Research & Teaching
- Achillopoulou, Dr Dimitra (Lecturer in Structural Design)
- Adhikari, Professor Sondipon (Professor of Engineering Mechanics)
- Aggarwal, Dr Ankush (Senior Lecturer)
- Azizi, Dr Arash (Lecturer in in Geotechnics for Sustainability and Resilience of Infrastructure)
- Berry, Dr Nathan (Research Associate)
- Bhandari, Mr Dinesh (Research Associate in Stochastic Modelling of Microbial Communities)
- Bijaya, Mr Ananya (Research Associate)
- Bradley, Professor Fiona (Professor of Structural Engineering Design)
- Brown, Mrs Linda (Senior Lecturer)
- Buckley, Dr Roisin (Senior Lecturer)
- Byun, Dr Ji-Eun (Lecturer in Smart Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure)
- Cholet, Dr Fabien (Research Associate)
- Chowdhury, Dr Sudip (Research Associate)
- Comadran Casas, Dr Carla (Research Associate)
- Connelly, Dr Stephanie (Lecturer)
- Creed, Dr Maggie (Lecturer)
- Domingo-Felez, Dr Carlos (Lecturer in Water and Environment)
- Febrianto, Dr Eky (Lecturer in Computational Mechanics)
- Gao, Dr Zhiwei (Senior Lecturer)
- Gauchotte-Lindsay, Professor Caroline (Professor of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry)
- Gomez Borraz, Dr Tania (Research Associate)
- Grassl, Dr Peter (Senior Lecturer)
- Hay, Mr Tom (Lecturer in Structural Design)
- Ijaz, Dr Umer (Reader in Information Engineering)
- Kaczmarczyk, Professor Lukasz (Professor of Applied Computational Modelling)
- Khaksar Najafi, Dr Elmira (Research Associate)
- Kulikova, Miss Adriana (Research Assistant)
- Lanzaro, Dr Alfredo (Research Associate)
- Lee, Dr Chun Hean (Senior Lecturer)
- McBride, Professor Andrew (Professor of Computational Mechanics)
- Ogundero, Mr Ayo (Research Associate)
- Pagano, Dr Arianna Gea (Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering)
- Pearce, Professor Chris (Professor of Computational Mechanics)
- Poursat, Dr Baptiste (Research Associate)
- Quinn, Mr Dominic (Research Associate in Environmental Microbiology)
- Runcie, Dr Callum (Research Associate)
- Saxena, Dr Prashant (Senior Lecturer)
- Shinde, Dr Ninad (Research Associate)
- Shvarts, Dr Andrei (Lecturer)
- Sloan, Professor William (Professor of Environmental Engineering)
- Smith, Professor Cindy (Professor)
- Steinmann, Professor Paul (Professor of Computational Engineering Science)
- Sun, Professor Jin (Professor of Granular Mechanics)
- Uzma, Dr Uzma (Research Associate)
- Vignola, Dr Marta (Lecturer)
- Williams, Dr Ross (Research Associate)
- Ahmed, Dr Azzam (Visiting Researcher)