Dr Mark Butala

  • Senior Lecturer (Systems Power & Energy)


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Number of items: 1.


Xu, X., Yang, B. and Butala, M. D. (2024) Data-driven confidence intervals for parametric magnetotelluric impedance tensor estimates. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 3000916. (doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3452702)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 10:07:08 2025 GMT.
Jump to: Articles
Number of items: 1.


Xu, X., Yang, B. and Butala, M. D. (2024) Data-driven confidence intervals for parametric magnetotelluric impedance tensor estimates. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 3000916. (doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3452702)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 10:07:08 2025 GMT.

Prior publications


Zixuan Wang, Jian Zhang, Ke Ma, Mark D. Butala, Haoran Tang, Haibo Wang, Bo Qin, Weiming Shen, Hongwei Wang (2025) Toward Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Fault Diagnosis: A Multisource Multitarget Method Crossref. (doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3496736)

Li, X., Valliappan, S.P., Shukhobodskaia, D., Butala, M.D., Rodriguez, L., Magdalenic, J., Delouille, V. (2024) A Transfer Learning Method to Generate Synthetic Synoptic Magnetograms Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15427390 (doi: 10.1029/2023SW003499)

Zhou, C., Butala, M.D., Xu, Y., Demartino, C., Spencer, B.F. (2024) FE-based bridge weigh-in-motion based on an adaptive augmented Kalman filter Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 10961216 08883270 (doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111530)

Xiaoyue Li, Senthamizh Pavai Valliappan, Daria Shukhobodskaia, Mark D Butala, Luciano Rodriguez, Jasmina Magdalenic, Veronique Delouille (2023) A Transfer Learning Method to Generate Synthetic Synoptic Magnetograms Crossref. (doi: 10.22541/essoar.168121495.53024244/v1)

Pesantez, J.E., Li, B., Lee, C., Zhao, Z., Butala, M., Stillwell, A.S. (2023) A Comparison Study of Predictive Models for Electricity Demand in a Diverse Urban Environment Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 03605442 (doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2023.129142)

Wang, Z., Qin, B., Sun, H., Zhang, J., Butala, M.D., Demartino, C., Peng, P., Wang, H. (2023) An imbalanced semi-supervised wind turbine blade icing detection method based on contrastive learning Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 18790682 09601481 (doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.026)

Karimi, P., Butala, M.D., Zhao, Z., Kamalabadi, F. (2022) Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic Systems by Graph Clustering Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15582361 10709908 (doi: 10.1109/LSP.2022.3226113)

Wang, C. et al. (2022) Neuromorphic device based on silicon nanosheets Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 20411723 (doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32884-y)

Xu, X., Butala, M.D. (2022) Parametric Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor Estimation Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15580644 01962892 (doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3140460)

Yang, S., Chen, X., Wang, C., Chen, Q., Wu, C., Feng, Z., Butala, M.D., Li, E.-P. (2021) Efficient Nonlinear Behavior Modeling Method for Voltage-Variable Capacitors Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21563985 21563950 (doi: 10.1109/TCPMT.2021.3057115)

Karimi, P., Zhao, Z., Butala, M.D., Kamalabadi, F. (2021) Quantification of Mismatch Error in Randomly Switching Linear State-Space Models Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15582361 10709908 (doi: 10.1109/LSP.2021.3116504)

Jin, H., Ma, H., Butala, M.D., Liu, E.-X., Li, E.-P. (2019) EMI Radiation Prediction and Structure Optimization of Packages by Deep Learning Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21693536 (doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2927160)

Grawe, M.A., Makela, J.J., Butala, M.D., Kamalabadi, F. (2018) The Impact of Magnetic Field Temporal Sampling on Modeled Surface Electric Fields Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15427390 (doi: 10.1029/2018SW001896)

Butala, M.D., Kazerooni, M., Makela, J.J., Kamalabadi, F., Gannon, J.L., Zhu, H., Overbye, T.J. (2017) Modeling Geomagnetically Induced Currents From Magnetometer Measurements: Spatial Scale Assessed With Reference Measurements Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15427390 (doi: 10.1002/2017SW001602)

Durgonics, T., Komjathy, A., Verkhoglyadova, O., Shume, E.B., Benzon, H.-H., Mannucci, A.J., Butala, M.D., Høeg, P., Langley, R.B. (2017) Multiinstrument observations of a geomagnetic storm and its effects on the Arctic ionosphere: A case study of the 19 February 2014 storm Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 1944799X 00486604 (doi: 10.1002/2016RS006106)

Vergados, P., Komjathy, A., Runge, T.F., Butala, M.D., Mannucci, A.J. (2016) Characterization of the impact of GLONASS observables on receiver bias estimation for ionospheric studies Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 1944799X 00486604 (doi: 10.1002/2015RS005831)

Schunk, R.W. et al. (2016) Space weather forecasting with a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 1944799X 00486604 (doi: 10.1002/2015RS005888)

Shume, E.B., Komjathy, A., Langley, R.B., Verkhoglyadova, O., Butala, M.D., Mannucci, A.J. (2015) Intermediate-scale plasma irregularities in the polar ionosphere inferred from GPS radio occultation Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 19448007 00948276 (doi: 10.1002/2014GL062558)

Yang, Y.-M., Komjathy, A., Langley, R.B., Vergados, P., Butala, M.D., Mannucci, A.J. (2014) The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor ionospheric impact studied using GPS measurements Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 1944799X 00486604 (doi: 10.1002/2013RS005344)

Shume, E.B., Rodrigues, F.S., de Paula, E.R., Batista, I.S., Butala, M.D., Galvan, D.A. (2013) Day-time F region echoes observed by the São Luís radar Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 13646826 (doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2013.02.003)

Garcia-Fernandez, M., Desai, S.D., Butala, M.D., Komjathy, A. (2013) Evaluation of different approaches to modeling the second-order ionospheric delay on GPS measurements Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21699402 (doi: 10.1002/2013JA019356)

Shume, E.B., Mannucci, A.J., Butala, M.D., Pi, X., Valladares, C.E. (2013) Flux tube analysis of L-band ionospheric scintillation Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21699402 (doi: 10.1002/jgra.50285)

Shim, J.S. et al. (2012) CEDAR electrodynamics thermosphere ionosphere (ETI) challenge for systematic assessment of ionosphere/thermosphere models: Electron density, neutral density, NmF2, and hmF2 using space based observations Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15427390 (doi: 10.1029/2012SW000851)

Komjathy, J.A., Galvan, V.D.A., Stephens, P., Butala, M.D., Akopian, V., Wilson, B., Verkhoglyadova, O., Mannucci, A.J., Hickey, M. (2012) Detecting ionospheric TEC perturbations caused by natural hazards using a global network of GPS receivers: The Tohoku case study Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 18805981 13438832 (doi: 10.5047/eps.2012.08.003)

Galvan, D.A., Komjathy, A., Hickey, M.P., Stephens, P., Snively, J., Tony Song, Y., Butala, M.D., Mannucci, A.J. (2012) Ionospheric signatures of Tohoku-Oki tsunami of March 11, 2011: Model comparisons near the epicenter Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 00486604 (doi: 10.1029/2012RS005023)

Thomas, J.N., Love, J.J., Komjathy, A., Verkhoglyadova, O.P., Butala, M., Rivera, N. (2012) On the reported ionospheric precursor of the 1999 Hector Mine, California earthquake Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 00948276 (doi: 10.1029/2012GL051022)

Shim, J.S. et al. (2011) CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for systematic assessment of ionosphere/thermosphere models: NmF2, hmF2, and vertical drift using ground-based observations Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15427390 (doi: 10.1029/2011SW000727)

Hewett, R.J., Heath, M.T., Butala, M.D., Kamalabadi, F. (2010) A robust null space method for linear equality constrained state estimation Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 1053587X (doi: 10.1109/TSP.2010.2048901)

Butala, M.D., Hewett, R.J., Frazin, R.A., Kamalabadi, F. (2010) Dynamic three-dimensional tomography of the solar corona Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 00380938 1573093X (doi: 10.1007/s11207-010-9536-1)

Butala, M.D., Frazin, R.A., Chen, Y., Kamalabadi, F. (2009) Tomographic imaging of dynamic objects with the ensemble kalman filter Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 10577149 (doi: 10.1109/TIP.2009.2017996)

Butala, M.D., Kamalabadi, F., Frazin, R.A., Chen, Y. (2008) Dynamic tomographic imaging of the solar corona Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 19324553 (doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2008.2005352)

Cohen, O. et al. (2007) A semiempirical magnetohydrodynamical model of the solar wind Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15384357 0004637X (doi: 10.1086/511154)

Waldrop, L.S., Kudeki, E., González, S.A., Sulzer, M.P., Garcia, R., Butala, M., Kamalabadi, F. (2006) Derivation of neutral oxygen density under charge exchange in the midlatitude topside ionosphere Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21699402 (doi: 10.1029/2005JA011496)

Butala, M.D., Frazin, R.A., Kamalabadi, F. (2005) Three-dimensional estimates of the coronal electron density at times of extreme solar activity Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 21699402 (doi: 10.1029/2004JA010938)

Frazin, R.A., Butala, M.D., Kemball, A., Kamalabadi, F. (2005) Time-dependent reconstruction of nonstationary objects with tomographic or interferometric measurements Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 0004637X 15384357 (doi: 10.1086/499431)

Conference Proceedings

Chen, J., Pan, Z., Butala, M.D. (2024) A Post-processing Computational Fluid Dynamics System for Turbomachinery Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 17426596 17426588 (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2741/1/012007)

Shang, K., Li, X., Butala, M.D. (2023) A Style-Based Model for MRI to CT Image Translation Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9798350317251 (doi: 10.1109/ICCC59590.2023.10507386)

Liu, X., Zheng, R., Butala, M.D. (2023) Application of Vehicle Tracking Algorithm in Bridge Load Monitoring Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9798350331578 (doi: 10.1109/ICCECE58074.2023.10135177)

Pan, Z., Chen, J., Butala, M.D. (2023) Development of a Universal Post-processing Tool for Computational Fluid Dynamics Datasets CFD post-processing tool Development, design and optimization of a lightweight and portable CFD post-processing tool based on VTK and QT Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9798400708305 (doi: 10.1145/3650400.3650586)

Xu, X., Butala, M.D. (2023) Electromagnetic Transfer Function Confidence Analysis Evaluated at Usarray Site NDE29 Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9798350320107 (doi: 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282745)

Zheng, R., Liu, X., Butala, M.D. (2023) Multi-Instrument Polyphonic Melody Transcription Based on Deep Learning Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9798350331578 (doi: 10.1109/ICCECE58074.2023.10135397)

Xu, X., Yang, B., Butala, M.D. (2022) A Parametric Method for Robust Magnetotelluric Transfer Function Estimation Evaluated with Data at Different Sampling Frequencies Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781665427920 (doi: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884620)

Zhou, C., Xiao, D., Hu, J., Yang, Y., Li, B., Hu, S., Demartino, C., Butala, M. (2022) An Example of Digital Twins for Bridge Monitoring and Maintenance: Preliminary Results Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9783030918767 ISSN 23662565 23662557 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91877-4_129)

Liu, X., Zheng, R., Wang, H., Butala, M.D., Liu, D., Ren, X., Hu, S. (2021) A Knowledge Management Framework for Vehicle Hazard Analysis Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781665444187 (doi: 10.1109/ICEBE52470.2021.00023)

Xu, X., Butala, M.D. (2021) A Remote-Reference-Free Parametric Method for Robust Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor Estimation Evaluated at Several USArray Sites Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781665437431 (doi: 10.1109/GSMM53250.2021.9511896)


Xu, X., Butala, M.D. (2019) Parametric electromagnetic transfer function estimation at USArray Site MNF34 Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 17551315 17551307 (doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/349/1/012047)

Schunk, R.W. et al. (2014) Multimodel ensemble prediction system for space weather applications Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781632660800

Shume, E.B., Komjathy, A., Langley, R.B., Verkhoglyadova, O., Butala, M.D., Mannucci, A.J. (2014) Phase scintillation estimates in the polar ionosphere inferred from radio occultation on board CASSIOPE: A summary Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781634399913

Yang, Y.-M., Komjathy, A., Meng, X., Langley, R.B., Butala, M.D., Shume, E.B., Mannucci, A.J. (2014) Space-Based remote sensing of Natural-Hazard-Induced Ionosphere-Thermosphere Perturbations Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781634399913

Yang, Y.-M., Komjathy, A., Butala, M., Mannucci, A.J., Langley, R.B., Snively, J., Hickey, M., Galvan, D., Lee, J. (2013) Investigating natural hazards using GNSS measurements: The Chelyabinsk meteor Ionospheric impact Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781629935782

Butala, M.D. (2012) A localized ensemble Kalman smoother Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781467301831 (doi: 10.1109/SSP.2012.6319665)

Butala, M.D. (2011) Resolution assessment in dynamic image formation Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781457713033 ISSN 15224880 (doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6116261)

Butala, M.D., Kamalabadi, F. (2009) Optimal dynamic tomography for wide-sense stationary spatial random fields Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781424456543 ISSN 15224880 (doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5413864)

Butala, M.D., Yun, J., Chen, Y., Frazin, R.A., Kamalabadi, F. (2008) Asymptotic convergence of the ensemble kalman filter Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 1424417643 9781424417643 ISSN 15224880 (doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2008.4711882)

George, A.K., Butala, M.D., Frazin, R.A., Kamalabadi, F., Bresler, Y. (2008) Time-resolved cardiac CT reconstruction using the ensemble Kalman filter Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 9781424420032 (doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2008.4541290)

Butala, M.D., Frazin, R.A., Yuguo, C., Kamalabadi, F. (2007) A Monte Carlo technique for large-scale dynamic tomography Scopus - Elsevier. ISBN 1424407281 9781424407286 ISSN 15206149 (doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2007.367062)

Appadwedula, S. et al. (2003) Open-content signal processing laboratories in connexions Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 15206149


Li, X., Shang, K., Wang, G., Butala, M.D. (2023) DDMM-Synth: A Denoising Diffusion Model for Cross-modal Medical Image Synthesis with Sparse-view Measurement Embedding Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2303.15770)

Wang, Z., Qin, B., Li, M., Zhan, C., Butala, M.D., Peng, P., Wang, H. (2023) Hard Sample Mining Enabled Supervised Contrastive Feature Learning for Wind Turbine Pitch System Fault Diagnosis Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.14701)

Wang, Z., Tang, H., Wang, H., Qin, B., Butala, M.D., Shen, W., Wang, H. (2023) Weighted Joint Maximum Mean Discrepancy Enabled Multi-Source-Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Fault Diagnosis Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.14790)

Karimi, P., Butala, M., Zhao, Z., Kamalabadi, F. (2021) Spatial-temporal switching estimators for imaging locally concentrated dynamics Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arxiv.2102.10167)

Karimi, P., Butala, M.D., Zhao, Z., Kamalabadi, F. (2020) Efficient model selection in switching linear dynamic systems by graph clustering Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arxiv.2012.04543)

Karimi, P., Zhao, Z., Butala, M., Kamalabadi, F. (2020) Quantification of mismatch error in randomly switching linear state-space models Scopus - Elsevier. ISSN 23318422 (doi: 10.48550/arxiv.2012.04542)