Number of items: 62.
Gormally, S. , Maguire, A. and Seal, M. (Eds.)
Higher Education, Community Connections and Collaborations.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781350430754
Gormally, S. , Maguire, A. and Seal, M.
Conclusion: Principles and practices for meaningful community engagement in Higher Education.
In: Gormally, Sinéad, Maguire, Abigail and Seal, Mike (eds.)
Higher Education, Community Connections and Collaborations.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781350430754
Gormally, S. , Maguire, A. and Seal, M.
Introduction: Are community connections and collaborations possible in Higher Education?
In: Gormally, Sinéad, Maguire, Abigail and Seal, Mike (eds.)
Higher Education, Community Connections and Collaborations.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781350430754
Hughes, G., Gormally, S. , Smith, C. and Glazer, S.
The role of community and youth work in supporting universities meaningful engagement with communities.
In: Gormally, Sinéad, Maguire, Abigail and Seal, Mike (eds.)
Higher Education, Community Connections and Collaborations.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781350430754
Arizpe, E. , Gormally, S. , Vega, N. N., Muñoz, J. C., Rueda, M. S., Jiménez, J. D., Rivera, A. B. and Mendoza, S. H.
A Tale of Two Cities: Recovering community spaces for peacebuilding in Medellín and Acapulco.
In: Yohannes, HyabTeklehaimanot, Phipps, Alison and Sitholé, Tawona (eds.)
Cultures of Sustainable Peace: Conflict Transformation, Gender-Based Violence, Decolonial Praxes.
Multilingual Matters.
ISBN 9781800418349
(In Press)
Gormally, S. , Howard, F. and Seal, M.
Special issue editorial: Youth work pracademia: creativity, community and meaningful careers.
Journal of Applied Youth Studies,
(doi: 10.1007/s43151-024-00135-0)
(Early Online Publication)
Burton, V. and Gormally, S.
‘How dare you call that playground banter?!’: Service provider perspectives on coercive control and young people.
Children and Society, 38(2),
pp. 547-562.
(doi: 10.1111/chso.12724)
Gormally, S. , Arizpe, E. and Bahena-Rivera, A.
What would peace look like in Acapulco? The views of local practitioners and stakeholders.
Journal of Peacebuilding and Development,
(doi: 10.1177/15423166231179239)
(Early Online Publication)
Eversley, J., Gormally, S. and Kilmurray, A. (Eds.)
Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development.
Series: Rethinking Community Development.
Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447359333
Eversley, J., Gormally, S. and Kilmurray, A.
Drawing the threads together.
In: Eversley, John, Gormally, Sinead and Kilmurray, Avila (eds.)
Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development.
Series: Rethinking Community Development.
Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447359340
Eversley, J., Gormally, S. and Kilmurray, A.
In: Eversley, John, Gormally, Sinead and Kilmurray, Avila (eds.)
Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development.
Series: Rethinking Community Development.
Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447359340
Curran, S., Gormally, S. and Smith, C.
Re-imagining approaches to learning and teaching: youth and community work education post COVID-19.
Education Sciences, 12(3),
(doi: 10.3390/educsci12030201)
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing Paper 5: Medellin's cultural transformation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, S. , Coburn, A. and Beggan, E.
Idealistic assertions or realistic possibilities in community and youth work education.
Education Sciences, 11(9),
(doi: 10.3390/educsci11090561)
Moskal, M. , Odena, O. , Arizpe, E. , Gormally, S. , Pacheco, E.-M. , Dagar, P. and Aldegheri, E.
Education, Culture and Learning in Response to Conflict and Protracted Crisis [Symposium].
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 65th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-29 Apr 2021.
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing Paper 4: Mapping cultural and nonformal education at the community level in Acapulco.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, S. , Boath, L. , Farrar, J. , Martin, H. and Nicholson, J.
Disrupting Boundaries to Build Bridges.
Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges: ICSEI Virtual Congress 2021, 8-9, 17-18 Mar 2021.
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing paper 3: The role of Stakeholders in Peacebuilding.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the Role of Education, Culture and Learning in Responding to Crises.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, S. , Martin, H., McDonald, A. and McGreechin, A.
Activate +, University of Glasgow and The Place Standard Tool.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing Paper 2: Key Public policies for peacebuilding in Medellin.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Arizpe, E. , Bahena-Rivera, A. , Gormally, S. and Hernandez Mendoza, S.
Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing Paper 1: Public Policies and Peacebuilding.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, S. , Beggan, E. and Coburn, A.
Community, COVID-19, challenge and change.
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Defining well-being in community development from the ground up: a case study of participant and practitioner perspectives.
Community Development Journal, 55(2),
pp. 237-257.
(doi: 10.1093/cdj/bsy048)
Gormally, S.
"It' not being racist, but ... ": a youth gang and the creation of belonging based on "othering".
Boyhood Studies, 12(2),
pp. 70-88.
(doi: 10.3167/bhs.2019.120205)
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Youth work: converging and diverging responses in England and Scotland.
Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice and Theory, 10(3),
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Creating educational synergies.
Youth and Policy,
Brennan, I. R., Burton, V., Gormally, S. and O'Leary, N.
Service provider difficulties in operationalising coercive control.
Violence Against Women, 25(6),
pp. 635-653.
(doi: 10.1177/1077801218797478)
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Youth work education: is the voluntary principle no longer reliable in defining youth work?
Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice and Theory, 10(1),
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Beyond Brexit: the impact of leaving the EU on the youth work sector.
Youth and Policy,
Cleaver, E., Wills, D., Gormally, S. , Grey, D., Johnson, C. and Rippingale, J.
Connecting research and teaching through curricular and pedagogic design: from theory to practice in disciplinary approaches to connecting the higher education curriculum.
In: Fung, Dilly (ed.)
A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education.
UCL Press: London.
ISBN 9781911576334
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Cohesion, commonality and creativity: youth work across borders.
In: Dzigurski, Sever (ed.)
Europe in Transition: Diversity, Identity and Youth Work.
SALTO Cultural Diversity Resource Centre, pp. 46-51.
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Communities for Social Change: Practicing Equality and Social Justice in Youth and Community Work.
Series: Counterpoints: studies in criticality, 483.
Peter Lang: New York.
ISBN 9781433129773
(doi: 10.3726/b11265)
Brennan, I., Burton, V., Gormally, S. and O'Leary, N. J. M.
An Exploration of Domestic Abuse Patterns and Service Provision in Humberside.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
The Voluntary Principle in Youth Work.
In: In Defence of Youth Work Campaign, Birmingham, UK, 2016,
Cooper, C., Gormally, S. and Hughes, G. (Eds.)
Socially-Just, Radical Alternatives for Education and Youth Work Practice: Re-Imagining Ways of Working with Young People.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basinstoke.
ISBN 9781137393586
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Clydebank Women’s Aid Youth Service: Responding to Young People whose Lives Have Been Impacted by Domestic Abuse.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Youth Work as Emancipatory Practice.
In: Journal of Youth Studies Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 March - 1 Apr 2015,
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Emancipatory praxis: a social-justice approach to equality work.
Socially-Just, Radical Alternatives for Education and Youth Work Practice: Re-Imagining Ways of Working with Young People.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basinstoke, pp. 65-84.
ISBN 9781137393586
(doi: 10.1057/9781137393593_4)
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Youth work in schools.
In: Bright, Graham (ed.)
Youth Work: Histories, Policy and Contexts.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basinstoke.
ISBN 9781137434395
Gormally, S.
'I've been there, done that...: A study of youth gang desistancr.
Youth Justice, 15(2),
pp. 148-165.
(doi: 10.1177/1473225414549679)
Hughes, G., Cooper, C., Gormally, S. and Rippingale, J.
The state of youth work in austerity England – reclaiming the ability to ‘care’.
Youth and Policy, 113,
pp. 1-14.
Gormally, S. and Coburn, A.
Finding Nexus: connecting youth work and research practices.
British Educational Research Journal, 40(5),
pp. 869-885.
(doi: 10.1002/berj.3118)
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
‘They know what you are going through’: a service response to young people who have experienced the impact of domestic abuse.
Journal of Youth Studies, 17(5),
pp. 642-663.
(doi: 10.1080/13676261.2013.844779)
Deuchar, R., Miller, J. and Gormally, S.
The Impact of Aberlour Youthpoint’s Detached Streetwork and Youth Service Programme on the Building of Social Capital among Children and Young People in Glasgow.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, S.
The complexities, contradictions and consequences of being ‘anti-social’ in Northern Ireland.
In: Pickard, Sarah (ed.)
Anti-Social Behaviour in Britain: Victorian and Contemporary Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basinstoke, pp. 179-191.
ISBN 9781137399304
Coburn, A. and Gormally, S.
Building Blocks to Alternative Discourse: Salutogenic Relationships in Youth Work.
In: The Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth and Community Work (TAG), Maynooth, Ireland, 2013,
Gormally, S.
The Complexities, Contradictions and Consequences of Being ‘Anti-Social’ in Northern Ireland.
In: New Agendas on Youth and Young Adulthoods: Youth Studies Conference, Glasgow, UK, 8-10 Apr 2013,
Gormally, S.
A Social Justice Approach to Community Development Social Justice Philanthropy: Implications for Practice and Policy.
In: National Council for Voluntary Organisations, London, UK, 2013,
Gormally, S.
A social justice approach to community development.
Working for Change: The Irish Journal of Community Work, 3,
Gormally, S. and Deuchar, R.
Somewhere between distrust and dependence: young people, the police and anti-social behaviour management within marginalised communities.
International Journal on School Dissatisfaction, 9(1),
pp. 51-66.
(doi: 10.18546/IJSD.09.1.05)
Deuchar, R. and Gormally, S.
In the Space of an Hour or Something, You’ve Been Stopped and Searched About Six Times.
In: Youth in Crisis Conference, Paisley, Scotland, 21-22 Feb 2012,
Gormally, S. and Coburn, A.
They Know What You are Going Through’: Providing Support and Preventing Isolation Among Young People who Have Experienced the Impact of Domestic Abuse.
In: Maynooth International Youth Studies Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2012,
Gormally, S. and Sercombe, H.
Defending Your People: The Role of Street Gangs in Maintaining the Integrity of Economically Deprived Communities.
In: Maynooth International Youth Studies Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2012,
Gormally, S. and Sercombe, H.
Defending Your People: The Role of Street Gangs in Maintaining the Integrity of Economically Deprived Communities.
In: Youth in Crisis Conference, Paisley, Scotland, 21-22 Feb 2012,
Gormally, S.
Social Justice and Poverty (Panel Paper).
In: Youth in Crisis Conference, Paisley, Scotland, 21-22 Feb 2012,
Cobrun, A. and Gormally, S.
Providing Support and Preventing Isolation: An Evaluation of Clydebank Women’s Aid Children and Young People’s Service.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gormally, B. and Gormally, S.
Evaluation of Wave’s EU Peace III funded ‘Back to the Future Project’.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Deuchar, R. and Gormally, S.
Exploring the Lives, Relationships and Views of Young People who Identify with Gang Membership on One Area of Glasgow.
In: Annual British Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow, UK, 7-9 Apr 2010,
Gormally, S.
What is the Agreement Between Youth Gangs and Their Local Communities?
In: Annual British Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow, UK, 7-9 Apr 2010,
Gormally, S.
Young People being able to approach other young people to help themselves and each other”: An examination of how YouthBanks empower young people.
Journal of Youth Work: Research and Positive Practices in Work with Young People, 3,
pp. 29-46.
Wallace, D. and Gormally, S.
Making a Difference: YouthBank Evaluation Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 20:17:39 2025 GMT.