Dr Rob Mark
- Associate Tutor (School of Education)
Rob Mark is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow. He holds the post of Learning Cities Coordinator for the PASCAL Observatory which is focused on Place Management, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning within the School of Education.Previously, he was Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Strathclyde and Director of Education and Research at Queen’s University Belfast. He also worked in schools, further and higher education sectors and in community and voluntary provision.
He is currently also an Honorary Researcher at the Higher Education Research Centre (HERC) Dublin City University https://www.dcu.ie/herc/index.shtml and Vice Chair for the University Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) ) http://www.uall.ac.uk/. He was formerly editor of the Adult Learner Journal, for the Adult and Community Learning Association (AONTAS) of Ireland https://www.aontas.com/pubsandlinks/theadultlearner.html and served on the Steering Committee of the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN). http://www.eucen.eu/
Research interests
Dr Mark's research interests focus on the broad field of education and lifelong learning. He has contributed to research and teaching in the following areas: policy and practice in European and international contexts, access to higher education, teacher education and community learning, literacy and social justice. He has coordinated a range of European funded projects including Adult Learning and Participating in Education (ALPINE) and Literacy & Equality in Irish Society (LEIS) and has contributed to projects on the age-friendly university, inter-generational learning and older men’s learning.
Working in cooperation with the European Museums Academy he is currently making an input into a new European Funded project which is focusing on heritage and its impact on society. The project is exploring and analyzing the impact of the European Regional Development Funds on heritage. It will map existing and emerging problems, practices and policy gaps relating to the impact assessment and the quality of interventions in historical environment and cultural heritage sites in Europe.