Professor Stephen McKinney

  • Professor (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)

telephone: 01413303051

R687 Level 6, St Andrew's Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts



Professor Stephen McKinney has worked in the field of Education at the University of Glasgow for over 25 years. During that period he has taught at all levels: undergraduate, Masters and doctoral levels. He has assumed a number of key leadership roles, has led some Research Associations/networks and has engaged in numerous research projects. 

Career History

2017-2022  Leader Research and Teaching Cluster, Pedagogy, Praxis and Faith

2013-2017  Leader Research Cluster Creativity, Culture and Faith

2012-2013  A/leader Research Cluster Creativity, Culture and Faith

2008-2010 HoD of Religious Education, University of Glasgow

2014-  Professor, University of Glasgow

2008-2014 Senior Lecturer in Religious Education, University of Glasgow

1999- 2008 Lecturer in Religious Education, University of Glasgow

1997-1999 Lecturer in Religious Education, St Andrew’s College, Glasgow

1992-1997 Principal Teacher in Religious Education, John Paul Academy, Glasgow

1991-1992 Teacher in Religious Education, All Saints Secondary School, Glasgow

2018 Associate member: Irish Institute for Catholic Studies.

2018- Chair of Board of Directors, LSME.

2017-2023- Visiting Professor in Catholic Education, Newman University    

2017-2018 - Poverty Truth Commission (Commissioner)

2014- member of CR&DALL

2013- Associate Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change      

2005- Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Theology and Public Issues, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh  

Research interests

Research interests

Catholic Schools; Catholic Education; History of Catholic Education; Poverty, deprivation and school education; Social Justice and Catholic schools. Interface between theology and Catholic schools.History of Education; Faith Schooling; Religious Education; Sectarianism and education; Sectarianism and Faith schools. 

Research Collaborations

  • Ideals’ Research Group (Department of Religious Education)  2000-2003
  • AERS Learners, Learning and Teaching (Scottish Government) 2004-2009
  • Teacher Development (Learning and Teaching Scotland) 2007
  • Pupil Participation (Learning and Teaching Scotland) 2008
  • Poverty and Education with Glasgow City Council 2009-2012
  • Portfolio of Integration (European Commission) 2011-2013
  • Searching for Meaning (E. Fairbairn) 2011-2013
  • Beyond Sectarianism with the Iona Community (Scottish Government) 2013-2015
  • Schools Improvement Partnership Programme (Scottish Government) 2013-2014
  • ALLMEET - addressing Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia 2014-2017
  • Knowledge into Action (Scottish Government) 2014-2015
  • Schools Improvement Partnership Programme (Scottish Government) Phase 2 2015-2017
  • Scoping Study for Establishment of Knowledge City (British Council. Pakistan) 2015-2016.
  • Political Literacy in teachers of modern Studies (Gordon Cook Foundation) 2020-2022                  


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 285.


McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2025) Education and human rights in Afghanistan. Open House, 324,

McKinney, S. and Fodey, C. (2025) Mungo Festival lifts the curtain on Glasgow’s big anniversary year. Flourish, Feb, p. 18.

McKinney, S. J. , Rowan, P. and Simmonds, G. (2025) Gerald O’Collins SJ (1931-2024) RIP. Pastoral Review, 21(1), pp. 64-68.


Gibson, L., Mclaren, E. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students in Higher Education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Hope and Cultural Conflict – The Dilemma of Cristo Rey Schools in America. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Mclaren, E. , Gibson, L. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students on an ITE Programme in Scotland. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) The Impact of a Reading Group on Professional Learning and Teacher Educator Identity. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Cristo Rey Schools in America. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2024) AULRE 2024: RE futures? Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1007/s40839-024-00248-x) (Early Online Publication)

Day, S., Thomson, S., Jaap, A. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Celebrating 50 Years of SERA Volume 2. Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 2, pp. 2-3.

McKinney, S. (2024) ‘your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground’ Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. on the role of the Catholic university. Journal of Religious Education, 72, pp. 375-388. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-024-00239-y)

Mclaren, E. , Gibson, L. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students on an ITE Programme in Scotland. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) Developing Scholarship: The Value of a Research Reading Group in Higher Education ITE. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Cooney, P., Robinson, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2024) Preferential Option for the Poor and Cristo Rey Schools in America. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education, Glasgow, Scotland, 24-25 Oct 2024.

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The legacy of Ignacio Ellacuría SJ and Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador. Pastoral Review, 20(4), pp. 59-62.

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Scottish Religious Poetry. From the Sixth Century to the Present (2024). Edited by Linden Bicket, Emma Dymock and Alison Jack. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press. ISBN 978 1 80083 047 9. Pastoral Review, 20(4), p. 74. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Sobrino, J. Theology without Deception. God, the Poor, and Reality in El Salvador. Conversations with Charo Mármol. (2023) Maryknoll: Orbis Books. ISBN 978 1 62698 521 6. Pastoral Review, 20(4), pp. 71-72. [Book Review]

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Cristo Rey Schools and the preferential option for the poor. Seminare, 45(1), pp. 167-178. (doi: 10.21852/sem.1825)

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Gray, P., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Jackson-Sillah, D. (Eds.) (2024) Conference Proceedings of the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472948

McKinney, S. (2024) Education for all. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, Parhi, Sarita, Gray, Peter, McAreavey, Martin, Shifau, Hassan and Jackson-Sillah, Dolly (eds.) Conference Proceedings of the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education, pp. 22-28. ISBN 9781838472948

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius, Harry Freedman, Bloomsbury 2024, ISBN 978-1-39941-649-8, Paperback 288pp £10.99, Pastoral Review bookshop £9.89. Pastoral Review, 20(3), p. 71. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. et al. (2024) The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education Network. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 42-46.

McKinney, S. J. , Jaap, A. , Day, S. and Thomson, S. (2024) Introduction. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 3-6.

McKinney, S. J. , Fodey, C. and Lappin, M. (2024) The life and ministry of Jesus: a model of emotionally intelligent leadership for catholic schools. In: Whittle, Sean and Wodon, Quentin (eds.) Leadership Matters in Catholic Education. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities, 2. Springer, pp. 47-59. ISBN 9789819712304 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-1231-1_5)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Life and legacy: the Jesuit martyrs in El Salvador. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25(2), pp. 24-25.

Day, S., Jaap, A. , McKinney, S. and O’Hara, J. (2024) Social Justice in Scottish Education Explored through Learning for Sustainability, Expressive Arts, and Poverty. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 4-6 Apr 2024.

McKinney, S. (2024) Life and legacy: the Jesuit martyrs in El Salvador. Open House, 316,

McHugh, M. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Revisiting the Carmont case. Innes Review, 75(1), pp. 53-57. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2024.0359)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The six Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador – thirty-five years on. Pastoral Review, 20(2), pp. 56-60.

McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2024) Role models for the future? The evolving dialogue on minority ethnic teachers in 21st century Scotland. In: Race, Richard (ed.) Evolving Dialogues in Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education. Open University, pp. 273-288. ISBN 9780335250578

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Catholic Social Teaching. An Introduction for schools, parishes and charities Raymond Friel (2023) Chawton: Redemptorist Publications ISBN 9780852316405. Pastoral Review, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

McKinney, S. J. and Fodey, C. (2024) Mungo Festival celebrates Glasgow patron. Flourish, 2024(Feb), p. 4.

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2024) Food poverty and Catholic schools in the post Covid-19 era. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25(1), pp. 8-10.

McKinney, S. , Wheeler, M. and O’Donnell, J. (2024) I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Stella Maris: chaplaincy to seafarers. International Journal of the Study of the Christian Church, 24(1), pp. 34-52. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2024.2316991)

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Gray, P., McAreavey, M., Parhi, S. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2024) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472955

McKinney, S. , O’Loughlin, T. and Tóth, B. (Eds.) (2024) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin. ISBN 9781788126724

McKinney, S. (2024) The Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 and synodality. In: McKinney, Stephen, O’Loughlin, Thomas and Tóth, Beáta (eds.) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin, pp. 17-27. ISBN 9781788126724

McKinney, S. , O’Loughlin, T. and Tóth, B. (2024) Editorial. In: McKinney, Stephen, O’Loughlin, Thomas and Tóth, Beáta (eds.) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin, pp. 7-16. ISBN 9781788126724


McKinney, S. and Farrar, J. (2023) The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 22-24 Nov 2023.

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Voices of young people in the Synod. Journal of Religious Education, 71, pp. 337-348. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00210-3)

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2023) AULRE 2023: theory, policy and practice in RE—is this a time of divergence? Journal of Religious Education, 71(3), pp. 193-196. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00217-w)

McKinney, S. , Lappin, M. , Fodey, C. and Hand, C. (2023) The Emotionally Intelligent Leader in a Catholic School: The Example of Jesus as Represented in the Gospels. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 19-20 October 2023.

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The effects of poverty on children and young people in the post Covid-19 era. Pastoral Review, 19(4), pp. 15-19.

Day, S., Jaap, A. , Black, E. , McKinney, S. and Mouroutsou, S. (2023) ‘Promoting and Sustaining High-Quality Educational Research’ – the Role of Scottish Education Research Association (SERA). ECER 2023, Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023.

Barnes, L. P., Lundie, D. C. , McKinney, S. and Williams, K. (2023) Religious education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In: Barnes, L. Philip (ed.) Debates in Religious Education [2nd ed.]. Series: Debates in subject teaching series. Routledge, pp. 23-55. ISBN 9781032523620 (doi: 10.4324/9781003406280-4)

McKinney, S. (2023) John McMaster: committed to faith (Obituary). Flourish, 2023(June), p. 19.

McKinney, S. et al. (2023) Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 54(2), pp. 238-264. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The Spiritual Journey of St Patrick by Aidan J. Larkin SSC. Pastoral Review, 19(3), pp. 75-76. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2023) The impact of armed conflict on school education. Educazione Interculturale, 21(1), pp. 1-10. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/16970)

McKinney, S. J. and Zannoni, F. (2023) Education in a world of conflict and division. Educazione Interculturale, 21(1), I-IV. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/17038)

McKinney, S. (2023) Illustrious women: Sr Agnes Xavier Trail: one of Scotland's first religious after the Reformation. St Moluag's Coracle, 26 May.

McKinney, S. (2023) Welcome return for Mungo festival. Flourish, 2023(Feb), p. 14. (In Press)

Boath, L. , Mio, C. and McKinney, S. (2023) Laying the foundations for leadership: Research-informed teacher education. In: Menter, Ian (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 978303059533-3 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59533-3_72-1)

McKinney, S. J. , Edwards, R. and Humes, W.M. (2023) The Education (Scotland) Act 1872. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 24(1), pp. 8-10.

McKinney, S. (2023) Catholic education and social justice in Europe. International Studies in Catholic Education, 15(1), pp. 77-89. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2023.2184547)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Applied Catholic social teaching: preferential option for the poor and Catholic schools. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 23(1), pp. 31-47. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2023.2175531)

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2023) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472931

Farrar, J. , Eichorn, J., Britton, A., Anderson, S. K. and McKinney, S. (2023) Developing Politically Literate Young Citizens in Scottish Education: Barriers and Opportunities. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S. (2023) The universitisation of teacher education and Religious Education. In: Schweitzer, Friedrich, Freathy, Rob, Parker, Stephen G. and Simojoki, Henrik (eds.) Improving Religious Education through Teacher Training. Experiences and Insights from European Countries. Waxmann Verlag: Munster. ISBN 9783830946373

McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2023) The value of culture, history and religion in school education. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education, pp. 88-99. ISBN 9781838472931


McKinney, S. , Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2022) Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.

McKinney, S. (2022) ‘…and yet there’s still no peace’ Catholic Indigenous Residential Schools in Canada. Journal of Religious Education, 70(3), pp. 327-340. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00182-w)

McKinney, S. (2022) A historic ‘no’ which led to the modern system of Catholic schools. Flourish, 2022(Nov), p. 8.

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2022) AULRE 2022: Religious education and social justice in a time of climate crisis Guest editors’ introduction. Journal of Religious Education, 70(3), pp. 243-248. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00191-9)

Shanks, R. and McKinney, S. J. (2022) Cost and affordability of school uniform and child poverty. Scottish Educational Review, 54, pp. 26-48. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-54010003)

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Revisiting Justice in the World. Pastoral Review, 18(4), pp. 45-49.

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, McAreavey, Martin, Parhi, Sarita, Jackson-Sillah, Dolly, Gray, Peter and Shifau, Hassan (eds.) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education, pp. 103-109. ISBN 9781838472924

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Child poverty and the challenges for Catholic schools in the post-pandemic era. Journal of Religious Education, 70(2), pp. 197-204. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00170-0)

McKinney, S. J. , Humes, W. M. and Edwards, R. (2022) Navigating a path. Open House, 299, pp. 17-18.

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Shifau, H., Gray, P. and Jackson-Sillah, D. (Eds.) (2022) LSME Research Compendium 2022. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development. London School of Management Education (LSME). ISBN 9781838472917

McKinney, S. J. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2022) What have we learned about closures of education institutions during the SARS outbreak of 2003 and the Covid-19 pandemic? In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, Parhi, Sarita, McAreavey, Martin, Shifau, Hassan, Gray, Peter and Jackson-Sillah, Dolly (eds.) LSME Research Compendium 2022. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development. London School of Management Education (LSME), pp. 85-95. ISBN 9781838472917

McKinney, S. (2022) The view from Scotland. SERA’s Poverty and Education Network. Research Intelligence, 150, pp. 40-41.

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2022) Scottish schools in the 19th century. Open House, 298, pp. 12-13.

Race, R., Ayling, P., Chetty, D., Hassan, N., McKinney, S. J. , Boath, L. , Riaz, N. and Salehjee, S. (2022) Decolonising curriculum in education: continuing proclamations and provocations. London Review of Education, 20(1), 12. (doi: 10.14324/LRE.20.1.12)

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Gray, P. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2022) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472924


Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Gray, P. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Proceedings of the 8th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Sustainable Development and Education', 26-27 August 2021. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472900

McKinney, S. (2021) Sustainable development and education. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, McAreavey, Martin, Parhi, Sarita, Jackson-Sillah, Dolly, Gray, Peter and Shifau, Hassan (eds.) Report on the Proceedings of the 8th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Sustainable Development and Education', 26-27 August 2021. London School of Management Education, pp. 26-32. ISBN 9781838472900

McKinney, S. J. (2021) Mary, woman of faith and displaced person: insights for Catholic schools. Journal of Religious Education, 69(3), pp. 411-421. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-021-00156-4)

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2021) AULRE 2021: researching RE: changing times for Religious Education. Journal of Religious Education, 69(3), pp. 291-295. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-021-00157-3)

McKinney, S. (2021) Poverty and education in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 4-8.

McKinney, S. (2021) Young carers and Covid-19. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 26-29.

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) The challenges of digital exclusion. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 37-39.

McKinney, S. J. (2021) A Catholic understanding of education. In: Convery, Ronnie, Franchi, Leonardo and Valero, Jack (eds.) Reclaiming the Piazza III: Communicating Catholic Culture. Gracewing: Leominster, pp. 191-210. ISBN 9780852449523

McKinney, S. J. (2021) The visible poor and food poverty. Pastoral Review, 17(2), pp. 37-41.

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Parhi, S., Gray, P. and Ramasamy,, R. (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Proceedings of the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122484

McKinney, S. J. and Humes, W. M. (2021) Interpretations of the Education (Scotland) Act of 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 5-19. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-05302002)

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) Learning from lockdown. Open House, 292, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. , Francis, L. J. and McKenna, U. (2021) Assessing sectarian attitudes among Catholic adolescents in Scotland. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2019.1678293)

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2021) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9780993122491

Humes, W. M. and McKinney, S. J. (2021) 150 years of state provision: re-assessing the Education (Scotland) Act of 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 1-4.

McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2021) Pandemics and school closures in the Twentieth and Twentieth First Centuries. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education, pp. 84-97. ISBN 9780993122491

McKinney, S.J. (2021) Text of keynote delivered at 7th LSME International Research Conference (online). In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education, pp. 40-50. ISBN 9780993122491

McKinney, S. (2021) The mission of the Catholic school and the preferential option for the poor. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) New Thinking, New Scholarship and New Research in Catholic Education. Routledge: London, pp. 191-204. ISBN 9780367725280

McKinney, S. (2021) Responsible research and innovation: Covid-19: food insecurity, child poverty and education. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Parhi, S., Gray, P. and Ramasamy,, R. (eds.) Report on the Proceedings of the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education: London, pp. 58-64. ISBN 9780993122484

McKinney, S. J. (2021) Covid-19, child poverty, Catholic schools and the insights of Gustavo Gutiérrez. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Irish and British Reflections on Catholic Education: Foundations, Identity, Leadership Issues and Religious Education in Catholic Schools. Springer: Singapore, pp. 29-40. ISBN 9789811591877 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-9188-4_3)

McKinney, S. J. (2021) In my library. British Journal of Religious Education, 43(4), pp. 487-489. (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2021.1937787)

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2021) The Catholic and Episcopal churches and the Education Act (Scotland) 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 74-87.

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) Learning from lockdown. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 22(2), pp. 20-21.

McKinney, S. J. , Lawler, U., O'Sullivan, E. and Guiney, J. (2021) Towards greater openness: Christian educators respond to the challenges of the pandemic. Pastoral Review, 17(4), pp. 27-30.


McKinney, S. J. , McKendrick, J. H., Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2020) What might the Covid pandemic mean for the SERA Poverty and Education Network? Scottish Educational Review, 52(2), pp. 4-8.

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Covid-19 and Schools. Open House, 290, pp. 5-6.

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Covid-19: food insecurity, digital exclusion and Catholic Schools. Journal of Religious Education, 68, pp. 319-330. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00112-8)

Whittle, S. and McKinney, S. J. (2020) AULRE 2020: RE Matters. Journal of Religious Education, 68(3), pp. 267-270. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00123-5)

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Catholic teacher preparation. In: Teacher Preparation in Scotland. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 165-178. ISBN 9781839094811 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-83909-480-420201014)

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2020) A concise history of the Episcopal teacher training college in Scotland. In: Teacher Preparation in Scotland. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 179-186. ISBN 9781839094811 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-83909-480-420201015)

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2020) Poverty and education in Scotland. In: Thompson, Ian and Ivinson, Gabrielle (eds.) Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 65-88. ISBN 9781447327998

McKinney, S. J. (2020) David Stow: Christian educator in nineteenth century Scotland. Journal of Religious Education, 68, pp. 233-247. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00103-9)

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Working conditions for Catholic teachers in the archdiocese of Glasgow in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Innes Review, 71(1), pp. 67-84. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0245)

McKinney, S. (2020) Early Ecumenism paved the way for Catholic schools in Glasgow. Flourish, 2020(Feb), pp. 8-9.

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. J. , Pahri, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Sharma, S. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2020) Report on the Proceedings of the 6th LSME International Research Conference on Responsible Research and Innovations in Management and Human Sciences, 2019. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9780993122460

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Sharma, S. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2020) Research Papers Presented at the 6th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Responsible Research And Innovations in Management and Human Sciences’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122477

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Notre Dame Training College Glasgow and the Liverpool connection. Pastoral Review, 16(3), pp. 31-34.


McKinney, S. (2019) Catholic education before the 1918 act. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 12.

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (Eds.) (2019) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland: New Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137513694

McKinney, S.J. (2019) The Ursulines of Jesus: the first religious in post-Reformation Scotland. Pastoral Review, 15(3), pp. 58-64.

McKinney, S. (2019) Catholic schools 1918-­2018. SERA Researching Education Bulletin, 8, pp. 4-7.

McKinney, S. J. (2019) Catholic social teaching, Catholic education and religious education. In: Buchanan, Michael T. and Gellel, Adrian-Mario (eds.) Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Springer: Singapore, pp. 393-403. ISBN 9789811361265 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6127-2)

McKinney, S. J. (2019) An education pioneer. Open House, 283, pp. 10-11.

McKinney, S. J. (2019) The Presbyterian campaign (1923–1930) against the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 149-173. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_8)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2019) The Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, in historical context. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 13-41. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_2)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2019) Introduction. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_1)


McKinney, S.J. (2018) A long, proud history: Catholic schools 1816-2018. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 16.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) This country owes a huge debt to Catholic schools. Times Educational Supplement Scotland, pp. 14-15.

Kumar, R., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., McKinney, S. , Gray, P., Sharma, S. and Darwah, K.F. (Eds.) (2018) Research Papers Presented at the 2017 LSME International Conference on ‘Responsible Research in Education and Transformation in Education’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122446

McKinney, S. J. (2018) A complex relationship. Open House, 277, pp. 3-4.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) An extraordinary invitation: the Education (Scotland) Act of 1918. Open House, 276, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) 100 Years of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918. Pastoral Review, 14(3), pp. 22-27.

McKinney, S. (2018) A Scottish education milestone. Open House, 275, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. (2018) The view from SERA in Scotland. Research Intelligence, 135, p. 29.

Ivinson, G., Thompson, I., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2018) Learning the price of poverty across the UK. Policy Futures in Education, 16(2), pp. 130-143. (doi: 10.1177/1478210317736224)

McKinney, S. (2018) The Journey towards the Education (Scotland) Act of 1918. Open House, 274, pp. 7-8.

McKinney, S.J. (2018) The preferential option for the poor and Catholic schools. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Researching Catholic Education: Contemporary Perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 95-112. ISBN 9789811078071

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Affirming the place of scripture in the Catholic School. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Religious Education in Catholic Schools. Peter Lang: Oxford, pp. 173-192. ISBN 9781787079823

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education [5th edition]. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 139-148. ISBN 9781474437844

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Foreword. In: Stuart-Buttle, Ros and Shortt, John (eds.) Christian Faith, Formation and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, v-vi. ISBN 9783319628028

McKinney, S. J. (2018) The need for dialogue in the strategies to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in contemporary Scotland. In: Race, Richard (ed.) Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-194. ISBN 9783319605579 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60558-6_11)

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Religious intolerance: sectarianism. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education [5th edition]. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 813-822. ISBN 9781474437844

McKinney, S. J. (2018) The roots of the preferential option for the poor in Catholic schools in Luke's Gospel. International Studies in Catholic Education, 10(2), pp. 220-232. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2018.1492264)


Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R., McKinney, S. and Thompson, I. (2017) Poverty and policy advocacy. Research Intelligence, 134, pp. 23-24.

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R., McKinney, S. and Thompson, I. (2017) Poverty policy and practice themes. Research Intelligence, 134, pp. 25-26.

McKinney, S. (2017) Martin Luther: A Christian vision of school education. Pastoral Review, 13(6), pp. 45-50.

McKinney, S. J. (2017) Martin Luther and school education. Open House, 272, pp. 8-19.

McKinney, S. (2017) Over a quarter of British children are still suffering from poverty. Catholic Universe, 26 Jul.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2017) Care for the elderly: some perspectives from Scripture. Pastoral Review, 13(4), pp. 58-63.

McKinney, S. and Forde, C. (2017) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 49(1), pp. 1-2.

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. T. and Lowden, K. (2017) Catholic Schools and attainment in Scotland. Open House, 269, pp. 14-15.

McKinney, S. (2017) Christian care for the elderly: St Mungo’s Old Folks’ Centre for Wellbeing. Open House, 267, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S.J. , Kumar, R., Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2017) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Responsible Research in the Human Sciences and Information Management 2016. London School of Management Education: London, UK. ISBN 9780993122439

Grigoriev, S., Grinshkun, V., Zannoni, F., Krupova, J., Lvova, O. and McKinney, S.J. (2017) Teoriia i praktika razvitiia tolerantnosti sredstvami polikulturnoi obrazovatelnoi platformy Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Moscow City University. ISBN 9785906721082

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Thompson, I., Wrigley, T., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2017) The Research Commission on Poverty and Policy Advocacy: A Report from One of the BERA Research Commissions. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Thompson, I., Wrigley, T., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2017) The Research Commission on Poverty and Policy Advocacy: A Report from One of the BERA Research Commissions. Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S. (2017) Catholic schools in Glasgow and caring for the needs of those who are poor. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Vatican II and New Thinking about Catholic Education: The impact and legacy of Gravissimum Educationis. Routledge, pp. 96-112. ISBN 9781472488633

McKinney, S. (2017) Mezhkulturnoe obrazovanie i mezhdunarodnaia studencheskaia mobilnost v Shotlandii i Soedinennom Korolestve. In: Smolianinova, O.G. and Tregubova, T.M. (eds.) Teoriia i praktika polikulturnogo obrazovaniia: rezultaty proekta "ALLMEET" programmy TEMPUS: kollektivnaia monografiia. Grotesk: Krasnoiarsk, pp. 135-145. ISBN 9785864262122

McKinney, S. J. (2017) Conceptual and Practical Matters: The Challenges and Benefits of Conducting Educational Research Using Historical Data. In: Conceptual and Practical Matters: The Challenges and Benefits of Conducting Educational Research Using Historical Data. Series: SAGE Research Methods Cases, Part 2. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781473982291 (doi: 10.4135/9781473982291)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2017) Does religious education matter in non-denominational schools in Scotland? In: Shanahan, Mary (ed.) Does Religious Education Matter? Routledge, pp. 152-166. ISBN 9781472484321

McKinney, S. J. , Zannoni, F. and Sakaev, V. (2017) Problemy integratsii religioznykh men'shinstv: keysy Evropeyskogo Soyuza i Rossiyskoy Federatsii = The challenges of the integration of religious minorities: case studies in the EU and Russian Federation. Religiovedcheskie Issledovaniya = Researches in Religious Studies, 2(16), pp. 72-107.


McKinney, S. J. (2016) Catholic schools and preferential option for the poor. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 26, pp. 4-5.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) How will Brexit affect Scottish education? Research Intelligence, 131, pp. 26-27.

McKinney, S. (2016) Being Jewish in Scotland. Open House, 262, pp. 5-6.

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Friel, N. (2016) The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Sustaining Collaboration and Enquiry to Tackle Educational Inequity. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. and Hall, S.T. (2016) Nurture groups: inclusion of the most vulnerable children and young people in Catholic schools. Pastoral Review, 12(4), pp. 28-33.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Poverty proofing schools. Researching Education Bulletin, 6, pp. 8-11.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2016) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 48(1), pp. 1-2.

McKinney, S.J. (2016) Sectarianism in Scotland: a changing landscape? Open House(257), pp. 11-12.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Why chess is good for young brains. Conversation, 25 Jan.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2016) Responsibility for the earth and the naming of creation in the Old Testament – A response to Laudato Si. Pastoral Review, 12(1), pp. 54-59.

Kumar, R., McKinney, S.J. , Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2016) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact. London School of Management Education: Barking. ISBN 9780993122415

McKinney, S. , Makgopa, M., Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Vallipuram, S. and Kumar, R. (Eds.) (2016) Research Papers Presented at the 2016 LSME International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 97809933122422

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2016) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J.Z. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. SAGE. ISBN 9781446297025

McKinney, S.J. , Zannoni, F. and Sakaev, V. (2016) The position of minority religious groups in Glasgow, Novellara and Tatarstan. In: Vieira, I., Urbano, C. and Do Carmo Vieira Da Silva, M. (eds.) Intercultural Dialogue: Learning, Speaking and Sharing. Proceedings of the International Seminar and Study Visit ALLMEET in Lisbon ’15. CICS.Nova-Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, FCSH-UNL, pp. 84-94. ISBN 978982068985

McKinney, S. (2016) The implications of historical and contemporary anti-Semitism in Glasgow and Scotland for Global Citizenship = As implicações do anti-semitismo histórico e contemporâneo em Glasgow e na Escócia para a cidadania global. Forum Sociológico, 28, pp. 27-36.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Yüzyılda Büyük Britanya’daki İnanç Okulları. In: Kaymakcan, R., Tınaz, N., Altin, Z.Ş., Zengin, M., Okudan, A.Y. and Yiğit, H. (eds.) 100. Yilinda İmam Hatip Liseleri Uluslararasi Sempozymumu. Değerler Eğitimi Merkezi.

McKinney, S. J. and Conroy, J. C. (2016) The continued existence of state-funded schools in Scotland. In: Maussen, Marcel, Vermeulen, Floris, Merry, Michael and Bader, Veit (eds.) Religious Schools in Europe: Institutional Opportunities and Contemporary Challenges. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138888487


Forde, C. and McKinney, S. J. (2015) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 47(2), pp. 1-4.

McKinney, S.J. (2015) Child soldiers. Open House(248),

McKinney, S.J. (2015) Children's right to education. Open House(251),

Chapman, C. , Hall, S. , Hayward, L. , Livingston, K. , Lowden, K. , McKinney, S. and Watters, N. (2015) Knowledge into Action in Education: Research and Development Project. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2015) Welcoming the stranger: new testament and Catholic social teaching perspectives on migrants and refugees. Pastoral Review, 11(6), pp. 50-55.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2015) Child slavery and child labour. Pastoral Review, 11(2), pp. 54-60.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2015) Old Testament perspectives on migration and responsibility for the refugee. Pastoral Review, 11(5), pp. 54-59.

Kumar, R., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J., McKinney, S.J. , Gray, P., Sharma, S. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2015) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Management in Education. London School of Management Education: Barking. ISBN 9780993122408

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Friel, N. (2015) The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to tackle Educational Inequity. [Research Reports or Papers]

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2015) From the editors. Scottish Educational Review, 47(1), pp. 1-2.

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2015) Religious education. In: Wyse, Dominic, Hayward, Louise and Pandya, Jessica (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. Sage Publications: London. ISBN 9781446297025

McKinney, S.J. (2015) The plight of Syrian children. Open House, 2015(5),

McKinney, S. (2015) The historical and contemporary debate about the relation of Catholic schools in Scotland and the social problem of sectarianism. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 10(1), pp. 13-45. (doi: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/4680)

McKinney, S. , McAdam, J. , Britton, A., Crichton, H. and Arizpe, E. (2015) Managing the learning of new arrival children in mainstream schooling: challenges for school management and curriculum leaders. In: Christopher, Elizabeth (ed.) International Management and Intercultural Communication: A Collection of Case Studies. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137553232

McKinney, S. and Zannoni, F. (2015) Religion, conflict and education. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 10(1), pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/4679)

McKinney, S. J. (2015) Sectarianism and state funded schooling in Scotland. A critical response to the final report of the Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 47(2), pp. 20-36.

McKinney, S. J. and Conroy, J. C. (2015) The continued existence of state-funded Catholic schools in Scotland. Comparative Education, 51(1), pp. 105-117. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2014.935579)


McKinney, S. (2014) Plight of trafficked people coming into focus. Flourish(Dec.), p. 13.

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Watters, N. (2014) Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to Tackle Educational Inequity. Phase 1 Report to Education Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. (2014) Challenges of attendance and attainment. Open House(236),

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2014) Poverty and prospects for young people in Glasgow. Open House(240),

McKinney, S. (2014) The relationship of child poverty to school education. Improving Schools, 17(3), pp. 203-216. (doi: 10.1177/1365480214553742)

McKinney, S. J. (2014) 21st century slavery. Flourish, p. 5.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2014) Human trafficking in the contemporary world. Justice and Peace, 5, p. 11.

McKinney, S. J. , Hania, H. and Hill, R. J. (2014) The open wound: slavery in the contemporary world. Pastoral Review, 10(5), pp. 52-57.

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Hulme, M. (2014) Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. (2014) The morrow report: Catholic Schools and sectarianism in Scotland. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(21),

Cross, B., Hulme, M. and McKinney, S. (2014) The last place to look: the place of pupil councils within citizen participation in Scottish schools. Oxford Review of Education, 40(5), pp. 628-648. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2014.963039)

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2014) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 46(1), pp. 1-4.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2014) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 46(2), pp. 1-3.

Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P. (2014) Collaboration between Science and Religious Education teachers in Scottish Secondary schools. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 35(1), pp. 90-107. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2014.884846)

McKinney, S.J. (2014) C. S. Lewis, the cardinal and theological virtues and contemporary Catholics schools. Pastoral Review, 10(1), pp. 30-31.

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P. (2014) Searching for meaning: science and religious education teachers collaborating in interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Scottish Educational Review, 46(1), pp. 32-47.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2014) The open wound: slavery in the contemporary world (II). Pastoral Review, 10(5), pp. 52-58.


McKinney, S.J. (2013) Young lives stunted by poverty. Open House(234),

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2013) Supporting school leavers in areas of deprivation into initial positive leaver destinations. Improving Schools, 16(1), pp. 67-83. (doi: 10.1177/1365480213476366)

McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (Eds.) (2013) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S. J. (Eds.) (2013) How "The Teacher" Is Presented in Literature, History, Religion, and the Arts: Cross-Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY. ISBN 9780773445208

Hall, S. , Lowden, K. and McKinney, S. (2013) Searching for Meaning. Science and Religious Education teachers working together. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Lowden, K. (2013) Science and religious education teachers in Scottish secondary schools: aspirations for greater collaboration. Researching Education Bulletin, 5, pp. 4-7.

McAdam, J. , Britton, A., McKinney, S.J. , Crichton, H. and Arizpe, E. (2013) L’esperienza poi nelle scuole Scozzesi. Portfolio of Integration Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S. J. (2013) Introduction. In: McCluskey, Raymond and McKinney, Stephen J. (eds.) How "The Teacher" Is Presented in Literature, History, Religion, and the Arts: Cross-Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9780773445208

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Catholic education. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 298-307. ISBN 9780748645824

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Education in a Catholic perspective. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Religious intolerance: sectarianism. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 883-892. ISBN 9780748645824

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2013) Initial positive school leaver destinations in Glasgow: Secondary schools in areas of deprivation. Research Intelligence(122),

McKinney, S.J. , Hania, H. and Hill, R.J. (2013) Individualism, consumerism and greed: a response from the Old Testament prophets and Catholic social teaching. Pastoral Review, 9(1), Art. 11.

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2013) Jesus as teacher: reading the Gospel for new perspectives. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2013) The biblical roots for Catholic social teaching on the preferential option for the poor. Pastoral Review, 9(4),

McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2013) Image, icon, identity: the teacher as icon of the truth. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208

Sullivan, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2013) Exploring practical perspectives. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713


McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2012) Poverty, deprivation and twenty-first century Catholic schools. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 13(5),

Baranowska, W., Kosiorek, M., Luatti, L., Ntelli, N., McAdam, J. , McKinney, S. and Sahin, M. (2012) Portfolio of Integration Scotland: Need Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2012) The relationship between poverty and deprivation, educational attainment and positive school leaver destinations in Glasgow secondary schools. Scottish Educational Review, 44(1), pp. 33-45.

McKinney, S.J. , McAdam, J. , Arizpe, E. , Crichton, H. and Britton, A. (2012) Portfolio of Integration (Scotland). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Wilson, A. and McKinney, S. (2012) Glow or glimmer? A case study of ICT innovation in a Scottish secondary school. Scottish Educational Review, 44(1), pp. 57-69.


McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2011) Positive school leaver destination in Glasgow secondary schools in areas of deprivation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hulme, M., McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. and Cross, B. (2011) Pupil participation in Scottish schools: how far have we come? Improving Schools, 14(2), pp. 130-144. (doi: 10.1177/1365480211406880)

McKinney, S. (2011) Review of 'Fifty years on: the case for Catholic schools' by Andrew B. Morris. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 32(1), pp. 109-110. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2011.549318)

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Review of 'Is religious education possible?' by Michael Hand. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(1), pp. 163-165. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2011.00784.x)[Book Review]

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2011) The Catholic teacher and the call to faith. Pastoral Review, 7(1),

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (Eds.) (2011) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, Leonardo and McKinney, Stephen (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (2011) An introduction to Catholic theological thinking. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

McKinney, S. (2011) A rationale for Catholic schools. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

McKinney, S. , Hill, R. and Hania, H. (2011) Care for God’s creation. Pastoral Review, 7(6),

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Burning hearts: scripture and faith formation. In: Sullivan, J. (ed.) Communicating Faith. Catholic University of America Press, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9780813217963

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Communicating faith through religious education. In: Sullivan, J. (ed.) Communicating Faith. Catholic University of America Press, pp. 132-148. ISBN 9780813217963

McKinney, S.J. (2011) The contemporary faith school debate in the United Kingdom. Education Today, 61(2), pp. 11-18.

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Religious education in Scotland. In: Barnes, P. (ed.) Debates in Religious Education. Series: Debates in subject teaching series. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 39-44. ISBN 9780415583923


McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2010) Glasgow secondary schools: statistical associations between measures of deprivation and attainment and leaver destinations in Glasgow secondary schools. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2010) Why scripture is important for Catholic schools. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(13), p. 7.

Conroy, J.C. and McKinney, S.J. (2010) Religious and spiritual education. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier: London, pp. 189-193. ISBN 9780080448947 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-044894-7.00593-5)

McKinney, S.J. (2010) Gospel, poverty and Catholic schools. International Studies in Catholic Education, 2(2), pp. 163-175.

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2010) Mission and presence: contemporary challenges for Catholic schools in Scotland and continuation of the preferential option for the poor. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 19(3), pp. 240-260.


McKinney, S.J. (2009) Prepare the way of the Lord: John the Baptist and Advent. Expository Times, 121(3), pp. 115-120.

McKinney, S.J. (2009) Catholic schools and sectarianism in Scotland. Pastoral Review, 5(4),

McKinney, S.J. (2009) Christ at the centre of the Catholic school. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(5), pp. 18-19.

Christie, D., Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., McKinney, S.J. , Reid, L., Welsh, M., Wilson, A., Seagraves, L. and Karagiannidou, E. (2009) Understanding teachers as learners. [Research Reports or Papers]

Cross, B., Hall, J., Hall, S. , Hulme, M., Lewin, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2009) Pupil participation in Scottish schools: final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2009) A reflection for the Catholic secondary school on the parable of the Father and the two sons. Journal of Religious Education, 57(4), pp. 44-49.


McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic schools in Scotland: principal focus of faith schools debate. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(2), pp. 6-8.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic schools in Scotland and divisiveness. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 29(2), pp. 173-184. (doi: 10.1080/13617670802289585)

McKinney, S.J. , Arthur, J. and Barnes, L. (2008) Religious institutions, faith identity and secularisation. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 29(2), pp. 203-205. (doi: 10.1080/13617670802289700)

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Sustaining the distinctiveness of Catholic schools. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(9), pp. 6-7.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Shared campuses – lessons from Scotland. Fortnight, 2008(March),

McKinney, S.J. (Ed.) (2008) Faith schools in the twenty-first century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765814

Conroy, J.C. and McKinney, S.J. (2008) On Religious Education. In: Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Blackwell.

Kennedy, A., McKay, J., Clinton, C., Fraser, C., McKinney, S.J. and Welsh, M. (2008) Early professional development in Scotland: teachers in years 2-6. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T. G. K., Humes, Walter M. and Allan, Julie (eds.) Scottish education: Beyond devolution. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748625932 (pbk.) 0748625933 (pbk.)

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Do Catholic schools in Scotland cause or promote Sectarianism? In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 41-55. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Immigrants and religious conflict. In: Peters, M.A., Britton, A. and Blee, H. (eds.) Global Citizenship Education: Philosophy, Theory and Pedagogy. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam. ISBN 978-90-8790-373-2

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Introduction. In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, xi-xii. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Mapping the debate on faith schooling in England. In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781903765814

McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2008) The teacher in religious educational literature. In: The Teacher: Image, Icon, Identity, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 July 2008,

McKinney, S.J. , Kennedy, A., Christie, D., Fraser, C., Reid, L., Welsh, M., Wilson, A. and Griffiths, M. (2008) Key informants' perspectives on teacher learning in Scotland. British Journal of Educational Studies, 56(4), pp. 400-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8527.2008.00416.x)

McKinney, S.J. and Wilson, A. (2008) Teachers, professionalism and continuing professional development. In: Towards Professional Wisdom Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26-28 March 2008,

McKinney, S. (2008) Introduction. In: McKinney, Stephen J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, xi-xii. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4


Cowie, M. and McKinney, S. (2007) The Applied Educational Research Scheme: what might the implications be for leadership in Scottish education? Scottish Educational Review, 39(1), pp. 72-83.

Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., Reid, L. and McKinney, S. (2007) Teachers’ continuing professional development: contested concepts, understandings and models. Journal of In-Service Education, 33(2), pp. 153-169. (doi: 10.1080/13674580701292913)

McKinney, S. (2007) The faith school debate: Catholic schooling in Scotland. Pastoral Review, 3(4),

McKinney, S. (2007) Review of: The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, edited by Philip Sheldrake. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 28(1), pp. 104-105. (doi: 10.1080/13617670701251785)

McKinney, S. and Conroy, J. (2007) Religious education in Scotland. In: Kuyk, E., Jensen, R., Lankshear, D., Loh Mnna, E. and Schreiner, P. (eds.) Religious Education in Europe: Situation and Current Trends in Schools. IKO - Publishing House: Oslo, Norway, pp. 223-229. ISBN 9788271127930


McKinney, S. (2006) Faith based schools: challenging assumptions and stereotypes. Journal of Moral Education, 35(1), pp. 105-115. (doi: 10.1080/03057240500495344)

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: Democracy and Diversity, edited by J.A. Banks, et al. Journal of Moral Education, 35(4), pp. 600-602. (doi: 10.1080/03057240601017575)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust, edited by Lyn Smith. Journal of Moral Education, 35(3), pp. 416-418. (doi: 10.1080/03057240600874687)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: New Religions in Global Perspective, by Peter B. Clarke. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 27(2), pp. 245-247. (doi: 10.1080/13617670600850133)[Book Review]


McKinney, S. (2005) Review of Issues in Holocaust Education Geoffrey Short, Carole Ann Reed, 2004, Ashgate. Journal of Moral Education, 34(3), pp. 383-385. (doi: 10.1080/03057240500211519)[Book Review]


McKinney, S.J. (2004) Jewish education and formation in Glasgow: a case study. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 25(1), pp. 31-41. (doi: 10.1080/1361767042000198988)


de Ruyter, D. J., Conroy, J. C. , Lappin, M. and McKinney, S. (2003) Ideals of ITE students at the University of Glasgow. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(8), pp. 771-785. (doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2003.03.003)

de Ruyter, D., Conroy, J. , McKinney, S. and Lappin, M.F. (2003) From Heaven to Earth: comparison of ideals of ITE students. British Journal of Religious Education, 25(4), pp. 292-307. (doi: 10.1080/0141620030250404)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 14:40:44 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 285.


McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2025) Education and human rights in Afghanistan. Open House, 324,

McKinney, S. and Fodey, C. (2025) Mungo Festival lifts the curtain on Glasgow’s big anniversary year. Flourish, Feb, p. 18.

McKinney, S. J. , Rowan, P. and Simmonds, G. (2025) Gerald O’Collins SJ (1931-2024) RIP. Pastoral Review, 21(1), pp. 64-68.

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2024) AULRE 2024: RE futures? Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1007/s40839-024-00248-x) (Early Online Publication)

Day, S., Thomson, S., Jaap, A. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Celebrating 50 Years of SERA Volume 2. Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 2, pp. 2-3.

McKinney, S. (2024) ‘your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground’ Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. on the role of the Catholic university. Journal of Religious Education, 72, pp. 375-388. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-024-00239-y)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The legacy of Ignacio Ellacuría SJ and Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador. Pastoral Review, 20(4), pp. 59-62.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Cristo Rey Schools and the preferential option for the poor. Seminare, 45(1), pp. 167-178. (doi: 10.21852/sem.1825)

McKinney, S. et al. (2024) The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education Network. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 42-46.

McKinney, S. J. , Jaap, A. , Day, S. and Thomson, S. (2024) Introduction. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 3-6.

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Life and legacy: the Jesuit martyrs in El Salvador. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25(2), pp. 24-25.

McKinney, S. (2024) Life and legacy: the Jesuit martyrs in El Salvador. Open House, 316,

McHugh, M. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Revisiting the Carmont case. Innes Review, 75(1), pp. 53-57. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2024.0359)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The six Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador – thirty-five years on. Pastoral Review, 20(2), pp. 56-60.

McKinney, S. J. and Fodey, C. (2024) Mungo Festival celebrates Glasgow patron. Flourish, 2024(Feb), p. 4.

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2024) Food poverty and Catholic schools in the post Covid-19 era. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25(1), pp. 8-10.

McKinney, S. , Wheeler, M. and O’Donnell, J. (2024) I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Stella Maris: chaplaincy to seafarers. International Journal of the Study of the Christian Church, 24(1), pp. 34-52. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2024.2316991)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Voices of young people in the Synod. Journal of Religious Education, 71, pp. 337-348. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00210-3)

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2023) AULRE 2023: theory, policy and practice in RE—is this a time of divergence? Journal of Religious Education, 71(3), pp. 193-196. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00217-w)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The effects of poverty on children and young people in the post Covid-19 era. Pastoral Review, 19(4), pp. 15-19.

McKinney, S. (2023) John McMaster: committed to faith (Obituary). Flourish, 2023(June), p. 19.

McKinney, S. et al. (2023) Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 54(2), pp. 238-264. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)

McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2023) The impact of armed conflict on school education. Educazione Interculturale, 21(1), pp. 1-10. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/16970)

McKinney, S. J. and Zannoni, F. (2023) Education in a world of conflict and division. Educazione Interculturale, 21(1), I-IV. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/17038)

McKinney, S. (2023) Illustrious women: Sr Agnes Xavier Trail: one of Scotland's first religious after the Reformation. St Moluag's Coracle, 26 May.

McKinney, S. (2023) Welcome return for Mungo festival. Flourish, 2023(Feb), p. 14. (In Press)

McKinney, S. J. , Edwards, R. and Humes, W.M. (2023) The Education (Scotland) Act 1872. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 24(1), pp. 8-10.

McKinney, S. (2023) Catholic education and social justice in Europe. International Studies in Catholic Education, 15(1), pp. 77-89. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2023.2184547)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Applied Catholic social teaching: preferential option for the poor and Catholic schools. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 23(1), pp. 31-47. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2023.2175531)

McKinney, S. (2022) ‘…and yet there’s still no peace’ Catholic Indigenous Residential Schools in Canada. Journal of Religious Education, 70(3), pp. 327-340. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00182-w)

McKinney, S. (2022) A historic ‘no’ which led to the modern system of Catholic schools. Flourish, 2022(Nov), p. 8.

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2022) AULRE 2022: Religious education and social justice in a time of climate crisis Guest editors’ introduction. Journal of Religious Education, 70(3), pp. 243-248. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00191-9)

Shanks, R. and McKinney, S. J. (2022) Cost and affordability of school uniform and child poverty. Scottish Educational Review, 54, pp. 26-48. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-54010003)

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Revisiting Justice in the World. Pastoral Review, 18(4), pp. 45-49.

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Child poverty and the challenges for Catholic schools in the post-pandemic era. Journal of Religious Education, 70(2), pp. 197-204. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00170-0)

McKinney, S. J. , Humes, W. M. and Edwards, R. (2022) Navigating a path. Open House, 299, pp. 17-18.

McKinney, S. (2022) The view from Scotland. SERA’s Poverty and Education Network. Research Intelligence, 150, pp. 40-41.

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2022) Scottish schools in the 19th century. Open House, 298, pp. 12-13.

Race, R., Ayling, P., Chetty, D., Hassan, N., McKinney, S. J. , Boath, L. , Riaz, N. and Salehjee, S. (2022) Decolonising curriculum in education: continuing proclamations and provocations. London Review of Education, 20(1), 12. (doi: 10.14324/LRE.20.1.12)

McKinney, S. J. (2021) Mary, woman of faith and displaced person: insights for Catholic schools. Journal of Religious Education, 69(3), pp. 411-421. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-021-00156-4)

McKinney, S. J. and Whittle, S. (2021) AULRE 2021: researching RE: changing times for Religious Education. Journal of Religious Education, 69(3), pp. 291-295. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-021-00157-3)

McKinney, S. (2021) Poverty and education in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 4-8.

McKinney, S. (2021) Young carers and Covid-19. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 26-29.

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) The challenges of digital exclusion. Researching Education Bulletin, 10, pp. 37-39.

McKinney, S. J. (2021) The visible poor and food poverty. Pastoral Review, 17(2), pp. 37-41.

McKinney, S. J. and Humes, W. M. (2021) Interpretations of the Education (Scotland) Act of 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 5-19. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-05302002)

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) Learning from lockdown. Open House, 292, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. , Francis, L. J. and McKenna, U. (2021) Assessing sectarian attitudes among Catholic adolescents in Scotland. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2019.1678293)

Humes, W. M. and McKinney, S. J. (2021) 150 years of state provision: re-assessing the Education (Scotland) Act of 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 1-4.

McKinney, S. J. (2021) In my library. British Journal of Religious Education, 43(4), pp. 487-489. (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2021.1937787)

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2021) The Catholic and Episcopal churches and the Education Act (Scotland) 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53(2), pp. 74-87.

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2021) Learning from lockdown. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 22(2), pp. 20-21.

McKinney, S. J. , Lawler, U., O'Sullivan, E. and Guiney, J. (2021) Towards greater openness: Christian educators respond to the challenges of the pandemic. Pastoral Review, 17(4), pp. 27-30.

McKinney, S. J. , McKendrick, J. H., Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2020) What might the Covid pandemic mean for the SERA Poverty and Education Network? Scottish Educational Review, 52(2), pp. 4-8.

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Covid-19 and Schools. Open House, 290, pp. 5-6.

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Covid-19: food insecurity, digital exclusion and Catholic Schools. Journal of Religious Education, 68, pp. 319-330. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00112-8)

Whittle, S. and McKinney, S. J. (2020) AULRE 2020: RE Matters. Journal of Religious Education, 68(3), pp. 267-270. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00123-5)

McKinney, S. J. (2020) David Stow: Christian educator in nineteenth century Scotland. Journal of Religious Education, 68, pp. 233-247. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00103-9)

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Working conditions for Catholic teachers in the archdiocese of Glasgow in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Innes Review, 71(1), pp. 67-84. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0245)

McKinney, S. (2020) Early Ecumenism paved the way for Catholic schools in Glasgow. Flourish, 2020(Feb), pp. 8-9.

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Notre Dame Training College Glasgow and the Liverpool connection. Pastoral Review, 16(3), pp. 31-34.

McKinney, S. (2019) Catholic education before the 1918 act. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 12.

McKinney, S.J. (2019) The Ursulines of Jesus: the first religious in post-Reformation Scotland. Pastoral Review, 15(3), pp. 58-64.

McKinney, S. (2019) Catholic schools 1918-­2018. SERA Researching Education Bulletin, 8, pp. 4-7.

McKinney, S. J. (2019) An education pioneer. Open House, 283, pp. 10-11.

McKinney, S.J. (2018) A long, proud history: Catholic schools 1816-2018. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 16.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) This country owes a huge debt to Catholic schools. Times Educational Supplement Scotland, pp. 14-15.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) A complex relationship. Open House, 277, pp. 3-4.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) An extraordinary invitation: the Education (Scotland) Act of 1918. Open House, 276, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) 100 Years of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918. Pastoral Review, 14(3), pp. 22-27.

McKinney, S. (2018) A Scottish education milestone. Open House, 275, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. (2018) The view from SERA in Scotland. Research Intelligence, 135, p. 29.

Ivinson, G., Thompson, I., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2018) Learning the price of poverty across the UK. Policy Futures in Education, 16(2), pp. 130-143. (doi: 10.1177/1478210317736224)

McKinney, S. (2018) The Journey towards the Education (Scotland) Act of 1918. Open House, 274, pp. 7-8.

McKinney, S. J. (2018) The roots of the preferential option for the poor in Catholic schools in Luke's Gospel. International Studies in Catholic Education, 10(2), pp. 220-232. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2018.1492264)

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R., McKinney, S. and Thompson, I. (2017) Poverty and policy advocacy. Research Intelligence, 134, pp. 23-24.

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R., McKinney, S. and Thompson, I. (2017) Poverty policy and practice themes. Research Intelligence, 134, pp. 25-26.

McKinney, S. (2017) Martin Luther: A Christian vision of school education. Pastoral Review, 13(6), pp. 45-50.

McKinney, S. J. (2017) Martin Luther and school education. Open House, 272, pp. 8-19.

McKinney, S. (2017) Over a quarter of British children are still suffering from poverty. Catholic Universe, 26 Jul.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2017) Care for the elderly: some perspectives from Scripture. Pastoral Review, 13(4), pp. 58-63.

McKinney, S. and Forde, C. (2017) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 49(1), pp. 1-2.

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. T. and Lowden, K. (2017) Catholic Schools and attainment in Scotland. Open House, 269, pp. 14-15.

McKinney, S. (2017) Christian care for the elderly: St Mungo’s Old Folks’ Centre for Wellbeing. Open House, 267, pp. 9-10.

McKinney, S. J. , Zannoni, F. and Sakaev, V. (2017) Problemy integratsii religioznykh men'shinstv: keysy Evropeyskogo Soyuza i Rossiyskoy Federatsii = The challenges of the integration of religious minorities: case studies in the EU and Russian Federation. Religiovedcheskie Issledovaniya = Researches in Religious Studies, 2(16), pp. 72-107.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Catholic schools and preferential option for the poor. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 26, pp. 4-5.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) How will Brexit affect Scottish education? Research Intelligence, 131, pp. 26-27.

McKinney, S. (2016) Being Jewish in Scotland. Open House, 262, pp. 5-6.

McKinney, S.J. and Hall, S.T. (2016) Nurture groups: inclusion of the most vulnerable children and young people in Catholic schools. Pastoral Review, 12(4), pp. 28-33.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Poverty proofing schools. Researching Education Bulletin, 6, pp. 8-11.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2016) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 48(1), pp. 1-2.

McKinney, S.J. (2016) Sectarianism in Scotland: a changing landscape? Open House(257), pp. 11-12.

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Why chess is good for young brains. Conversation, 25 Jan.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2016) Responsibility for the earth and the naming of creation in the Old Testament – A response to Laudato Si. Pastoral Review, 12(1), pp. 54-59.

McKinney, S. (2016) The implications of historical and contemporary anti-Semitism in Glasgow and Scotland for Global Citizenship = As implicações do anti-semitismo histórico e contemporâneo em Glasgow e na Escócia para a cidadania global. Forum Sociológico, 28, pp. 27-36.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S. J. (2015) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 47(2), pp. 1-4.

McKinney, S.J. (2015) Child soldiers. Open House(248),

McKinney, S.J. (2015) Children's right to education. Open House(251),

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2015) Welcoming the stranger: new testament and Catholic social teaching perspectives on migrants and refugees. Pastoral Review, 11(6), pp. 50-55.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2015) Child slavery and child labour. Pastoral Review, 11(2), pp. 54-60.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2015) Old Testament perspectives on migration and responsibility for the refugee. Pastoral Review, 11(5), pp. 54-59.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2015) From the editors. Scottish Educational Review, 47(1), pp. 1-2.

McKinney, S.J. (2015) The plight of Syrian children. Open House, 2015(5),

McKinney, S. (2015) The historical and contemporary debate about the relation of Catholic schools in Scotland and the social problem of sectarianism. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 10(1), pp. 13-45. (doi: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/4680)

McKinney, S. and Zannoni, F. (2015) Religion, conflict and education. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 10(1), pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/4679)

McKinney, S. J. (2015) Sectarianism and state funded schooling in Scotland. A critical response to the final report of the Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 47(2), pp. 20-36.

McKinney, S. J. and Conroy, J. C. (2015) The continued existence of state-funded Catholic schools in Scotland. Comparative Education, 51(1), pp. 105-117. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2014.935579)

McKinney, S. (2014) Plight of trafficked people coming into focus. Flourish(Dec.), p. 13.

McKinney, S.J. (2014) Challenges of attendance and attainment. Open House(236),

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2014) Poverty and prospects for young people in Glasgow. Open House(240),

McKinney, S. (2014) The relationship of child poverty to school education. Improving Schools, 17(3), pp. 203-216. (doi: 10.1177/1365480214553742)

McKinney, S. J. (2014) 21st century slavery. Flourish, p. 5.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R. J. and Hania, H. (2014) Human trafficking in the contemporary world. Justice and Peace, 5, p. 11.

McKinney, S. J. , Hania, H. and Hill, R. J. (2014) The open wound: slavery in the contemporary world. Pastoral Review, 10(5), pp. 52-57.

McKinney, S.J. (2014) The morrow report: Catholic Schools and sectarianism in Scotland. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(21),

Cross, B., Hulme, M. and McKinney, S. (2014) The last place to look: the place of pupil councils within citizen participation in Scottish schools. Oxford Review of Education, 40(5), pp. 628-648. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2014.963039)

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2014) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 46(1), pp. 1-4.

Forde, C. and McKinney, S.J. (2014) From the Editors. Scottish Educational Review, 46(2), pp. 1-3.

Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P. (2014) Collaboration between Science and Religious Education teachers in Scottish Secondary schools. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 35(1), pp. 90-107. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2014.884846)

McKinney, S.J. (2014) C. S. Lewis, the cardinal and theological virtues and contemporary Catholics schools. Pastoral Review, 10(1), pp. 30-31.

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P. (2014) Searching for meaning: science and religious education teachers collaborating in interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Scottish Educational Review, 46(1), pp. 32-47.

McKinney, S. J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2014) The open wound: slavery in the contemporary world (II). Pastoral Review, 10(5), pp. 52-58.

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Young lives stunted by poverty. Open House(234),

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2013) Supporting school leavers in areas of deprivation into initial positive leaver destinations. Improving Schools, 16(1), pp. 67-83. (doi: 10.1177/1365480213476366)

Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Lowden, K. (2013) Science and religious education teachers in Scottish secondary schools: aspirations for greater collaboration. Researching Education Bulletin, 5, pp. 4-7.

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2013) Initial positive school leaver destinations in Glasgow: Secondary schools in areas of deprivation. Research Intelligence(122),

McKinney, S.J. , Hania, H. and Hill, R.J. (2013) Individualism, consumerism and greed: a response from the Old Testament prophets and Catholic social teaching. Pastoral Review, 9(1), Art. 11.

McKinney, S.J. , Hill, R.J. and Hania, H. (2013) The biblical roots for Catholic social teaching on the preferential option for the poor. Pastoral Review, 9(4),

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2012) Poverty, deprivation and twenty-first century Catholic schools. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 13(5),

McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2012) The relationship between poverty and deprivation, educational attainment and positive school leaver destinations in Glasgow secondary schools. Scottish Educational Review, 44(1), pp. 33-45.

Wilson, A. and McKinney, S. (2012) Glow or glimmer? A case study of ICT innovation in a Scottish secondary school. Scottish Educational Review, 44(1), pp. 57-69.

Hulme, M., McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. and Cross, B. (2011) Pupil participation in Scottish schools: how far have we come? Improving Schools, 14(2), pp. 130-144. (doi: 10.1177/1365480211406880)

McKinney, S. (2011) Review of 'Fifty years on: the case for Catholic schools' by Andrew B. Morris. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 32(1), pp. 109-110. (doi: 10.1080/13617672.2011.549318)

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2011) The Catholic teacher and the call to faith. Pastoral Review, 7(1),

McKinney, S. , Hill, R. and Hania, H. (2011) Care for God’s creation. Pastoral Review, 7(6),

McKinney, S.J. (2011) The contemporary faith school debate in the United Kingdom. Education Today, 61(2), pp. 11-18.

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2010) Why scripture is important for Catholic schools. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(13), p. 7.

McKinney, S.J. (2010) Gospel, poverty and Catholic schools. International Studies in Catholic Education, 2(2), pp. 163-175.

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2010) Mission and presence: contemporary challenges for Catholic schools in Scotland and continuation of the preferential option for the poor. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 19(3), pp. 240-260.

McKinney, S.J. (2009) Prepare the way of the Lord: John the Baptist and Advent. Expository Times, 121(3), pp. 115-120.

McKinney, S.J. (2009) Catholic schools and sectarianism in Scotland. Pastoral Review, 5(4),

McKinney, S.J. (2009) Christ at the centre of the Catholic school. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(5), pp. 18-19.

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2009) A reflection for the Catholic secondary school on the parable of the Father and the two sons. Journal of Religious Education, 57(4), pp. 44-49.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic schools in Scotland: principal focus of faith schools debate. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(2), pp. 6-8.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic schools in Scotland and divisiveness. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 29(2), pp. 173-184. (doi: 10.1080/13617670802289585)

McKinney, S.J. , Arthur, J. and Barnes, L. (2008) Religious institutions, faith identity and secularisation. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 29(2), pp. 203-205. (doi: 10.1080/13617670802289700)

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Sustaining the distinctiveness of Catholic schools. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal(9), pp. 6-7.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Shared campuses – lessons from Scotland. Fortnight, 2008(March),

McKinney, S.J. , Kennedy, A., Christie, D., Fraser, C., Reid, L., Welsh, M., Wilson, A. and Griffiths, M. (2008) Key informants' perspectives on teacher learning in Scotland. British Journal of Educational Studies, 56(4), pp. 400-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8527.2008.00416.x)

Cowie, M. and McKinney, S. (2007) The Applied Educational Research Scheme: what might the implications be for leadership in Scottish education? Scottish Educational Review, 39(1), pp. 72-83.

Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., Reid, L. and McKinney, S. (2007) Teachers’ continuing professional development: contested concepts, understandings and models. Journal of In-Service Education, 33(2), pp. 153-169. (doi: 10.1080/13674580701292913)

McKinney, S. (2007) The faith school debate: Catholic schooling in Scotland. Pastoral Review, 3(4),

McKinney, S. (2007) Review of: The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, edited by Philip Sheldrake. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 28(1), pp. 104-105. (doi: 10.1080/13617670701251785)

McKinney, S. (2006) Faith based schools: challenging assumptions and stereotypes. Journal of Moral Education, 35(1), pp. 105-115. (doi: 10.1080/03057240500495344)

McKinney, S.J. (2004) Jewish education and formation in Glasgow: a case study. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 25(1), pp. 31-41. (doi: 10.1080/1361767042000198988)

de Ruyter, D. J., Conroy, J. C. , Lappin, M. and McKinney, S. (2003) Ideals of ITE students at the University of Glasgow. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(8), pp. 771-785. (doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2003.03.003)

de Ruyter, D., Conroy, J. , McKinney, S. and Lappin, M.F. (2003) From Heaven to Earth: comparison of ideals of ITE students. British Journal of Religious Education, 25(4), pp. 292-307. (doi: 10.1080/0141620030250404)


Grigoriev, S., Grinshkun, V., Zannoni, F., Krupova, J., Lvova, O. and McKinney, S.J. (2017) Teoriia i praktika razvitiia tolerantnosti sredstvami polikulturnoi obrazovatelnoi platformy Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Moscow City University. ISBN 9785906721082

Book Sections

McKinney, S. (2024) Education for all. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, Parhi, Sarita, Gray, Peter, McAreavey, Martin, Shifau, Hassan and Jackson-Sillah, Dolly (eds.) Conference Proceedings of the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education, pp. 22-28. ISBN 9781838472948

McKinney, S. J. , Fodey, C. and Lappin, M. (2024) The life and ministry of Jesus: a model of emotionally intelligent leadership for catholic schools. In: Whittle, Sean and Wodon, Quentin (eds.) Leadership Matters in Catholic Education. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities, 2. Springer, pp. 47-59. ISBN 9789819712304 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-1231-1_5)

McKinney, S. J. and Farrar, J. (2024) Role models for the future? The evolving dialogue on minority ethnic teachers in 21st century Scotland. In: Race, Richard (ed.) Evolving Dialogues in Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education. Open University, pp. 273-288. ISBN 9780335250578

McKinney, S. (2024) The Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 and synodality. In: McKinney, Stephen, O’Loughlin, Thomas and Tóth, Beáta (eds.) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin, pp. 17-27. ISBN 9781788126724

McKinney, S. , O’Loughlin, T. and Tóth, B. (2024) Editorial. In: McKinney, Stephen, O’Loughlin, Thomas and Tóth, Beáta (eds.) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin, pp. 7-16. ISBN 9781788126724

Barnes, L. P., Lundie, D. C. , McKinney, S. and Williams, K. (2023) Religious education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In: Barnes, L. Philip (ed.) Debates in Religious Education [2nd ed.]. Series: Debates in subject teaching series. Routledge, pp. 23-55. ISBN 9781032523620 (doi: 10.4324/9781003406280-4)

Boath, L. , Mio, C. and McKinney, S. (2023) Laying the foundations for leadership: Research-informed teacher education. In: Menter, Ian (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 978303059533-3 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59533-3_72-1)

McKinney, S. (2023) The universitisation of teacher education and Religious Education. In: Schweitzer, Friedrich, Freathy, Rob, Parker, Stephen G. and Simojoki, Henrik (eds.) Improving Religious Education through Teacher Training. Experiences and Insights from European Countries. Waxmann Verlag: Munster. ISBN 9783830946373

McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2023) The value of culture, history and religion in school education. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education, pp. 88-99. ISBN 9781838472931

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, McAreavey, Martin, Parhi, Sarita, Jackson-Sillah, Dolly, Gray, Peter and Shifau, Hassan (eds.) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education, pp. 103-109. ISBN 9781838472924

McKinney, S. J. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2022) What have we learned about closures of education institutions during the SARS outbreak of 2003 and the Covid-19 pandemic? In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, Parhi, Sarita, McAreavey, Martin, Shifau, Hassan, Gray, Peter and Jackson-Sillah, Dolly (eds.) LSME Research Compendium 2022. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development. London School of Management Education (LSME), pp. 85-95. ISBN 9781838472917

McKinney, S. (2021) Sustainable development and education. In: Kumar, Ravi, McKinney, Stephen, McAreavey, Martin, Parhi, Sarita, Jackson-Sillah, Dolly, Gray, Peter and Shifau, Hassan (eds.) Report on the Proceedings of the 8th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Sustainable Development and Education', 26-27 August 2021. London School of Management Education, pp. 26-32. ISBN 9781838472900

McKinney, S. J. (2021) A Catholic understanding of education. In: Convery, Ronnie, Franchi, Leonardo and Valero, Jack (eds.) Reclaiming the Piazza III: Communicating Catholic Culture. Gracewing: Leominster, pp. 191-210. ISBN 9780852449523

McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (2021) Pandemics and school closures in the Twentieth and Twentieth First Centuries. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education, pp. 84-97. ISBN 9780993122491

McKinney, S.J. (2021) Text of keynote delivered at 7th LSME International Research Conference (online). In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (eds.) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education, pp. 40-50. ISBN 9780993122491

McKinney, S. (2021) The mission of the Catholic school and the preferential option for the poor. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) New Thinking, New Scholarship and New Research in Catholic Education. Routledge: London, pp. 191-204. ISBN 9780367725280

McKinney, S. (2021) Responsible research and innovation: Covid-19: food insecurity, child poverty and education. In: Kumar, R., McKinney, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Parhi, S., Gray, P. and Ramasamy,, R. (eds.) Report on the Proceedings of the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education: London, pp. 58-64. ISBN 9780993122484

McKinney, S. J. (2021) Covid-19, child poverty, Catholic schools and the insights of Gustavo Gutiérrez. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Irish and British Reflections on Catholic Education: Foundations, Identity, Leadership Issues and Religious Education in Catholic Schools. Springer: Singapore, pp. 29-40. ISBN 9789811591877 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-9188-4_3)

McKinney, S. J. (2020) Catholic teacher preparation. In: Teacher Preparation in Scotland. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 165-178. ISBN 9781839094811 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-83909-480-420201014)

McKinney, S. J. and Edwards, R. (2020) A concise history of the Episcopal teacher training college in Scotland. In: Teacher Preparation in Scotland. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 179-186. ISBN 9781839094811 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-83909-480-420201015)

McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K. (2020) Poverty and education in Scotland. In: Thompson, Ian and Ivinson, Gabrielle (eds.) Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 65-88. ISBN 9781447327998

McKinney, S. J. (2019) Catholic social teaching, Catholic education and religious education. In: Buchanan, Michael T. and Gellel, Adrian-Mario (eds.) Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Springer: Singapore, pp. 393-403. ISBN 9789811361265 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6127-2)

McKinney, S. J. (2019) The Presbyterian campaign (1923–1930) against the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 149-173. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_8)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2019) The Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, in historical context. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 13-41. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_2)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2019) Introduction. In: McKinney, Stephen J. and McCluskey, Raymond (eds.) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781137513694 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51370-0_1)

McKinney, S.J. (2018) The preferential option for the poor and Catholic schools. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Researching Catholic Education: Contemporary Perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 95-112. ISBN 9789811078071

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Affirming the place of scripture in the Catholic School. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Religious Education in Catholic Schools. Peter Lang: Oxford, pp. 173-192. ISBN 9781787079823

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education [5th edition]. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 139-148. ISBN 9781474437844

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Foreword. In: Stuart-Buttle, Ros and Shortt, John (eds.) Christian Faith, Formation and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, v-vi. ISBN 9783319628028

McKinney, S. J. (2018) The need for dialogue in the strategies to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in contemporary Scotland. In: Race, Richard (ed.) Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-194. ISBN 9783319605579 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60558-6_11)

McKinney, S. J. (2018) Religious intolerance: sectarianism. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education [5th edition]. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 813-822. ISBN 9781474437844

McKinney, S. (2017) Catholic schools in Glasgow and caring for the needs of those who are poor. In: Whittle, Sean (ed.) Vatican II and New Thinking about Catholic Education: The impact and legacy of Gravissimum Educationis. Routledge, pp. 96-112. ISBN 9781472488633

McKinney, S. (2017) Mezhkulturnoe obrazovanie i mezhdunarodnaia studencheskaia mobilnost v Shotlandii i Soedinennom Korolestve. In: Smolianinova, O.G. and Tregubova, T.M. (eds.) Teoriia i praktika polikulturnogo obrazovaniia: rezultaty proekta "ALLMEET" programmy TEMPUS: kollektivnaia monografiia. Grotesk: Krasnoiarsk, pp. 135-145. ISBN 9785864262122

McKinney, S. J. (2017) Conceptual and Practical Matters: The Challenges and Benefits of Conducting Educational Research Using Historical Data. In: Conceptual and Practical Matters: The Challenges and Benefits of Conducting Educational Research Using Historical Data. Series: SAGE Research Methods Cases, Part 2. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781473982291 (doi: 10.4135/9781473982291)

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (2017) Does religious education matter in non-denominational schools in Scotland? In: Shanahan, Mary (ed.) Does Religious Education Matter? Routledge, pp. 152-166. ISBN 9781472484321

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2016) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J.Z. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. SAGE. ISBN 9781446297025

McKinney, S.J. , Zannoni, F. and Sakaev, V. (2016) The position of minority religious groups in Glasgow, Novellara and Tatarstan. In: Vieira, I., Urbano, C. and Do Carmo Vieira Da Silva, M. (eds.) Intercultural Dialogue: Learning, Speaking and Sharing. Proceedings of the International Seminar and Study Visit ALLMEET in Lisbon ’15. CICS.Nova-Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, FCSH-UNL, pp. 84-94. ISBN 978982068985

McKinney, S. J. (2016) Yüzyılda Büyük Britanya’daki İnanç Okulları. In: Kaymakcan, R., Tınaz, N., Altin, Z.Ş., Zengin, M., Okudan, A.Y. and Yiğit, H. (eds.) 100. Yilinda İmam Hatip Liseleri Uluslararasi Sempozymumu. Değerler Eğitimi Merkezi.

McKinney, S. J. and Conroy, J. C. (2016) The continued existence of state-funded schools in Scotland. In: Maussen, Marcel, Vermeulen, Floris, Merry, Michael and Bader, Veit (eds.) Religious Schools in Europe: Institutional Opportunities and Contemporary Challenges. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138888487

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2015) Religious education. In: Wyse, Dominic, Hayward, Louise and Pandya, Jessica (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. Sage Publications: London. ISBN 9781446297025

McKinney, S. , McAdam, J. , Britton, A., Crichton, H. and Arizpe, E. (2015) Managing the learning of new arrival children in mainstream schooling: challenges for school management and curriculum leaders. In: Christopher, Elizabeth (ed.) International Management and Intercultural Communication: A Collection of Case Studies. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137553232

McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S. J. (2013) Introduction. In: McCluskey, Raymond and McKinney, Stephen J. (eds.) How "The Teacher" Is Presented in Literature, History, Religion, and the Arts: Cross-Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9780773445208

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Catholic education. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 298-307. ISBN 9780748645824

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Education in a Catholic perspective. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. (2013) Religious intolerance: sectarianism. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 883-892. ISBN 9780748645824

McKinney, S.J. and Hill, R.J. (2013) Jesus as teacher: reading the Gospel for new perspectives. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2013) Image, icon, identity: the teacher as icon of the truth. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208

Sullivan, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2013) Exploring practical perspectives. In: McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (eds.) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, Leonardo and McKinney, Stephen (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (2011) An introduction to Catholic theological thinking. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

McKinney, S. (2011) A rationale for Catholic schools. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Burning hearts: scripture and faith formation. In: Sullivan, J. (ed.) Communicating Faith. Catholic University of America Press, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9780813217963

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Communicating faith through religious education. In: Sullivan, J. (ed.) Communicating Faith. Catholic University of America Press, pp. 132-148. ISBN 9780813217963

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Religious education in Scotland. In: Barnes, P. (ed.) Debates in Religious Education. Series: Debates in subject teaching series. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 39-44. ISBN 9780415583923

Conroy, J.C. and McKinney, S.J. (2010) Religious and spiritual education. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier: London, pp. 189-193. ISBN 9780080448947 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-044894-7.00593-5)

Conroy, J.C. and McKinney, S.J. (2008) On Religious Education. In: Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Blackwell.

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Catholic education in Scotland. In: Bryce, T. G. K., Humes, Walter M. and Allan, Julie (eds.) Scottish education: Beyond devolution. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748625932 (pbk.) 0748625933 (pbk.)

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Do Catholic schools in Scotland cause or promote Sectarianism? In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 41-55. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Immigrants and religious conflict. In: Peters, M.A., Britton, A. and Blee, H. (eds.) Global Citizenship Education: Philosophy, Theory and Pedagogy. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam. ISBN 978-90-8790-373-2

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Introduction. In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, xi-xii. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4

McKinney, S.J. (2008) Mapping the debate on faith schooling in England. In: McKinney, S.J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781903765814

McKinney, S. (2008) Introduction. In: McKinney, Stephen J. (ed.) Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education 23. Dunedin: Edinburgh, xi-xii. ISBN 978-1-903765-81-4

McKinney, S. and Conroy, J. (2007) Religious education in Scotland. In: Kuyk, E., Jensen, R., Lankshear, D., Loh Mnna, E. and Schreiner, P. (eds.) Religious Education in Europe: Situation and Current Trends in Schools. IKO - Publishing House: Oslo, Norway, pp. 223-229. ISBN 9788271127930

Book Reviews

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Scottish Religious Poetry. From the Sixth Century to the Present (2024). Edited by Linden Bicket, Emma Dymock and Alison Jack. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press. ISBN 978 1 80083 047 9. Pastoral Review, 20(4), p. 74. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Sobrino, J. Theology without Deception. God, the Poor, and Reality in El Salvador. Conversations with Charo Mármol. (2023) Maryknoll: Orbis Books. ISBN 978 1 62698 521 6. Pastoral Review, 20(4), pp. 71-72. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius, Harry Freedman, Bloomsbury 2024, ISBN 978-1-39941-649-8, Paperback 288pp £10.99, Pastoral Review bookshop £9.89. Pastoral Review, 20(3), p. 71. [Book Review]

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Catholic Social Teaching. An Introduction for schools, parishes and charities Raymond Friel (2023) Chawton: Redemptorist Publications ISBN 9780852316405. Pastoral Review, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The Spiritual Journey of St Patrick by Aidan J. Larkin SSC. Pastoral Review, 19(3), pp. 75-76. [Book Review]

McKinney, S.J. (2011) Review of 'Is religious education possible?' by Michael Hand. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(1), pp. 163-165. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2011.00784.x)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: Democracy and Diversity, edited by J.A. Banks, et al. Journal of Moral Education, 35(4), pp. 600-602. (doi: 10.1080/03057240601017575)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust, edited by Lyn Smith. Journal of Moral Education, 35(3), pp. 416-418. (doi: 10.1080/03057240600874687)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2006) Review of: New Religions in Global Perspective, by Peter B. Clarke. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 27(2), pp. 245-247. (doi: 10.1080/13617670600850133)[Book Review]

McKinney, S. (2005) Review of Issues in Holocaust Education Geoffrey Short, Carole Ann Reed, 2004, Ashgate. Journal of Moral Education, 34(3), pp. 383-385. (doi: 10.1080/03057240500211519)[Book Review]

Edited Books

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Gray, P., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Jackson-Sillah, D. (Eds.) (2024) Conference Proceedings of the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472948

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Gray, P., McAreavey, M., Parhi, S. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2024) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472955

McKinney, S. , O’Loughlin, T. and Tóth, B. (Eds.) (2024) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics. Messenger Publications: Dublin. ISBN 9781788126724

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., McAreavey, M., Shifau, H. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2023) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472931

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Shifau, H., Gray, P. and Jackson-Sillah, D. (Eds.) (2022) LSME Research Compendium 2022. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development. London School of Management Education (LSME). ISBN 9781838472917

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Gray, P. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2022) Conference Proceedings of the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472924

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , McAreavey, M., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Gray, P. and Shifau, H. (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Proceedings of the 8th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Sustainable Development and Education', 26-27 August 2021. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9781838472900

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Parhi, S., Gray, P. and Ramasamy,, R. (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Proceedings of the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122484

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Shifau, H., Jackson-Shah, D., McAreavey, M. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2021) LSME Research Book 2021. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9780993122491

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. J. , Pahri, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Sharma, S. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2020) Report on the Proceedings of the 6th LSME International Research Conference on Responsible Research and Innovations in Management and Human Sciences, 2019. London School of Management Education. ISBN 9780993122460

Kumar, R., McKinney, S. , Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Shifau, H., Sharma, S. and Gray, P. (Eds.) (2020) Research Papers Presented at the 6th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Responsible Research And Innovations in Management and Human Sciences’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122477

McKinney, S. J. and McCluskey, R. (Eds.) (2019) A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland: New Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137513694

Kumar, R., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., McKinney, S. , Gray, P., Sharma, S. and Darwah, K.F. (Eds.) (2018) Research Papers Presented at the 2017 LSME International Conference on ‘Responsible Research in Education and Transformation in Education’. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 9780993122446

McKinney, S.J. , Kumar, R., Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2017) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Responsible Research in the Human Sciences and Information Management 2016. London School of Management Education: London, UK. ISBN 9780993122439

Kumar, R., McKinney, S.J. , Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2016) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact. London School of Management Education: Barking. ISBN 9780993122415

McKinney, S. , Makgopa, M., Sharma, S., Gray, P., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, D., Vallipuram, S. and Kumar, R. (Eds.) (2016) Research Papers Presented at the 2016 LSME International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact. London School of Management Education: London. ISBN 97809933122422

Kumar, R., Parhi, S., Jackson-Sillah, J., McKinney, S.J. , Gray, P., Sharma, S. and Vallipuram, S. (Eds.) (2015) Report on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Management in Education. London School of Management Education: Barking. ISBN 9780993122408

McKinney, S.J. and Sullivan, J. (Eds.) (2013) Education in a Catholic Perspective. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409452713

McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S. J. (Eds.) (2013) How "The Teacher" Is Presented in Literature, History, Religion, and the Arts: Cross-Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY. ISBN 9780773445208

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (Eds.) (2011) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

McKinney, S.J. (Ed.) (2008) Faith schools in the twenty-first century. Series: Policy and Practice in Education. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765814

Research Reports or Papers

Farrar, J. , Eichorn, J., Britton, A., Anderson, S. K. and McKinney, S. (2023) Developing Politically Literate Young Citizens in Scottish Education: Barriers and Opportunities. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Thompson, I., Wrigley, T., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2017) The Research Commission on Poverty and Policy Advocacy: A Report from One of the BERA Research Commissions. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ivinson, G., Beckett, L., Thompson, I., Wrigley, T., Egan, D., Leitch, R. and McKinney, S. (2017) The Research Commission on Poverty and Policy Advocacy: A Report from One of the BERA Research Commissions. Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Friel, N. (2016) The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Sustaining Collaboration and Enquiry to Tackle Educational Inequity. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chapman, C. , Hall, S. , Hayward, L. , Livingston, K. , Lowden, K. , McKinney, S. and Watters, N. (2015) Knowledge into Action in Education: Research and Development Project. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Friel, N. (2015) The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to tackle Educational Inequity. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Watters, N. (2014) Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to Tackle Educational Inequity. Phase 1 Report to Education Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Hulme, M. (2014) Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hall, S. , Lowden, K. and McKinney, S. (2013) Searching for Meaning. Science and Religious Education teachers working together. [Research Reports or Papers]

McAdam, J. , Britton, A., McKinney, S.J. , Crichton, H. and Arizpe, E. (2013) L’esperienza poi nelle scuole Scozzesi. Portfolio of Integration Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Baranowska, W., Kosiorek, M., Luatti, L., Ntelli, N., McAdam, J. , McKinney, S. and Sahin, M. (2012) Portfolio of Integration Scotland: Need Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. , McAdam, J. , Arizpe, E. , Crichton, H. and Britton, A. (2012) Portfolio of Integration (Scotland). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2011) Positive school leaver destination in Glasgow secondary schools in areas of deprivation. [Research Reports or Papers]

McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S., Lowden, K., McClung, M. and Cameron, L. (2010) Glasgow secondary schools: statistical associations between measures of deprivation and attainment and leaver destinations in Glasgow secondary schools. [Research Reports or Papers]

Christie, D., Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., McKinney, S.J. , Reid, L., Welsh, M., Wilson, A., Seagraves, L. and Karagiannidou, E. (2009) Understanding teachers as learners. [Research Reports or Papers]

Cross, B., Hall, J., Hall, S. , Hulme, M., Lewin, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2009) Pupil participation in Scottish schools: final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kennedy, A., McKay, J., Clinton, C., Fraser, C., McKinney, S.J. and Welsh, M. (2008) Early professional development in Scotland: teachers in years 2-6. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Gibson, L., Mclaren, E. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students in Higher Education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Hope and Cultural Conflict – The Dilemma of Cristo Rey Schools in America. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Mclaren, E. , Gibson, L. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students on an ITE Programme in Scotland. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) The Impact of a Reading Group on Professional Learning and Teacher Educator Identity. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P. and McKinney, S. (2024) Cristo Rey Schools in America. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Mclaren, E. , Gibson, L. and McKinney, S. (2024) Poverty Experienced by Students on an ITE Programme in Scotland. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) Developing Scholarship: The Value of a Research Reading Group in Higher Education ITE. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Cooney, P., Robinson, J. and McKinney, S.J. (2024) Preferential Option for the Poor and Cristo Rey Schools in America. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education, Glasgow, Scotland, 24-25 Oct 2024.

Day, S., Jaap, A. , McKinney, S. and O’Hara, J. (2024) Social Justice in Scottish Education Explored through Learning for Sustainability, Expressive Arts, and Poverty. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 4-6 Apr 2024.

McKinney, S. and Farrar, J. (2023) The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 22-24 Nov 2023.

McKinney, S. , Lappin, M. , Fodey, C. and Hand, C. (2023) The Emotionally Intelligent Leader in a Catholic School: The Example of Jesus as Represented in the Gospels. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 19-20 October 2023.

Day, S., Jaap, A. , Black, E. , McKinney, S. and Mouroutsou, S. (2023) ‘Promoting and Sustaining High-Quality Educational Research’ – the Role of Scottish Education Research Association (SERA). ECER 2023, Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023.

McKinney, S. , Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2022) Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.

Conference Proceedings

McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2008) The teacher in religious educational literature. In: The Teacher: Image, Icon, Identity, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 July 2008,

McKinney, S.J. and Wilson, A. (2008) Teachers, professionalism and continuing professional development. In: Towards Professional Wisdom Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26-28 March 2008,

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 14:40:44 2025 GMT.


Stephen's research interests include Faith Schooling, Catholic Schooling, Religious Education, Sectarianism and Faith Schools, the impact of Poverty and Deprivation on School Education, the history of Catholic schooling. He has published widely on these topics in journal articles and book chapters. He welcomes enquiries from Masters and Doctoral students seeking supervision in these topics.

He has examined Doctorates and Doctor of Education theses for the following universities: Institute of Education, University College London; University of Strathclyde; Glasgow Caledonian University; Australian Catholic University; Deakin University Australia; Mater Dei Institute, Dublin; Hope University, Liverpool; The University of Notre Dame, Australia; University of Peshawar, Canterbury Christ Church University, University of Aberdeen, The Open University, Bishop Grosseteste University, University of Wolverhampton, University of the West of Scotland and the University of Glasgow.

Current Doctoral Students

Stephen Scholes: Religious Education and Inspection in Scottish Non-Denominational Schools, 1972-2017 (co-supervisor Dr Leonardo Franchi).

Honor Hania: An investigation into the awareness, understanding and expressions of Catholic Social Teaching in Scotland (co-supervisor Julie Clague).

Mary Lappin: Grief and Loss Education within a Faith Tradition (co-supervisor Dr Georgina Wardle).

Anna Rozzo: Academic Staff and inclusive pedagogy: an exploration of professional practice and needs (Doctorate in Education).

Students who have completed Doctorates

Tarsisio Nyatsanza: Developing a Transformative Approach to HIV/AID Education: An Analysis of Scotland and Zimbabwe (co-supervisor Professor J. Conroy).

Leonard Franchi: A critical exploration of the disctinction between catechsis and religious education in the magisterial documents of the Catholic Church: the theology of communion as a unifying bond between catechesis and religious education (co-supervisor: Professor Bob Davis).

Federico Zannoni: La societa della discordia. Prospettive pedagogiche per la mediazione e la gestione die conlitti (supervised field work in Scotland; Student at University of Bologna)

Raheleh Mir eslami: Critical thinking in religious education resources: A case study of four secondary schools in Scotland  (Student at University of Edinburgh; co-supervisor Dr. Gale MacLeod).

Uriah Pond: Towards Transformative Learning on Short-Term International Study Tours: Incorporating Critical Reflection into Course Design (Doctor of Education).

Steve Younger: Religious Observance and Spiritual Development within Curriculum for Excellence (co-supervisor Professor Alison Phipps).

Wallace Dean Bursey: Meeting the Needs of Religious Learners in the Ontario Classroom (Doctor of Education).

Ahmed Abdullah: Investigating Iraqi Secondary School English Langauge Teachers' Pedagogical Practices (co-supervisors Lavinia Hirsu and Julie McAdam).

John Stoer: Reconsidering Roman Catholic religious education through the Church's teaching on inter-religious dialogue (co-supervisor Julie Clague).

Maxinne Connolly: Terror Management Theory: Transcending the body: Religious ritual surrounding the Body and it's symbolic buffer defence against Death Anxiety (co-supervisor Dr. Georgina Wardle).

Beverley Friend: Relationship between the Government's anti-sectarian educational activities and the pupils and their communities (co-supervisor Professor Heather Walton).

Nouman Hussain: Educating Terrorists? Deconstructing Ibn Taymiyyah's religious eductaion literature and its influence on Salafi schools: Implications for the UK and globally (co-supervisor: Professor Terry Lovat).

Helen McCann: Can student voice be used to develop a love of learning English and develop self-identity as bilingual learners in a private bilingula school in China? (co-supervisor Dr Giovanna Fassetta).

Conor O'Reilly: The Outlooks of international Students when immersed in an Irish Higher Educational Setting (Doctorate in Education)

  • Boyle, Chantelle
    How is Moral Education implemented in Scottish non-denominational primary schools?
  • Rozzo, Anna
    Inclusive Pedagogy: Exploring Faculty Perceptions and Professional Development Needs at a North American Catholic University


Stephen teaches on a wide range of programmes and courses.  He lectures at various stages of the MEduc, notably Theology on Education 1 and 2 and the Catholic elective in year 4. He also lectures  on the PGDE (BAT). He contributes to the ATQRE and the offsite CTC provision. He is on the steering group of the offsite Catechist's Course (run in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Glasgow) and he teaches on a number of the modules, notably Old and New Testament.

He supervises dissertations at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (Masters and Doctoral levels). He has supervised Masters of Edcuation dissertations and Masters of Philiosophy dissertations for over twenty years. 

Professional activities & recognition

Editorial boards

  • 2010 - current: Journal of Beliefs and Values
  • 2006 - 2017: Journal of Moral Education
  • 2015 - current: Improving Schoools
  • 2014 - current: Scottish Educational Review
  • 2016 - current: Journal of values Education
  • 2015 - current: Kazan Pedagogical Journal
  • 2015 - 2015: Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Guest editor for special edition.

Professional & learned societies

  • 2016 - 2017: President, Scottish Educational Research Association
  • 2014 - 2015: Vice President, Scottish Educational Research Association
  • 2012 - 2018: Secretary, Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education
  • 2018 - 2020: Chair, Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education
  • 2016 - current: Treasurer, International Seminar In Religious Education and Values
  • 2018 - current: Council Member, European Educational Research Association
  • 2016 - current: Member Steering Group, Network for Researchers in Catholic Education

Selected international presentations

  • 2017: Allmeet in Russia: Education and Tolerance for the Multicultural Society Keynote (Moscow, Russian Federation)
  • 2016: FUM Conference Keynote (Reykjavik University of Iceland)
  • 2018: International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation In Science, Management and Education. Keynote (Panjab University, Chandigarh)
  • 2018: Implementation and Challenges of Multicultural Education: What can Thailand Learn from the Experiences of the UK? Keynote (Mahidol University, Thailand)
  • 2018: ISREV, XXII. Contemporary Perspectives and Contextual Challenges in Religious and Values Education. (Nuremberg, Germany)
  • 2018: AME (Barcelona, Spain)
  • 2019: Responsible Research and Innovation. Keynote (London)

Additional information

Consulting and advice

  • Associate Assessor HMIe (Scotland) 2008-2009
  • Associate Assessor ETI (Northern Ireland) 2009-2010                   
  • Academic Consultant: Religion in UK Directory 2007
  • Advisor: Visions for Educational Leadership 2013-2014
  • Reviewer for AHRC, 2007, 2009
  • Reviewer for ESRC, 2017, 2019, 2022
  • Reviewer for Church Universities Fund, 2017
  • Reviewer for Culham St Gabriel's, 2014, 2018, 2019
  • Book proposal reviewer: Routledge, Bloomsbury, Continuum, University of Toronto Press, Palgrave, Springer.
  • Academic peer reviewer. Regular reviewer for: British Journal of Religious Education;  Journal of Beliefs and Values; Journal of Research on Christian Education; Scottish Educational Review; Journal of Moral Education; Improving Schools; European Educational Research Journal; FWU Journal of Social Sciences.                                               Academic peer reviewer. Other reviews: School Leadership and Management;  Journal of Philosophy of Education; Curriculum Review; Educational Review; Education Sciences; British Educational Research Journal; International Journal of Innovation in Education; Open Medicine Journal; Journal of Religious Education; Haripur Journal of Educational Research; Religions;  London Review of Education; Forum for International Research on Education; International Journal of Christianity and Education; British Journal of Educational Studies; Citizenship, Social and Economics Education; Studies in the Social Sciences.                                                                                                                                              
  • External Examiner: PGCE Religious Education Programme, Newman College of Higher Education University of Leicester  2005-2009.                                                                                 
  • External Examiner: PGCE Religious Education Programme, Roehampton University  2011-2015
  • External Examiner: Religious Studies, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 2011-2015
  • External Examiner: PGCE, University of Oxford, 2021-

Academic and professional body membership

  • General Teaching Council of Scotland (Mem no. 910379) 1991-
  • International Seminar In Religious Education and Values (ISREV)  2003-
  • Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA)  2004-
  • Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain 2005-
  • British Educational Research Association (BERA) 2003-2005; 2008-2009; 2014-2015
  • Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education 2009-
  • Association of Moral Education 2012-
  • International Forum of Researchers in Education 2014-
  • Nordic Educational Research Association 2015-2017

Office Holder

  • Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (member of Executive) 2009-
  • Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (Secretary) 2012-2018
  • Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (Chair) 2018-2021
  • Scottish Educational Research Association (member of Executive) 2013-
  • Scottish Educational Research Association (Vice President) 2014-2015
  • Scottish Educational Research Association (President) 2015-2017
  • Convenor Poverty and Education Network, SERA 2014-
  • International Seminar of Religious Education and Values (Treasurer) 2016-
  • Member of Council of European Educational Research Association, 2018-
  • Vice President Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, 2021-2023
  • President Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, 2023-

Editorial role in academic Journals - Current Roles

  • Cultura pedagogica e scenari educativi  2023-
  • Seminare (Editorial Board) 2022-
  • International Studies in Catholic Education (Advisory Editorial Board) 2022-
  • The Pastoral Review 2022-
  • Journal of Beliefs and Values (member of editorial board) 2010-
  • Improving Schools (member of editorial board) 2015-
  • Scottish Educational Review (member of editorial board) 2017-
  • Educazione Interculturale. 2022-
  • International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church (member of editorial board) 2022-
  • Journal of Religious Education (member of editorial board) 2021-
  • Scottish Educational Review (guest co-editor - special edition) 2021
  • Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica (guest co-editor - special edition) 2015
  • Journal of Religious Education (guest co-editor - special edition) 2020
  • Journal of Religious Education (guest co-editor - special edition) 2021
  • Journal of Religious Education (guest co-editor - special edition) 2022
  • Educazione Interculturale. guest co-editor - special edition 2023
  • FWU Journal of Social Sciences (member of Advisory Board) 2018-
  • Haripur Journal of Educational Research 2017-
  • Educação, escola e sociedade (Comitê Científico da revista). 2017-
  • IJBST Journal Group (member of editorial board). 2019-

Editorial role in academic Journals - Past Roles

  • Scottish Educational Review (co-editor) 2013-2017
  • FWU Journal of Social Sciences (consulting editor) 2014-2018
  • Studies in the Social Sciences Journal (member of editorial board). 2018-2020
  • Journal of Moral Education (member of editorial board and UK reviews editor) 2006-2015
  • Journal of Moral Education (member of editorial board) 2015-2017
  • Socio-economic and engineering systems: research, design and organization (member of editorial board) 2014-2018
  • Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov (Seriya informatizaciya obrazovaniya) (member of editorial board) 2014-2020
  • Kazan Pedagogical Journal (member of international editorial board) 2015-2020
  • Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi (member of International Advisory Board) 2016-2020
  • Educazione Interculturale. Conflitti, Dialoghi e Progetti nella Globalizzazione 2017-2022
  • Journal of Research on Christian Education (member of International Editorial Board) 2017-2019