Dr Junlong Shang
- Affiliate (School of Engineering)
I am Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Rock Mechanics & Geomechanics (RMGE) at the University of Glasgow.
I am a member of the Geotechnics Group at the Division of Infrastructure and Environment; I am also a member of the Energy and Sustainability Research Group at the Division of Systems, Power and Energy.
My research centres on RMGE for sustainable infrastructure (tunnels, caverns, geological disposal facility) and earth resources (e.g., minerals, geothermal energy) and combines laboratory, modelling, and field approaches. I have established a proven track record in the mechanics of rocks and fractures and multiphysics coupled modelling. Our research has been funded by UKRI (EPSRC, NERC), Royal Society, and European Commission.
I hold an EPSRC New Investigator Award. I am a recipient of the prestigious ISRM Rocha Medal (awarded to one candidate annually since 1982) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. I currently serve as a Future Leader of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA). I am a Scientific Editor for Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Elsevier) and an Editorial Board Member of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Springer).
Research interests
- Experimental rock mechanics (failure of anisotropic rock, fracture mechanics);
- Rock engineering and sustainable infrastructure (mining, underground space, caverns, tunnels, rock bolting mechanism, energy storage, geological disposal of radioactive wastes);
- Discrete Element Method (3D Particle Flow Code);
- Machine learning (Python in solid Earth geoscience, geotechnics);
- Geothermal energy (THMC coupling, EGS development and production).
We welcome qualified PhD applicants who are interested in the above research areas to join our group. Please contact me via email at junlong.shang@glasgow.ac.uk.
We are also keen on research collaboration (e.g., grant applications, Marie Curie Fellowship or Newton Postdoc Fellowship applications...) - please contact me if you are interested.
- EPSRC (New Investigator Award): INFORM - Influence of fracture heterogeneity on rock deformation and failure: a mechanics-based multi-scale framework for radioactive waste disposal. PI, 2023-2026, £404k
- Royal Society: Clogging of rock fractures, PI, 2022-2024, £12k
- NERC: Digging deep Earth for heat to promote environmental sustainability (DEEPHEAT), PI, 2021-2023, £88k (incl. £17k allocated for SUERC Glasgow)
- GFZ (Germany) innovative research expedition fund: a travel grant to support fieldwork at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, PI, 2021-2023, external
- SKLGDUEK open fund: 3D hydraulic fractures in geothermal reservoirs, PI, 2020-2022, external
- Dr Lie Kong
PhD Students
- Mr Josiah Amabogha (first supervisor)
- Mr Wei Hao (first supervisor)
- Mr Fanlin Ling (first supervisor)
- Ms Rabaya Khair Nithy (first supervisor)
- Mr Abdurrahim Mohsen Ali Essayah (second supervisor)
Visiting Scholar
- Mr Pengli Huang (Central South University)
- Ms Meng Wang (Beijing University of Technology)
NEW PhD Projects (start in Oct 2023):
1. Spatiotemporal Evolution of Excavation-Disturbed Zones in Fractured Geological/Rock Media
2. Sustainable Rock Reinforcement for Green Infrastructure
- Taghavinejad, Amin
Multi-Scale Investigation of Gas-Water Dynamics in Underground Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Storage
ENG2080 Geology and Surveying for Civil Engineers [Course convenor; undergraduate Year 2]
This course provides an introduction to practical geology for civil engineers, emphasising: (i) identification of rocks, soils and associated landforms; (ii) appreciation of the occurrence and movement of groundwater; (iii) basic appraisal of geohazards relevant to engineering practice; (iv) applications of geology in civil engineering projects. It also introduces the topic of surveying and includes a series of practical sessions which allow students to familiarise themselves with surveying equipment.
ENG4072 Rock Mechanics & Engineering [Course convenor; undergraduate Year 4, postgraduate MSc]
This is a new course that will be available as of spring 2023. This course introduces fundamentals of rock mechanics and its application to surface and subsurface engineering practice, emphasising: (i) introduction to the characteristics and the nature of rock mechanics; (ii) hydrogeology of rock masses; (iii) philosophy of rock engineering design; (iv) applications of rock mechanics in civil and renewable energy engineering projects (e.g., rock slope stability, geological disposal of radioactive wastes, geothermal energy, mineral resources extraction). It also includes a series of practical sessions which allow students to familiarise themselves with the subject.
Additional information
Honors & Awards
- 2023: Excellent Scientific Editor Award, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Elsevier)
- 2022: Fellowship of Recognising Excellence in Teaching (UofG)
- 2022: EPSRC New Investigator Award (UKRI)
- 2022: Visiting Scientist, German Research Centre for Geosciences (Potsdam)
- 2021: Wiley Top Cited Paper Award for my solo-authored JGR paper
- 2020: Recipient of the Rocha Medal of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)
- 2020: Future Leader Member of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)
- 2020: Excellent reviewer of Journal of Central South University_English Edition (Springer)
- 2018: Excellent reviewer of Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Elsevier)
- 2015: Distinguished Master Thesis Award granted by Hunan Province, China
- 2013: Outstanding Graduate granted by Hunan Province, China
- 2012: Top 10 MEng student Award granted by Central South University
Editorial Board Membership
- Scientific Editor & Editorial Board Member: Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Elsevier)
- Editorial Board Member: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Springer)
- Guest Editor: Minerals (with Dr Rathnaweera TD_Monash University, Australia). SI: Deep Saline CO2 Sequestration: Mechanisms and Coupling Behaviours
- Guest Editor: Energies (with Dr Chun Zhu_Hohai University, China; Prof Manchao He_CUMTB, China). SI: Multifield and Multiscale Coupling of Rocks in Deep Energy Exploitation
- Guest Editor: Frontiers in Earth Science (with Dr Yingchun Li_Dalian University of Technology, China; Prof Ernest Rutter, University of Manchester, UK; Dr Yinlin Ji_GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany). SI: Recent Advances in Mechanics and Physics of Rock Fractures across Scales
- Reviewer for around 30 international journals
Invited Talk
- 2023: Guest Lecture (Rock Mechanics), Tongji University
- 2023: Invited talk, Jacobs, Glasgow Office
- 2022: Engineering Geology Webinar, ETH Zürich
- 2022: Invited talk, Imperial Colledge London, UK
- 2021: Invited keynote (Rocha Lecture) for Eurock 2021, Turin, Italy
- 2021: Invited talk, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
- 2021: Invited talk, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
- 2021: BGA Evening Lecture, invited by the British Geotechnical Association, UK
- 2020: Invited keynote for China Rock 2020, Beijing, China
- 2020: Invited presentation for a technical session of China rock 2020 (topic: Discontinuous deformation)
- 2022-present: Deputy PGR convenor (Division of Infrastructure & Environment)
- 2022-present: Member of EPSRC Peer Review College
- 2022: External examiner, PhD thesis of University of Aberdeen
- 2022: Local Committee Member, International Green Energy Conference, Uni. of Glasgow, Glasgow, July 10-13, 2023
- 2021: Co-Chair of the scientific committee for ARC 13 conference of International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), Nov 2021, Singapore
- 2021: Session Chair (topic: rock mechanics for geothermal energy), ARC 13 of IAEG, Singapore
- 2018: Organizing Committee Member, ARMS 10, Oct 2018, Singapore