Number of items: 43.
Buckley, R. , Shinde, N. and Rieman, L.
In situ shear modulus measurements in a fractured high-porosity chalk mass.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 151(1),
(doi: 10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-12773)
Jawid, T., Brown, M. J., Davidson, C., Sharif, Y., Wang, W., Shepherd, C., Buckley, R. and Whyte, S.
Physical Modelling of Deep Screw Piles in Medium-dense Sands for Floating Wind Applications.
In: 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Delft, 2-4 Oct 2024,
(doi: 10.53243/ECPMG2024-102)
Alexander, J.S., Buckley, R.M. and Whyte, S.A.
Machine learning to expedite concept monopile design.
In: XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE) 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 Aug 2024,
pp. 2760-2763.
ISBN 9781032548166
(doi: 10.1201/9781003431749-537)
Liu, T., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R.M. , Jardine, R.J., Vinck, K., Byrne, B.W. and McAdam, R.A.
Axial resistance of piles during driving in chalk.
In: XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE) 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 Aug 2024,
pp. 3104-3108.
ISBN 9781032548166
(doi: 10.1201/9781003431749-609)
Shinde, N. , Buckley, R. and Rieman, L.
The SOURCE Project: Quantifying and Reducing the Uncertainties Associated with In Situ Stiffness Measurements.
In: XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE) 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 Aug 2024,
pp. 3321-3324.
ISBN 9781032548166
(doi: 10.1201/9781003431749-655)
McAdam, R., Buckley, R. , Schranz, F., Byrne, B., Jardine, R., Kontoe, S., Liu, T., Vinck, K. and Crispin, J.
Monotonic and cyclic lateral loading of piles in low to medium density chalk.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.23.00484)
(Early Online Publication)
Buckley, R. and Shinde, N.
Multi-method In Situ Geophysical Testing in a High Porosity Chalk Mass.
In: 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC7), Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 June 2024,
Hen-Jones, R., Comber, G., Worthington, P., Garantini, S., Jones, I. and Buckley, R.
Towards the Development of a Standard for the PS Suspension Logger.
In: 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC7), Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 June 2024,
Zheng, T., Buckley, R. and Febrianto, E.
Development of a Framework for Automatic Quantification of Uncertainty in Seismic Cone Penetration Testing.
In: 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC7), Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 June 2024,
Rieman, L., Buckley, R. , Shinde, N. and Wheeler, S.
A modified linear-elastic model for calibration of resonant column devices accommodating drive system compliance.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.23.00272)
(Early Online Publication)
Buckley, R. , Chen, Y., Sheill, B., Suryasentana, S., Xu, D., Doherty, J. and Randolph, M.
Bayesian optimisation for CPT-based prediction of impact pile driveability.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(11),
(doi: 10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-11385)
Buckley, R. , Chen, Y., Sheil, B., Suryasentana, S., Randolph, M. and Doherty, J.
Improving Driveability Predictions for Offshore Piles using Bayesian Optimisation.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Vinck, K., Liu, T., Jardine, R., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. , Byrne, B., McAdam, R., Ferreira, P. and Coop, M.
Monotonic Characterisation of Low- to Medium-Density Chalk for Driven Offshore Pile Design.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Jardine, R., Buckley, R. , Liu, T., Byrne, B., Kontoe, S., McAdam, R., Schranz, F. and Vinck, K.
Driven Pile Behaviour in Low-to-Medium Density Chalk: the ALPACA JIP Outcomes.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Liu, T., Jardine, R., AHmadi-Naghadeh, R., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. , Byrne, B. and McAdam, R.
Cyclic Characterisation of Low-to-Medium Density Chalk for Offshore Driven Pile Design.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Wen, K., Buckley, R. and Byrne, B.
Obtaining Representative Stiffness Degradation Parameters from the Resonant Column.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Buckley, R. , Byrne, B., Jardine, R. and Turner, S.
Large-Scale Pile Testing Research to Advance Offshore Pile Design (Keynote lecture).
In: 9th International SUT Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference, London, UK, 12-14 September 2023,
Martin, S., Byrne, B., Buckley, R. , Wu, K.-W., McAdam, R., Aghakouchak, A., Turner, S., Cameron, A. and Lindeboom, R.
Medium-Scale Field Testing of Laterally Loaded Monopiles in Glacial Till at Cowden.
In: 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2023,
Liu, T., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Vinck, K., Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. M. , Byrne, B. W. and McAdam, R. A.
Laboratory Investigation of the Cyclic Loading Behaviour of Intact and De-Structured Chalk.
In: 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (ISDCG2023), Porto, Portugal, 03-06 Sep 2023,
Vinck, K., Liu, T., Jardine, R., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. , Byrne, B., McAdam, R., Ferreira, P. and Coop, M.
The Monotonic Behaviour of a Low- to Medium-Density Chalk Through in Situ and Laboratory Characterisation.
In: 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2023,
Rieman, L., Buckley, R. and Wheeler, S.
Calibration and Limitations of a Fixed-Partly Fixed Resonant Column Apparatus.
In: 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2023,
Buckley, R. , Chen, Y., Sheil, B., Suryasentana, S., Randolph, M. and Doherty, J.
Bayesian Optimisation Framework for Robust and Adaptive Driveability Predictions
for Offshore Wind Piles.
4th International Symposium on Machine Learning and Big Data in Geoscience, Cork, Ireland, 29 August - 1 September 2023.
Buckley, R. M. , Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S., Liu, T., Byrne, B. W., McAdam, R. A., Schranz, F. and Vinck, K.
Axial cyclic loading of piles in low to medium density chalk.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.22.00044)
(Early Online Publication)
Jardine, R. J., Buckley, R. M. , Liu, T., Andolffson, T., Byrne, B. W., Kontoe, S., McAdam, R. A., Schranz, F. and Vinck, K.
The axial behaviour of piles driven in chalk.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.22.00041)
(Early Online Publication)
Liu, T., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Vinck, K., Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. M. and Byrne, B. W.
An experimental investigation into the behaviour of de-structured chalk under cyclic loading.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.21.00199)
(Early Online Publication)
Vinck, K., Liu, T., Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Buckley, R. M. , Byrne, B. W., Lawrence, J. A., McAdam, R. A. and Schranz, F.
Advanced in-situ and laboratory characterisation of the ALPACA chalk research site.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.21.00197)
(Early Online Publication)
Kourelis, I., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R. and Galbraith, A.
An Assessment of Pile Driveability Analyses for Monopile Foundations.
In: 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations (SW2022), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 20-23 Sep 2022,
(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7148969)
Martin, S. C., Buckley, R. M. , McAdam, R. A. and Byrne, B. W.
Enhanced Stress Wave Analysis of Scaled Monopiles in Glacial Till at Cowden.
In: 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations (SW2022), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 20-23 Sep 2022,
(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7151557)
Buckley, R. , Jardine, R. and Kontoe, S.
In situ Testing in Low-Medium Density Structured Chalk.
In: 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC’6), Budapest, Hungary, 26-29 Sep 2021,
Buckley, R. , Kontoe, S., Jardine, R., Barbosa, P. and Schroeder, F.
Pile driveability in low-to-medium density chalk.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(5),
pp. 650-665.
(doi: 10.1139/cgj-2019-0703)
Buckley, R.M. , Byrne, B.W., Doherty, J.P., Jardine, R.J., Kontoe, S., McAdam, R.A. and Randolph, M.F.
Measurements of Distributed Strain During Impact Pile Driving.
In: Piling 2020, 23-26 Mar 2021,
pp. 217-222.
ISBN 9780727765048
Buckley, R. M. , McAdam, R. A., Byrne, B. W., Doherty, J. P., Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S. and Randolph, M. F.
Optimization of impact pile driving using optical fiber Bragg-grating measurements.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(9),
(doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002293)
Buckley, R. M. , Jardine, R. J., Kontoe, S., Barbosa, P. and Schroeder, F. C.
Full-scale observations of dynamic and static axial responses of offshore piles driven in chalk and tills.
Geotechnique, 70(8),
pp. 657-681.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.19.TI.001)
Jardine, R. J., Buckley, R. , Byrne, B. W., Kontoe, S., McAdam, R. A., Andolfsson, T., Liu, T. F., Schranz, F. and Vinck, K.
Improving the design of piles driven in chalk through the ALPACA research project.
Revue Française de Géotechnique, 2019(158),
(doi: 10.1051/geotech/2019008)
Chan, D. L.H., Buckley, R. M. , Liu, T. and Jardine, R. J.
Laboratory Investigation of Interface Shearing in Chalk.
In: 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Glasgow 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, 26-29 Jun 2019,
(doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199213009)
Liu, T., Chen, H., Buckley, R. M. , Quinteros, V. S. and Jardine, R. J.
Characterisation of Sand-Steel Interface Shearing Behaviour for the Interpretation of Driven Pile Behaviour in Sands.
In: 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Glasgow 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, 26-29 Jun 2019,
(doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199213001)
Doughty, L.J., Buckley, R.M. and Jardine, R.J.
Investigating the Effect of Ageing on the Behaviour of Chalk Putty.
In: Engineering in Chalk, London, UK, 17-18 Sep 2018,
pp. 695-701.
ISBN 9780727764072
(doi: 10.1680/eiccf.64072.695)
Buckley, R.M. , Jardine, R.J., Kontoe, S., Parker, D. and Schroeder, F.C.
Ageing and cyclic behaviour of axially loaded piles driven in chalk.
Geotechnique, 68(2),
pp. 146-161.
(doi: 10.1680/jgeot.17.P.012)
Lawrence, J. A., Preene, M., Lawrence, U. L. and Buckley, R. eds.
Engineering in Chalk: Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference.
ICE Publishing.
ISBN 9780727764072
(doi: 10.1680/eiccf.64072)
Buckley, R. M. , Jardine, R. J., kontoe, S. and Lehane, B. M.
Effective stress regime around a jacked steel pile during installation ageing and load testing in chalk.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(11),
pp. 1577-1591.
(doi: 10.1139/cgj-2017-0145)
Jardine, R.J., Buckley, R.M. , Kontoe, S., Barbosa, P. and Schroeder, F.C.
Behaviour of Piles Driven in Chalk.
In: Engineering in Chalk, London, UK, 17-18 Sep 2018,
pp. 33-51.
ISBN 9780727764072
(doi: 10.1680/eiccf.64072.033)
Buckley, R. , Jardine, R.J., Kontoe, S., Liu, T., Ushev, E., Lehane, B.M., Pine, T., Schroeder, F.C. and Barbosa, P.
Field Investigations into the Axial Loading Response of Displacement Piles in Chalk.
In: Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics 8th International Conference Proceeding, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2017,
pp. 1178-1185.
ISBN 9780906940570
(doi: 10.3723/OSIG17.1178)
Buckley, R.M. , Kontoe, S., Jardine, R.J., Maron, M., Schroeder, F.C. and Barbosa, P.
Common Pitfalls of Pile Driving Resistance Analysis – A Case Study of the Wikinger Offshore Windfarm.
In: Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics 8th International Conference Proceeding, London, UK, 12-14 Sep 2017,
pp. 1246-1253.
ISBN 9780906940570
(doi: 10.3723/OSIG17.1246)
This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 01:48:31 2025 GMT.