
Novel Light Sources & Receivers
Our research focuses on several aspects of novel light sources, aligning with the intersts of different faculty members. These include:
Integrated optics, silicon photonics and semiconductor lasers. We are particularly interested in semiconductor ring lasers, ultrashort pulse laser diodes, coupled ring resonators on silicon-on-insulator, and InSb-based midIR LEDs for gas sensing.
And, exploiting novel laser sources for applications such as visible light communication, underwater optical wireless communication and quantum clocks.
- Scott Watson
Semiconductor Photonics Materials and Devices
Working closely with industry, our research interests range from developing new semiconductors for use in photonic devices such as lasers and photovoltaics through to the development of new photonic systems for use in communications, lighting, energy, biosciences, health and the emerging field of space-based photonics.

Structured Light & Non-linear Optics
Our research is concerned with integrated magneto-optics, semiconductor optoelectronics for quantum technologies, optical frequency concersion, and nonlinear refraction and absoption in semiconductor waveguides.
Structured Photonics:
Our group focuses on applying novel physical phenomena to to solve engineering challenges. Our research programs include the development of state-of-the-art Space Division Multiplexed communication systems, novel studies into the propagation dynamics of structured light in turbulent environments, ultra-wide field of view solar collection optics, and bespoke acoustic wavefront shapers.
Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics
Our research interests cover a broad range of topics. Among them the most relevant are nonlinear optics, quantum optics, terahertz photonics, and plasma physics.

RF and Microwave Photonics
Our research focuses on a variety of subjects including semiconductor integrated optics, semiconductor lasers, hybrid III-V silicon photonic integrated circuits, biosensors, photoelectric imaging, terahertz technology, nanotechnology and photonics:
We are also interested in Gallium Nitride micro-LEDs, MLLD diodes and oscillators, and High speed DFB lasers:
Finally, we are also interested in semiconductor laser technology and integrated optics, ranging from epitaxial growth through to the design and development of integrated laser modules for applications including advanced printing and imaging. This included research into the fundamental electrical and optical properties of semiconductors, development of novel optoelectronic devices, processes for creating photonic integrated circuits, integrated mode-locked lasers for ultra-short pulse generation, and the development and manufacturing of high-power laser array products: