On 27th June, in the Diamond Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza, Chengdu, 497 students graduated in front of a distinguished group of peers, family members, alumni, teaching staff, and senior leaders representing both UofG and UESTC.

Professor Sara Carter, Vice Principal & Head of College of Social Sciences, had some special words for graduands, telling them she was delighted to be in attendance and that “while both our cities – Glasgow and Chengdu – [are] over 5000 miles apart geographically, there is so much that binds us together. Glasgow College, UESTC combines the very best features of the British and Chinese university systems. Our institutions share an ambition for greatness, and for using our research and our teaching to address the most pressing challenges facing the world. She added:

Prof. Sara Carter reads her 'charge' to Graduands in China

“I’m confident you will all go on to do brilliant things. You’ll go on to make us proud, and to make your loved ones proud" and as “graduates of Glasgow College UESTC, we know you will go on throughout your life, with the memories of all the friends, classmates, tutors, and lecturers you have met from across the world who call our campuses home."

Students were delighted to mingle with many members of teaching staff and the senior management teams from both institutions, in ways which were at once formal and informal. Resplendent in hats, robes, and gowns, they engaged happily in the ‘social media friendly’ photo opportunities provided for them at the venue. After their ceremony, new graduates enjoyed a buffet style dinner to celebrate their achievements.

Two students at the graduation ceremony in Chengdu

Staff in attendance from University of Glasgow included Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (Head of James Watt School of Engineering), Professor Muhammad Imran (Dean of TNE Engineering Education and Dean of Graduate Studies), Professors Duncan Bremner and João Ponciano, Drs Wasim Ahmad and Julien Le Kernec (all teaching staff at Glasgow College, UESTC) and Ms. Tania Galabova (Head of Professional Services, James Watt School of Engineering).

All who attended reported that it was hugely successful event, and even better than last year’s – which was the first ever joint graduation ceremony hosted by both partner universities, and the first in-person ceremony since Covid's ‘lockdowns’.

Glasgow College UESTC staff pose prior to the 2024 Joint Graduation Ceremony

I witnessed our students brim with excitement and a profound sense of achievement as they celebrated the culmination of their hard work and dedication. The atmosphere was electric with joy and pride as graduates reflected on their journeys and accomplishments. As a program director and teacher, the ceremony was a moment of immense pride for me. I took great satisfaction in witnessing the growth and success of our students, knowing we played a pivotal role in shaping their futures. This shared sense of triumph underscores the collaborative effort that drives educational excellence and student success at Glasgow College, UESTC - Dr Wasim Ahmad, Programme Director EEE with Communications (Chengdu).

Staff from UESTC and UofG stand together in graduation gowns

Now, our students will go out to be the ‘world changers’ and ‘pioneers’ for which both Glasgow, and UESTC, are renowned – with a ‘love of China’ (and Glasgow) and a ‘vision of the world’.

Registration team Chengdu

First published: 18 August 2024