Dr Rob Mark

  • Associate Tutor (School of Education)

email: Rob.Mark@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: He/him/his

Import to contacts


Rob Mark is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow. He holds the post of Learning Cities Coordinator for  the PASCAL Observatory which is focused on Place Management, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning within the School of Education.Previously, he was Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Strathclyde and Director of Education and Research at Queen’s University Belfast.  He also worked in schools, further and higher education sectors and in community and voluntary provision.

He is currently also an Honorary Researcher  at the Higher Education Research Centre (HERC) Dublin City University https://www.dcu.ie/herc/index.shtml and  Vice Chair for the University Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) )  http://www.uall.ac.uk/. He was formerly editor of the Adult Learner Journal, for the Adult and Community Learning Association (AONTAS) of Ireland https://www.aontas.com/pubsandlinks/theadultlearner.html  and served on the Steering Committee of the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN). http://www.eucen.eu/

Research interests

Dr Mark's research interests focus on the broad field of education and lifelong learning. He has contributed to research and teaching in the following areas: policy and practice in European and international contexts, access to higher education, teacher education and community learning, literacy and social justice.  He has coordinated a range of European funded projects including Adult Learning and Participating in Education (ALPINE) and Literacy & Equality in Irish Society (LEIS) and has contributed to projects on the age-friendly university, inter-generational learning and older men’s learning.

Working in cooperation with the European Museums Academy he is currently making an input into a new European Funded project which is focusing on heritage and its impact on society.  The project is exploring and analyzing the impact of the European Regional Development Funds on heritage. It  will map existing and emerging problems, practices and policy gaps relating to the impact assessment and the quality of interventions in historical environment and cultural heritage sites in Europe.  


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012
Number of items: 10.


Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]


Mark, R., Talmage, C. and Knopf, R. (2023) Learning in later life: Responding to the evolving educational needs of older people. In: Osborne, Mike, Tibbitt, John and Kearns, Peter (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 66-70. ISBN 9786267381472


Mark, R., Talmage, C. and Knopf, R. (2022) 晚年學習:響應高齡者不斷變化的教育需求 = Learning in later life: Responding to the evolving educational needsof older people. In: Osborne, Mike, Tibbitt, John and Kearns, Peter (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 63-67. ISBN 9786267144985


Mark, R. (2018) Promoting age friendly universities which are sustainable and open to all: a new challenge for the academy? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20(2), pp. 169-183. (doi: 10.5456/WPLL.20.2.169)


Findsen, B. and Mark, R. (2016) Older adult education in two universities: a comparison in the New Zealand and Scottish contexts. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 22(1), pp. 6-28. (doi: 10.1177/1477971416630130)

Mark, R., Bissland, V. and Hart, L. (2016) Unlocking potential for later-life learning: engaging adults in their own learning in a university setting. A case study from Scotland. In: Field, John, Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard and Waxenegger, Andrea (eds.) Universities and Engagement: International Perspectives on Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Routledge. ISBN 9781138824430

Talmage, C. A., Mark, R., Slowey, M. and Knopf, R. C. (2016) Age friendly universities and engagement with older adults: moving from principles to practice. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 537-554. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224040)


Golding, B., Mark, R. and Foley, A. (Eds.) (2014) Men Learning through Life. National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862010

Finn, J., Mark, R., Royo, C. and de Viron, F. (2014) Bridges between Research and Practice in University Lifelong Learning: Policy Report and Recommendations on behalf of the DIALOGUE Consortium. [Research Reports or Papers]


Mark, R. and Golding, B. (2012) Fostering social policies for engagement of older men in learning and improvement of their health and wellbeing. International Journal of Education and Ageing, 2(3),

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:25:09 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 10.


Mark, R. (2018) Promoting age friendly universities which are sustainable and open to all: a new challenge for the academy? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20(2), pp. 169-183. (doi: 10.5456/WPLL.20.2.169)

Findsen, B. and Mark, R. (2016) Older adult education in two universities: a comparison in the New Zealand and Scottish contexts. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 22(1), pp. 6-28. (doi: 10.1177/1477971416630130)

Talmage, C. A., Mark, R., Slowey, M. and Knopf, R. C. (2016) Age friendly universities and engagement with older adults: moving from principles to practice. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 537-554. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224040)

Mark, R. and Golding, B. (2012) Fostering social policies for engagement of older men in learning and improvement of their health and wellbeing. International Journal of Education and Ageing, 2(3),

Book Sections

Mark, R., Talmage, C. and Knopf, R. (2023) Learning in later life: Responding to the evolving educational needs of older people. In: Osborne, Mike, Tibbitt, John and Kearns, Peter (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 66-70. ISBN 9786267381472

Mark, R., Talmage, C. and Knopf, R. (2022) 晚年學習:響應高齡者不斷變化的教育需求 = Learning in later life: Responding to the evolving educational needsof older people. In: Osborne, Mike, Tibbitt, John and Kearns, Peter (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 63-67. ISBN 9786267144985

Mark, R., Bissland, V. and Hart, L. (2016) Unlocking potential for later-life learning: engaging adults in their own learning in a university setting. A case study from Scotland. In: Field, John, Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard and Waxenegger, Andrea (eds.) Universities and Engagement: International Perspectives on Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Routledge. ISBN 9781138824430

Edited Books

Golding, B., Mark, R. and Foley, A. (Eds.) (2014) Men Learning through Life. National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862010

Research Reports or Papers

Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]

Finn, J., Mark, R., Royo, C. and de Viron, F. (2014) Bridges between Research and Practice in University Lifelong Learning: Policy Report and Recommendations on behalf of the DIALOGUE Consortium. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:25:09 2025 GMT.