Dr Mahmoud Wagih
- Lecturer in Implantable Electronics (Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering)
0141 330 3601
Rankine 731. Mail: James Watt South, , University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, G12 8QQ
My interests are in applied Antenna and RF/EM Engineering. In research, I address electronic sustainability challenges through the combination of "RF-enabled" technologies and materials. I am also passionate about RF engineering education and research communication, for attracting more students to bridge the skills gap in the RF industry
Mahmoud received his EEE BEng (1st Class Hons.) in September 2018, and his award-winning PhD in Rectenna Design (submitted in 26 months) in April 2021, from the University of Southampton.
Dr. Wagih joined the University of Glasgow in June 2022 as a Lecturer (Ass't.Professor equivalent), leading research on Green RF-enabled electronics, where he held a UK IC Research Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering. He currently Co-Directs the UKRI Responsible Electronics and Circular Technologies (REACT) Centre; he is also a member of the Centre for Advanced Electronics (CAE) Management Team and a theme co-lead for Antennas & Wireless RF Systems.
He is the Founder of RX WaTT Limited, a spin-out dedicated to Joint Wireless Power and Data Transfer and RF Sensing. He has been PI/Co-I on over £16M of research projects and published 120+ papers. Active in public engagement and outreach, with several award-winning presentations.
Selected Awards:
- IEEE Journal of Microwaves Best Paper Award, 2025.
- Forbes 30 Under 30 - Science & Healthcare, Europe, 2024.
- IET Excellence /& Innovation Prize; First Place in Healthcare Technology, 2024.
- International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist Award, 2024.
- Best PhD in Antennas and Propagation [in Europe] "Per-Simon Kildal Award", European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), for a PhD awarded in 2020 and 2021, presented at the flagship European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
- Winner of the IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation Video Contest, 2022, for the best video based on a published IEEE OJAP article (out of >110 papers accepted/published in 2021).
- International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist Award, 2022. Awarded at the URSI Atlantic / Asia-Pacific Radio Science Meeting for the work on Modelling mmWave Single-Wire Transmission Lines.
- Best Paper Award (1st Place), at PowerMEMS 2021 international conference. Received for the paper "Textile-Based Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting and Storage using Ultra-Compact Rectennas with High Effective-to-Physical Area Ratio".
- Doctoral College Best of Faculty Research Award, selected from all the School Award winners and finalists across the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS: >1,000 PhD students). Received for "Establishing a track record in a new field of research through an exceptional number of high-quality publications from a PhD"
- IEEE Microwave Week 2020 3MT® Best Presentation (2nd Prize): selected from 24 finalists from worldwide top institutions for the presentation "Collecting Radio Rain". Featured in the IEEE Microwave Magazine and several workshop invitations.
- Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Wireless Power Week 2019, London, U.K., from >100 WPTC2019 papers.
- Andy Cranny Memorial Prize (2017/18), for the Best Undergraduate Project from 300 projects for the Project: "Flexible Wireless Sensor Node for Foot-Plantar Pressure Sensing".
Selected External Roles
- Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Awardee Excellence Community Reference Group.
- Topic Editor for the IEEE Journal of Microwaves.
- Associate Editor for Royal Society Open Science.
- Designated IEEE MTT Speakers Bureau Lecturer and Member for two IEEE Microwave Theory & Technologies Technical Committees (TC-25 and TC-26): RFID, Wireless Sensors and IoT Committee.
- EPSRC College Member and Reviewer, UKRI Talent Review College member, and reviewer for EU COST and EC.
- Queen Elizabeth Prize Prize (QEPrize) Ambassador.
Research interests
Our research is in "Green" RF-enabled electronics, part of the ENE Sustainable Electronics Research broadly covering:
- RF Energy Harvesting and wireless power transfer (WPT), including higher TRL and commercialisation activities:
- Rectenna development from sub-1 GHz to mmWave bands for low-power, long-range applications.
- Near-field high-power WPT including novel range-improvement mechanisms
- Biomedical WPT applications including wearables and implants
- Fully-integrated (CMOS) and discrete (COTS) circuit-antenna co-design
- Antenna-Based RF Sensing
- Sustainable and advanced RF sensing materials.
- Machine learning-enabled antenna-based sensing.
- Computational RFID and extended NFC/near-field technologies.
- Body-centric antennas and propagation.
- Flexible mmWave components and antennas.
- Surface wave body-area networks and metamaterials.
- Low-absorption WPT for wearables and implants.
- New materials including e-textiles, printed electronics, and flexible devices.
- Green and sustainable electronic materials:
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of wireless electronics and IoT applications.
- Recyclable and biodegradable electronic materials for circular economy.
- Low-temperature zero-waste processing techniques including organic polymers and liquid metals.
- Additive manufacturing and roll-to-roll sustainable electronics.
More information on our homepage: www.greenelectronicslab.org
Selected publications
Wagih, M. , Shi, J., Li, M., Komolafe, A., Whittaker, T., Schneider, J. , Kumar, S. , Whittow, W. and Beeby, S. (2024) Wide-range soft anisotropic thermistor with a direct wireless radio frequency interface. Nature Communications, 15, 452. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-44735-z) (PMID:38199999) (PMCID:PMC10781794)
Wagih, M. et al. (2023) Microwave-enabled wearables: Underpinning technologies, integration platforms, and next-generation roadmap. IEEE Journal of Microwaves, 3(1), pp. 193-226. (doi: 10.1109/JMW.2022.3223254)
Wagih, M. and Beeby, S. (2022) Thin flexible RF energy harvesting rectenna surface with a large effective aperture for sub µW/cm2 powering of wireless sensor nodes. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 70(9), pp. 4328-4338. (doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2022.3192532)
Wagih, M. (2022) Broadband low-loss on-body UHF to millimeter-wave surface wave links using flexible textile single wire transmission lines. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 3, pp. 101-111. (doi: 10.1109/OJAP.2021.3136654)
Wagih, M. , Komolafe, A., Ullah, I., Weddell, A. S. and Beeby, S. (2024) A wearable all-printed textile-based 6.78 MHz 15 W-output wireless power transfer system and its screen-printed Joule heater application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(4), pp. 3741-3750. (doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3277112)
All publications
Current Grants (chronological order):
- Deputy PI: "Responsible Electronics and Circular Technologies Centre (REACT)", UKRI Accelerating Green Economy Centre (£5.4M, PI: Jeff Kettle, 2024-2028).
- PI: "Mass-Manufacturable Biodegradable Microwave Systems for Next-Generation Sustainable Wireless PCBs (BioWaveS)" EPSRC IAA (£45k, 03/2024-02/2025, Co-I: Jeff Kettle)
- PI: “UPGRADE: UPskilling for bridging the skills Gap in RF/microwAve inDustries through Engagement & Education” EPSRC IAA (£5k, 2024; Co-I: Rami Ghannam).
- PI: "A Student-Centred Approach to Independent Hands-On ElectRomagnetics Education using Equivalent Circuits (SCORE)" IEEE Educational Initiatives (Antennas & Propagation Society - $5k), 2024 (Co-I: Rami Ghannam).
- Co-I: "Automated Nano AnaLysing, characterisatiOn and additive packaGing sUitE (ANALOGUE)" EPSRC Strategic Equipment (£3M, EP/Y015215/1, 2024-2027, PI: Hadi Heidari, Co-I: Jeff Kettle, David Flynn et al.)
- PI: "EDIBLES: Environmentally Driven Body-Scale Electromagnetic Co-Sensing" EPSRC ECR International Collaboration Call (£164k EP/Y002008/1, 2023-2025).
- PI: "ACC2039985: Functional natively stretchAble Materials for body-centric cOmmUnication, Sensing, and powering (FAMOUS)" DSTL (Co-I: S. Kumar; £227k, 2023-2025).
- Co-I: "ACC2037863: READ: Reconfigurable IntElligent surfAces for Deployable orthogonal N-LOS communication" DSTL (£100k, 2023-2024)
- Co-I: "Dielectrophoretic roll system for high performance electronics using contactless selective assembly of nanostructures on large areas (DIELECT)" EPSRC (PI: Hadi Heidari, Co-Is: Jeff Kettle, David Cumming, Mahmoud Wagih, Morteza Amjadi). (£1.08M, 2023-2026; EP/W025752/1)
- PI: "RF-Powered Sensing in Energy-Deprived Environments (REMINDER)" EPSRC IAA. (£38k, 2023-2024).
Past grants:
- PI: "Sustainable Sensing and Transduction using Microwave Scattering (STEMS)" Royal Society Research Grants. (£70k, 2023-2024; RGS/R1/ 231028).
- PI: "Radio Frequency-Enabled Multi-Source Energy Harvesting in Inaccessible Locations" UK Intelligence Community Research Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering | Government Office for Science. (£249k FEC, 2021-2023).
- Co-I: "Showcase of the 6G test capabilities at the University of Glasgow (SOUL)" EPSRC IAA. (PI: Chong Li, Co-Is: Qammer Abbasi, Hasan Abbas, Abdullah Al-Khalidi, Mahmoud Wagih, Edward Wasige); £34k, 2023-2024
- PI: "Environmentally-Driven Electromagnetic Co-Sensing" CoSE Rewards for Excellence, UofG College of Science & Engineering (£10k, 2023)
- PI: "6G Power Amplifiers for Wireless Power Transfer" James Watt School of Engineering ECR Small Equipment Fund (£10k).
- PI: "Green RF-Enabled On-Demand Sensing", Flexible Innovation Fund (FIF) project funded under EPSRC Platform Grant EP/P010164/1 (£77k, 2021)
- Researcher Co-I: "Safe-Guard", a SPRINT-UK (Research England) industry collaboration with MAFIC Ltd. (£49k, 2020-2021)
If you are interested in RF/wireless electronics and want to explore how to make impactful research in a PhD and what a PhD could add to you, please get in touch!
A non-exhaustive list of potential projects includes:
- Radio Frequency (RF), microwave, and mmWave components and systems, including antennas.
- Wearables, including e-textiles and printed electronics.
- Sustainable electronics manufacturing, including recycling, 3D printing, and biodegradable devices.
- Biomedical (RF) sensors and systems, including implantable devices, antennas, and circuits.
- RF and antenna-based sensing, including the use of AI/machine learning and signal processing circuits.
Current team:
Research Staff:
- Dr Benjamin King (Research Associate)
- Dr Manoj Kumar (Research Associate)
- Dr Xiaochuan Fang (Research Associate)
- Dr Shokrollah Karimian (Research Associate)
- You? Multiple vacancies to be announced; get in touch if your skills fit the lab's research vision.
Postgraduate Researchers:
- Andrzej Dudek (Visiting PhD Researcher)
- Nikolas Bruce (PhD Researcher)
- Sitong Mu (PhD Researcher)
- Jinghong Yue (PhD Researcher)
- James Stephenson (PhD Researcher)
Team Awards:
- EuMA Internship Award, 2023 (Andrzej)
- IEEE Antennas & Propagation Research Scholarship, 2023 (James)
- Electronics Weekly (EW) BrightSparks Award, 2023 (James)
- IEEE Antennas & Propagation Fellowship, 2024 (Xiaochuan)
- Bill Nicol Scholarship Award, 2024 (SitongMu)
- RSC Materials Chemsitry Symposium Best Poster Award, 2025 (Benjamin)
Multiple Research Associate (Post-doctoral research) and PhD Scholarship adverts to open soon; please get in touch.
- Course Lecturer for ENG5056: Microwave and Millimetre Wave Circuit Design.
- Project Supervision: I regularly have BEng, MEng, and MSc project proposals related to all things RF/wireless, sustainable, and/or flexible/printed electronics. If you're keen on proposing your own project topic, please get in touch!
Professional activities & recognition
Prizes, awards & distinctions
- 2024: Forbes 30 Under 30, Science & Healthcare (Forbes)
- 2024: Young Scientist Award (International Union of Radio Science (URSI))
- 2023: Steve-Evans Pughe Memorial Prize (Best Presentation Award) (ARRMS Society / Cadence)
- 2022: "Per-Simon Kildal Award" Best PhD in Antennas and Propagation [awarded at a European Institution in 2020 and 2021] (European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP))
- 2022: Winner of the IEEE OJAP Video Contest, 2022, for the best video based on a published IEEE OJAP article (IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation)
- 2022: Young Scientist Award (International Union of Radio Science (URSI))
- 2022: Best Poster Award (2nd place) (eFutures Electronics for Sustainable Futures Conference)
- 2021: Best Paper Award (1st Place) (PowerMEMS 2021 international conference)
- 2021: Young Engineer of the Year Finalist (UK TechWorks)
- 2021: Best of Faculty Research Award (University of Southampton Doctoral College)
- 2021: School Winner for Electronics and Computer Science (University of Southampton Doctoral College)
- 2021: Dean's Award, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences 2021, recognizing an Early Career Researcher who has demonstrated excellent performance and an exceptional contribution beyond expectations (University of Southampton)
- 2020: IEEE Microwave Week 2020 3MT® Best Presentation (2nd Prize): selected from 24 finalists from worldwide top institutions for the presentation "Collecting Radio Rain". Featured in the IEEE Microwave Magazine and several workshop invitations. (IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society)
- 2019: Best Student Paper Award (IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference)
- 2019: Best Oral Paper Award (PowerMEMS 2019 International Conference)
- 2019: Selected for the IEEE MTT-S Project Connect 2019: bringing an exceptional group of undergraduate and first-year graduate students to the International Microwave Symposium. (IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society)
- 2019: 3MT®: Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences Runner Up, SEMS Group first place winner (University of Southampton)
- 2018: Andy Cranny Memorial Prize (for the Best Undergraduate Project from 300 projects) (School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton)
Research fellowships
- 2021 - 2023: Royal Academy of Engineering, UK Intelligence Community Research Fellowship
Grant committees & research advisory boards
- 2022: EPSRC, Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College
- 2023: UKRI, UKRI Talent Peer Review College (PRC)
Editorial boards
- 2025: IEEE Journal of Microwaves Topic Editor
- 2024: Royal Society Open Science: Associate Editor
- 2023: IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation - Guest Editor
Professional & learned societies
- 2024: Awardee Excellence Community Reference Group, Royal Academy of Engineering
- 2021: Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
- 2021: Member, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Technical Committee-26: RFID, Wireless Sensors and IoT Committee
- 2021: Affiliate Member, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Technical Committee-25: Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Conversion Committee
- 2022: Member, IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
- 2022: Member, IEEE UK and Ireland Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee
- 2019: Member (MIET), IET
Selected international presentations
- 2024: IEEE IoT Vertical Summit "Microwave-Enabled Sustainable Wearables" Invited Talk (San Antonio, USA)
- 2023: IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) "Sustainable Antenna-Based and RF-Sensing Systems" Invited Workshop (San Diego, USA)
- 2023: 1st IEEE International Microwaves and Antennas Symposium (IMAS) in Africa:, Invited Technical Lecture "MHz to mm-Wave Wireless Power Transmission and Harvesting in Electromagnetically Harsh Environments using Large-Area Electronics" (Cairo, Egypt)
- 2022: IoT Keynote, IEEE Real Time Communication Conference "Sustainable Next-Geneneration IoT: RF-Enabled Sensing, Powering, and Communication"" (Illinois, Chicago, USA)
- 2022: IEEE SENSORS invited speaker, "Wireless Ice Sensing using RFID" (Dallas, Texas, USA)
- 2022: Invited Talk, Exeter Microwave Metamaterials Meeting "RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power, Where to (Not) Use a Metamaterial?" (Exeter, UK)
- Visiting Appointment: Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton
Research datasets
"My research focuses on how different wireless RF (MHz to sub-THz) technologies can collaboratively contribute to making electronics more sustainable, in areas where RF engineering would not normally apply"
Find out more at GREENElectronicsLab.org