Origami diagnostic tests enable rapid, low-cost diagnosis of infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries
Infectious diseases are the leading cause of mortality amongst people in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). High disease mortality rates are often linked to prohibitive cost and resource obstacles to diagnosis. UofG researchers have developed a unique paper-microfluidic diagnostic platform (manufactured by UK SME, Epigem) that uniquely uses origami-folding lateral flow to bring rapid and accurate molecular testing to low-resource under-served rural areas in Uganda and beyond. The device enables DNA analysis, which is normally performed in a laboratory, to be carried out in rural under-served communities more rapidly and accurately than the current gold- standard field-based methods. Both healthcare and policy have changed in Uganda as a result of the devices being used to detect malaria and schistosomiasis, with economic and social impacts for stakeholders/partners. In addition, this project is contributing to innovation and entrepreneurial activity in the design and delivery of new diagnostic products and services thorough our partners in the Ugandan Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), − a center of excellence for Industrial Research in the East African Community.