The following committees operate within the School:
- School Management Board
- School Executive Group
- Learning and Teaching Committee
- Engineering Growth Estates Group
- Safety Committee
- IT Committee
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group
Dates for School Committees can be found in the School Calendar on Sharepoint.
The following committees operate within the College:
- College Management Committee
- College Ethics Committee
- Graduate School Board
- College IT Operations Committee
- College IT Strategy Committee
- College Learning and Teaching Committee
- Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy Committee
- College Library Committee
Our core meeting hours, whereby School meetings and events that any staff member might need or wish to attend*, must take place between 1000 and 1600 hours. This does not prohibit meetings outwith these times provided the agreed time is acceptable to all parties.
*This excludes social gatherings which are often arranged out of core hours so that those with teaching commitments can attend. As much advance notice as possible should be given.
School Management Board
Membership and composition | |
Head of School | Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez |
Associate Head of School | Professor Andrew McBride |
Director of Research | Professor Nikolaj Gadegaard |
Director of Impact | Professor Massimo Vassalli |
Director of Learning and Teaching | Professor Scott Roy |
Head of Technical Services | Cyril Pacot |
Head of Professional Services | Tania Galabova |
Messages to this committee may be sent to the mail alias
Terms of Reference
- Developing the strategic direction of the James Watt School of Engineering incorporating Learning and Teaching strategy, Research strategy, Impact, Internationalisation and Transnational Education, School Estate and Infrastructure;
- Developing and implementing the Health and Safety policy of the School of Engineering in line with School strategy;
- Setting and implementing of the operational direction of the School of Engineering in line with School strategy;
- Oversight of all School Committees and their business;
- Monitoring of distribution of financial and HR resource of the School of Engineering including research, teaching, technical and administration;
- Maintaining and preparing the annual Strategic Planning Report for the School of Engineering.
The School Management Board meets weekly.
School Executive Group
Membership and composition | |
Head of School and Chair | Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez |
Associate Head of School |
Professor Andrew McBride |
Clerk |
Kayleigh Callaghan |
Director of Research |
Professor Nikolaj Gadegaard |
Director of Impact | Professor Massimo Vassalli |
Director of Learning & Teaching | Professor Scott Roy |
Head of Technical Services | Cyril Pacot |
Head of Professional Services | Tania Galabova |
Head of Research Division - Autonomous Systems & Connectivity | Professor David Flynn |
Head of Research Division - Biomedical Engineering | Professor Huabing Yin |
Head of Research Divsion - Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering | Professor Hadi Heidari |
Head of Research Divsion - Infrastructure and Environment |
Professor Sondipon Adhikari |
Head of Research Divsion - Systems, Power and Energy | Dr Steven Neale |
Director of JWNC | Professor Martin Weides |
Messages to this committee may be sent to the mail alias
Terms of Reference
- Drive the strategic direction, ambition and long-term health of the School;
- Maintain effective oversight of operational plans, policies and delivery;
- Ensure activities across the range of School business are properly resourced and managed;
- Assess and control risk, ensuring effective oversight of Health & Safety policy and practice.
The School Executive Group reports to the School Management Board.
Engineering Growth Estates Group
Membership | |
Chair | Professor Andrew McBride |
Clerk | Katherine Wray |
Academic Laboratories Lead | Dr Phil Harrison |
Director of Learning & Teaching | Professor Scott Roy |
IT Convenor | Dr Angela Busse |
Head of Professional Services | Tania Galabova |
Head of Technical Services | Cyril Pacot |
Facilities Coordinator | Nivetha Rajamanickam |
Facilities Coordinator | Augustine Onwuegbuzie |
Computing Manager | Ken McColl |
Technical Services manager - Laboratories and Logistics | Brian Robb |
Project Development Manager and College liaison | Oliver Gibson |
Strategic Programme Manager | Graham Tobasnick |
ECR representative | Dr Roisin Buckley |
Messages to this committee may be sent to the mail alias
Terms of Reference
- Developing the strategy to underpin investment in the James Watt School of Engineering’s estate;
- Working with our partners to ensure that the existing estate is of the necessary quality to enable high-quality research and training;
- Assessing requests for space, supporting the planning of new projects, and monitoring their delivery;
- Piloting New Ways of Working to improve productivity and the utilisation of our estate.
IT Committee
Committee membership | |
Convener | Professor Angela Busse |
Clerk | Katherine Wray |
IT Manager | Mr Ken McColl |
Associate Head of School | Professor Andrew McBride |
Divisional representatives: | |
Autonomous Systems & Connectivity | Dr Kiran Ramesh |
Biomedical Engineering | Dr Bernd Porr |
Electronics & Nanoscale Engineering | Professor Vihar Georgiev |
Infrastructure & Environment | Professor Lukasz Kaczmarczyk |
Systems, Power & Energy | Dr Andrea Cammarano |
Specialist representatives: | |
Transnational education | Dr Faisal Tariq |
Web pages | Dr James Sharp |
High Performance Computing | Mr Grant Quinn |
Terms of Reference
Define short, medium, and long-term strategic aims for IT infrastructure and operations within the James Watt School of Engineering.
Advise the School of Engineering Management Board on prioritisation and delivery of School IT infrastructure (hardware and software) and operations.
Develop policies relating to IT infrastructure, operations, and usage at the James Watt School of Engineering.
Support the James Watt School of Engineering in achieving its research and teaching goals through effective IT collaboration across the School and within the College of Science and Engineering.
Liaise with other School Committees and Working Groups (e.g., Learning and Teaching Committee, Engineering Growth Estates Group) on IT aspects across the School and the College / University.
Represent the James Watt School of Engineering at College of Science and Engineering level such as the CoSE IT Strategy and Implementation Group and the CoSE IT Management Team.
The School's IT Committee reports to the School Management Board and liaises with the College of Science & Engineering via the CoSE IT Strategy and Implementation Group, CoSE IT Management Team, and various working groups
Learning and Teaching Committee
Membership | |
Director of Learning & Teaching and Chair | Professor Scott Roy |
Head of School | Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez |
Clerk | Jill Tait |
Head of Discipline - Aerospace Engineering | Dr Ian Taylor |
Head of Discipline - Biomedical Engineering |
Dr Henrik Gollee |
Head of Discipline - Civil Engineering | Professor Fiona Bradley |
Head of Discipline - Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Dr Euan McGookin |
Head of Discipline - Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Phil Dobson
Vice-Dean UESTC | Dr Joao Ponciano |
Convenor of Postgraduate Studies |
Dr Rami Ghannam |
Chief Advisor of Studies | Dr Douglas Thomson |
Head of Professional Services | Tania Galabova |
Learning and Teaching Office Manager |
Suzanne Robertson |
Programme Director Glasgow College UESTC |
Dr Sajjad Hussain |
Admissions Officer | Dr Donald Ballance |
SRC Engineering School Representative | Hugh Southall |
Project Administration Coordinator | Dr Prashant Saxena |
Teaching Opertions & Resource Planning Manager | Veronica Garcia Caballero |
Student Experience Manager | Denise Scullion |
Terms of Reference
- Setting and implementation of the strategic direction of the School of Engineering in terms of teaching including transnational education;
- Oversight of the School of Engineering Board of Studies business including student course documentation in accordance with University requirements;
- Monitoring of UG and PGT recruitment, admission and funding opportunities;
- Identification of resource and staff development needs;
- Management of assessment including assessment requirements and regulations;
- Oversight of internal and external reviews including accreditation and Periodic Subject Reviews;
- Oversight of the nomination of external examiners;
- Oversight of annual course monitoring reports.
The School Learning & Teaching Committee will report Senate of the University through the College Learning & Teaching Committee and will report to the School’s Weekly Advisory Group.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee meets bi-annually.
Membership | |
Chair | Dr Julien Reboud |
Clerk | Susan McArthur |
Associate Head of School | Professor Andrew McBride |
Head of Research Division - Infrastructure and Environment | Professor Sondipon Adhikari |
Technician | Mr Bernard Hoey |
JWNC Director of Operations | Mr Chris Bennett |
Head of Technical Services | Mr Cyril Pacot |
Technical Services Manager - JWSE Workshops | Mr Denis Kearns |
Technician | Mrs Elizabeth Palmer |
Technician | Mrs Julie Russell |
Head of Discipline - Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Dr Euan McGookin |
Head of Discipline - Civil Engineering | Professor Fiona Bradley |
Head of Discipline - Biomedical Engineering | Dr Henrik Gollee |
Head of Discipline - Aerospace Engineering | Dr Ian Taylor |
Head of Discipline - Mechanical Engineering | Dr Phil Dobson |
Head of Research Division - Autonomous Systems and Connectivity | Professor David Flynn |
Head of Research Division - Biomedical Engineering | Professor Huabing Yin |
Lead Technician: Electrical and Electronic | Mr Peter Miller |
National Wind Tunnel Facility Manager | Dr Richard Green |
Head of Research Division - Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering | Professor Hadi Heidari |
Convener of Learning and Teaching | Professor Scott Roy |
Head of Research Division - Systems, Power and Energy | Dr Steven Neale |
Research Technologist (JWNC) | Dr Stephen Thoms |
Head of Professional Services - Engineering | Ms Tania Galabova |
Terms of Reference
- Devise and Review School Safety Management Plan and associated documents.
- Review reports following annual audits and inspections of offices, labs, lecture theatres within School buildings.
- Scheduling of Meeting dates to provide a focus for soliciting safety concerns from staff and students.
- Interchange of safety practices/concerns between different groups within the School.
- Conduit for dissemination of externally imposed safety requirements.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group
For full details of JWSE's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group, please visit our webpage.
You can also contact us at: