Dr Jun Young Cheong

  • Reader in Materials for Green Energy Technologies (Systems Power & Energy)

telephone: 0141-330-8734
email: JunYoung.Cheong@glasgow.ac.uk

Import to contacts


I have commenced my work as a Reader at the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow since May 2024 at the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Previously, I was a group leader at University of Bayreuth, serving both Department of Chemistry and Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (Baybatt), which is a Bavaria state-funded battery research center. Prior to joining University of Bayreuth/Baybatt, I was a staff engineer at Samsung SDI, specializing on electrode processing. I received my BS degree, MS degree, and PhD degree in materials science and engineering from KAIST in Korea. 

Research interests

My current research topic includes the synthesis of functional materials, energy storage and conversion, and in situ characterizations. I also would like to focus heavily both on the materials and manufacturing aspects of the lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitor, and next-generation batteries, as all of them are closely related. In order to address the energy supply needs, it is also important to consider the integration of energy storage system with other devices such as energy harvesters, which is also an additional aspect of research interest that I have. I welcome passionate individuals whose background is in chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering.

Additional information

Linkedin: Jun Young Cheong – Bayreuth, Bayern, Deutschland | Berufliches Profil | LinkedIn

Google Scholar: ‪Jun Young Cheong‬ - ‪Google 학술 검색‬


In case you would like to contact me, you are free to contact and apply for your position to me via my university e-mail address (JunYoung.Cheong@glasgow.ac.uk) and/or my gmail address (junyoung.cheong0305@gmail.com) in case I do not reply back to you via university e-mail address and/or the e-mail cannot be sent.


I am always looking for the prospective postdocs and Ph.D. students and we can discuss further to work out your careers at my group. The advertisement is open throughout the year, as there will be many different positions that will be opened & the first suitable applicant will be given the priority to come to my group if he/she meets the overall qualifications. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to apply to me at your earliest convenience in order to secure your position.