Facility Services
The James Watt School of Engineering estates currently accommodates a varied range of functional space in several locations: James Watt South, James Watt North, Rankine, Acre Rd, Oakbank Industrial Unit as well as Oakfield and University avenues. These facilities include research labs, teaching labs, offices, meeting rooms and lecture theatres.
Our Facility Coordinators Augustine Onwuegbuzie and Neda Hamzeh ensure that the estates physical infrastructure and its related services meet the needs of the people that work in them. This includes the provision of suitable working space to staff, students, and visitors, including desk space, laboratories, teaching and research workshops. Nivetha and Augustine monitor the quality of facilities and student /staff satisfaction levels related to these, including the identification of long-term trends and take action to correct any issues.
Other facilities services are:
- Supporting safe access to facilities for repair or inspection and respond to emergencies.
- Maintaining key facility management documentation such as building layouts, occupant details and security access information.
- Developing and maintaining the school asset register and plant legal certification requirements.
- Monitoring and reviewing the school facilities insurance inspection regime.
- Ensuring first-aid and welfare space and facilities (microwave ovens, dishwashers, hot and cold-water dispensers) are being maintained to a safe standard.
Augustine Onwuegbuzie and Neda Hamzeh are the contacts for office and desk allocation for staff and students, as well as any requirement for space refurbishment. Please contact Nivetha or Augustine (Eng-FacilityCoordinator@glasgow.ac.uk) if you require any support.
Common building infrastructure and fabric issues (air conditioning systems, electrical system, doors, windows, etc…) are managed by Estates Services. Any request for maintenance of building infrastructure or fabric must be raised through the online Estates Maintenance Request System https://ebweb.cent.gla.ac.uk/helpdesk/default2.asp
Tuck Laboratory - Level 4, James Watt South Building
Creativity Suite - Level 6, James Watt South Building