Professor Konstantinos Kontis

  • Mechan Chair of Engineering / Professor of Aerospace Engineering (Autonomous Systems & Connectivity)
  • Dean for Global Engagement (China / East Asia) (External Relations)

telephone: 01413304337

School of Engineering, James Watt South Building, Glasgow, G12 8qq

Import to contacts


Research interests

Career Overview

Professor Kontis is a world-leading authority in aerospace engineering including integrated wing technologies, air-transport systems and space access, and multi-disciplinary applications of aerodynamics, shock physics, wind tunnel testing, flow control and diagnostics. He has published more than 284 articles including 112 in journals, 6 book chapters, and 2 books including an edited two volume compendium on Shock Waves published by Springer. His publications embrace both scientific fundamental research and practical engineering applications. His conference papers are regularly invited to appear in the special issues of prestigious journals. He has had continuous EPSRC funding since 2001. Other sources of funding: Royal Society, EU, Nuffield Foundation, USAF, USNavy, JSPS, and industry. He has raised over £13.5M in external funding including over 65 separate collaborative projects with industrial partners, testament to the industrial applicability of his work. The new methodologies developed are now being adopted by industry and universities based worldwide. Since 1998, Kontis has given 60 invited presentations and keynote lectures to peer-reviewed conferences and international Advanced Schools in the USA, Europe, India, China, and Japan. He owes his formal education to two universities: University of Bristol (BEng), and Cranfield University (MSc and PhD). He can speak Greek and Japanese.

He is contributing to the European (EASN Board of Directors, ACARE WG3), UK (ADS-Scotland Council, ADMS-Industry Leadership Group, NATEP RAP) and US Aerospace Strategy (AIAA Board of Trustees). He is chairing the Supply Chain working group of ADS/Scottish Enterprise. He is a member of 6 Editorial Boards, and Editor-in-Chief of international journals. He is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), London, UK. Principal professional qualifications: EurIng, CEng. In 2016, he was elected Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). AIAA Fellows are “persons of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics, who have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology thereof.”

As Dean for Global Engagement – East Asia & China at the University of Glasgow, Kontis carries the regional strategy responsibility to shape the future of the University’s international activity and deliver on the internationalisation objectives as well as to facilitate more effective relationships with the four Colleges. He works closely with the Vice-Principals, TNE Deans, College International Leads, Heads of School, services (e.g. External Relations, Recruitment, Alumni, Student and Staff Mobility, Confucius Institute, Academic Collaborations Office, Business Development Managers, etc.), and external stakeholders including regional, national and overseas government bodies and officials, industry, consultancy providers and think tanks. The focus is on global engagement, partnership development, attracting outstanding students, and business, research and industrial links. He acts as a source of expertise in his region’s education sector, and provide advice and guidance to members of staff. He manages relationships at all levels internally and externally - building the reputation of the University across his region.

As Head of the Aerospace Sciences Division at the University of Glasgow, Kontis is responsible for the strategic leadership and operational management of the Division. This involves developing strategic leadership in aerospace research, higher learning and social responsibility, whilst ensuring that operational processes are efficient and effective. He provides overall leadership in Aerospace resulting in a significant step change in the quality of Aerospace Engineering and Science within the University, which is recognised both nationally and internationally. His key strengths involve proving leadership and management to allow collegial working across aerospace discipline to address grand challenges and provide world-class education. His headship enables him to link research and teaching, and to transfer research knowledge generated to both beneficiaries and the public. He is leading and coordinating the University of Glasgow contribution in a number flagship projects and other initiatives. He is representing the University of Glasgow in a number of committees and working groups.

He leads and coordinates the Glasgow 'National Wind Tunnel and Testing Facilities / ESA-ESTEC Facility' with an infrastructure investment alone already >£6.5M. He has been instrumental in securing the participation of Glasgow University in a number of national consortia. In addition, he is working with a number of Prestwick Airport based companies and Scottish universities to realise the vision of an integrated UK satellite design, manufacture, launch and operations solution with funding from the ESA-ESTEC and UK-Space Agency.

He was the Chair of Aerodynamics and Shock Physics, and the Deputy Director of the Aerospace Research Institute (UMARI) at the University of Manchester in 2009-2013. As Deputy Director of UMARI, Kontis was responsible for the operational management of the Institute including budgeting, development of multi-disciplinary research initiatives, and collaborations with industry, academia and other key stakeholders. He has been instrumental in securing the participation of University of Manchester in a number of flagship programmes. He was also Head of the Aerospace Research Group at the University of Manchester.

He has been a visiting professor in a number of organizations including Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan; NASA, USA; Nagoya University, Japan; Kumamoto University, Japan; and Tohoku University, Japan. He was the Chair of 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK, 2011; International Chair of AIAA AVIATION, Dallas, USA, 2015; Chair of 22nd International Symposium on Shock Interactions, Glasgow, UK, 2016; Technical Co-Chair, of the 36th and 37th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conferences, USA, 2018 and 2019. He is a member of organizing committees of a number of conferences worldwide.

Research Interests

His current research covers the following four broad themes:

i) Integrated wing technologies that involve: high Aspect Ratio wings; joined or non-planar wing concepts; load control via e.g. spanwise flow control adjustments; flow and flight control using active multi-functional materials; and integrated system sensors and actuators with distributed control and health monitoring.

ii) Air-transport systems and space access: transition and SBLI; spacecraft plume characterization, contamination and fragmentation studies; plume-regolith interactions; plasma-based flow and flight control systems; and integrated propulsion systems including intakes and ducts; advanced space launchers.

iii) Multi-disciplinary applications: combined PIV and PTSP imaging; laser-based discharges and their interactions with surfaces; directed energy systems; shock wave research; and wind turbine/rotating wing technologies.

iv) Aerospace vehicle design: design optimisation, uncertainty quantification, engineering analysis.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008
Number of items: 145.


Subramanian, S., Craig, B. , White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2025) Underexpanded jet impingement in near vacuum environment. Physics of Fluids, 36, 107104. (doi: 10.1063/5.0230314)

Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2025) Plasma flow control inside the S-duct. Physics of Plasmas, (Accepted for Publication)

Scholes, C. S. and Kontis, K. (2025) A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in a Convergent Geometry. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-1112)

Al Haddabi, N., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2025) Experimental study of steady blowing from the trailing edge of an open cavity flow. Aerospace, 12(1), 7. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace12010007)

Kontis, K. , Aleisa, H. and Nikbay, M. (2025) Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Tests on a Multi-Configurable Planform UCAV Model. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0255)

Subramanian, S., Thangadurai, M., Kundu, A. and Kontis, K. (2025) Effect of Spanwise Grooved Surfaces on the Flow Field Inside an Isolator of a Scramjet Engine. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0094)

Subramanian, S., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2025) Experimental Study of Plume Surface Interaction in the Martian Environment. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0516)


Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2024) Numerical investigation and mode analysis of the S-duct. Physics of Fluids, 36, 115150. (doi: 10.1063/5.0238087)

Subramanian, S., Thangadurai, M. and Kontis, K. (2024) A study on blast wave diffractions and the dynamics of associated vortices inside different grooves kept at various lateral distances from the shock tube. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 108, pp. 166-179. (doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2024.07.012)

Eckel, M. et al. (2024) Simulation of the Erosion Behaviour of a Rocket on a Lunar Landing Pad. In: 22nd IAA Symposium on Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development, Milan, Italy, 14-18 October 2024, pp. 210-213. (doi: 10.52202/078374-0022)

Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2024) Experimental analysis of flow characteristics in S-shaped ducts at low speeds. Physics of Fluids, 36(10), 107110. (doi: 10.1063/5.0228159)

Murugan, T., Kontis, K. , White, C. and Kundu, A. (2024) Compressible vortex loops and their interactions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 150(1), 101048. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101048)

Ukai, T., Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., Craig, B. and Kontis, K. (2024) Initial particle ejection behaviours due to a hypersonic jet impingement at different high-nozzle pressure ratios in rarefied atmospheric conditions. Acta Astronautica, 222, pp. 126-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.06.009)

Kontis, K. , Aleisa, H. and Nikbay, M. (2024) Low observable uncrewed aerial vehicle wind tunnel model design, manufacturing, and aerodynamic characterization. Aerospace, 11(3), 216. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace11030216)

Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2024) Tracking plume-regolith interactions in near-vacuum conditions. Physics of Fluids, 36, 013301. (doi: 10.1063/5.0180669)

Petersen, J., Craig, B. , Propst, M., Heutling, T., Kontis, K. , White, C. , Van den Eynde, J., Tajmar, M. and Bach, C. (2024) Investigating the Plume-Surface-Interaction on the Lunar Surface Using a Coupled CFD-DSMC Approach. In: 9th Edition of the 3AF International Space Propulsion Conference (SP2024), Glasgow, Scotland, 20-23 May 2024,

Pirlepeli, B., Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2024) Low-subsonic Aerodynamic Analyses of a Nonplanar BWB Model: An Experimental and CFD Study. In: 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2024), Florence, Italy, 09-13 Sep 2024, (Accepted for Publication)


Ukai, T., Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., Craig, B. and Kontis, K. (2023) 極超音速噴流衝突による粒子拡散に関する実験的研究 - An Experimental Investigation of Particle Diffusion Due to a Hypersonic Jet Impingement. 2023 Shock Wave Symposium, Kitakyushu, Japan, 05-07 Mar 2024. (Accepted for Publication)

Chang, T. T. and Kontis, K. (2023) Frequency Modulation Analysis in Innovate Supersonic Cavity Flow. HiSST: 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science Technology, Busan, South Korea, 14-19 Apr 2024. (Accepted for Publication)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2023) Numerical investigations on low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of generic unmanned combat aerial vehicle configurations. Journal of Aircraft, 60(6), pp. 1832-1846. (doi: 10.2514/1.C037258)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. , Pirlepeli, B. and Nikbay, M. (2023) Conceptual design of a nonconstant swept flying wing unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Journal of Aircraft, 60(6), pp. 1872-1888. (doi: 10.2514/1.C037257)

Heutling, T. et al. (2023) In-situ manufactured landing pads and berms to enable sustainable operations on the lunar surface. 21st IAA Symposium on Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development, 74th International Astronautical Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 02-06 Oct 2023.

Craig, B. , Wilson, A., Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2023) The Effect of a Crater on the Velocity of Regolith Ejecta During Plume-Regolith Interactions. In: Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 06-08 Nov 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Cao, Z., White, C. , Agir, M.B. and Kontis, K. (2023) Lunar plume-surface interactions using rarefiedMultiphaseFoam. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 9, 1116330. (doi: 10.3389/fmech.2023.1116330)

Gray, D., Le Kernec, J. and Kontis, K. (2023) Integrated Transition with Dielectric Rod for Vacuum Chamber. In: IEICE Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP), Hiroshima, Japan, 19-20 Jan 2023, pp. 12-17.

Cao, Z., Kontis, K. , Hosano, H., White, C. , Chang, T.-T. and Agir, M. B. (2023) Vortex ring formation following shock wave diffraction in low-pressure environments. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 111, pp. 1127-1138. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-023-00486-3)

Zhang, D., Subramanian, S., Hampson, R., Jackson, W., Kontis, K. , Dobie, G. and Macleod, C. (2023) Automotive aerodynamics sensing using low-profile pressure sensor strip. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72, 2005809. (doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3292963)


Guevara Jelid, H. I., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) Development of a novel DC micro-discharge code on dsmcFOAM+ for plasma effect in DSMC flow profile simulations and its application to a micro-plasma system. Advances in Space Research, 70(11), pp. 3418-3435. (doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.10.001)

Agir, M.B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) The effect of increasing rarefaction on the formation of Edney shock interaction patterns: type-I to type-VI. Shock Waves, 32(8), pp. 733-751. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-022-01109-y)

Nampelly, G., Malathi, A. S., Vaid, A., Vadlamani, N. R., Rengarajan, S. and Kontis, K. (2022) Surface roughness effects on cavity flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 109(4), pp. 1215-1239. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00345-7)

Agir, M. B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) Impact of stagnation temperature and nozzle configuration on rarefied jet plume interactions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 59(5), pp. 1536-1551. (doi: 10.2514/1.A35362)

Gray, D., Kontis, K. and Le Kernec, J. (2022) Propagation Effects of Temperature Variations of Moon Regolith. In: IEICE Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP), Tochigi, Japan, 19 Aug 2024, pp. 29-34.

Cao, Z., Agir, M.B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) An open source code for two-phase rarefied flows: rarefiedMultiphaseFoam. Computer Physics Communications, 276, 108339. (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108339)

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2022) Experimental study of blast wave patterns on periodic spanwise grooved surfaces. In: 24th International Shock Interaction Symposium (SIS-2022), Chennai, India, 17 - 21 October 2022, (Accepted for Publication)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. , Nikbay, M., Pirlepeli, B., Cakmak, E. and Kara, E. (2022) Conceptual Configuration of Non-Constant Sweep UCAV Concept. In: AIAA Aviation Forum 2022, Chicago, IL, USA & Online, 27 June - 1 July 2022, (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-3374)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Russell, A. (2022) Induced Flow of Nanosecond Pulse Plasma Actuator Using Schlieren-based Quantitative Visualization Technology. 8th Plasma Actuator Symposium, 17 Jan 2022.


Aleisa, H., Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2021) Predictions of the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of generic UCAVs. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0428)

Nampelly, G., Malathi, A. S., Vadlamani, N. R., Rengarajan, S. and Kontis, K. (2021) Surface roughness benefits in open cavity flows. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0473)

Subramanian, S., Hampson, R., Zhang, D., Kontis, K. , Dobie, G., Macleod, C. and Son, J. (2021) Characterization of a low profile, rapidly deployable, MEMS pressure sensor array for aerodynamic applications. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0305)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Shahpar, S. and Kontis, K. (2021) Numerical study of complex flow physics and coherent structures of the flow through a convoluted duct. Aerospace Science and Technology,

Al Haddabi, N. H. H., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2021) The impact of steady blowing from the leading edge of an open cavity flow. Aerospace, 8(9), 255. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace8090255)

Cao, Z., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2021) Numerical investigation of rarefied vortex loop formation due to shock wave diffraction with the use of rorticity. Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 067112. (doi: 10.1063/5.0054289)

Li, G., Kontis, K. and Fan, Z. (2021) Automatic shock detection, extraction and fitting in schlieren and shadowgraph visualization. AIAA Journal, 59(6), pp. 2312-2317. (doi: 10.2514/1.J059667)

Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2021) Experimental investigation of sonic transverse jets in Mach 5 crossflow. Aerospace Science and Technology, 110, 106419. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106419)

Li, G., Wu, J., Kontis, K. , Wit, S. and Fan, Z. (2021) Development of Unsteady Background-oriented Schlieren System in an Indraft Supersonic Wind Tunnel. In: 11th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ACMAE, Chengdu, China, 25-27 Dec 2020, 012052. ISBN 1742-6588 (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1786/1/012052)

Andreou, T., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Shahpar, S. and Brown, N. (2021) Part 1: A Swirl Vane Generation Code for Fuel Spray Nozzles. In: ASME 2020 Turbo Expo Conference (TE20), 21-25 Sept 2020, ISBN 9780791884089 (doi: 10.1115/GT2020-15414)

Andreou, T., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Shahpar, S. and Brown, N. (2021) Part 2: Design Optimisation Strategies for a Fuel Spray Nozzle. In: ASME 2020 Turbo Expo Conference (TE20), 21-25 Sept 2020, ISBN 9780791884089 (doi: 10.1115/GT2020-15431)

Pirlepeli, B., Nikbay, M. and Kontis, K. (2021) A Multifidelity Aerodynamic Surrogate Model Implementation for Aeroelastic Optimization of a Nonplanar Lifting Surface. In: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AeroBest 2021), Lisboa, Portugal, 21-23 Jul 2021, pp. 178-191. ISBN 9789899942486


Ganesh, N., Ananth, S.M., Vadlamani, N. R., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2020) Eddy Resolving Simulations of Shear Layer Instabilities in Open Cavity Flows. 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Guwahati, India, 09-11 Dec 2020. (Accepted for Publication)

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2020) Flow control of SBLI using grooves with suction. Solid State Technology, 63(1), pp. 860-871.

Fujiwara, K., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2020) Experimental investigations on the sharp leading-edge separation over a flat plate at zero incidence using particle image velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids, 61, 205. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-020-03039-w)

Cusick, A., Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2020) Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Reusable Launch Vehicles. In: 23rd AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, 10-12 Mar 2020, ISBN 9781624106002 (doi: 10.2514/6.2020-2425)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2020) Effect of permittivity and frequency on induced velocity in ac-DBD surface and channel plasma actuators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 303, 111831. (doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2020.111831)

Russell, A., Myokan, M., Bottini, H., Sasoh, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2020) Application of laser energy deposition to improve performance for high speed intakes. Propulsion and Power Research, 9(1), pp. 15-25. (doi: 10.1016/j.jppr.2019.11.002)

Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2020) Thermal fluctuation characteristics around a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator using a frequency analysis based on Schlieren images. Energies, 13(3), 628. (doi: 10.3390/en13030628)

Mortazaway, S.M., Kontis, K. and Ekaterinaris, J. (2020) Normal shock wave attenuation during propagation in ducts with grooves. Shock Waves, 30(1), pp. 91-113. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-019-00916-0)

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2020) Flow Control of SBLI Using Grooves with Suction. 5th International Online Conference on Recent Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research (ICRAIR 2020), Online Only, 25-26 Jul 2020.


Li, G., Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2019) Characterization of a novel open-ended shock tube facility based on detonation transmission tubing. Aerospace Science and Technology, 94, 105388. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2019.105388)

Ricciardi, L., Maddock, C. A., Vasile, M., Stindt, T., Merrifield, J., Fossati, M., West, M., Kontis, K. , Farkin, B. and McIntyre, S. (2019) Robust Multi-object Optimisation of a Descent Guidance Strategy for a TSTO Spaceplane. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

Stindt, T., Merrifield, J., Fossati, M., Ricciardi, L., Maddock, C. A., West, M., Kontis, K. , Farkin, B. and McIntyre, S. (2019) Aerodynamic Database Development for a Future Reusable Space Launch Vehicle, The Orbital 500R. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

White, C. , Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Ukai, T., Merrifield, J., Evans, D., Coxhill, I., Langener, T. and Van den Eynde, J. (2019) Test Facility to Investigate Plume-Regolith Interactions. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

Cusick, A. and Kontis, K. (2019) Creation of Design and Analysis Tools for Large Design Space Resuable Launch Vehicle Shape Optimization. In: AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, Dallas, TX, USA, 17-21 Jun 2019, (doi: 10.2514/6.2019-2929)

Lo, K. H., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2019) Wake flow characteristics over an articulated lorry model with/without AC-DBD plasma actuation. Applied Sciences, 9(12), 2426. (doi: 10.3390/app9122426)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Ukai, T., Russell, A. and Kontis, K. (2019) Pressure dependency on a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator. Physics of Plasmas, 26(6), 063512. (doi: 10.1063/1.5092703)

Fujiwara, K., Kontis, K. and Ideta, T. (2019) Development of Non-intrusive Fluid Thermometry in Air with Temperature-sensitive Particles by Two-gated Method. In: 15th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (FLUCOME 2019), Naples, Italy, 27-30 May 2019,

Li, G., Agir, M. B. , Kontis, K. , Ukai, T. and Rengarajan, S. (2019) Image processing techniques for shock wave detection and Tracking in High Speed Schlieren and Shadowgraph Systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1215, 012021. (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1215/1/012021)

Wang, C., Yang, X., Xue, L., Kontis, K. and Jiao, Y. (2019) Correlation analysis of separation shock oscillation and wall pressure fluctuation in unstarted hypersonic inlet flow. Aerospace, 6(1), 8. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace6010008)

Kontis, K. and Pantelakis, S. (Eds.) (2019) 8th EASN-CEAS Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth and Innovation. MDPI. ISBN 9783039214853

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2019) Shock Train Structures in Rectangular Ducts. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 769-776. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_96)

Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2019) Effect on Shock Train Behaviour of the Addition of a Cavity for Supersonic Intakes. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 777-784. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_97)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2019) Effects of Liquid Impurity on Laser-Induced Gas Breakdown in Quiescent Gas: Experimental and Numerical Investigations. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 9-16. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_2)


Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Shahpar, S. and Kontis, K. (2018) A review of flow control techniques and optimisation in S-shaped ducts. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 74, pp. 223-235. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.06.016)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2018) Numerical investigation on three-dimensional shock train structures in rectangular isolators. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 72, pp. 586-593. (doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.07.018)

Maddock, C. A., Ricciardi, L., West, M., West, J., Kontis, K. , Rengarajan, S., Evans, D., Milne, A. and McIntyre, S. (2018) Conceptual design analysis for a two-stage-to-orbit semi-reusable launch system for small satellites. Acta Astronautica, 152, pp. 782-792. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.08.021)

Ukai, T., Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2018) Temporal variation of the spatial density distribution above a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator in quiescent air. Physics of Fluids, 30(11), 116106. (doi: 10.1063/1.5054263)

Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Yang, L. (2018) Flow structure generated by laser-induced blast wave propagation through the boundary layer of a flat plate. Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, pp. 569-573. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.05.012)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2018) Effect of back-pressure forcing on shock train structures in rectangular channels. Acta Astronautica, 145, pp. 471-481. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.02.010)

Kontis, K. (Ed.) (2018) Shock Wave Interactions: Selected Articles from the 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4-8 July 2016. Springer. ISBN 9783319731797

Idris, A. C., Saad, M. R., Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2018) Background-oriented schlieren (BOS) for scramjet inlet-isolator investigation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 370, 012003. (doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/370/1/012003)


Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Suspended liquid particle disturbance on laser-induced blast wave and low density distribution. Physics of Fluids, 29(12), 126104. (doi: 10.1063/1.4999042)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Supersonic flow over rounded contour bumps with vortex generators or passive longitudinal jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 85, pp. 213-228. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.03.005)

Yang, J., Chen, Y., Kontis, K. and Li, Y. (2017) Wind Tunnel Testing of Novel Wing Configurations for Design and Customisation in an Industry 4.0 Environment. In: 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA2016), Chengdu, China, 15-17 Dec 2016, pp. 92-97. ISBN 9781509032983 (doi: 10.1109/SKIMA.2016.7916203)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow visualisation of a normal shock impinging over a rounded contour bump in a Mach 1.3 free-stream. Journal of Visualization, 20(2), pp. 237-249. (doi: 10.1007/s12650-016-0392-4)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow around an articulated lorry model. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 82, pp. 58-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.11.003)

Maddock, C. A. et al. (2017) Vehicle and Mission Design of a Future Small Payload Launcher. In: 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 06-09 Mar 2017, ISBN 9781624104633 (doi: 10.2514/6.2017-2224)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Yang, L. and Erdem, E. (2017) Experimental investigation of surface flow pattern on truncated cones in Mach 5 flow: influence of truncation ratio. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81, pp. 396-405. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.09.016)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow characteristics of various three-dimensional rounded contour bumps in a Mach 1.3 freestream. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 80, pp. 228-243. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.08.027)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Indraft Supersonic Wind Tunnel for Shock Train Investigations. In: 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 19-24 Jul 2015, pp. 1407-1411. ISBN 9783319448640 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44866-4_107)

Kontis, K. (2017) Shock interactions with structures and their associated induced flows. In: Gopalakrishnan, S. and Rajapakse, Y. (eds.) Blast Mitigation Strategies in Marine Composite and Sandwich Structures. Series: Springer transactions in civil and environmental engineering. Springer: Singapore, pp. 157-170. ISBN 9789811071690 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7170-6_8)

Shah, N. K. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow-Control Effectiveness of Convergent Surface Indentations on an Aerofoil at Low Reynolds Numbers. In: 2017 AIAA Aviation Forum, Denver, CO, USA, 05-09 Jun 2017, ISBN 9781624105012 (doi: 10.2514/6.2017-3568)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2017) Experimental Investigations of Three-Dimensional Shock-Vortex Loop Interaction: Shock Reflection and Diffraction Phenomena. In: 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 19-24 Jul 2015, pp. 1127-1132. ISBN 9783319448640 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44866-4_59)


Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Flow characteristics over a tractor-trailer model with and without vane-type vortex generator installed. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 159, pp. 110-122. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2016.10.009)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2016) Three-dimensional shock wave distortion in shock-square vortex loop interaction. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 79, pp. 85-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.06.028)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Yang, L. and Kontis, K. (2016) Pressure sensitive paint measurements at high Mach numbers. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 52, pp. 10-16. (doi: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2016.02.004)

McIntyre, S. et al. (2016) How to Launch Small Payloads Evaluation of Current and Future Small Payload Launch Systems. 14th Reinventing Space Conference (RISpace 2016), London, UK, 24-27 Oct 2016.

McIntyre, S. et al. (2016) A Commercially Driven Design Approach to UK Future Small Payload Launch Systems. 14th Reinventing Space Conference, London, UK, 24-27 Oct 2016.

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Control of flow separation on a contour bump by jets in a Mach 1.9 free-stream: an experimental study. Acta Astronautica, 126, pp. 229-242. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.04.033)

Ruisi, R., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Erfani, R. (2016) Active flow control over a backward-facing step using plasma actuation. Acta Astronautica, 126, pp. 354-363. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.05.016)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Static and wind-on performance of polymer-based pressure-sensitive paints using platinum and ruthenium as the luminophore. Sensors, 16(5), 595. (doi: 10.3390/s16050595) (PMID:27128913)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Drag reduction on articulated vehicles using A.C. DBD plasma actuator. [Exhibitions]

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Pseudo-shock waves and their interactions in high-speed intakes. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 82, pp. 36-56. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2016.02.001)

Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Joule heating flow control methods for high-speed flows. Journal of Electrostatics, 80, pp. 34-68. (doi: 10.1016/j.elstat.2016.01.004)

Al Haddabi, N., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2016) Experimental Study of Low-Speed Cavity Flow Using Steady Jets. In: 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malaga, Spain, 11 - 13 Jul 2016,

Gnani, F., Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Shock wave diffraction in the presence of a supersonic co-flow jet. Shock Waves, 26(3), pp. 253-262. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-016-0634-3)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Flow Control Over a Tractor-Trailer Using Vortex Generators. 2nd International Conference in Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains (AeroVehicles 2), Gottenburg, Sweden, 21-23 Jun 2016.

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Active Flow Control by Jet Injection on Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Phenomena. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, 5 - 10 June 2016.


Russell, A., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2015) Electrohydrodynamic Methods for Fluid Flow Control. The Aerospace Ecosystem, Glasgow, UK, 3 Nov 2015.

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Flow physics of a three-dimensional rounded contour bump in a mach 1.3 supersonic free-stream. In: AiAA Aviation 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, 22-26 Jun 2015,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Kontis, K. , Ukai, T. and Obayashi, S. (2015) Transverse jet-cavity interactions with the influence of an impinging shock. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 53, pp. 146-155. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2015.03.004)

Erfani, R., Zare-Behtash, H. , Hale, C. and Kontis, K. (2015) Development of DBD plasma actuators: the double encapsulated electrode. Acta Astronautica, 109, pp. 132-143. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.12.016)

Gnani, F., Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Shock wave diffraction phenomena around slotted splitters. Aerospace, 2(1), pp. 1-16. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace2010001)

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Flow Characteristics along an Active Jets Equipped Contour Bump in a Supersonic Freestream and its Potential to be Applied on Transonic Aircraft for Drag Reduction: An Experimental Study. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2015), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015, (doi: 10.2514/6.2015-1710)

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Effectiveness of Flow Separation Control on Contour Bumps under a Mach 1.3 Freestream: An Experimental Study. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2015), Kissimmee, FL, USA, 5-9 Jan 2015, pp. 1-11.

Haddabi, N. A., Kontis, K. , Zare-Behtash, H. and Winblad-Rasmussen, S. (2015) Control of Cavity-Induced Drag Using Steady Jets. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Cambridge, England, 23-26 Mar 2015.

Kontis, K. , Zare-Behtash, H. and Erdem, E. (2015) Some challenging studies on shock wave boundary layer interactions using advanced flow diagnostics. In: Theofilis, V. and Soria, J. (eds.) Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows. Series: Fluid mechanics and its applications (107). Springer International Publishing, pp. 19-30. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06260-0_3)


Erdem, E., Kontis, K. and Saravanan, S. (2014) Penetration characteristics of air, carbon dioxide and helium transverse sonic jets in Mach 5 cross flow. Sensors, 14(12), pp. 23462-23489. (doi: 10.3390/s141223462)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Effects of dual jets distance on mixing characteristics and flow path within a cavity in supersonic crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, pp. 254-262. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.08.009)

Saas, M. R., Idris, A. C. and Kontis, K. (2014) Flow diagnostics in shock wave-boundary layer interaction experiments in hypersonic flow. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 660, pp. 669-673. (doi: 10.4028/

Lada, C. and Kontis, K. (2014) Microjet flow control effectiveness of cavity configurations at low speeds. Journal of Aircraft, 51(5), pp. 1391-1400. (doi: 10.2514/1.C032234)

Osuka, T., Erdem, E., Hasegawa, N., Majima, R., Tamba, T., Yokota, S., Sasoh, A. and Kontis, K. (2014) Laser energy deposition effectiveness on shock-wave boundary-layer interactions over cylinder-flare combinations. Physics of Fluids, 26(9), 096103. (doi: 10.1063/1.4896288)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Pseudo-shock mechanisms: a review of theoretical models. In: Advanced Aero Concepts, Design and Operations, Bristol, UK, 22-24 Jul 2014,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Roy, S. (2014) Flow control at subsonic speeds using serpentine plasma actuators. In: 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 16-18 Jun 2014,

Gnani, F., Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Experimental investigation on shock wave diffraction over sharp and curved splitters. Acta Astronautica, 99, pp. 143-152. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.02.018)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Erinc, E., Lo, K. H., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Effectiveness of jet location on mixing characteristics inside a cavity in supersonic flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 52, pp. 59-67. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.08.022)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Pseudo-shock waves in isolators. In: 27th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, St Andrews, Scotland, 15 May 2014,

Idris, A. C., Saad, M. R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Luminescent measurement systems for the investigation of a scramjet inlet-isolator. Sensors, 14(4), pp. 6606-6632. (doi: 10.3390/s140406606)

Skinner, S., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Fluid Structure Interactions of Non-Planar Wings. In: Greener Aeronautics Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 03-04 Nov 2014,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Experimental investigation of impinging shock – cavity interactions with upstream transverse jet injection. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, 12(ists29), pp. 57-62. (doi: 10.2322/tastj.12.Pe_57)


Erdem, E., Kontis, K. , Johnstone, E., Murray, N. P. and Steelant, J. (2013) Experiments on transitional shock wave--boundary layer interactions at Mach 5. Experiments in Fluids, 54(1598), (doi: 10.1007/s00348-013-1598-z)

Lin, J., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2013) Incident shock-transverse jet interactions at mach 1.9: effect of different jet gases. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2013) Control of flow separation on a contour bump by jets under a transonic flow: an experimental study. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 July 2013,

Saad, M.R., Che Idris, A., Lo, K.H. and Kontis, K. (2013) Micro-Ramps Flow Characteristics at Mach 1.9 & 5. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Erdem, E., Kontis, K. , Lin, J., Ukai, T. and Obayashi, S. (2013) Incident shock-transverse jet interactions at mach 1.9: effect of shock impingement location. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Qin, N. (2013) Application of the polymer based pressure sensitive paint for qualitative and quantitative flow visualisation in a transonic flow. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2013) Experimental investigation of impinging shock: cavity interactions with upstream transverse jet injection. In: 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2-9 Jun 2013,


Yang, L., Erdem, E., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Pressure-sensitive paint on a truncated cone in hypersonic flow at incidences. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 37, pp. 9-21. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2012.05.004)

Erfani, R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Influence of shock wave propagation on dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator performance. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(22), p. 225201. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/22/225201)

Yang, L., Zare-Behtash, H. , Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2012) Application of AA-PSP to hypersonic flows: the double ramp model. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161(1), pp. 100-107. (doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2011.09.053)

Che-Idris, A., Saad, M.R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Performance analysis of a scramjet inlet-isolator using experimental & numerical methods. In: 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia, 23-28 Sep,

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Unsteady shock wave interactions with 2-D geometries. In: 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW28), Manchester, UK, 17-22 Jul 2011, ISBN 9783642256844

Yang, L., Erdem, E., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Single pulse laser energy deposition in quiescent air and hypersonic flows. In: 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Tours, France, 24 - 28 Sep, (doi: 10.2514/6.2012-5870)


Zare-Behtash, H. , Gongora-Orozco, N. and Kontis, K. (2011) Effect of primary jet geometry on ejector performance: a cold-flow investigation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(3), pp. 596-607. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2011.02.013)


Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Gongora-Orozco, N. and Takayama, K. (2009) Compressible vortex loops: effect of nozzle geometry. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(3), pp. 561-576. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2009.02.022)


Kontis, K., An, R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kounadis, D. (2008) Head-on collision of shock wave induced vortices with solid and perforated walls. Physics of Fluids, 20(1), 016104. (doi: 10.1063/1.2837172)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Gongora-Orozco, N. (2008) Experimental investigations of compressible vortex loops. Physics of Fluids, 20(12), 126105. (doi: 10.1063/1.3054151)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:55:07 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 145.


Subramanian, S., Craig, B. , White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2025) Underexpanded jet impingement in near vacuum environment. Physics of Fluids, 36, 107104. (doi: 10.1063/5.0230314)

Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2025) Plasma flow control inside the S-duct. Physics of Plasmas, (Accepted for Publication)

Al Haddabi, N., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2025) Experimental study of steady blowing from the trailing edge of an open cavity flow. Aerospace, 12(1), 7. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace12010007)

Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2024) Numerical investigation and mode analysis of the S-duct. Physics of Fluids, 36, 115150. (doi: 10.1063/5.0238087)

Subramanian, S., Thangadurai, M. and Kontis, K. (2024) A study on blast wave diffractions and the dynamics of associated vortices inside different grooves kept at various lateral distances from the shock tube. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 108, pp. 166-179. (doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2024.07.012)

Jiang, F., Kontis, K. and White, C. (2024) Experimental analysis of flow characteristics in S-shaped ducts at low speeds. Physics of Fluids, 36(10), 107110. (doi: 10.1063/5.0228159)

Murugan, T., Kontis, K. , White, C. and Kundu, A. (2024) Compressible vortex loops and their interactions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 150(1), 101048. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101048)

Ukai, T., Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., Craig, B. and Kontis, K. (2024) Initial particle ejection behaviours due to a hypersonic jet impingement at different high-nozzle pressure ratios in rarefied atmospheric conditions. Acta Astronautica, 222, pp. 126-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.06.009)

Kontis, K. , Aleisa, H. and Nikbay, M. (2024) Low observable uncrewed aerial vehicle wind tunnel model design, manufacturing, and aerodynamic characterization. Aerospace, 11(3), 216. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace11030216)

Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2024) Tracking plume-regolith interactions in near-vacuum conditions. Physics of Fluids, 36, 013301. (doi: 10.1063/5.0180669)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2023) Numerical investigations on low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of generic unmanned combat aerial vehicle configurations. Journal of Aircraft, 60(6), pp. 1832-1846. (doi: 10.2514/1.C037258)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. , Pirlepeli, B. and Nikbay, M. (2023) Conceptual design of a nonconstant swept flying wing unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Journal of Aircraft, 60(6), pp. 1872-1888. (doi: 10.2514/1.C037257)

Cao, Z., White, C. , Agir, M.B. and Kontis, K. (2023) Lunar plume-surface interactions using rarefiedMultiphaseFoam. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 9, 1116330. (doi: 10.3389/fmech.2023.1116330)

Cao, Z., Kontis, K. , Hosano, H., White, C. , Chang, T.-T. and Agir, M. B. (2023) Vortex ring formation following shock wave diffraction in low-pressure environments. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 111, pp. 1127-1138. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-023-00486-3)

Zhang, D., Subramanian, S., Hampson, R., Jackson, W., Kontis, K. , Dobie, G. and Macleod, C. (2023) Automotive aerodynamics sensing using low-profile pressure sensor strip. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72, 2005809. (doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3292963)

Guevara Jelid, H. I., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) Development of a novel DC micro-discharge code on dsmcFOAM+ for plasma effect in DSMC flow profile simulations and its application to a micro-plasma system. Advances in Space Research, 70(11), pp. 3418-3435. (doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.10.001)

Agir, M.B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) The effect of increasing rarefaction on the formation of Edney shock interaction patterns: type-I to type-VI. Shock Waves, 32(8), pp. 733-751. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-022-01109-y)

Nampelly, G., Malathi, A. S., Vaid, A., Vadlamani, N. R., Rengarajan, S. and Kontis, K. (2022) Surface roughness effects on cavity flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 109(4), pp. 1215-1239. (doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00345-7)

Agir, M. B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) Impact of stagnation temperature and nozzle configuration on rarefied jet plume interactions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 59(5), pp. 1536-1551. (doi: 10.2514/1.A35362)

Cao, Z., Agir, M.B. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2022) An open source code for two-phase rarefied flows: rarefiedMultiphaseFoam. Computer Physics Communications, 276, 108339. (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108339)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Shahpar, S. and Kontis, K. (2021) Numerical study of complex flow physics and coherent structures of the flow through a convoluted duct. Aerospace Science and Technology,

Al Haddabi, N. H. H., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2021) The impact of steady blowing from the leading edge of an open cavity flow. Aerospace, 8(9), 255. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace8090255)

Cao, Z., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2021) Numerical investigation of rarefied vortex loop formation due to shock wave diffraction with the use of rorticity. Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 067112. (doi: 10.1063/5.0054289)

Li, G., Kontis, K. and Fan, Z. (2021) Automatic shock detection, extraction and fitting in schlieren and shadowgraph visualization. AIAA Journal, 59(6), pp. 2312-2317. (doi: 10.2514/1.J059667)

Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2021) Experimental investigation of sonic transverse jets in Mach 5 crossflow. Aerospace Science and Technology, 110, 106419. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106419)

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2020) Flow control of SBLI using grooves with suction. Solid State Technology, 63(1), pp. 860-871.

Fujiwara, K., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2020) Experimental investigations on the sharp leading-edge separation over a flat plate at zero incidence using particle image velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids, 61, 205. (doi: 10.1007/s00348-020-03039-w)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. and Kontis, K. (2020) Effect of permittivity and frequency on induced velocity in ac-DBD surface and channel plasma actuators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 303, 111831. (doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2020.111831)

Russell, A., Myokan, M., Bottini, H., Sasoh, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2020) Application of laser energy deposition to improve performance for high speed intakes. Propulsion and Power Research, 9(1), pp. 15-25. (doi: 10.1016/j.jppr.2019.11.002)

Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2020) Thermal fluctuation characteristics around a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator using a frequency analysis based on Schlieren images. Energies, 13(3), 628. (doi: 10.3390/en13030628)

Mortazaway, S.M., Kontis, K. and Ekaterinaris, J. (2020) Normal shock wave attenuation during propagation in ducts with grooves. Shock Waves, 30(1), pp. 91-113. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-019-00916-0)

Li, G., Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2019) Characterization of a novel open-ended shock tube facility based on detonation transmission tubing. Aerospace Science and Technology, 94, 105388. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2019.105388)

Lo, K. H., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2019) Wake flow characteristics over an articulated lorry model with/without AC-DBD plasma actuation. Applied Sciences, 9(12), 2426. (doi: 10.3390/app9122426)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Ukai, T., Russell, A. and Kontis, K. (2019) Pressure dependency on a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator. Physics of Plasmas, 26(6), 063512. (doi: 10.1063/1.5092703)

Li, G., Agir, M. B. , Kontis, K. , Ukai, T. and Rengarajan, S. (2019) Image processing techniques for shock wave detection and Tracking in High Speed Schlieren and Shadowgraph Systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1215, 012021. (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1215/1/012021)

Wang, C., Yang, X., Xue, L., Kontis, K. and Jiao, Y. (2019) Correlation analysis of separation shock oscillation and wall pressure fluctuation in unstarted hypersonic inlet flow. Aerospace, 6(1), 8. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace6010008)

Wojewodka, M. M., White, C. , Shahpar, S. and Kontis, K. (2018) A review of flow control techniques and optimisation in S-shaped ducts. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 74, pp. 223-235. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.06.016)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2018) Numerical investigation on three-dimensional shock train structures in rectangular isolators. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 72, pp. 586-593. (doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.07.018)

Maddock, C. A., Ricciardi, L., West, M., West, J., Kontis, K. , Rengarajan, S., Evans, D., Milne, A. and McIntyre, S. (2018) Conceptual design analysis for a two-stage-to-orbit semi-reusable launch system for small satellites. Acta Astronautica, 152, pp. 782-792. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.08.021)

Ukai, T., Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2018) Temporal variation of the spatial density distribution above a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator in quiescent air. Physics of Fluids, 30(11), 116106. (doi: 10.1063/1.5054263)

Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Yang, L. (2018) Flow structure generated by laser-induced blast wave propagation through the boundary layer of a flat plate. Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, pp. 569-573. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.05.012)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2018) Effect of back-pressure forcing on shock train structures in rectangular channels. Acta Astronautica, 145, pp. 471-481. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.02.010)

Idris, A. C., Saad, M. R., Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2018) Background-oriented schlieren (BOS) for scramjet inlet-isolator investigation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 370, 012003. (doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/370/1/012003)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Suspended liquid particle disturbance on laser-induced blast wave and low density distribution. Physics of Fluids, 29(12), 126104. (doi: 10.1063/1.4999042)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Supersonic flow over rounded contour bumps with vortex generators or passive longitudinal jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 85, pp. 213-228. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.03.005)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow visualisation of a normal shock impinging over a rounded contour bump in a Mach 1.3 free-stream. Journal of Visualization, 20(2), pp. 237-249. (doi: 10.1007/s12650-016-0392-4)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow around an articulated lorry model. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 82, pp. 58-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.11.003)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Yang, L. and Erdem, E. (2017) Experimental investigation of surface flow pattern on truncated cones in Mach 5 flow: influence of truncation ratio. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81, pp. 396-405. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.09.016)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow characteristics of various three-dimensional rounded contour bumps in a Mach 1.3 freestream. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 80, pp. 228-243. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.08.027)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Flow characteristics over a tractor-trailer model with and without vane-type vortex generator installed. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 159, pp. 110-122. (doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2016.10.009)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2016) Three-dimensional shock wave distortion in shock-square vortex loop interaction. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 79, pp. 85-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.06.028)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Yang, L. and Kontis, K. (2016) Pressure sensitive paint measurements at high Mach numbers. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 52, pp. 10-16. (doi: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2016.02.004)

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Control of flow separation on a contour bump by jets in a Mach 1.9 free-stream: an experimental study. Acta Astronautica, 126, pp. 229-242. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.04.033)

Ruisi, R., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Erfani, R. (2016) Active flow control over a backward-facing step using plasma actuation. Acta Astronautica, 126, pp. 354-363. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.05.016)

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Static and wind-on performance of polymer-based pressure-sensitive paints using platinum and ruthenium as the luminophore. Sensors, 16(5), 595. (doi: 10.3390/s16050595) (PMID:27128913)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Pseudo-shock waves and their interactions in high-speed intakes. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 82, pp. 36-56. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2016.02.001)

Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Joule heating flow control methods for high-speed flows. Journal of Electrostatics, 80, pp. 34-68. (doi: 10.1016/j.elstat.2016.01.004)

Gnani, F., Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Shock wave diffraction in the presence of a supersonic co-flow jet. Shock Waves, 26(3), pp. 253-262. (doi: 10.1007/s00193-016-0634-3)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Kontis, K. , Ukai, T. and Obayashi, S. (2015) Transverse jet-cavity interactions with the influence of an impinging shock. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 53, pp. 146-155. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2015.03.004)

Erfani, R., Zare-Behtash, H. , Hale, C. and Kontis, K. (2015) Development of DBD plasma actuators: the double encapsulated electrode. Acta Astronautica, 109, pp. 132-143. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.12.016)

Gnani, F., Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Shock wave diffraction phenomena around slotted splitters. Aerospace, 2(1), pp. 1-16. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace2010001)

Erdem, E., Kontis, K. and Saravanan, S. (2014) Penetration characteristics of air, carbon dioxide and helium transverse sonic jets in Mach 5 cross flow. Sensors, 14(12), pp. 23462-23489. (doi: 10.3390/s141223462)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Effects of dual jets distance on mixing characteristics and flow path within a cavity in supersonic crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, pp. 254-262. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.08.009)

Saas, M. R., Idris, A. C. and Kontis, K. (2014) Flow diagnostics in shock wave-boundary layer interaction experiments in hypersonic flow. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 660, pp. 669-673. (doi: 10.4028/

Lada, C. and Kontis, K. (2014) Microjet flow control effectiveness of cavity configurations at low speeds. Journal of Aircraft, 51(5), pp. 1391-1400. (doi: 10.2514/1.C032234)

Osuka, T., Erdem, E., Hasegawa, N., Majima, R., Tamba, T., Yokota, S., Sasoh, A. and Kontis, K. (2014) Laser energy deposition effectiveness on shock-wave boundary-layer interactions over cylinder-flare combinations. Physics of Fluids, 26(9), 096103. (doi: 10.1063/1.4896288)

Gnani, F., Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Experimental investigation on shock wave diffraction over sharp and curved splitters. Acta Astronautica, 99, pp. 143-152. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.02.018)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Erinc, E., Lo, K. H., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Effectiveness of jet location on mixing characteristics inside a cavity in supersonic flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 52, pp. 59-67. (doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.08.022)

Idris, A. C., Saad, M. R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Luminescent measurement systems for the investigation of a scramjet inlet-isolator. Sensors, 14(4), pp. 6606-6632. (doi: 10.3390/s140406606)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2014) Experimental investigation of impinging shock – cavity interactions with upstream transverse jet injection. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, 12(ists29), pp. 57-62. (doi: 10.2322/tastj.12.Pe_57)

Erdem, E., Kontis, K. , Johnstone, E., Murray, N. P. and Steelant, J. (2013) Experiments on transitional shock wave--boundary layer interactions at Mach 5. Experiments in Fluids, 54(1598), (doi: 10.1007/s00348-013-1598-z)

Yang, L., Erdem, E., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Pressure-sensitive paint on a truncated cone in hypersonic flow at incidences. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 37, pp. 9-21. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2012.05.004)

Erfani, R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Influence of shock wave propagation on dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator performance. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(22), p. 225201. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/22/225201)

Yang, L., Zare-Behtash, H. , Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2012) Application of AA-PSP to hypersonic flows: the double ramp model. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161(1), pp. 100-107. (doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2011.09.053)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Gongora-Orozco, N. and Kontis, K. (2011) Effect of primary jet geometry on ejector performance: a cold-flow investigation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(3), pp. 596-607. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2011.02.013)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Gongora-Orozco, N. and Takayama, K. (2009) Compressible vortex loops: effect of nozzle geometry. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(3), pp. 561-576. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2009.02.022)

Kontis, K., An, R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kounadis, D. (2008) Head-on collision of shock wave induced vortices with solid and perforated walls. Physics of Fluids, 20(1), 016104. (doi: 10.1063/1.2837172)

Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Gongora-Orozco, N. (2008) Experimental investigations of compressible vortex loops. Physics of Fluids, 20(12), 126105. (doi: 10.1063/1.3054151)

Book Sections

Kontis, K. (2017) Shock interactions with structures and their associated induced flows. In: Gopalakrishnan, S. and Rajapakse, Y. (eds.) Blast Mitigation Strategies in Marine Composite and Sandwich Structures. Series: Springer transactions in civil and environmental engineering. Springer: Singapore, pp. 157-170. ISBN 9789811071690 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7170-6_8)

Kontis, K. , Zare-Behtash, H. and Erdem, E. (2015) Some challenging studies on shock wave boundary layer interactions using advanced flow diagnostics. In: Theofilis, V. and Soria, J. (eds.) Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows. Series: Fluid mechanics and its applications (107). Springer International Publishing, pp. 19-30. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06260-0_3)

Edited Books

Kontis, K. and Pantelakis, S. (Eds.) (2019) 8th EASN-CEAS Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth and Innovation. MDPI. ISBN 9783039214853

Kontis, K. (Ed.) (2018) Shock Wave Interactions: Selected Articles from the 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4-8 July 2016. Springer. ISBN 9783319731797

Conference or Workshop Item

Ukai, T., Subramanian, S., Wilson, A., Craig, B. and Kontis, K. (2023) 極超音速噴流衝突による粒子拡散に関する実験的研究 - An Experimental Investigation of Particle Diffusion Due to a Hypersonic Jet Impingement. 2023 Shock Wave Symposium, Kitakyushu, Japan, 05-07 Mar 2024. (Accepted for Publication)

Chang, T. T. and Kontis, K. (2023) Frequency Modulation Analysis in Innovate Supersonic Cavity Flow. HiSST: 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science Technology, Busan, South Korea, 14-19 Apr 2024. (Accepted for Publication)

Heutling, T. et al. (2023) In-situ manufactured landing pads and berms to enable sustainable operations on the lunar surface. 21st IAA Symposium on Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development, 74th International Astronautical Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 02-06 Oct 2023.

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Russell, A. (2022) Induced Flow of Nanosecond Pulse Plasma Actuator Using Schlieren-based Quantitative Visualization Technology. 8th Plasma Actuator Symposium, 17 Jan 2022.

Ganesh, N., Ananth, S.M., Vadlamani, N. R., Sriram, R. and Kontis, K. (2020) Eddy Resolving Simulations of Shear Layer Instabilities in Open Cavity Flows. 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Guwahati, India, 09-11 Dec 2020. (Accepted for Publication)

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2020) Flow Control of SBLI Using Grooves with Suction. 5th International Online Conference on Recent Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research (ICRAIR 2020), Online Only, 25-26 Jul 2020.

Ricciardi, L., Maddock, C. A., Vasile, M., Stindt, T., Merrifield, J., Fossati, M., West, M., Kontis, K. , Farkin, B. and McIntyre, S. (2019) Robust Multi-object Optimisation of a Descent Guidance Strategy for a TSTO Spaceplane. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

Stindt, T., Merrifield, J., Fossati, M., Ricciardi, L., Maddock, C. A., West, M., Kontis, K. , Farkin, B. and McIntyre, S. (2019) Aerodynamic Database Development for a Future Reusable Space Launch Vehicle, The Orbital 500R. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

White, C. , Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. , Ukai, T., Merrifield, J., Evans, D., Coxhill, I., Langener, T. and Van den Eynde, J. (2019) Test Facility to Investigate Plume-Regolith Interactions. International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering (FAR 2019), Monopoli, Italy, 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2019.

McIntyre, S. et al. (2016) How to Launch Small Payloads Evaluation of Current and Future Small Payload Launch Systems. 14th Reinventing Space Conference (RISpace 2016), London, UK, 24-27 Oct 2016.

McIntyre, S. et al. (2016) A Commercially Driven Design Approach to UK Future Small Payload Launch Systems. 14th Reinventing Space Conference, London, UK, 24-27 Oct 2016.

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Flow Control Over a Tractor-Trailer Using Vortex Generators. 2nd International Conference in Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains (AeroVehicles 2), Gottenburg, Sweden, 21-23 Jun 2016.

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Active Flow Control by Jet Injection on Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Phenomena. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, 5 - 10 June 2016.

Russell, A., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2015) Electrohydrodynamic Methods for Fluid Flow Control. The Aerospace Ecosystem, Glasgow, UK, 3 Nov 2015.

Haddabi, N. A., Kontis, K. , Zare-Behtash, H. and Winblad-Rasmussen, S. (2015) Control of Cavity-Induced Drag Using Steady Jets. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Cambridge, England, 23-26 Mar 2015.

Conference Proceedings

Scholes, C. S. and Kontis, K. (2025) A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in a Convergent Geometry. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-1112)

Kontis, K. , Aleisa, H. and Nikbay, M. (2025) Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Tests on a Multi-Configurable Planform UCAV Model. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0255)

Subramanian, S., Thangadurai, M., Kundu, A. and Kontis, K. (2025) Effect of Spanwise Grooved Surfaces on the Flow Field Inside an Isolator of a Scramjet Engine. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0094)

Subramanian, S., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Evans, D. and Van den Eynde, J. (2025) Experimental Study of Plume Surface Interaction in the Martian Environment. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, 06-10 Jan 2025, ISBN 9781624107238 (doi: 10.2514/6.2025-0516)

Eckel, M. et al. (2024) Simulation of the Erosion Behaviour of a Rocket on a Lunar Landing Pad. In: 22nd IAA Symposium on Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development, Milan, Italy, 14-18 October 2024, pp. 210-213. (doi: 10.52202/078374-0022)

Petersen, J., Craig, B. , Propst, M., Heutling, T., Kontis, K. , White, C. , Van den Eynde, J., Tajmar, M. and Bach, C. (2024) Investigating the Plume-Surface-Interaction on the Lunar Surface Using a Coupled CFD-DSMC Approach. In: 9th Edition of the 3AF International Space Propulsion Conference (SP2024), Glasgow, Scotland, 20-23 May 2024,

Pirlepeli, B., Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2024) Low-subsonic Aerodynamic Analyses of a Nonplanar BWB Model: An Experimental and CFD Study. In: 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2024), Florence, Italy, 09-13 Sep 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Craig, B. , Wilson, A., Ukai, T. and Kontis, K. (2023) The Effect of a Crater on the Velocity of Regolith Ejecta During Plume-Regolith Interactions. In: Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 06-08 Nov 2023, (Accepted for Publication)

Gray, D., Le Kernec, J. and Kontis, K. (2023) Integrated Transition with Dielectric Rod for Vacuum Chamber. In: IEICE Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP), Hiroshima, Japan, 19-20 Jan 2023, pp. 12-17.

Gray, D., Kontis, K. and Le Kernec, J. (2022) Propagation Effects of Temperature Variations of Moon Regolith. In: IEICE Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP), Tochigi, Japan, 19 Aug 2024, pp. 29-34.

Subramanian, S. and Kontis, K. (2022) Experimental study of blast wave patterns on periodic spanwise grooved surfaces. In: 24th International Shock Interaction Symposium (SIS-2022), Chennai, India, 17 - 21 October 2022, (Accepted for Publication)

Aleisa, H. , Kontis, K. , Nikbay, M., Pirlepeli, B., Cakmak, E. and Kara, E. (2022) Conceptual Configuration of Non-Constant Sweep UCAV Concept. In: AIAA Aviation Forum 2022, Chicago, IL, USA & Online, 27 June - 1 July 2022, (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-3374)

Aleisa, H., Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2021) Predictions of the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of generic UCAVs. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0428)

Nampelly, G., Malathi, A. S., Vadlamani, N. R., Rengarajan, S. and Kontis, K. (2021) Surface roughness benefits in open cavity flows. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0473)

Subramanian, S., Hampson, R., Zhang, D., Kontis, K. , Dobie, G., Macleod, C. and Son, J. (2021) Characterization of a low profile, rapidly deployable, MEMS pressure sensor array for aerodynamic applications. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022, ISBN 9781624106316 (doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0305)

Li, G., Wu, J., Kontis, K. , Wit, S. and Fan, Z. (2021) Development of Unsteady Background-oriented Schlieren System in an Indraft Supersonic Wind Tunnel. In: 11th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ACMAE, Chengdu, China, 25-27 Dec 2020, 012052. ISBN 1742-6588 (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1786/1/012052)

Andreou, T., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Shahpar, S. and Brown, N. (2021) Part 1: A Swirl Vane Generation Code for Fuel Spray Nozzles. In: ASME 2020 Turbo Expo Conference (TE20), 21-25 Sept 2020, ISBN 9780791884089 (doi: 10.1115/GT2020-15414)

Andreou, T., White, C. , Kontis, K. , Shahpar, S. and Brown, N. (2021) Part 2: Design Optimisation Strategies for a Fuel Spray Nozzle. In: ASME 2020 Turbo Expo Conference (TE20), 21-25 Sept 2020, ISBN 9780791884089 (doi: 10.1115/GT2020-15431)

Pirlepeli, B., Nikbay, M. and Kontis, K. (2021) A Multifidelity Aerodynamic Surrogate Model Implementation for Aeroelastic Optimization of a Nonplanar Lifting Surface. In: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AeroBest 2021), Lisboa, Portugal, 21-23 Jul 2021, pp. 178-191. ISBN 9789899942486

Cusick, A., Kontis, K. and Nikbay, M. (2020) Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Reusable Launch Vehicles. In: 23rd AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, 10-12 Mar 2020, ISBN 9781624106002 (doi: 10.2514/6.2020-2425)

Cusick, A. and Kontis, K. (2019) Creation of Design and Analysis Tools for Large Design Space Resuable Launch Vehicle Shape Optimization. In: AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, Dallas, TX, USA, 17-21 Jun 2019, (doi: 10.2514/6.2019-2929)

Fujiwara, K., Kontis, K. and Ideta, T. (2019) Development of Non-intrusive Fluid Thermometry in Air with Temperature-sensitive Particles by Two-gated Method. In: 15th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (FLUCOME 2019), Naples, Italy, 27-30 May 2019,

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2019) Shock Train Structures in Rectangular Ducts. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 769-776. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_96)

Russell, A., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2019) Effect on Shock Train Behaviour of the Addition of a Cavity for Supersonic Intakes. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 777-784. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_97)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , White, C. and Kontis, K. (2019) Effects of Liquid Impurity on Laser-Induced Gas Breakdown in Quiescent Gas: Experimental and Numerical Investigations. In: 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Nagoya, Japan, 09-14 Jul 2017, pp. 9-16. ISBN 9783319910161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91017-8_2)

Yang, J., Chen, Y., Kontis, K. and Li, Y. (2017) Wind Tunnel Testing of Novel Wing Configurations for Design and Customisation in an Industry 4.0 Environment. In: 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA2016), Chengdu, China, 15-17 Dec 2016, pp. 92-97. ISBN 9781509032983 (doi: 10.1109/SKIMA.2016.7916203)

Maddock, C. A. et al. (2017) Vehicle and Mission Design of a Future Small Payload Launcher. In: 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 06-09 Mar 2017, ISBN 9781624104633 (doi: 10.2514/6.2017-2224)

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2017) Indraft Supersonic Wind Tunnel for Shock Train Investigations. In: 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 19-24 Jul 2015, pp. 1407-1411. ISBN 9783319448640 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44866-4_107)

Shah, N. K. and Kontis, K. (2017) Flow-Control Effectiveness of Convergent Surface Indentations on an Aerofoil at Low Reynolds Numbers. In: 2017 AIAA Aviation Forum, Denver, CO, USA, 05-09 Jun 2017, ISBN 9781624105012 (doi: 10.2514/6.2017-3568)

Ukai, T., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2017) Experimental Investigations of Three-Dimensional Shock-Vortex Loop Interaction: Shock Reflection and Diffraction Phenomena. In: 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 19-24 Jul 2015, pp. 1127-1132. ISBN 9783319448640 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44866-4_59)

Al Haddabi, N., Kontis, K. and Zare-Behtash, H. (2016) Experimental Study of Low-Speed Cavity Flow Using Steady Jets. In: 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malaga, Spain, 11 - 13 Jul 2016,

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Flow physics of a three-dimensional rounded contour bump in a mach 1.3 supersonic free-stream. In: AiAA Aviation 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, 22-26 Jun 2015,

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Flow Characteristics along an Active Jets Equipped Contour Bump in a Supersonic Freestream and its Potential to be Applied on Transonic Aircraft for Drag Reduction: An Experimental Study. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2015), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015, (doi: 10.2514/6.2015-1710)

Lo, K. H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2015) Effectiveness of Flow Separation Control on Contour Bumps under a Mach 1.3 Freestream: An Experimental Study. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2015), Kissimmee, FL, USA, 5-9 Jan 2015, pp. 1-11.

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Pseudo-shock mechanisms: a review of theoretical models. In: Advanced Aero Concepts, Design and Operations, Bristol, UK, 22-24 Jul 2014,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Roy, S. (2014) Flow control at subsonic speeds using serpentine plasma actuators. In: 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 16-18 Jun 2014,

Gnani, F., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Pseudo-shock waves in isolators. In: 27th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, St Andrews, Scotland, 15 May 2014,

Skinner, S., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2014) Fluid Structure Interactions of Non-Planar Wings. In: Greener Aeronautics Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 03-04 Nov 2014,

Lin, J., Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K. H., Erdem, E. and Kontis, K. (2013) Incident shock-transverse jet interactions at mach 1.9: effect of different jet gases. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2013) Control of flow separation on a contour bump by jets under a transonic flow: an experimental study. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 July 2013,

Saad, M.R., Che Idris, A., Lo, K.H. and Kontis, K. (2013) Micro-Ramps Flow Characteristics at Mach 1.9 & 5. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Erdem, E., Kontis, K. , Lin, J., Ukai, T. and Obayashi, S. (2013) Incident shock-transverse jet interactions at mach 1.9: effect of shock impingement location. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Lo, K.H., Zare-Behtash, H. , Kontis, K. and Qin, N. (2013) Application of the polymer based pressure sensitive paint for qualitative and quantitative flow visualisation in a transonic flow. In: 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, WI, USA, 14-19 Jul 2013,

Zare-Behtash, H. , Lo, K.H., Ukai, T., Kontis, K. and Obayashi, S. (2013) Experimental investigation of impinging shock: cavity interactions with upstream transverse jet injection. In: 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2-9 Jun 2013,

Che-Idris, A., Saad, M.R., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Performance analysis of a scramjet inlet-isolator using experimental & numerical methods. In: 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia, 23-28 Sep,

Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Unsteady shock wave interactions with 2-D geometries. In: 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW28), Manchester, UK, 17-22 Jul 2011, ISBN 9783642256844

Yang, L., Erdem, E., Zare-Behtash, H. and Kontis, K. (2012) Single pulse laser energy deposition in quiescent air and hypersonic flows. In: 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Tours, France, 24 - 28 Sep, (doi: 10.2514/6.2012-5870)


Lo, K. H. and Kontis, K. (2016) Drag reduction on articulated vehicles using A.C. DBD plasma actuator. [Exhibitions]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:55:07 2025 GMT.


Professor Kontis leads, inspires and educates an international research team of pre- and post-doctoral researchers, engineers and academics. Since 1998, he has supervised 25 Visiting Fellows, 44 PhD students (32 completed, 12 current), 17 postdoctoral researchers (16 completed, 1 current); now pursuing careers in academia and/or industry (11 previous group members are independent academics). Twelve PhD students were awarded the Centennial Scholarship by the Royal Aero. Society, for their ability and determination to make a significant contribution to the 2nd century of powered flight.

He is interested in supervising new PhD projects in the following areas:

  • Integrated wing technologies that involve high Aspect Ratio wings and joined or non-planar wing concepts;
  • Load control via e.g. spanwise flow control adjustments;
  • Flow and flight control using active multi-functional materials;
  • Integrated system sensors and actuators with distributed control and health monitoring;
  • Air-transports systems and space access;
  • Transition and SBLI;
  • Spacecraft plume characterization and contamination studies;
  • Plasma-based flow and flight control systems;
  • Design Optimisation, Uncertainty Quantification;
  • Integrated propulsion systems including intakes and ducts;
  • Combined PIV and PTSP imaging, using encapsulated sensitive particles;
  • Laser-based discharges and their interactions with surfaces;
  • Shock wave research;
  • Wind turbine technologies and helicopters.
  • Craig, Bradley
    Rocket Plume-Surface Interactions in Low-Pressure Environments
  • Hernandez Gelado, Pedro
    Low-order modelling of unsteady, nonlinear fluid dynamics using “Scientifically-Based” machine learning
  • Sadeghi, Alireza
    Fault Tolerant Current Limiting Superconducting Cable for Cryo-Electrified Systems
  • Wilson, Andrew
    Optimisation of a variable geometry propulsion-airframe integrated scramjet intake for morphing waveriders.
  • Yan, Dedao
    Protection Solutions of Electrified Aircraft System by Superconducting Fault Current Limiter

Research datasets

Additional information

Research Achievements

(i) Professor Kontis has designed and supervised the manufacture and commissioning of the subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels, and shock tube facilities at the University of Manchester and University of Glasgow. This has involved the application of fundamental principles using complex techniques to overcome unpredictable engineering challenges leading a team-effort of PDRAs, PhD students, Estate & Buildings, Finance, external consultants and contractors. 

(ii) He has developed advanced diagnostics for flows involving complex geometries, to provide tools for industry to tackle aerospace design challenges: (a) Pioneering applications of surface thermal imaging using rise-time analysis, enabling the application of phosphor thermometry to rotating components of gas-turbines; (b) Pioneering applications of high-speed stereo-PIV systems to measure instantaneous velocity vectors, and planar acceleration fields for unsteady flows at Mach numbers over 5. This has made it possible to identify lower-order dynamical systems that can be used to design simple and effective feedback control strategies, and to compute conditionally averaged velocity fields; (c) Leading contributions of pressure-sensitive paints to map surface pressures in U-bends and internal flows at low subsonic speeds. He has also demonstrated and assessed the performance of polymer-based and aluminum anodised PTSPs in the industrial scale European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW GmbH, Germany) at Reynolds numbers typical of a full-scale aircraft configuration.

(iii) Pioneering application of the fundamentals of creation, propagation and stability of compressible vortex loops; an extremely important development in the design of non-lethal-weapons; he addressed the effects of local environment on stability and propagation characteristics.

(iv) (a) Pioneering demonstration of the effectiveness of perforated walls in the attenuation of shock waves and vortices emanating from nozzles during the descending or ascending phases of aerospace vehicles; (b) Leading contributions to understanding the fundamentals of the interaction of secondary flow injection with cavity flows at subsonic and supersonic speeds.

(v) (a) Novel multi-encapsulated Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma actuators using optimization techniques that can produce high subsonic forcing velocities. This has enabled their application to the design of more efficient internal and external geometries, and manifolds improving the performance of jet-engines and commercial vehicles; (b) Fundamental research on transitional Shock Boundary Layer Interactions has provided for the first time complete time-averaged experimental data; (c) Pioneering laser-based energy deposition systems to suppress flow unsteadiness at Mach numbers over 1.5, due to shock-wave boundary layer interactions, and hence improve the structural integrity of aerospace vehicles.

(vi) The Glasgow 'National Wind Tunnel and Testing Facilities / ESA-ESTEC Facility' has generated new opportunities, and a step-change in our capability enabling new problems to be tackled (e.g. innovative helicopter concepts, integration of modelling and flight simulation with wind-tunnel testing, novel flow and load control solutions for vehicle design and offshore applications). It drives innovation across a broad range of sectors including aerospace, process industries and wind energy. It is engaging with numerous organizations from the UK and abroad resulting in the generation of grants, and providing benefit from ready-access to scientific advances emanating. Affiliation with industry has enhanced pull-through to higher TRL. The Facility has already built an intellectual capability by the fostering of young talented researchers, and by attracting established academic groups from other universities. It is dedicated to support industry in developing their businesses, and generating high-value jobs, income and impact for the local and national economy (e.g. employment opportunities, development and training of the workforce, interaction with SMEs, and support for the supply chain).

(vii) With funding from ESA/ESTEC, he led the design, manufacture and commissioning of the Plume-Regolith Testing Facility at the University of Glasgow. This is one the seven official ESA designated strategic facilities (Aero-Thermodynamics Directorate) distributed across Europe and is the only one that enables the realistic simulation of planetary conditions and testing of plume-regolith problems and interactions. The facility is aligned with ESA’s robotic Exploration Programmes requirements for missions including Mars Sample Return. It is contributing to the design of pulsed modulation descent thrusters that enables the reduction of erosion events. It provides experimental validation data to develop improved models and capability in engineering design software and simulation tools to predict the effects of rocket plumes on surfaces during lander approach and touchdown, specifically excavation, lofting and settling of dust clouds.

(viii) He co-authored and contributed to the formulation of the ‘Aerospace Defence, Marine and Security strategy for Scotland 2016’ and the ‘Europe’s vision for aviation: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), Volume 1’.