Professor Roisin Coll

  • Professor of Catholic Education (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)

telephone: 01413303080

R332 Level 3, St Andrew's Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts



I am Professor of Catholic Education at the University of Glasgow and currently Director of the St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education. The Foundation is central to the work of the University and is responsible for providing teachers for Catholic schools across Scotland. Working in close partnership with the Scottish Government, the General Teaching Council of Scotland and the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland I have oversight of the education of all aspiring Catholic teachers across the country. 

I am the author of a range of articles, book chapters and a book on the discipline of Religious Education in the Catholic school sector. My research interests include the professional development needs of teachers in Catholic schools which was the focus of my doctoral thesis. 

In addition to being a specialist in Religious Education, I also lead and teach across a range of intersectional education courses at both undergraduate and post graduate level. In all of this work, I am committed to deep disciplinary expertise and effective professional practice.

I have taught and written widely in the field and my work is to be found in many international peer-reviewed journals.  My research has been of great interest to academics and I am regularly invited to keynote in national and international contexts. The practical application of my work is also embraced by school educators and I am frequently asked to explore my findings with those teaching and leading within schools. 

Research interests

Research interests

My commitment to promoting excellence in learning and teaching is characterised by the research-rich context in which my work is located. I have taught and written widely on Catholic Education in Scotland and other international contexts, Catholic school leadership, faith education, the faith development of teachers, the professional development of teachers, inclusive education, hospitality and the Catholic school, LGBTQ+ and the Catholic school and the use of prayer in schools. Initial teacher education is a central research focus and, in particular, the continuing professional development needs of those teaching within a faith context. 

Overall, I have particular interest in the following areas: Religious Education; Faith-schools; Prayer;  Religious Observance; Continuing Professional Development of teachers; Faith Development of Catholic teachers; Comparative Education; Initial Teacher Education, Sectarianism. 

Career history



Professor of Catholic Education

2017- present

Director of the Saint Andrew's Foundation of Catholic Teacher Education and member of the School of Education Leadership Team

2013- 2022

Senior Lecturer, Creativity, Culture and Faith University of Glasgow

2009- 2013

BEd Programme Leader and University Lecturer in Religious Education, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow

University Lecturer in Religious Education, Graduate Advisor and Post Graduate Convener for the Department of Religious Education, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow

2004 - 2008
University Lecturer in Religious Education, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow

University Lecturer in Mathematics Education, Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education University of Glasgow

1995 -2000
Classroom Teacher, St Andrew's Primary School, Bearsden, Glasgow


Selected publications

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All publications

List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2002
Number of items: 24.


Boeren, E. , McMahon, M. and Coll, R. (2024) Religion, research and the REF-UoA23 education: a thematic investigation. British Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2446359) (Early Online Publication)

Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2024) Inscribed in the very heart of their identity: recruitment, retention, and formation of faith leaders in Catholic primary schools in Scotland. In: Whittle, S. and Wodon, Q. (eds.) Leadership Matters in Catholic Education. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities, 1 (2). Springer: Singapore, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9789819712304 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-1231-1_10)


Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2022) Catholic teacher formation in Scotland. In: Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (eds.) Formation of Teachers for Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, pp. 27-41. ISBN 9789811947261 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-4727-8_3)

Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2022) Inscribed in the Very Heart of their Identity: Recruitment, Retention and Formation of Faith Leaders in Catholic Primary Schools in Scotland. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Conference: Flourishing as a Contemporary Catholic Leader and Teacher: Insights from Research and Practice, Twickenham, UK, 20-21 May 2022.


Coll, R. (2021) Hospitality to difference: LGBT, religious education and the Catholic school. Journal of Religious Education, 69(1), pp. 25-36. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00126-2)


Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2020) A living tradition. Open House, 290, pp. 3-5.


Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2019) Confident student to confident RE Teacher: a perspective from Scotland. In: Buchanan, M. T. and Gellel, A.-M. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Springer: Singapore, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9789811361265 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6127-2)


Coll, R. (2018) The Catholic teacher: a Scottish perspective. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 30, pp. 5-6.

Coll, R. (2018) Connecting with the Catholic community. Open House, 277, pp. 5-6.

Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2018) Confident student to confident RE Teacher: a perspective from Scotland. 1st International Conference on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, Rabat, Malta, 7-10 Feb 2018. (Unpublished)


Coll, R. (2015) Catholic religious education in Scotland: bridging the gap between teacher education and curriculum delivery. In: Buchanan, M. T. and Gellel, A.-M. (eds.) Global Perspectives of Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Springer: Cham, pp. 179-193. ISBN 9783319209241 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20925-8_15)


Coll, R. (2012) Catholic primary schools in contemporary Scotland: facing new horizons. In: Duffy, E. (ed.) McAuley Conference Series 2012. University of Limerick: Limerick.


Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574


Coll, R. and Davis, R.A. (2009) Catholic Religious Education in Scotland. In: Keiran, P. and Hession, A. (eds.) Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe. Veritas: Dublin, pp. 189-198. ISBN 181847301320

Coll, R. and Hone, E. (2009) Hands Up in the Air! Creative Prayer with Children. In: Keiran, P. and Hession, A. (eds.) Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe. Veritas: Dublin. ISBN 181847301320

Coll, R. (2009) Catholic School Leadership: Exploring its Impact on the Faith Development of Probationer Teachers in Scotland. International Studies in Catholic Education, 1(2), pp. 200-213. (doi: 10.1080/19422530903138184)

Coll, R. (2009) From Theory to Practice: The Experiences of Catholic Probationary Teachers. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 18(2), pp. 140-159. (doi: 10.1080/10656210903046408)

Hone, E. and Coll, R. (2009) All Together: Creative Prayer with Children. Veritas: Dublin. ISBN 9781847301796

Hughes, L., Coll, R. and Bollan, J. (2009) Catholic schools on the web: Windows to the soul of Catholic education? Journal of Catholic School Studies, 2,


Coll, R. (2007) Student teachers' perception of their role and responsibilities as Catholic educators. European Journal of Teacher Education, 30(4), pp. 445-465.

Coll, R. (2007) The struggle for the soul : implications for the identity of Catholic teachers. Journal of Religious Education, 55(3), pp. 45-53.

Coll, R. and Davis, R. (2007) Faith schools and state education: church-state relations and the development of the 5-14 Religious Education Programme in Scotland. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 11(1), pp. 67-82.


Coll, R. (2006) Faith formation in the context of continuing professional development for Catholic teachers: understanding the views of the managers. Journal of In-Service Education, 32(4), pp. 431-450. (doi: 10.1080/13674580601024499)


Coll, R. (2002) Examination of the consultation and development process for the Scottish Catholic religious education guidelines. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 6(2), pp. 233-250.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 22:35:18 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 24.


Boeren, E. , McMahon, M. and Coll, R. (2024) Religion, research and the REF-UoA23 education: a thematic investigation. British Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2446359) (Early Online Publication)

Coll, R. (2021) Hospitality to difference: LGBT, religious education and the Catholic school. Journal of Religious Education, 69(1), pp. 25-36. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-020-00126-2)

Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2020) A living tradition. Open House, 290, pp. 3-5.

Coll, R. (2018) The Catholic teacher: a Scottish perspective. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 30, pp. 5-6.

Coll, R. (2018) Connecting with the Catholic community. Open House, 277, pp. 5-6.

Coll, R. (2009) Catholic School Leadership: Exploring its Impact on the Faith Development of Probationer Teachers in Scotland. International Studies in Catholic Education, 1(2), pp. 200-213. (doi: 10.1080/19422530903138184)

Coll, R. (2009) From Theory to Practice: The Experiences of Catholic Probationary Teachers. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 18(2), pp. 140-159. (doi: 10.1080/10656210903046408)

Hughes, L., Coll, R. and Bollan, J. (2009) Catholic schools on the web: Windows to the soul of Catholic education? Journal of Catholic School Studies, 2,

Coll, R. (2007) Student teachers' perception of their role and responsibilities as Catholic educators. European Journal of Teacher Education, 30(4), pp. 445-465.

Coll, R. (2007) The struggle for the soul : implications for the identity of Catholic teachers. Journal of Religious Education, 55(3), pp. 45-53.

Coll, R. and Davis, R. (2007) Faith schools and state education: church-state relations and the development of the 5-14 Religious Education Programme in Scotland. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 11(1), pp. 67-82.

Coll, R. (2006) Faith formation in the context of continuing professional development for Catholic teachers: understanding the views of the managers. Journal of In-Service Education, 32(4), pp. 431-450. (doi: 10.1080/13674580601024499)

Coll, R. (2002) Examination of the consultation and development process for the Scottish Catholic religious education guidelines. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 6(2), pp. 233-250.


Hone, E. and Coll, R. (2009) All Together: Creative Prayer with Children. Veritas: Dublin. ISBN 9781847301796

Book Sections

Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2024) Inscribed in the very heart of their identity: recruitment, retention, and formation of faith leaders in Catholic primary schools in Scotland. In: Whittle, S. and Wodon, Q. (eds.) Leadership Matters in Catholic Education. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities, 1 (2). Springer: Singapore, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9789819712304 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-1231-1_10)

Coll, R. and Reilly, S. (2022) Catholic teacher formation in Scotland. In: Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (eds.) Formation of Teachers for Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era. Series: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, pp. 27-41. ISBN 9789811947261 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-4727-8_3)

Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2019) Confident student to confident RE Teacher: a perspective from Scotland. In: Buchanan, M. T. and Gellel, A.-M. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Springer: Singapore, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9789811361265 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6127-2)

Coll, R. (2015) Catholic religious education in Scotland: bridging the gap between teacher education and curriculum delivery. In: Buchanan, M. T. and Gellel, A.-M. (eds.) Global Perspectives of Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Springer: Cham, pp. 179-193. ISBN 9783319209241 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20925-8_15)

Coll, R. (2012) Catholic primary schools in contemporary Scotland: facing new horizons. In: Duffy, E. (ed.) McAuley Conference Series 2012. University of Limerick: Limerick.

Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574

Coll, R. and Davis, R.A. (2009) Catholic Religious Education in Scotland. In: Keiran, P. and Hession, A. (eds.) Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe. Veritas: Dublin, pp. 189-198. ISBN 181847301320

Coll, R. and Hone, E. (2009) Hands Up in the Air! Creative Prayer with Children. In: Keiran, P. and Hession, A. (eds.) Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe. Veritas: Dublin. ISBN 181847301320

Conference or Workshop Item

Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2022) Inscribed in the Very Heart of their Identity: Recruitment, Retention and Formation of Faith Leaders in Catholic Primary Schools in Scotland. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Conference: Flourishing as a Contemporary Catholic Leader and Teacher: Insights from Research and Practice, Twickenham, UK, 20-21 May 2022.

Reilly, S. and Coll, R. (2018) Confident student to confident RE Teacher: a perspective from Scotland. 1st International Conference on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, Rabat, Malta, 7-10 Feb 2018. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 22:35:18 2025 GMT.


Beyond Sectarianism: new thinking for a new generation. Five Nations Network Small Grants Award Programme. Mobility funding for Citizenship and Values Education.


I welcome applications for Masters and Doctoral supervision in areas related to Religion, Education and Culture.

Current supervision

  • This Our Faith and the Professional Development of Teachers (Marie McCoy - PhD)
  • Historical study: Edward Douglas CSsR 1819 - 1898 (Dominic O'Toole - PhD)


Course Leadership

As Director of the St Andrew's Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education I have responsibility for the University of Glasgow's Religious Education UG&PG courses including all routes to obtaining the Catholic Teacher’s Certificate (CTC). This Certificate is the mandatory academic qualification required in Scotland to teach Religious Education in the Catholic School sector and currently taught via differet routes, including to those studying their PGDE programme at other HE institutions.

I currently lead seven courses in the School of Education.

  • Catholic Teacher's Certificate (University of Strathclyde) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to PG students at the University of Strathclyde who are eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland.
  • Catholic Teacher's Certificate (University of Edinburgh) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to PG students at the University of Edinburgh who are eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland
  • Catholic Teacher's Certificate (University of Dundee) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to PG students at the University of Dundee who are eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland
  • Catholic Teacher's Certificate (University of the West of Scotland) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to PG students at the University of the West of Scotland who are eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland
  • Catholic Teacher's Certificate (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland ) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to PG students at the RCS who are eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland
  • Setting Out on the Road (Glasgow) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to qualified teachers eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland
  • Setting Out on the Road (Edinburgh) is a course (30 credits) offered by the University of Glasgow and available to qualified teachers eligible to teach Religious Education in the Catholic sector in Scotland

I contribute to and teach on a range of other courses at both Undergraduate and Masters level including Education in Practice 2A&B, Year 4 Elective and PGDE Practitioner Enquiry

Additional information

External Examining

I am currently external for Trinity College Dublin (Marino IoE) Professional Masters in Education Programme. I have been External for the University of Aberdeen’s PGDE programme and the External for Dublin City University’s Professional Qualification in Religious and Philosophical Education.

I was an International Peer Reviewer for the Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement Programme for Academic Units. (Irish Universities Association Quality Committee)

Consultancy and Knowledge Transfer

International Peer Reviewer for the Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement Programme for Academic Units. (Irish Universities Association Quality Committee.) 

Member of the writing group for the Curriculum for Excellence Religious Education in Catholic Schools national guidelines (This is Our Faith).  2009 - present.

Member of the Religious Education Development Group (REDG) for the Curriculum for Excellence Religious Education in Catholic Schools national guidelines. 2009 - present.

Jointly designed and implemented very successful CPD courses for teachers concerned with the use of prayer and liturgy in the Catholic school. 2006 - present.

External Examiner for the PGDE (Primary and Secondary) Programme at the University of Aberdeen (2005-2009).

Academic and professional body membership

BEd Programme Leader

Chair of the BEd Committee

Faculty Undergraduate and Initial Teacher Education Committee

Member of the General Teaching Council of Scotland

Editorial Team: International Journal of Education

Reviewer: Journal of Research on Christian Education

Reviewer: Catholic Education: a journal of inquiry and practice

Member of the Youth Secretariat Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (London Province).