The Microwave and Terahertz Electronics (MaTE) research group was established in 2017 by Dr. Chong Li.The group research ultrafast semiconductor devices, emerging energy harvesting and wireless power transfer, microwave & THz technology for radar, imaging, and communication applications.
Topic 1: Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits
Rapid growth on data rate for next generation wireless communications and finer resolution radar for future autonomous vehicles drives the need for reliable mm-Wave & THz integrated circuits. We are developing InP/GaAs/ GaN transistors and diodes for low noise amplifiers, oscillators, passive components, and submodules for mm-wave and THz front-ends using the state-of-the-art fabrication facilities at JWNC & measurement equipment at ESDC.
Group members:
- Huihua Cheng: Sub-50nm T-gate process development for InP HEMTs and THz MMICs
- Jing Wang: modelling and charactersation of low noise HEMTS and amplifiers for THz applications
- Qingxia Li: modelling GaN-based low noise amplifers
- Yi Wang: Low noise amplifiers and integrated circuits
Topic 2: Antennas & EM wave manipulating devices
We are developing novel antennas, detectors and integration technology for remote sensing that allows detection of hidden hazardous materials and weapons up-to tens of meters. The novel antennas and high sensitivity detectors can also be used for anti-collision radar, meteorology and agriculture harvesting applications. We also explore novel Over the Air (OTA) integration technology for 6G mobile communications, space explorations and cryogentic applications.
Group members:
- Qusay Al-taai (PDRA): Wireless controls of quantum qubits
- Yi Yi: graphene-based modulators and absorbers
- Mingyan Zhong: monolithic integration of SRR and Gunn diode oscillators
- Yunan Jiang: low-profile metalens and detectors
- James Kelly: on-wafer metrology for cryogenic and THz applications
- Erilia Khusna: antenna and tunable devices for future wireless communication systems
Topic 3: Sensing & Energy Harvesting
Sensors and sensor networks are widely deployed in our daily life including civial engineering, medical diagnosis, environmental and agricultural monitoring etc. In MaTE group we are developing novel sensors and energy harvesting technologies to enable sensing at room temperature and extreme conditions for biomedical and industrial applications.
Group members:
- Ajay Beniwal (Marie Curie Fellow): Disposable Sensor for Continuous Detection of Renal Disease
- Yufei Ma: Hybrid RF and acoustic energy harvesting platform
Topic 4: Affordable & Renewable Energy Developments
Nowadays nearly 50% of the population in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa has no access to electricity. Electrification can improve living standards, including sanitation (Rao, 2017), increased levels of literacy and educational achievement (UNDESA, 2014), and better economic prospects (IRENA, 2019). Therefore, it has become a dominant goal of Governments and NGOs in developing countries. In MaTE group, we have a mission to bring affordable, reliable and renewable energy to those who still live in darkness.
group members:
Dr. Shimul Saha (visiting scholar)
PhD opportunities
- III-V semiconductor devices
- Frequency scanning antennas
- Metamaterials