Postgraduate research study
The James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow is looking for applications for PhD study from high quality applicants who wish to contribute to our vibrant research environment and interact with one or more of our research groups. Candidates with a good first degree or equivalent qualifications in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical disciplines are especially welcome.
The School has five research divisions each of which recruits well qualified students in a broad range of subject areas. These are listed below with incoming Higher Education CAH codes and will help you identify which division would suit you best. Of course you may want to try something different from your undergraduate or masters-level studies, so please do explore our project lists linked under each divisional heading.
If you satisfy our conditions of admission, you will be enrolled on an engineering only CAH code to ensure you graduate with an engineering doctorate.
Doctoral Training Centres
Employer-driven projects
Autonomous Systems and Connectivity
This division recruits applicants with a good first degree or equivalent in:
CAH10-01-01 - Engineering
CAH10-01-02 - Mechanical Engineering
CAH10-01-04 - Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
CAH10-01-08 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
CAH10-03-02 - Materials Technology
CAH11-01-02 - Information Technology
CAH11-01-03 - Information Systems
CAH11-01-04 - Software Engineering
CAH11-01-05 - Artificial Intelligence
See Autonomous Systems and Connectivity for information on possible research topics and projects.
Biomedical Engineering
This division recruits applicants with a good first degree or equivalent in:
CAH10-01-01 - Engineering
CAH10-01-06 - Bioengineering, Medical and Biomedical Engineering
CAH10-01-02 - Mechanical Engineering
CAH10-01-08 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
CAH10-01-09 - Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering
CAH10-03-02 - Materials Technology
CAH07-01-01 - Physics
CAH07-02-01 - Chemistry
See Biomedical Engineering for information on possible research topics and projects.
Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering
This division recruits applicants with a good first degree or equivalent in:
CAH10-01-01 - Engineering
CAH10-01-08 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
CAH10-03-02 - Materials Technology
CAH11-01-02 - Information Technology
CAH11-01-04 - Software Engineering
CAH07-01-01 - Physics
See Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering for information on possible research topics and projects.
Infrastructure and Environment
This division recruits applicants with a good first degree or equivalent in:
CAH10-01-01 - Engineering
CAH10-01-07 - Civil Engineering
CAH10-03-02 - Materials Technology
CAH11-01-04 - Software Engineering
CAH11-01-05 - Artificial Intelligence
CAH03-01-03 - Ecology and Environmental Biology
CAH07-01-01 - Physics
CAH07-02-01 - Chemistry
CAH09-01-01 - Mathematics
See Infrastructure and Environment for information on possible research topics and projects.
Systems Power and Energy
This division recruits applicants with a good first degree or equivalent in:
CAH10-01-01 - Engineering
CAH10-01-02 - Mechanical Engineering
CAH10-01-04 - Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
CAH10-01-06 - Bioengineering, Medical and Biomedical Engineering
CAH10-01-08 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
CAH10-01-09 - Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering
CAH10-03-02 - Materials Technology
CAH11-01-04 - Software Engineering
See Systems Power and Energy for information on possible research topics and projects
It is the University of Glasgow’s mission to foster an inclusive climate, which ensures equality in our working, learning, research and teaching environment. We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equality. As an Athena SWAN Silver Award holder, the School of Engineering has equality, diversity and inclusion at its heart, and actively supports applications from all sections of society.
Academic Application Procedure
- Identify a potential research project/topic by looking through the information provided on our research division web pages, individual staff pages and potential projects/research areas.
- Contact the project supervisors to discuss your interest in the project. It is very important that you make contact with a potential supervisor in advance of applying to undertake the project.
- Submit your application through the relevant Research Division on the main University webpage. University of Glasgow - Postgraduate study - Research opportunities A-Z
This application is for admission to study only and the decision and offer is based on your academic achievements. If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship you will also need to complete and submit a Scholarship Application Form - see details below.
Scholarship information and scholarship application procedure
We have a limited number of School and EPSRC funded Scholarships, and Mary Gibb Dunlop funded Scholarships (to support under represented groups) - to offer to excellent home and international candidates. The next Scholarship closing date for a start date in academic year 2025/26 is 31 May 2025.
To be considered for any of these Scholarships applicants must:
1. Complete an academic application stating a 2025/26 start. AND,
2. Complete a Scholarship Application via the Scholarship Portal at the following link: University of Glasgow | The Scholarships Application Portal Please start the application process in advance of the closing date as your nominated supervisor must upload a supporting letter. Once you have entered your supervisor's details on the portal, they will receive an automated email asking them to upload a supporting letter. Once they upload it, you will be notified by email and can then SUBMIT your application. Your applicaiton will not be live on the system until you do this final step.
Doctoral Training Awards (DTAs)
The majority of funding available in the School comes from EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA's). Please see the UKRI website for further information on eligibility for studentship funding.
CSC Scholarship
If you wish to apply for a CSC Scholarship you must indicate this on your academic application form and follow the instructions at the following page: It is expected that the next closing date for applications will be 31 January 2025 for an October 2025 start. As applications can take up to two weeks to go live on the admission system we advise that you apply in advance of the closing date. No separate Scholarship application form is required.
Currently available PhD Projects
Fully funded opportunities are advertised on the Find-A-PhD website.
PhD opportunities can also be found within each research division webpage.
You can undertake a search via the College of Science and Engineering's Graduate School website.