Dr Arturo Molina-Cristobal

  • Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering (Singapore: Engineering)

email: Arturo.Molina-Cristobal@glasgow.ac.uk

University of Glasgow Singapore, Level 4, SIT Building, 537 Clementi Road, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 599493

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0380-5042

Research interests

Engineering Design Theory

Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Uncertainty Quantification & Management (UQ&M)

Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO)

Risk and Reliability 

Multi-Objective Control and Optimization

Robust Control: LMI Approach

Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms

Vibration: Modal Analysis

Modelica Language for Modelling Complex Physical Systems

Systems Modeling Language (SysML)

Aircraft Systems

Hybrid Power Systems


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2012 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items: 23.


Tan, A., Della, C. , Jasin, J., Lim, I., Ong, C. M., Wang, V. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Transfer of Learning Through Authentic Assessments in Mechanics of Solids. 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, Porto, Portugal, 3-4 October 2024.

Tan, A. C. H., Della, C. , Tan, E. E. C., Jasin, J., Lim, I. L. H., Wang, V., Ong, C. M. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Bringing work into the classroom – ill-structured problems and transfer of learning through computer simulations. Singapore Engineer Magazine, 2024(Aug), pp. 26-29.

Tan, A., Della, C. , Jasin, J., Lim, I., Wang, V., Ong, C. M., Ang, E. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Enhancing Engineering Education through Transfer of Learning, Authentic Assessment, and Engineering Simulations. In: 2024 ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 23-26 June 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. and Hussain, S. (2024) Using a Virtual Reality Tool for Experimental Learning in Engineering. A Survey of Learner Preferences. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Auckland, New Zealand, 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2023, ISBN 9781665453325 (doi: 10.1109/TALE56641.2023.10398242)


Tan, A., Della, C. , Bin Jasin, J., Lim, L. H. I. , Ong, C. M., Wang, V., Molina-Cristobal, A. and Shavrina, E. (2023) Sustainability in Engineering Education: A Paradigm Shift with Transfer‐of‐Learning and Authentic Assessment. World Engineers Summit 2023, Singapore, 8-10 Nov 2023. (Unpublished)


Molina-Cristobal, A. and Hong, F. (2022) Students’ Engagement Levels in Virtual Laboratories: Mechanical Engineering Education Case Study. The 2022 Online Global Festival of Active Learning, 25-29 April 2022.

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Hong, F., Lim, L. H. I. , Della, C. , Shah, J. A., Bremner, D. , Dale, V. and Kipar, N. (2022) Evaluating the impact of students’ engagement levels in virtual laboratories of electronics modules. 3rd Applied Learning Conference, 20-21 January 2022.

Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. , Molina-Cristobal, A. , Della, C. , Dale, V. and Feng, M. (2022) Learner’s Experience About Freehand Sketching Vs CAD For Concept Ideation Process During Product Design Development. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wuhan, China, 5-8 Dec 2021, pp. 188-195. ISBN 9781665436878 (doi: 10.1109/TALE52509.2021.9678862)

Della, C. et al. (2022) Integrating Simulation in the Singapore Institute of Technology-University of Glasgow Mechanical Engineering Curriculum. Applied Learning Conference 2022, Singapore, 20-21 Jan 2022. (Unpublished)


Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. , Molina-Cristobal, A. and Della, C. (2021) Learn How to Generate Concepts Using Freehand Sketching During Product Design and Development. World Engineering Summit (WES) 2021, Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore, 10 - 12 November 2021.

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Lim, I. , Hong, F., Della, C. , Shah, J. A., Dale, V. and Bremner, D. (2021) Maximising Student Engagement in Online and Blended Learning: A Survey of Learner Preferences. In: The 2nd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2021), Singapore, 13-15 May 2021, pp. 161-170.


Guenov, M. D., Riaz, A., Bile, Y. H., Molina-Cristobal, A. and van Heerden, A. S.J. (2020) Computational framework for interactive architecting of complex systems. Systems Engineering, 23(3), pp. 350-365. (doi: 10.1002/sys.21531)

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Chen, X., Guenov, M. D., Riaz, A. and van Heerden, A. S.J. (2020) Interactive uncertainty allocation and tradeoff for early stage design of complex systems. AIAA Journal, 58(3), pp. 1356-1368. (doi: 10.2514/1.J058442)


van Heerden, A. S.J. , Guenov, M. D. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2019) Evolvability and design reuse in civil jet transport aircraft. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 108, pp. 121-155. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2019.01.006)

Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. D. and Riaz, A. (2019) Efficient method for variance-based sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 181, pp. 97-115. (doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.06.016)


Guenov, M. D., Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Riaz, A., van Heerden, A. S. J. and Padulo, M. (2018) Margin allocation and tradeoff in complex systems design and optimization. AIAA Journal, 56(7), pp. 2887-2902. (doi: 10.2514/1.J056357)

Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. D., Datta, V. C. and Riaz, A. (2018) A novel method for inverse uncertainty propagation. In: Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences. Series: Computational methods in applied sciences, 48. Springer: Cham, pp. 353-370. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89988-6_21)


Riaz, A., Guenov, M. D. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2017) Set-based approach to passenger aircraft family design. Journal of Aircraft, 54(1), pp. 310-326. (doi: 10.2514/1.C033747)


Nunez, M., Datta, V. C., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. and Riaz, A. (2012) Enabling exploration in the conceptual design and optimisation of complex systems. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(10-11), pp. 852-875. (doi: 10.1080/09544828.2012.706800)


Giacomán-Zarzar, M., Ramirez-Mendoza, R., Fleming, P. J., Griffin, I. and Molina-Cristóbal, A. (2008) Robust H∞ controller design for aircraft lateral dynamics using multi-objective optimization and genetic algorithms. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2), pp. 8834-8839. (doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.01493)


Molina-Cristóbal, A. , Griffin, I. A., Fleming, P. J. and Owens, D. H. (2006) Linear matrix inequalities and evolutionary optimization in multiobjective control. International Journal of Systems Science, 37(8), pp. 513-522. (doi: 10.1080/00207720600783942)


Henrion, D., Kucera, V. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2005) Optimizing simultaneously over the numerator and denominator polynomials in the Youla-Kuc/spl caron/era parametrization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(9), pp. 1369-1374. (doi: 10.1109/TAC.2005.854618)

Molina-Cristóbal, A. , Griffin, I. A., Fleming, P. J. and Owens, D. H. (2005) Multiobjective controller design: Optimising controller structure with genetic algorithms. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 38(1), pp. 51-56. (doi: 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.00869)

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 02:24:49 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 23.


Tan, A. C. H., Della, C. , Tan, E. E. C., Jasin, J., Lim, I. L. H., Wang, V., Ong, C. M. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Bringing work into the classroom – ill-structured problems and transfer of learning through computer simulations. Singapore Engineer Magazine, 2024(Aug), pp. 26-29.

Guenov, M. D., Riaz, A., Bile, Y. H., Molina-Cristobal, A. and van Heerden, A. S.J. (2020) Computational framework for interactive architecting of complex systems. Systems Engineering, 23(3), pp. 350-365. (doi: 10.1002/sys.21531)

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Chen, X., Guenov, M. D., Riaz, A. and van Heerden, A. S.J. (2020) Interactive uncertainty allocation and tradeoff for early stage design of complex systems. AIAA Journal, 58(3), pp. 1356-1368. (doi: 10.2514/1.J058442)

van Heerden, A. S.J. , Guenov, M. D. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2019) Evolvability and design reuse in civil jet transport aircraft. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 108, pp. 121-155. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2019.01.006)

Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. D. and Riaz, A. (2019) Efficient method for variance-based sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 181, pp. 97-115. (doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.06.016)

Guenov, M. D., Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Riaz, A., van Heerden, A. S. J. and Padulo, M. (2018) Margin allocation and tradeoff in complex systems design and optimization. AIAA Journal, 56(7), pp. 2887-2902. (doi: 10.2514/1.J056357)

Riaz, A., Guenov, M. D. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2017) Set-based approach to passenger aircraft family design. Journal of Aircraft, 54(1), pp. 310-326. (doi: 10.2514/1.C033747)

Nunez, M., Datta, V. C., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. and Riaz, A. (2012) Enabling exploration in the conceptual design and optimisation of complex systems. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(10-11), pp. 852-875. (doi: 10.1080/09544828.2012.706800)

Giacomán-Zarzar, M., Ramirez-Mendoza, R., Fleming, P. J., Griffin, I. and Molina-Cristóbal, A. (2008) Robust H∞ controller design for aircraft lateral dynamics using multi-objective optimization and genetic algorithms. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2), pp. 8834-8839. (doi: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.01493)

Molina-Cristóbal, A. , Griffin, I. A., Fleming, P. J. and Owens, D. H. (2006) Linear matrix inequalities and evolutionary optimization in multiobjective control. International Journal of Systems Science, 37(8), pp. 513-522. (doi: 10.1080/00207720600783942)

Henrion, D., Kucera, V. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2005) Optimizing simultaneously over the numerator and denominator polynomials in the Youla-Kuc/spl caron/era parametrization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(9), pp. 1369-1374. (doi: 10.1109/TAC.2005.854618)

Molina-Cristóbal, A. , Griffin, I. A., Fleming, P. J. and Owens, D. H. (2005) Multiobjective controller design: Optimising controller structure with genetic algorithms. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 38(1), pp. 51-56. (doi: 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.00869)

Book Sections

Chen, X., Molina-Cristobal, A. , Guenov, M. D., Datta, V. C. and Riaz, A. (2018) A novel method for inverse uncertainty propagation. In: Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences. Series: Computational methods in applied sciences, 48. Springer: Cham, pp. 353-370. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89988-6_21)

Conference or Workshop Item

Tan, A., Della, C. , Jasin, J., Lim, I., Ong, C. M., Wang, V. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Transfer of Learning Through Authentic Assessments in Mechanics of Solids. 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, Porto, Portugal, 3-4 October 2024.

Tan, A., Della, C. , Bin Jasin, J., Lim, L. H. I. , Ong, C. M., Wang, V., Molina-Cristobal, A. and Shavrina, E. (2023) Sustainability in Engineering Education: A Paradigm Shift with Transfer‐of‐Learning and Authentic Assessment. World Engineers Summit 2023, Singapore, 8-10 Nov 2023. (Unpublished)

Molina-Cristobal, A. and Hong, F. (2022) Students’ Engagement Levels in Virtual Laboratories: Mechanical Engineering Education Case Study. The 2022 Online Global Festival of Active Learning, 25-29 April 2022.

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Hong, F., Lim, L. H. I. , Della, C. , Shah, J. A., Bremner, D. , Dale, V. and Kipar, N. (2022) Evaluating the impact of students’ engagement levels in virtual laboratories of electronics modules. 3rd Applied Learning Conference, 20-21 January 2022.

Della, C. et al. (2022) Integrating Simulation in the Singapore Institute of Technology-University of Glasgow Mechanical Engineering Curriculum. Applied Learning Conference 2022, Singapore, 20-21 Jan 2022. (Unpublished)

Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. , Molina-Cristobal, A. and Della, C. (2021) Learn How to Generate Concepts Using Freehand Sketching During Product Design and Development. World Engineering Summit (WES) 2021, Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore, 10 - 12 November 2021.

Conference Proceedings

Tan, A., Della, C. , Jasin, J., Lim, I., Wang, V., Ong, C. M., Ang, E. and Molina-Cristobal, A. (2024) Enhancing Engineering Education through Transfer of Learning, Authentic Assessment, and Engineering Simulations. In: 2024 ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 23-26 June 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. and Hussain, S. (2024) Using a Virtual Reality Tool for Experimental Learning in Engineering. A Survey of Learner Preferences. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Auckland, New Zealand, 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2023, ISBN 9781665453325 (doi: 10.1109/TALE56641.2023.10398242)

Shah, J. A., Lim, L. H. I. , Molina-Cristobal, A. , Della, C. , Dale, V. and Feng, M. (2022) Learner’s Experience About Freehand Sketching Vs CAD For Concept Ideation Process During Product Design Development. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wuhan, China, 5-8 Dec 2021, pp. 188-195. ISBN 9781665436878 (doi: 10.1109/TALE52509.2021.9678862)

Molina-Cristobal, A. , Lim, I. , Hong, F., Della, C. , Shah, J. A., Dale, V. and Bremner, D. (2021) Maximising Student Engagement in Online and Blended Learning: A Survey of Learner Preferences. In: The 2nd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2021), Singapore, 13-15 May 2021, pp. 161-170.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 02:24:49 2025 GMT.