Research Associate position available with SOLSPACE

Published: 16 January 2024

Research Associate post in Orbital Dynamics to support the European Research Council SOLSPACE project

We are advertising a Research Associate post to work on the European Research Council SOLSPACE project (Orbital Dynamics theme) within the Space and Exploration Technology (SET) group.

Full details and link to the application process at:

Research Associate in Space Technology: Orbital Dynamics and Mission Analysis at University of Glasgow (

Closing date for application: 12 February 2024


The five-year SOLSPACE project, supported by an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council, will undertake an adventurous programme of research to investigate the use of ultra-lightweight orbiting reflectors to enhance the output of future terrestrial solar power farms. This will involve the integration of four research themes spanning orbital dynamics and mission analysis, attitude control and structural dynamics, reflector design and fabrication and energy systems and economic modelling. The SOLSPACE project will combine modelling and simulation with laboratory-scale technology demonstration.

First published: 16 January 2024