SET researchers get first and second place at Visualise Your Thesis

Published: 26 August 2021

26 August 2021 - Dorota Budzyn and Livia Ionescu awarded for presenting their PhD research in under two minutes.

Dorota Budzyn and Livia Ionescu have been awarded first place and runner up at the "Visualise Your Thesis 2021" competition, where PhD students were challenged to make a video explaining their research to non-specialist audience in under two minutes. Watch their videos here.

Dorota Budzyn, winner of the competition and awarded a prize of £1000, said:

It is great to see that as PhD students we are being encouraged to work on our communication skills. For me the workshops and provided materials were a good base to learn new ways of explaining research problems to wide audience. It definitely helped me to prepare my video. I think it is also going to help me to keep my future presentations more engaging which is not always easy with engineering topics.

Livia Ionescu, runner-up and awarded a prize of £250, said:

Explaining your own research is always a difficult thing to do, especially if the audience is non-specialist. Making this presentation has helped me to get to the core of my research and reminded me again of its importance. I am happy to have had this opportunity. I am positive that the skills I gained from following the workshops and creating the video will help me during my research career and my life – or at least it will help me a great deal the next time a family member asks me ‘what exactly it is that I am doing’.

Congratulations Dorota and Livia!

First published: 26 August 2021