MA in Religious and Philosophical Education Registration and Enrolment


The first step in becoming a student at the University of Glasgow is completion of Registration.  Full information on this process is available on our Registry Webpages.

Following registration, students are then required to enrol on classes.  Full information is available on our Registry Webpages.

Please use our Room Finder App to locate your classrooms and lecture halls.


The compulsory courses which you are required to enrol on are:


  • Philosophy & Theology in Education (EDUC3016)
  • School Experience 3 (EDUC3029)
  • Teacher Education 3 (EDUC3064)
  • Philosophy of Religion (EDUC3082)

          Plus one of the following:

  • Islam - Gender, Ethics & Pluralism (TRS2003)
  • Texts & Cultures of the Bible (TRS2005)
  • Philosophy 2K: Knowledge, Meaning & Inference (PHIL2001)


  • School Experience (EDUC4023)
  • Faiths, Philosophies & Contemporary Cultures (EDUC4070)
  • Teacher Education 4 (EDUC4041)
  • Honours Dissertations (EDUC4005P) or Ordinary Dissertation* (EDUC4006P)

*Additional courses must be undertaken if ordinary dissertation is chosen. This option should be discussed with and approved by the Programme Leader.