Dr Richard Green

  • Reader (Autonomous Systems & Connectivity)

telephone: 01413304312
email: Richard.Green@glasgow.ac.uk

R719 Level 7, Aerospace Sciences, James Watt Building South, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1986-408X


I have a broad interest in fluid mechanics and aerodynamics with a strong emphasis on experimental testing in large, low-speed wind tunnels. University of Glasgow has been home to the former Handley-Page and deHavilland industrial sized wind tunnels for several decades, and I am the local co-Investigator with responsibility for the deHavilland wind tunnel as part of the UK National Wind Tunnel Facility project.

The wind tunnels are suitable for academic and industrial research, and, in my role as wind tunnel director for Aerospace Sciences and the James Watt School of Engineering atthe University of Glasgow, I am the primary contact point for advice for and access to these facilities.

I obtained a First Class Honours Bachelor Degree in Aeronautics (Finsbury Medal winner) from Imperial College, London, and a PhD in experimental fluid mechanics from University of Manchester. After this I joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering at University of Glasgow in 1989 as a research assistant to participate in wind tunnel tests of dynamic stall in the Handley-Page wind tunnel. At the time Glasgow was forging a reputation as a leading centre for experimental unsteady aerodynamics under the guidance of Professor Roderick Galbraith, and much of the work was geared towards unsteady aerodynamic phenomena of rotor flows and rotor wakes.

I subsequently helped develop much useful collaboration with other UK universities and industrial organisations, and I have participated in testing projects in the USA and continental Europe.

Research projects for which I provided significant input include:

  • dynamic stall, unsteady separation and unsteady reattachment of aerodynamic flows (EPSRC, DARP, AFOSR, US Army)
  • blade-vortex interaction (EPSRC, US Army)
  • Vortex Ring State (including visiting professor to Professor Ömer Savas at UC Berkeley, California, with NASA Ames)
  • rotor wakes in ground effect (GARTEUR AG17 and AG22)
  • andrology (MRC funded, Scottish Enterprise)
  • aerodynamic drag reduction (EU funded, ARA and VZLU (Prague))
  • propeller aerodynamics (EPSRC, Aircraft Research Association and Dowty)
  • rear empennage aerodynamics (EU funded)
  • UK National Wind Tunnel Facility (EPSRC, ATI)
  • Vertical Lift Network (EPSRC)

Expertise with experimental instrumentation includes development of a Particle Image Velocimetry system at Glasgow, a technique in which I am a highly experienced, and other experimental methods that I use are for unsteady surface and wake pressure measurement, Laser Doppler Anemometry, force and moment measurement, and flow visualisation among others.

My research work is presented in the relevant journals including Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Experiments in Fluids, AIAA Journals, Aeronautical Journal, Physics of Fluids, Aerospace Science and Technology, and I review articles for these journals.

Industrial customers who I have completed wind tunnel testing projects on behalf of include the wind energy and renewables sector, manufacturing, road vehicles, and example projects are as follows:

  • wind loading on building installations and infrastructure
  • 2-D aerofoil characterisation
  • propulsion concepts
  • dynamic stall
  • road vehicle aerodynamics
  • sensor evaluation

Research interests

  • unsteady aerodynamics
  • separated and vortex dominated flows
  • dynamic stall, unsteady separation and unsteady reattachment of aerodynamic flows
  • blade-vortex interaction
  • Vortex Ring State
  • rotor wakes in ground effect
  • andrology
  • aerodynamic drag reduction
  • propeller aerodynamics
  • rear empennage aerodynamics
  • Wind tunnel testing, UK National Wind Tunnel Facility


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1994 | 1992
Number of items: 68.


Croke, A., Wild, O. D., Jones, A. R. and Green, R. B. (2024) Experimental Investigation of Rotor Blade Structural Response In Hovering and Advance Flight at Low Reynolds Number Conditions. In: Vertical Flight Society’s 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Montreal, QC, Canada, 07-09 May 2024, ISBN 9781713897941

Pickles, D.J. , Zagaglia, D. , Croke, A.D. and Green, R.B. (2024) Experimental Investigation into the Vortex Ring State of Multi-rotor Configurations. In: 50th European Rotorcraft Forum, Marseille, France, 10-12 Sep 2024, (Accepted for Publication)


Zhdanov, O. , Green, R. and Busse, A. (2023) LES and PIV investigation of the flow past a cactus-shaped cylinder with four ribs. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110(4), pp. 775-798. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00386-y)

Croke, A. D., Zagaglia, D. , Woodgate, M. A., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2023) Experimental Investigation into the Onset of Stall Flutter on Tiltrotor Blades. In: 49th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2023), Bückeburg, Germany, 5-7 September 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Zagaglia, D. , Croke, A. D., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2023) Development of the UK National Rotor Rig For Aeroelastic Testing of Rotary Wings. In: 49th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2023), Bückeburg, Germany, 5-7 September 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Pickles, D. J. , Zagaglia, D. , Busse, A. and Green, R. B. (2023) Vortex ring state of a shrouded rotor: an experimental survey. Experiments in Fluids, 64(4), 69. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-023-03609-8)

Pickles, D.J. , Green, R.B. and Busse, A. (2023) The vortex ring state of a rotor and its comparison with the collapse of an annular jet in counterflow. Physics of Fluids, 35, 044103. (doi: 10.1063/5.0143406)


Higgins, R. J. , Zarev, A., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2022) Investigation of a four-bladed propeller inflow at yaw. Aerospace Science and Technology, 124, 107530. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2022.107530)


Cairns, J., Vezza, M. , Green, R. and MacVicar, D. (2021) Numerical optimisation of a Ship Wind-Assisted Propulsion system using blowing and suction over a range of wind conditions. Ocean Engineering, 240, 109903. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109903)

Pickles, D.J., Zagaglia, D. , Green, R.B. and Busse, A. (2021) The Vortex Ring State of a Shrouded Rotor. 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Tatar, A., Wu, J., Zagaglia, D. , Titurus, B., Rezgui, D., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. (2021) Modal Characterisation of Rotor/Propeller Rig for Tip-Mach Scaled Wind Tunnel Testing. 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Zhdanov, O. , Green, R. and Busse, A. (2021) Experimental investigation of the angle of attack dependence of the flow past a cactus-shaped cylinder with four ribs. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 208, 104400. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2020.104400)


Walker, J.S., Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A. and Phillips, C. (2020) The effect of a barnacle-shaped excrescence on the hydrodynamic performance of a tidal turbine blade section. Ocean Engineering, 217, 107849. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107849)

Li, W., Yu, G. , Zagaglia, D. , Green, R. and Yu, Z. (2020) CFD modelling of a thermal chimney for air-cooled condenser. Geothermics, 88, 101908. (doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101908)

Skinner, S.N., Green, R.B. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2020) Wingtip vortex structure in the near-field of swept-tapered wings. Physics of Fluids, 32(9), 095102. (doi: 10.1063/5.0016353)

Zarev, A. and Green, R. (2020) Experimental investigation of the effect of yaw angle on the inflow of a two-bladed propeller. Aerospace Science and Technology, 103, 105940. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.105940)

Higgins, R. J. , Zarev, A., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2020) Numerical investigation of a two-bladed propeller inflow at yaw. Journal of Aircraft, 57(2), pp. 292-304. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035647)

Yu, G. , Zagaglia, D. , Green, R. and Yu, Z. (2020) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experimental study on the buoyant flow fields within a thermal chimney system for geothermal power plant. International Journal of Green Energy, 17(15), pp. 951-960. (doi: 10.1080/15435075.2020.1809428)


Tan, J. F., Sun, Y. M., Zhou, T. Y., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2019) Simulation of the aerodynamic interaction between rotor and ground obstacle using vortex method. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 10(3), pp. 733-753. (doi: 10.1007/s13272-018-0346-8)

Prince, S., Green, R. , Coton, F. and Wang, Y. (2019) The effect of steady and pulsed air jet vortex generator blowing on a aerofoil section model undergoing sinusoidal pitching. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 64(3), pp. 1-14. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.64.032004)


Zagaglia, D. , Giuni, M. and Green, R. B. (2018) Investigation of the rotor–obstacle aerodynamic interaction in hovering flight. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 63, 032007. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.63.032007)

Tan, J., Sun, Y., Zhou, T., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2018) Simulation of the Aerodynamic Interaction between Rotor and Ground Obstacle Using Vortex Method. In: 74th Annual Forum and Technology Display of the American Helicopter Society, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 15-17 May 2018,

Green, R.B. , Prince, S.A., Wang, Y., Khodagolian, V. and Coton, F.N. (2018) Delay of dynamic stall using pulsed air-jet vortex generators. AIAA Journal, 56(5), pp. 2070-2074. (doi: 10.2514/1.J056560)

Pickles, D. J. , Green, R.B. and Giuni, M. (2018) Rotor wake interactions with an obstacle on the ground. Aeronautical Journal, 122(1251), pp. 798-820. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2018.7)

Tan, J. F., Sun, Y. M., Zhou, T. Y., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2018) Unsteady Aerodynamic Interaction Between Rotor and Ground Obstacle. In: 44th European Rotorcraft Forum, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 Sep 2018,


Visingardi, A. et al. (2017) Forces on Obstacles in Rotor Wake – A GARTEUR Action Group. In: 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, 12-15 Sep 2017,


Zagaglia, D. , Gibertini, G., Giuni, M. and Green, R.B. (2016) Experiments on the Helicopter-Obstacle Aerodynamic Interference in Absence of External Wind. In: 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 5-8 Sept 2016, (Unpublished)

Mat, S. B., Green, R. , Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2016) The effect of edge profile on delta wing flow. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 230(7), pp. 1252-1262. (doi: 10.1177/0954410015606939)

Zagaglia, D. , Giuni, M. and Green, R. B. (2016) Rotor-Obstacle Aerodynamic Interaction in Hovering Flight: An Experimental Survey. In: AHS 72nd Annual Forum and Technology Display, West Palm Beach, FL, USA, 17-19 May 2016,


Green, R. , Giuni, M., Cervinka, J., Zacho, D., Austin, P., Smith, S., Desvigne, D. and Alfano, D. (2015) The Clean Sky ‘Card’ Project: Wind Tunnel Measurements of a Model Helicopter Rotor and Fuselage Drag. European Rotorcraft Forum, Munich, Germany, 1-4 Sep 2015.

Giuni, M., Zagaglia, D. and Green, R. (2015) Rotor Blade Tip Vortices. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston MA, USA, 22-24 Nov 2015,


Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A., Giuni, M., Hislop, J. and Savas, O. (2014) Observations of the Vortex Ring State. European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, Southampton, England, 02-05 Sep 2014.


Giuni, M. and Green, R.B. (2013) Vortex formation on squared and rounded tip. Aerospace Science and Technology, 29(1), pp. 191-199. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2013.03.004)


Shields, P., Nemeth, B., Green, R. , Riehle, M. and Cumming, D.R.S. (2012) High-speed imaging of 2-D ionic diffusion using a 16x16-pixel CMOS ISFET array on the microfluidic scale. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(9), pp. 2744-2749. (doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2012.2200249)

Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2012) The flow around a helicopter main rotor in ground effect. Experiments in Fluids, 52(1), pp. 151-166. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-011-1212-1)


Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A. and Wang, Y. (2011) Trailing edge flap flow control for dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 115(1170), pp. 493-503.

Giuni, M., Green, R.B. and Benard, E. (2011) Investigation of a trailing vortex near field by stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. In: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando FL, USA, 4-7 Jan 2011, (doi: 10.2514/6.2011-992)


Gillies, E., Green, R. , Wang, Y. and Coton, F. (2010) Trailing edge flap flow control for dynamic stall. In: AHS Aeromechanics Specialists Conference, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 January 2010, (doi: 10.2514/1.17263)

Giuni, M., Benard, E. and Green, R. (2010) Near field structure of wing tip vortices. In: Experimental Fluid Mechanics Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 24-26 Nov 2010,

Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2010) Wind tunnel investigation of flow around a rotor in ground effect. In: AHS Specialists Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 January 2010,


Savas, O., Green, R.B. and Caradonna, F.X. (2009) Coupled thrust and vorticity dynamics during vortex ring state. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 54, 022001. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.54.022001)

Gillies, E.A., Cannon, R.M., Green, R.B. and Pacey, A.A. (2009) Hydrodynamic propulsion of human sperm. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 625, pp. 445-474. (doi: 10.1017/S0022112008005685)

Nathan, N.D. and Green, R.B. (2009) Flow visualisation of the helicopter brown-out phenomenon. Aeronautical Journal, 113(1145), pp. 467-478.


Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2008) Measurements of a rotor flow in ground effect and visualization of the brown-out phenomenon. In: 64th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, 29 Apr – 1 May 2008,

Savas, O., Green, R.B. and Caradonna, F.X. (2008) Coupled thrust and vorticity dynamics during VRS. In: AHS Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, USA, 23-25 Jan 2008,


Green, R. , Coton, F. and Early, J.M. (2006) On the three-dimensional nature of the orthogonal vortex interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 41(5), pp. 749-761. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-006-0198-6)

Green, R., Coton, F. and Early, J. (2006) On the three-dimensional nature of the orthogonal blade-vortex interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 41, pp. 749-761. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-006-0198-6)


Green, R.B., Gillies, E.A. and Brown, R.E. (2005) The flow field around a rotor in axial descent. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 534, pp. 237-261. (doi: 10.1017/S0022112005004155)


Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2003) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 2nd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0303. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ferrecchia, A., Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2003) An investigation of dynamic stall onset on a pitching wing. Aeronautical Journal, 107, pp. 487-494.


Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2002) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 1st Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0210. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J., Green, R. and Coton, F. (2002) Flow visualisation of the orthogonal blade-vortex interaction using particle image velocimetry. Aeronautical Journal, 106, pp. 137-145.

Green, R. (2002) Analysis of Unsteady Pressure Signal on a Pitching Delta Wing. AIAA Journal, 39(9), pp. 1750-1757.


Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2001) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 3rd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0107. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2001) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 2nd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0103. [Research Reports or Papers]

Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2001) The effect of wing planform shape on dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 105, pp. 151-159.

Coton, F., Jupp, M. and Green, R. (2001) Analysis of unsteady pressure signals on a pitching delta wing. AIAA Journal, 39, pp. 1750-1757.


Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2000) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 1st Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0012. [Research Reports or Papers]

Gillies, E.A. and Green, R.B. (2000) Low-dimensional Characterization and Control of Bluff-body Wakes. Report 0006. [Research Reports or Papers]


Jupp, M., Coton, F. and Green, R. (1998) A Statistical Analysis of Surface Pressure Measurements with Particular Reference to Vortex Breakdown. G.U. Aero Report 9806. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Green, R.B. and Masson, C.A. (1998) Blade Vortex Interaction Studies. Department of Aerospace Engineering report 9803. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1998) A Flow Visualization Study of a Pitching Delta Wing. G.U. Aero Report 9824. [Research Reports or Papers]


Jupp, M., Coton, F. and Green, R. (1997) A Preliminary Study of the Flow around a Delta Wing using High Resolution Pressure Measurements. G. U. Aero Report no. 9720. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1997) Recent Developments in the 3' x 3' Flow Visualization Wind Tunnel. G. U. Aero Report 9717. [Research Reports or Papers]


Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]


Green, R.B. , Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (1994) An Investigation of Re-Establishment of Fully Attached Aerofoil Flow from Stall in Unsteady Conditions. G.U. Aero Report 9431. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1994) A Stepper Motor Based System For Rapid Pitching of Wind Tunnel Models. G.U. Aero Report 9402. [Research Reports or Papers]


Galbraith, R. A. M., Dachun, J., Green, R. B. , Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on NACA 0015 Aerofoil with Chord of Length 0.275m. G.U. Aero Report 9209. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 06:16:27 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 68.


Zhdanov, O. , Green, R. and Busse, A. (2023) LES and PIV investigation of the flow past a cactus-shaped cylinder with four ribs. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110(4), pp. 775-798. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00386-y)

Pickles, D. J. , Zagaglia, D. , Busse, A. and Green, R. B. (2023) Vortex ring state of a shrouded rotor: an experimental survey. Experiments in Fluids, 64(4), 69. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-023-03609-8)

Pickles, D.J. , Green, R.B. and Busse, A. (2023) The vortex ring state of a rotor and its comparison with the collapse of an annular jet in counterflow. Physics of Fluids, 35, 044103. (doi: 10.1063/5.0143406)

Higgins, R. J. , Zarev, A., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2022) Investigation of a four-bladed propeller inflow at yaw. Aerospace Science and Technology, 124, 107530. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2022.107530)

Cairns, J., Vezza, M. , Green, R. and MacVicar, D. (2021) Numerical optimisation of a Ship Wind-Assisted Propulsion system using blowing and suction over a range of wind conditions. Ocean Engineering, 240, 109903. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109903)

Zhdanov, O. , Green, R. and Busse, A. (2021) Experimental investigation of the angle of attack dependence of the flow past a cactus-shaped cylinder with four ribs. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 208, 104400. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2020.104400)

Walker, J.S., Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A. and Phillips, C. (2020) The effect of a barnacle-shaped excrescence on the hydrodynamic performance of a tidal turbine blade section. Ocean Engineering, 217, 107849. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107849)

Li, W., Yu, G. , Zagaglia, D. , Green, R. and Yu, Z. (2020) CFD modelling of a thermal chimney for air-cooled condenser. Geothermics, 88, 101908. (doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101908)

Skinner, S.N., Green, R.B. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2020) Wingtip vortex structure in the near-field of swept-tapered wings. Physics of Fluids, 32(9), 095102. (doi: 10.1063/5.0016353)

Zarev, A. and Green, R. (2020) Experimental investigation of the effect of yaw angle on the inflow of a two-bladed propeller. Aerospace Science and Technology, 103, 105940. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.105940)

Higgins, R. J. , Zarev, A., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2020) Numerical investigation of a two-bladed propeller inflow at yaw. Journal of Aircraft, 57(2), pp. 292-304. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035647)

Yu, G. , Zagaglia, D. , Green, R. and Yu, Z. (2020) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experimental study on the buoyant flow fields within a thermal chimney system for geothermal power plant. International Journal of Green Energy, 17(15), pp. 951-960. (doi: 10.1080/15435075.2020.1809428)

Tan, J. F., Sun, Y. M., Zhou, T. Y., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2019) Simulation of the aerodynamic interaction between rotor and ground obstacle using vortex method. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 10(3), pp. 733-753. (doi: 10.1007/s13272-018-0346-8)

Prince, S., Green, R. , Coton, F. and Wang, Y. (2019) The effect of steady and pulsed air jet vortex generator blowing on a aerofoil section model undergoing sinusoidal pitching. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 64(3), pp. 1-14. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.64.032004)

Zagaglia, D. , Giuni, M. and Green, R. B. (2018) Investigation of the rotor–obstacle aerodynamic interaction in hovering flight. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 63, 032007. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.63.032007)

Green, R.B. , Prince, S.A., Wang, Y., Khodagolian, V. and Coton, F.N. (2018) Delay of dynamic stall using pulsed air-jet vortex generators. AIAA Journal, 56(5), pp. 2070-2074. (doi: 10.2514/1.J056560)

Pickles, D. J. , Green, R.B. and Giuni, M. (2018) Rotor wake interactions with an obstacle on the ground. Aeronautical Journal, 122(1251), pp. 798-820. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2018.7)

Mat, S. B., Green, R. , Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2016) The effect of edge profile on delta wing flow. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 230(7), pp. 1252-1262. (doi: 10.1177/0954410015606939)

Giuni, M. and Green, R.B. (2013) Vortex formation on squared and rounded tip. Aerospace Science and Technology, 29(1), pp. 191-199. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2013.03.004)

Shields, P., Nemeth, B., Green, R. , Riehle, M. and Cumming, D.R.S. (2012) High-speed imaging of 2-D ionic diffusion using a 16x16-pixel CMOS ISFET array on the microfluidic scale. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(9), pp. 2744-2749. (doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2012.2200249)

Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2012) The flow around a helicopter main rotor in ground effect. Experiments in Fluids, 52(1), pp. 151-166. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-011-1212-1)

Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A. and Wang, Y. (2011) Trailing edge flap flow control for dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 115(1170), pp. 493-503.

Savas, O., Green, R.B. and Caradonna, F.X. (2009) Coupled thrust and vorticity dynamics during vortex ring state. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 54, 022001. (doi: 10.4050/JAHS.54.022001)

Gillies, E.A., Cannon, R.M., Green, R.B. and Pacey, A.A. (2009) Hydrodynamic propulsion of human sperm. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 625, pp. 445-474. (doi: 10.1017/S0022112008005685)

Nathan, N.D. and Green, R.B. (2009) Flow visualisation of the helicopter brown-out phenomenon. Aeronautical Journal, 113(1145), pp. 467-478.

Green, R. , Coton, F. and Early, J.M. (2006) On the three-dimensional nature of the orthogonal vortex interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 41(5), pp. 749-761. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-006-0198-6)

Green, R., Coton, F. and Early, J. (2006) On the three-dimensional nature of the orthogonal blade-vortex interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 41, pp. 749-761. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-006-0198-6)

Green, R.B., Gillies, E.A. and Brown, R.E. (2005) The flow field around a rotor in axial descent. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 534, pp. 237-261. (doi: 10.1017/S0022112005004155)

Ferrecchia, A., Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2003) An investigation of dynamic stall onset on a pitching wing. Aeronautical Journal, 107, pp. 487-494.

Early, J., Green, R. and Coton, F. (2002) Flow visualisation of the orthogonal blade-vortex interaction using particle image velocimetry. Aeronautical Journal, 106, pp. 137-145.

Green, R. (2002) Analysis of Unsteady Pressure Signal on a Pitching Delta Wing. AIAA Journal, 39(9), pp. 1750-1757.

Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2001) The effect of wing planform shape on dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 105, pp. 151-159.

Coton, F., Jupp, M. and Green, R. (2001) Analysis of unsteady pressure signals on a pitching delta wing. AIAA Journal, 39, pp. 1750-1757.

Research Reports or Papers

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2003) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 2nd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0303. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2002) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 1st Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0210. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2001) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 3rd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0107. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2001) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 2nd Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0103. [Research Reports or Papers]

Early, J.M. and Green, R.B. (2000) Investigation of the Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction 1st Interim Report. G.U. Aero Report 0012. [Research Reports or Papers]

Gillies, E.A. and Green, R.B. (2000) Low-dimensional Characterization and Control of Bluff-body Wakes. Report 0006. [Research Reports or Papers]

Jupp, M., Coton, F. and Green, R. (1998) A Statistical Analysis of Surface Pressure Measurements with Particular Reference to Vortex Breakdown. G.U. Aero Report 9806. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Green, R.B. and Masson, C.A. (1998) Blade Vortex Interaction Studies. Department of Aerospace Engineering report 9803. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1998) A Flow Visualization Study of a Pitching Delta Wing. G.U. Aero Report 9824. [Research Reports or Papers]

Jupp, M., Coton, F. and Green, R. (1997) A Preliminary Study of the Flow around a Delta Wing using High Resolution Pressure Measurements. G. U. Aero Report no. 9720. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1997) Recent Developments in the 3' x 3' Flow Visualization Wind Tunnel. G. U. Aero Report 9717. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. , Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (1994) An Investigation of Re-Establishment of Fully Attached Aerofoil Flow from Stall in Unsteady Conditions. G.U. Aero Report 9431. [Research Reports or Papers]

Green, R.B. (1994) A Stepper Motor Based System For Rapid Pitching of Wind Tunnel Models. G.U. Aero Report 9402. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R. A. M., Dachun, J., Green, R. B. , Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on NACA 0015 Aerofoil with Chord of Length 0.275m. G.U. Aero Report 9209. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Pickles, D.J., Zagaglia, D. , Green, R.B. and Busse, A. (2021) The Vortex Ring State of a Shrouded Rotor. 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Tatar, A., Wu, J., Zagaglia, D. , Titurus, B., Rezgui, D., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. (2021) Modal Characterisation of Rotor/Propeller Rig for Tip-Mach Scaled Wind Tunnel Testing. 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Green, R. , Giuni, M., Cervinka, J., Zacho, D., Austin, P., Smith, S., Desvigne, D. and Alfano, D. (2015) The Clean Sky ‘Card’ Project: Wind Tunnel Measurements of a Model Helicopter Rotor and Fuselage Drag. European Rotorcraft Forum, Munich, Germany, 1-4 Sep 2015.

Green, R.B. , Gillies, E.A., Giuni, M., Hislop, J. and Savas, O. (2014) Observations of the Vortex Ring State. European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, Southampton, England, 02-05 Sep 2014.

Conference Proceedings

Croke, A., Wild, O. D., Jones, A. R. and Green, R. B. (2024) Experimental Investigation of Rotor Blade Structural Response In Hovering and Advance Flight at Low Reynolds Number Conditions. In: Vertical Flight Society’s 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Montreal, QC, Canada, 07-09 May 2024, ISBN 9781713897941

Pickles, D.J. , Zagaglia, D. , Croke, A.D. and Green, R.B. (2024) Experimental Investigation into the Vortex Ring State of Multi-rotor Configurations. In: 50th European Rotorcraft Forum, Marseille, France, 10-12 Sep 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Croke, A. D., Zagaglia, D. , Woodgate, M. A., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2023) Experimental Investigation into the Onset of Stall Flutter on Tiltrotor Blades. In: 49th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2023), Bückeburg, Germany, 5-7 September 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Zagaglia, D. , Croke, A. D., Green, R. B. and Barakos, G. N. (2023) Development of the UK National Rotor Rig For Aeroelastic Testing of Rotary Wings. In: 49th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2023), Bückeburg, Germany, 5-7 September 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Tan, J., Sun, Y., Zhou, T., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2018) Simulation of the Aerodynamic Interaction between Rotor and Ground Obstacle Using Vortex Method. In: 74th Annual Forum and Technology Display of the American Helicopter Society, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 15-17 May 2018,

Tan, J. F., Sun, Y. M., Zhou, T. Y., Barakos, G. N. and Green, R. B. (2018) Unsteady Aerodynamic Interaction Between Rotor and Ground Obstacle. In: 44th European Rotorcraft Forum, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 Sep 2018,

Visingardi, A. et al. (2017) Forces on Obstacles in Rotor Wake – A GARTEUR Action Group. In: 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, 12-15 Sep 2017,

Zagaglia, D. , Gibertini, G., Giuni, M. and Green, R.B. (2016) Experiments on the Helicopter-Obstacle Aerodynamic Interference in Absence of External Wind. In: 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 5-8 Sept 2016, (Unpublished)

Zagaglia, D. , Giuni, M. and Green, R. B. (2016) Rotor-Obstacle Aerodynamic Interaction in Hovering Flight: An Experimental Survey. In: AHS 72nd Annual Forum and Technology Display, West Palm Beach, FL, USA, 17-19 May 2016,

Giuni, M., Zagaglia, D. and Green, R. (2015) Rotor Blade Tip Vortices. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston MA, USA, 22-24 Nov 2015,

Giuni, M., Green, R.B. and Benard, E. (2011) Investigation of a trailing vortex near field by stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. In: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando FL, USA, 4-7 Jan 2011, (doi: 10.2514/6.2011-992)

Gillies, E., Green, R. , Wang, Y. and Coton, F. (2010) Trailing edge flap flow control for dynamic stall. In: AHS Aeromechanics Specialists Conference, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 January 2010, (doi: 10.2514/1.17263)

Giuni, M., Benard, E. and Green, R. (2010) Near field structure of wing tip vortices. In: Experimental Fluid Mechanics Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 24-26 Nov 2010,

Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2010) Wind tunnel investigation of flow around a rotor in ground effect. In: AHS Specialists Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, USA, 20-22 January 2010,

Nathan, N. and Green, R. (2008) Measurements of a rotor flow in ground effect and visualization of the brown-out phenomenon. In: 64th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, 29 Apr – 1 May 2008,

Savas, O., Green, R.B. and Caradonna, F.X. (2008) Coupled thrust and vorticity dynamics during VRS. In: AHS Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, USA, 23-25 Jan 2008,

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 06:16:27 2025 GMT.


Recent and current EPSRC support:

  • EP/S013814/1 MENtOR: Methods and Experiments for NOvel Rotorcraft
  • EP/P01948X/1 Engineered Textile Blade with Actively controlled surface/profile
  • EP/L024888/1 National Wind Tunnel Facility EU funded work TailSurf
  • 2019-2022 Grant agreement ID: 864290 CARD, 2010-2014 (CleanSky)



I teach subjects for aeronautics covering fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and propulsion. Courses taught currently are:

  • ENG1002 Aerospace Engineering 1
  • ENG3001 Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 3
  • ENG3042 Propulsion and Turbomachinery 3
  • ENG3060 Flight Mechanics 3
  • BEng and MEng final year project

I have also taught courses in Thermodynamics, High Speed Aerodynamics and Experimental Aerodynamics, and I have a substantial set of teaching notes for experimental methods.

Research datasets

Jump to: 2022 | 2020
Number of items: 2.


Zhdanov, O. , Green, R. and Busse, A. (2022) LES and PIV investigation of the flow past a cactus-shaped cylinder with four ribs. [Data Collection]


Green, R. and Zarev, A. (2020) Experimental investigation of the effect of yaw angle on the inflow of a two-bladed propeller. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 13:16:22 2025 GMT.