Quantum, Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing at University of Glasgow

QuMiNaMa large image

You are invited to join us for a showcase of the manufacturing research capabilities at University of Glasgow.

14:00 - 18:00, Thursday 14th December 2017: James Watt South Building Stevenson Lecture Theatre Rm 354

Invited speakers include:

UK QT Programme - Present & Future

Professor Sir Peter Knight, Chair, Quantum Metrology Institute, National Physical Laboratory & Emeritus Professor of Quantum Optics, Imperial College London;

European InP Foundry

Dr David Robbins, Director, Willow Photonics.


In addition to input from several industrial partners as to their future needs.


Talks will be followed by a drinks reception and poster session demonstrating the wide-ranging manufacturing research across the University.

Register your interest here.

Contact: eng-qmn-manufacturing@glasgow.ac.uk