Dr Marco Vezza

  • Affiliate (School of Engineering)

email: Marco.Vezza@glasgow.ac.uk

R704 Level 7, Aerospace Sciences, James Watt Building South, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4272-2987

Research interests

Research Interests

I have research interests in low speed aerodynamics and fluid structure interaction, with applications in aerospace, wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. I have been involved in both experimental and computational work in this area, from the analysis and design of bridge decks against static loading and aeroelastic effects to wind tunnel testing of aerofoils for novel wind turbine applications. The DIVEX code which was initially developed at Glasgow, and subsequently through collaboration with the University of Strathclyde, has been employed in a number of funded bridge projects for commercial sponsors. In addition, bridge deck testing in the university’s wind tunnel facilities has been carried out, including a model of the Forth Bridge.

My interests in renewables extend to both wind and tidal, and I have supervised PhD students in these areas, funded through EPSRC DTA scholarships. I have coordinated the GU contribution to a major, industry led project in the development of wind turbine blades with tensioned textile skins, jointly funded by EPSRC and Innovate UK. 

Aerospace applications have included modelling of dynamic stall, and more recently, optimising the performance of cycloidal rotors through combined computational and experimental studies.

I welcome interest from suitably qualified PhD candidates in the above or related areas.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2009 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1984
Number of items: 37.


Cairns, J., Vezza, M. , Green, R. and MacVicar, D. (2021) Numerical optimisation of a Ship Wind-Assisted Propulsion system using blowing and suction over a range of wind conditions. Ocean Engineering, 240, 109903. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109903)

Bellamy, G. , Brown, R. , Cleland Woods, H. , Labrosse, N. , Senn, H. , Singer, J. and Vezza, M. (2021) Togetherness: the central tenet of an effective institutional online pivot. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 82-90. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.491)


Ramírez-Mendoza, R., Murdoch, L., Jordan, L.B., Amoudry, L.O., McLelland, S., Cooke, R.D., Simmons, S.M., Parsons, D. and Vezza, M. (2020) Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed. Renewable Energy, 159, pp. 238-249. (doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.05.133)


Vezza, M. (2019) Preface. Aerotecnica Missili and Spazio, 98(3), p. 173. (doi: 10.1007/s42496-019-00024-3)


Ferrier, L., Vezza, M. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2017) Improving the aerodynamic performance of a cycloidal rotor through active compliant morphing. Aeronautical Journal, 121(1241), pp. 901-915. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2017.34)


Vybulkova, L., Vezza, M. and Brown, R. (2016) Simulating the wake downstream of a horizontal axis tidal turbine using a modified vorticity transport model. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 41(2), pp. 296-301. (doi: 10.1109/JOE.2015.2429231)

Ferrier, L., Vezza, M. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2016) Improving the Aerodynamic Performance of a Cycloidal Rotor Through Active Compliant Morphing. 2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Bristol, 19 - 21 July 2016. (Unpublished)


Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (2009) A numerical investigation into the aerodynamic characteristics and aeroelastic stability of a footbridge. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25(1), pp. 155-177. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2008.05.001)


Taylor, I.J., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2008) Numerical investigation of the effects of pedestrian barriers on aeroelastic stability of a proposed footbridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96(12), pp. 2418-2437. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2008.04.004)

Li, W. and Vezza, M. (2008) A Hybrid vortex method for the simulation of three-dimensional flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 57(1), pp. 31-45. (doi: 10.1002/fld.1610)


Taylor, I., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2005) A study into the performance of wind shields on both streamlined and bluff bridge deck sections. In: 4th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Praque, Czech Republic, pp. 1-11.


Feszty, D., Gillies, E. and Vezza, M. (2004) Alleviation of airfoil dynamic stall moments via trailing-edge-flap flow control. AIAA Journal, 42, pp. 17-25.

Taylor, I., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2004) Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Pedestrian Barriers on Aeroelastic Stability of a Proposed Footbridge. In: 6th UK Conference in Wind Engineering, Cranfield,


Feszty, D., Gillies, E.A. and Vezza, M. (2003) Alleviation of Rotor Blade Dynamic Stall Via Trailing Edge Flap Flow Control. In: 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA,

Vezza, M. , Taylor, I., Donnellan, B. and Brown, C. (2003) Flow Control On Bridge Decks Using a Discrete Vortex Method. In: 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, Texas,


Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2002) Aeroelastic stability analysis of a bridge deck with added vanes using a discrete vortex method. Wind and Structures, 5, pp. 277-290.


Qian, L. and Vezza, M. (2001) A vorticity-based method for incompressible unsteady viscous flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 172, pp. 515-542.

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2001) Application of a discrete vortex method for the analysis of suspension bridge deck sections. Wind and Structures, 4, pp. 333-352.


Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2000) Aeroelastic stability analysis of a bridge deck with added vanes using a discrete vortex method. In: 3rd International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, University of Birmingham, pp. 153-156.


Qian, L. and Vezza, M. (1998) Simulation of Parallel Blade-Vortex Interaction using a Discrete Vortex Method. G.U. Aero Report no. 9832. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (1998) Calculation of the Flow Field around a Square Section Cylinder undergoing Forced Transverse Oscillations using a Discrete Vortex Method. G.U. Aero report 9814. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (1998) Prediction of Unsteady Flow around Square and Rectangular Section Cylinders using a Discrete Vortex Method. G. U. Aero Report no. 9801. [Research Reports or Papers]


Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1997) A Brief Review of Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Phenomena of a Fan Installation. G. U. Aero Report no. 9719. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (1997) Application of a Zonal Decomposition Algorithm, to Improve the Computational Operation Count of the Discrete Vortex Method Calculation. G.U. Aero Report 9711. [Research Reports or Papers]


Vezza, M. (1996) Chicago Beach Resort Development - an Assessment of the Transverse Galloping Stability of the Tower Hotel Mast. G.U. Aero Report 9626. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. (1996) Chicago Beach Resort Development - A Review of Galloping of Rectangular Prisms Pertinent to the Stability of the Tower Hotel External Frame. G.U. Aero Report 9619. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. and Qian, L. (1996) The 3-D Vortex Particle Method and the Fast Summation Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 9620. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]


Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Vezza, M. and Robinson, D.J. (1995) A Prescribed Wake Model for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Incorporating Yaw and Dynamic Inflow. G.U. Aero Report 9543. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R.A.M., Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1995) A Review of the Susceptibility of the Scalpay Bridge to Aerodynamic Effects. G.U. Aero Report 9512. [Research Reports or Papers]


Lin, H. and Vezza, M. (1994) Implementation of a Vortex Method for the Prediction of Separated Incompressible Flows. G.U. Aero Report 9425. [Research Reports or Papers]

Robison, D.J., Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Vezza, M. (1994) The Development of a Prescribed Wake Model for the Prediction of the Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Steady Axial Flow. Departmental report no. 9403. [Research Reports or Papers]


Bennett, I. and Vezza, M. (1993) Inviscid Modelling of Unsteady Flow Through Centrifugal Fans: Single Blade Passage Models. G.U. Aero Report 9309. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. , Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1993) Wind Tunnel Investigations into the Air Flow around the Existing and Proposed Bridges at Kingston. G.U. Aero Report 9316. [Research Reports or Papers]


Vezza, M. (1992) A New Vortex Method for Modelling Two-Dimensional, Unsteady, Incompressible, Viscous Flows. G.U. Aero Report 9245. [Research Reports or Papers]


Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) Modelling of Unsteady, Incompressible Separation on an Aerofoil Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8412. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Method for Predicting Unsteady Potential Flow About an Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8401. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 00:24:17 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 37.


Cairns, J., Vezza, M. , Green, R. and MacVicar, D. (2021) Numerical optimisation of a Ship Wind-Assisted Propulsion system using blowing and suction over a range of wind conditions. Ocean Engineering, 240, 109903. (doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109903)

Bellamy, G. , Brown, R. , Cleland Woods, H. , Labrosse, N. , Senn, H. , Singer, J. and Vezza, M. (2021) Togetherness: the central tenet of an effective institutional online pivot. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 82-90. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.491)

Ramírez-Mendoza, R., Murdoch, L., Jordan, L.B., Amoudry, L.O., McLelland, S., Cooke, R.D., Simmons, S.M., Parsons, D. and Vezza, M. (2020) Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed. Renewable Energy, 159, pp. 238-249. (doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.05.133)

Vezza, M. (2019) Preface. Aerotecnica Missili and Spazio, 98(3), p. 173. (doi: 10.1007/s42496-019-00024-3)

Ferrier, L., Vezza, M. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2017) Improving the aerodynamic performance of a cycloidal rotor through active compliant morphing. Aeronautical Journal, 121(1241), pp. 901-915. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2017.34)

Vybulkova, L., Vezza, M. and Brown, R. (2016) Simulating the wake downstream of a horizontal axis tidal turbine using a modified vorticity transport model. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 41(2), pp. 296-301. (doi: 10.1109/JOE.2015.2429231)

Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (2009) A numerical investigation into the aerodynamic characteristics and aeroelastic stability of a footbridge. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25(1), pp. 155-177. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2008.05.001)

Taylor, I.J., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2008) Numerical investigation of the effects of pedestrian barriers on aeroelastic stability of a proposed footbridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96(12), pp. 2418-2437. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2008.04.004)

Li, W. and Vezza, M. (2008) A Hybrid vortex method for the simulation of three-dimensional flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 57(1), pp. 31-45. (doi: 10.1002/fld.1610)

Feszty, D., Gillies, E. and Vezza, M. (2004) Alleviation of airfoil dynamic stall moments via trailing-edge-flap flow control. AIAA Journal, 42, pp. 17-25.

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2002) Aeroelastic stability analysis of a bridge deck with added vanes using a discrete vortex method. Wind and Structures, 5, pp. 277-290.

Qian, L. and Vezza, M. (2001) A vorticity-based method for incompressible unsteady viscous flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 172, pp. 515-542.

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2001) Application of a discrete vortex method for the analysis of suspension bridge deck sections. Wind and Structures, 4, pp. 333-352.

Research Reports or Papers

Qian, L. and Vezza, M. (1998) Simulation of Parallel Blade-Vortex Interaction using a Discrete Vortex Method. G.U. Aero Report no. 9832. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (1998) Calculation of the Flow Field around a Square Section Cylinder undergoing Forced Transverse Oscillations using a Discrete Vortex Method. G.U. Aero report 9814. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (1998) Prediction of Unsteady Flow around Square and Rectangular Section Cylinders using a Discrete Vortex Method. G. U. Aero Report no. 9801. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1997) A Brief Review of Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Phenomena of a Fan Installation. G. U. Aero Report no. 9719. [Research Reports or Papers]

Taylor, I.J. and Vezza, M. (1997) Application of a Zonal Decomposition Algorithm, to Improve the Computational Operation Count of the Discrete Vortex Method Calculation. G.U. Aero Report 9711. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. (1996) Chicago Beach Resort Development - an Assessment of the Transverse Galloping Stability of the Tower Hotel Mast. G.U. Aero Report 9626. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. (1996) Chicago Beach Resort Development - A Review of Galloping of Rectangular Prisms Pertinent to the Stability of the Tower Hotel External Frame. G.U. Aero Report 9619. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. and Qian, L. (1996) The 3-D Vortex Particle Method and the Fast Summation Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 9620. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Vezza, M. and Robinson, D.J. (1995) A Prescribed Wake Model for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Incorporating Yaw and Dynamic Inflow. G.U. Aero Report 9543. [Research Reports or Papers]

Galbraith, R.A.M., Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1995) A Review of the Susceptibility of the Scalpay Bridge to Aerodynamic Effects. G.U. Aero Report 9512. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lin, H. and Vezza, M. (1994) Implementation of a Vortex Method for the Prediction of Separated Incompressible Flows. G.U. Aero Report 9425. [Research Reports or Papers]

Robison, D.J., Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Vezza, M. (1994) The Development of a Prescribed Wake Model for the Prediction of the Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Steady Axial Flow. Departmental report no. 9403. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bennett, I. and Vezza, M. (1993) Inviscid Modelling of Unsteady Flow Through Centrifugal Fans: Single Blade Passage Models. G.U. Aero Report 9309. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. , Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1993) Wind Tunnel Investigations into the Air Flow around the Existing and Proposed Bridges at Kingston. G.U. Aero Report 9316. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. (1992) A New Vortex Method for Modelling Two-Dimensional, Unsteady, Incompressible, Viscous Flows. G.U. Aero Report 9245. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) Modelling of Unsteady, Incompressible Separation on an Aerofoil Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8412. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Method for Predicting Unsteady Potential Flow About an Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8401. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Ferrier, L., Vezza, M. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2016) Improving the Aerodynamic Performance of a Cycloidal Rotor Through Active Compliant Morphing. 2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Bristol, 19 - 21 July 2016. (Unpublished)

Conference Proceedings

Taylor, I., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2005) A study into the performance of wind shields on both streamlined and bluff bridge deck sections. In: 4th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Praque, Czech Republic, pp. 1-11.

Taylor, I., Vezza, M. and Salisbury, I. (2004) Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Pedestrian Barriers on Aeroelastic Stability of a Proposed Footbridge. In: 6th UK Conference in Wind Engineering, Cranfield,

Feszty, D., Gillies, E.A. and Vezza, M. (2003) Alleviation of Rotor Blade Dynamic Stall Via Trailing Edge Flap Flow Control. In: 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA,

Vezza, M. , Taylor, I., Donnellan, B. and Brown, C. (2003) Flow Control On Bridge Decks Using a Discrete Vortex Method. In: 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, Texas,

Taylor, I. and Vezza, M. (2000) Aeroelastic stability analysis of a bridge deck with added vanes using a discrete vortex method. In: 3rd International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, University of Birmingham, pp. 153-156.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 00:24:17 2025 GMT.


  • Rotorcraft DARP – predictive capability theme. EPSRC/Industry funded (2003-2008), £87,892
  • Wind Tunnel Testing of Deck Structure (Forth Bridge). Funded by Forth Estuary Transport Authority (2006), £64,244 , co-investigator
  • Numerical Analysis of the Sale Waterpark Footbridge, Manchester. Funded by Halcrow (2004),  £12,000
  • Aerodynamic Assessment of the Bressay Bridge Options.  Funded by Halcrow  (2003), £12,000


First/Co supervisor

  • Liam Ferrier - Improving theperformance of cucloidal rotors through leading-edge morphing
  • Frank Scheurich - Modelling the Aerodynamics of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines.
  • Alasdair Thom - Computational Study of Vortex/Lifting Surface Interactions.
  • Lada Vybulkova - Simulating the Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines on the Seabed in Shallow Waters.
  • Wei Li -  Development of multi-level computational fluid dynamics computer system for the performance analysis of off- and on-shore wind farms.


Second Supervisor

  • Sajid Iqbal
  • Selcuk Atalay
  • Francisco Javier Garcia-de-Quiros Nieto
  • Alessio Di Salvo


Previous Students

  • Fotios Tsiachris    Ph.D.  2005 .
  • Linq Qian  Ph.D.    2001. Towards numerical simulation of vortex-body interaction using vorticity-based methods
  • Sabrina Malpede Ph.D. 2001. Three-dimensional single-sail static aeroelastic analysis & design method
  • Ian Taylor  Ph.D.  1999.    Study of bluff body flow fields and aeroelastic stability using a discrete vortex method
  • Lin Hequan  Ph.D. 1997. Prediction of separated flows around pitching aerofoils using a discrete vortex method
  • Ian Bennett  M.Sc. 1995.  The prediction of internal flows in centrifugal fans



  • Fluid mechanics 2
  • Mechanics of Structures 2A
  • Industrial Aerodynamics 4
  • Introduction to Wind Engineering