with the Avenza MaPublisher GIS plug-in.  The final Discussion Session in the afternoon concentrated on the design aspects of printed map examples supplied by the participants.

    Core Subjects covered by the Workshop included :
        Cartographic Communication & Visualisation;
        Colour in Map Design;
        Principles of Map Design;
        Names and Typography in Maps;
        Map Layout Options

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2002
Presentation of a ISPRS conference paper (Internet Mapping), tutorial and Advanced Cartographic Training Course (Internet Mapping & Map Design) for InfoBridge Consultants, Dar es Salaam.

RGS East Africa Expedition of 1878-80, Behobeho, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania, 2001-2004
An expedition was undertaken in 2001 to retrace the route of the RGS East Africa Expedition of 1878-80 from Zanzibar to Behobeho and locate the grave of cartographer/explorer Keith Johnston using GPS and GIS resources. In April 2002 the route from Behobeho to Lake Nyasa was successfully undertaken. A further unsuccessful attempt was undertaken in October 2002 to rediscover the gravestone of cartographer Keith Johnston at Behobeho. A further expedition took place during 2003 to Behobeho which generated new information and evidence on the location of the Behobeho villages.  The search area has been narrowed down to approx. 1/2 square kilometre.  A further expedition took place during October / November 2004.

Tanzania, Kagera Region 1999 - Food Security Atlas
Digital Maps and GIS in support of Research Project on Food Security in collaboration with research by Prof. Eric Tollens and Stijn Huysman, KAFOSEC, University of Leuven, Belgium.

Etosha National Park, Namibia 1999
Digital Maps and GIS in support of Research Project on Visitor Distributions and Flows, in collaboration with Prof. Myra Shackley, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Digital National Atlas of Tanzania 1997-99
As part of my Masters' dissertation in 1997, I under took a series of prototype maps as part of a proposal to producing a Digital National Atlas of Tanzania.Society of Cartographers Wallis Award Winner 1997

I have further developed my digital data base and created map files in ArcInfo, ArcView, MapInfo, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw formats.

TANZANIA  1985-93 - Cartographic Training Programmes
As part of a British Council funded Link Programme between the Universities of Glasgow and Dar es Salaam, I have undertaken 3 visits to Tanzania as a technical expert in cartography. This has involved a review of cartographic facilities, cartographic training of staff and data collection for map publication. This link also resulted in the production of several high quality map publications in collaberation with Tanzanian cartographers. These include a Visitors' Map of Dar es Salaam, map of Kilimanjaro Region, and campus maps of the University of Dar es Salaam, the Ardhi Institute and the Muhimbili Medical Centre. On a lighter note I even managed to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, the "Roof of Africa" in Tanzania.

INDIA  1991 - Census Cartography and GIS Consultant.
As part of a British Council funded programme in census cartography training within this Department, I was involved as a visiting consultant in digital cartography and traditional mapping at a Workshop for Census Cartography at the Office for the Registrar General, New Delhi, India.

Other Mapping/GIS Involvements

 Edinburgh 2009 - Scottish Government
Historical GIS mapping consultancy, Rothesay and Kames Bay, Bute, Scotland.

Edinburgh 2008  - Aquamarine Power, GIS Cartographic Course Trainer.
Cartographic design, layout and production with ArcGIS.  Short CPD course for staff

London 2001-2012 British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Cartographic Consultant.
Appointed Consultant Cartographer to the British Academy Hearth Tax Project.   Involved in producing a national GIS of the Hearth Tax for England & Wales and also Mapping the Hearth Tax for each parish/township within each County.

Malawi, 2006 - Mapping and G.I.S Consultant.
National Aids Commission - offer to undertake GIS consultancy currently under consideration, 2006.

Nepal 2001 - Census Cartography and G.I.S Consultant.
Appointed GIS cartographer to a consultancy bid for a European Union project in collaboration with the Topographical Survey Branch (HMG), Kathmandu, Nepal. Bid unsuccessful.

Yemen 2001 - GPS and G.I.S Consultant.
Appointed GIS cartographer to a consultancy bid for a European Union project in collaboration with the EU Food Security Programme, Yemen. Bid on hold at present.

FAO, Rome, 2001 - Mapping and G.I.S Consultant.
Offer to undertake cartographic design consultancy for the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) using ArcView GIS to create Style and Layout templates for their international GIS mapping programme.

Last updated 07 January 2018