Dr Rair Macedo
- Senior Lecturer in Electrodynamics and Spin systems (Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering)
R3119, Advanced Research Centre, 11 Chapel Lane, University of Glasgow, G11 6EW
Dr Rair Macêdo is a theoretical physicist by training—but every so often dabbles in the world of experimental physics. He started pursuing research at the age of 16, as a part of his BSc studies, in the area of novel optical effects in natural hyperbolic media. After receiving a PhD in physics from the University of Glasgow in a similar area, but at an advanced theoretical level, modelling electromagnetic properties of magnetic structures, he held a Leverhulme Trust Early Research Fellowship to develop novel metamaterials to control and manipulate electromagnetic waves. He is currently a Lecturer in Electrodynamics and Spin Electronics at the Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering Division of the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow.
Research interests
I study spins and spin systens as well as photonic, optic, magnetic and electromagnetic properties of matter.
My current research interests include:
- Cavity Magnon-polariton quasiparticles (hybridisation between magnons and photons);
- Metamaterials;
- Magnetic media for signal processing devices;
- Magnons-polaritons and optical properties of magnets;
- Anisotropy in condensed matter as route to hyperbolic media; and
- Novel optical effects including: Negative refraction, focusing by flat lenses, Goos-Hanchen shifts and nonreciprocity.
I am also currently working on ordering processes in a new class of frustrated and disordered systems called 'artificial spin ice', these include:
- Spin ice systems; and
- Liquid Crystals.
I am a member of the Quantum Circuits Laboratory.
Publication Highlights
Spin systems:
Macêdo, R. , Kudinoor, A. S., Livesey, K. L. and Camley, R. E. (2022) Breaking space inversion-symmetry to obtain asymmetric spin-wave excitation in systems with nonuniform magnetic exchange. Advanced Electronic Materials, 8(1), 2100435. (doi: 10.1002/aelm.202100435)
Hybrid quntum systems:
Wolz, T., Stehli, A., Schneider, A., Boventer, I., Macêdo, R. , Ustinov, A. V., Kläui, M. and Weides, M. (2020) Introducing coherent time control to cavity magnon-polariton modes. Communications Physics, 3, 3. (doi:10.1038/s42005-019-0266-x)
Boventer, I., Dörflinger, C., Wolz, T., Macedo, R. , Lebrun, R., Kläui, M. and Weides, M. (2020) Control of the coupling strength and linewidth of a cavity magnon-polariton. Physical Review Research, 2(1), 013154. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013154)
Photonics & Hyperbolic (meta) materials:
Wu, X., McEleney, C. A., González-Jiménez, M. and Macêdo, R. (2019) Emergent asymmetries and enhancement in the absorption of natural hyperbolic crystals. Optica, 6(12), pp. 1478-1483. (doi:10.1364/OPTICA.6.001478)
Macêdo, R. , Dumelow, T., Camley, R. E. and Stamps, R. L. (2018) Oriented asymmetric wave propagation and refraction bending in hyperbolic media. ACS Photonics, 5(12), pp. 5086-5094. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01402)
Current research funding:
- Opto-Spintronic interfaces for next generation quantum networks - (SpinNet)
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
Funding source: EPSRC New Horizons Highly Speculative ICT (EP/X017850/1)
Award: £250,000
Start date: 01/04/2023; End date: 31/03/2025
- Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)
Funding source: EPSRC (EP/W032627/1)
Award: £3,000,000
Start date: 30/04/2022; End date: 29/04/2026
Recently completed grants:
- Synthetic magnets for signal processing: designing wave phenomena through micro- and nano-scale structuring
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
Funding source: The University of Glasgow (Reward for Excellence, Colege of Science and Engineering)
Award: £10,000
Start date: 01/03/2021; End date: 31/07/2021
- Advanced magnetic media for next generation thz multifunctional devices
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
Funding source: The Leverhulme Trust (300947-01) and The University of Glasgow (LKAS - 200584-01)
Award: £189,881
Start date: 01/03/18; End date: 28/02/2021
- Erasmus+
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
End date: 28/02/2021
- Vacation Scholarship
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo; Student Investigator: Connor Maclean
Funding source: The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (308264-00)
End date: 2020
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo; Student Investigator: Cameron McEleney
Funding source: The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (308264-00)
End date: 2019
- Vacation Internship: Study of light interactions with magnetic systems
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo; Student Investigator: Rory Holland
Funding source: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
End date: 2019
- Postdoctoral and Early Career Research Exchange Program
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
Funding source: Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA)
End date: 2018
- Lord Kelvin Postgraduate Scholarship
Principal investigator: Dr. Rair Macedo
Funding source: The University of Glasgow
Start Date: 2015; End date: 2016
- Dr. Gary Paterson - Research Associate
- Dr. Luke McLellan - Research Associate
- Rory Holland - Project Assistant
- Adam Lafferty - Project Assistant
Ph.D. Students:
- Cameron McEleney - University of Glasgow (EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage)
- Katherine Stevens - University of Glasgow (EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage)
- Mark Cunningham - University of Glasgow (EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage)
- Mawgan Smith - University of Glasgow (EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage)
- Reed Jones - University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Co-supervision with Prof. Robert E Camley)
- Anna Casey - Queen's University Belfast (EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage, 2nd Supervisor)
- Vandeilma Bezerra - Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Co-Supervision with Prof. Thomas Dumelow)
- Cunningham, Mark
Photonic integration and advanced data storage - Joseph, Alban
Controlling temporal spin dynamics in a magnetic network - Karar, Wridhdhisom
Experimental realization of many-body coupling schemes with superconducting quantum hardware
Former Students:
- Gavin Macauley - (PhD) University of Glasgow (Funded by The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland - Co-supervision with Prof. Stephen McVitie)
- Connor Maclean (The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Vacation Scholar)
- Cameron McEleney (The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Vacation Scholar)
- Rory Holland (EPSRC Vacation Intern)
- Niall Gray (B.Sc.)
- Yingchao Yuan (MSc)
Undergraduate Courses
Level 2 (SCQF level 8):
- Engineering Electromagnetics 2 (ENG2031)
Level 4 (SCQF level 10):
- Quantum Electronic Devices 4 (ENG4099)
Postgraduate Courses:
Level 5 (SCQF level 11):
- Quantum Electronic Devices M (ENG5261)
Past Teaching:
Level 1 (SCQF level 7):
- Engineering Mathematics 1 (ENG1063)
Level 5 (SCQF level 11):
Research datasets
Additional information
Public Engagement (advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion):
I currently serve as:
- EDI champion for the EPSRC and SFI CDT in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage;
- Steering board member for Opening Up Photonics; and
- Culture Lead for the James Watt School of Engineering EDI group.
In order to help bridge the gap between science and disadvantaged groups, not only social and financial, but also racial, sexual orientation, gender and any other minority group, I developed a series of high school activities, including seminars and demonstrations, which I delivered to schools in rural and remote areas of South America this last summer.
These activities target children at an early age when they are just starting to study scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry and biology. My main focus was to motivate children from an underprivileged background to get into STEM and I worked with over 150 children.
The overarching goal of these initiatives was to help reduce barriers in education or research in science for underrepresented and/or economically disadvantaged groups.
More recently, as part of the outreach activities within the School of Engineering, we have opened up out teaching labs to primary school pupils from Glasgow as an opportunity for them to learn more about electronics and its applications: