Diagnostic research develops the first digital home-based bowel cancer screening test
Bowel cancer has become the third most prevalent cancer in China, with >375,000 new cancers/year and ~190,000 deaths/year. Barriers to early detection include the lack of accurate and sensitive screening tests.
To overcome this, UofG research developed the first, digital home-based bowel screening test, produced by UofG spin-out compaorigny, ModeDx. Oxford MEStar acquired ModeDx (2016) and developed the test for Chinese markets, led by UofG’s Prof Cooper, as Advisory Board Chair. Having passed clinical trials, gained CE marking and Chinese National Medical Products Administration approval, the device is being mass-produced as a digital health screening product to address the rising challenge of recent growth in bowel cancer prevalence, attributed to China’s aging population and a more westernised lifestyle with increased dietary fat, obesity and physical inactivity.