Professor Ria Dunkley

  • Professor of Environmental Pedagogy (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)
  • Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)

telephone: 0141 330 5079

St Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow, G3 6NH

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Ria Dunkley is a Professor of Environmental Pedagogy at the University of Glasgow, where she focuses on creating pathways for people to engage with climate action and environmental sustainability. Ria’s work centres on ecopedagogy, a people-focused approach that connects communities, educators, and researchers in practical responses to the pressing challenges of the Anthropocene—the period of human-driven environmental change.

Her work with GALLANT, a collaborative project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, supports communities in Glasgow in creating sustainable, locally grounded solutions. As co-chair of the European CIVIS Hub for Climate, Energy, and Environment, she also works with a network of European universities to make climate education and resilience a shared effort.

Ria believes in the power of community-led science to bring about meaningful change and is committed to helping others understand the ways they can contribute to a sustainable future. She welcomes opportunities to collaborate with those who share her vision for a world where climate action is inclusive, practical, and community-centred.

She is an Associate Director of the Centre for Sustainable Solutions

Research Gate profile

Research interests

Ria’s research focuses on how people and communities create, understand, and share knowledge about environmental sustainability, with a special interest in making these insights actionable. She is particularly interested in how community involvement and citizen science contribute to sustainable practices and climate resilience. Her recent work examines the impact of place-based learning on individuals’ connections to their environment, as well as the personal significance of citizen science experiences. Through her research, Ria aims to support communities in developing practical, locally rooted responses to environmental challenges.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items: 132.


Barratt Hacking, E. et al. (2023) Mosaicking childhoodnature relations: Situated encounters with country in times of climate change. Children's Geographies, (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2023.2285473) (Early Online Publication)

Dunkley, R. (2023) Ecological kin-making in the multispecies muddle: an analytical framework for understanding embodied environmental citizen science experiences. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48(4), pp. 781-796. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12613)

Dunkley, R. , Halstead, F. , Gambell, S. and Duncan, B. (2023) Open Aye / GALLANT Photo Project - exhibition of participant's work. [Exhibitions]

Halstead, F. , Dunkley, R. , Gambell, S. and Duncan, B. (2023) Exploring Past, Present and Future Urban Imaginaries in the Context of the Climate Emergency. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, 29 August - 1 September 2023.

Dunkley, R. (2023) Is Discovering Unfamiliar Landscapes the Key to Effective Ecopedagogy? Unfamiliar Landscapes: Book Launch and Discussing Diversity in the Outdoors, Cardiff, UK, 12 Apr 2023. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2023) The gender sensitive parliament and community-led climate action. [Audio]

Dunkley, R. (2023) Glasgow as a Living Lab Accelerating Novel Transformation. [Research Reports or Papers]


Dunkley, R. (2022) Looking closely for environmental learning: citizen science and environmental sustainability education. In: Hammond, L., Biddulph, M., Catling, S. and McKendrick, J. H. (eds.) Children, Education and Geography: Rethinking Intersections. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 198-214. ISBN 9781032147468 (doi: 10.4324/9781003248538-17)

Barrett-Hacking, E., Davies, B., Bastos, E., Dunkley, R. , Hogarth, H., Sands, B. and Wenham, L. (2022) Reimagining the place of nature in education: photographic provocations for relational becoming. NORRAG Special Issue, 7, pp. 55-60.

Anderson, S. , Dunkley, R. and Tonner, P. (2022) Callipolis! – Philosophy, Education, and the City. Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-18 Sep 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) The GALLANT project – Cities in transition in times of ecological and climate crisis. Communicating Sustainability 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 6-7 September 2022.

Smith, T. A., Dunkley, R. A. and Jones, S. (2022) Storying wild landscapes: multimodal interactions with digital app-based heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(7), pp. 803-819. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2022.2086154)

Balogun, F. et al. (2022) Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency. Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency, Online, 23 June 2022.

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (Eds.) (2022) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030944599

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Conversations with practitioners 1: Dr. Sunita Welch. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 213-231. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_9)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Conversations with practitioners 3: Toby Clark. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 515-535. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_21)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Negotiating the family in unfamiliar terrain: mobile technologies and ecopedagogic guardians. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 133-158. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_6)

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Unfamiliar landscapes: an introduction. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_1)

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Whose unfamiliar landscape? Reflecting on the diversity of young people’s encounters with nature and the outdoors. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 551-569. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_23)

Dunkley, R. (2022) Children and sustainability. In: Brinkmann, R. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030389482 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38948-2_79-1)

Dunkley, R. (2022) Ways to Foster Nature-Relations Across the Curriculum. Developing an Evidence-Based School Approach to Climate Change Education, Bristol, UK, 29 Apr 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) Public Engagement: a Challenge of Planetary Scale. Edinburgh Science Festival 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland, 09-24 Apr 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) From Ambition to Reality: Higher Education’s Role in Realising COP26. British Council: From Ambition to Reality: Higher Education’s Role in Realising COP26, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 09 Mar 2022.

Dunkley, R. and Murphy, B. (2022) Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals? Engaging Young People With Issues of Environmental and Social Justice Through Participatory Photography Walks. SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 8(1), pp. 57-75.

Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Engaging local small to medium enterprises with environmental sustainability. In: Jensen, E. (ed.) From Conservation Education to Public Engagement: Research, Principles and Practice. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107629462 (In Press)

Hart, A. G. et al. (2022) Understanding engagement, marketing, and motivation to benefit recruitment and retention in citizen science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 7(1), 5. (doi: 10.5334/cstp.436)


Dunkley, R. (2021) Why is Human Connection to Nature Critical to "sustainability"? College of Social Sciences Sustainability Networking Event, 07 Dec 2020.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Climate Change and Communities. Lectures at the Green, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Climate Injustice of Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion. COP26 Universities Network Stall, Glasgow, UK, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. , MacDonell, C. , Naylor, L. A. , Muir, F. M.E. , Fitton, J., Rennie, A., Hansom, J. and Hurst, M. (2021) Using Coastal Erosion Disadvantage Maps as a Climate Change and Strategic Urban Planning Tool for Scotland. Built Environment and Net Zero – A COP26 Conference from the Centre for Sustainable Solutions, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Spot-a-Bee. Explorathon 2021; Bugs, Bees, Plants and the Great Outdoors, 20 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Looking Closely for Environmental Learning: Citizen Science and Environmental Sustainability Education. BERA Conference 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) More than Just a Litter Pick? The Experiential Affordances of Everyday Ecological Stewardship for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Literacy. BERA Conference 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Ecological Key-bearing and Ecopedagogy in Times of Climate Emergency. RGS-IBG International Conference, London, UK, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. , Dick, G., Northridge, E. and Hamill, A. (2021) Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde for the Future Cities Podcast. [Audio]

Dunkley, R. (2021) Spot a Bee. [Exhibitions]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast Research Summary (2021). [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: The National Overview (2021). CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R. (2021) Episode 4 - Young people and climate change. [Audio]

Laurier, E., Dunkley, R. , Smith, T.A. and Reeves, S. (2021) Crossing with care: bogs, streams and assistive mobilities as family praxis in the countryside. Gesprächsforschung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, (In Press)

Barrett-Hacking, E., Dunkley, R. , Bastos, E., Hogarth, H., Wenham, L., Sands, B. and Davies, B. (2021) Climate Change Education Learning Provocations. Responding to the Climate Emergency: How to Adapt Your Teaching Now! The Climate Change Education Research Network Conference, 20 Apr 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Childhood Ecological Encounters and Micro-practices in the New Climatic Regime. AAG Annual Meeting 2021, Seattle, WA, USA, 07-11 Apr 2021. (Accepted for Publication)

Dunkley, R. (2021) Giving Unknown Bees a Name. Cardiff Science Festival, 18-21 Feb 2021.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2021) Video ethnography. In: Von Benzon, N., Holton, M., Wilkinson, C. and Wilkinson, S. (eds.) Creative Methods for Human Geographers. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 297-308. ISBN 9781526496980

Dunkley, R.A. , MacDonell, C.J. , Naylor, L.A. , Muir, F.M.E. and Fitton, J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Mapping Coastal Erosion Disadvantage in Scotland. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R.A. , MacDonell, C.J. , Naylor, L.A. , Muir, F.M.E. and Fitton, J.M. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Mapping Coastal Erosion Disadvantage in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Muir, F.M.E. , Hansom, J.D. , Rennie, A.F., Hurst, M.D. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Central Tiree. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. , Mitchell, D., Muir, F.M.E. , Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. and Hurst, M.D. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Dumbarton to Bowling. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options at the Bay of Skaill. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Golspie and Coul. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Montrose Bay. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for St Andrews Links. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]


Dunkley, R. (2020) Ecological Stewardship and Childhood. Communicate 2020, 26-27 Nov 2020.

Dunkley, R. (2020) Understanding the Citizen Science Experience – A Contribution from the Social Sciences. British Ecological Society Citizen Science - Engagement, Marketing, Motivation and Change, Online, 11 Nov 2020. (Accepted for Publication)

Smith, T. A., Laurier, E., Reeves, S. and Dunkley, R. A. (2020) “Off the beaten map”: navigating with digital maps on moorland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45(1), pp. 223-240. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12336)

Dunkley, R. (2020) Making a difference. John Muir Trust Journal, Autumn(69), p. 23.


Dunkley, R. (2019) A climate change curriculum to empower the climate strike generation. Conversation, 16 Sep.

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2019) Geocoaching: memories and habits of learning in practices of ecopedagogy. Geographical Journal, 185(3), pp. 292-302. (doi: 10.1111/geoj.12295)

Dunkley, R. (2019) Feeling Our Way Through: the Affordances of the Citizen Science Experience for Environmental Learning. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2019, London, UK, 27-30 Aug 2019.

Dunkley, R. (2019) Conceptual Approaches Place-based Thinking and a Social Science Perspective on Citizen Science. Deep-dive: Place-based Citizen Science: Newton-Ungku Omar Fund (NUOF) Workshop, Cardiff, UK, 15 Aug 2019. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2019) Beyond Lovely: Coming to Know Place Through Training the Citizen Scientific Eye. Place-Based Citizen-Science for Wellbeing: Conceptual and Practical Understandings of ‘Place’ for Science and Society, Cardiff, UK, 14 Aug 2019.

Dunkley, R. (2019) Feeling Our Way Through: Experiencing Citizen Science. Heidelberg Bridge Colloquium: Changing Climate, Heidelberg, Germany, 08 Jul 2019.

Dunkley, R. A. (2019) Monitoring ecological change in UK woodlands and rivers: an exploration of the relational geographies of citizen science. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44(1), pp. 16-31. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12258)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2019) By-standing memories of curious observations: children’s storied landscapes of ecological encounter. Cultural Geographies, 26(11), pp. 89-107. (doi: 10.1177/1474474018792652)


Dunkley, R. , Baker, S., Constant, N. and Sanderson-Bellamy, A. (2018) Enabling the IPBES conceptual framework to work across knowledge boundaries. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 18(6), pp. 779-799. (doi: 10.1007/s10784-018-9415-z)

Livingston, K. , Doherty, C. , Lido, C. , Cassar, R., Dunkley, R. , Gale, T. and Parker, S. (2018) British Council School Programmes in Scotland: an Impact Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Sageidet, B. M., Almeida, S. C. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Children’s Access to Urban Gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. 28th EECERA Annual Conference: Early Childhood Education, Families and Communities, Budapest, Hungary, 28-31 Aug 2018. ISBN 9786158022668

Smith, T., Jones, S. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Using Mobile Evaluation Methods to Monitor Visitor Use of a Heritage App ‘In the wild’: Walking with Romans in the Brecon Beacons National Park. New Approaches to Monitoring Participation in Outdoor Recreation, Cardiff, UK, 18 Apr 2018.

Dunkley, R. and Smith, T. (2018) Representations of Identities Within Mobile Applications that Seek to Interpret Dissonant Heritage. European Social Science History Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 04-7 Apr 2018.

Dunkley, R. (2018) Space-timeScapes as ecopedagogy. Journal of Environmental Education, 49(2), pp. 117-129. (doi: 10.1080/00958964.2017.1417223)

Dunkley, R. (2018) Narrative analysis: Attending to the poetic structure of interview transcripts to understand the tourist experience. In: Lewis, J. (ed.) SAGE Research Methods Datasets [online]. SAGE Publications. (doi: 10.4135/9781526439307)

Sageidet, B. M., Almeida, C. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Children's access to urban gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 13(5), pp. 467-480.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Technology-nonhuman-child assemblages: reconceptualising rural childhood roaming. Children's Geographies, 16(3), pp. 304-318. (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2017.1407406)


Dunkley, R. (2017) Approaches for Evaluating Outdoor Learning. Academics Go Wild: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Edinburgh, Scotland, 11 Dec 2017. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2017) “I’ve come back to what I was doing as a child”: The Spatial and Temporal Components of Environmental Learning. Human Geography Research Group T E S T I N G G R O U N D Seminar, Glasgow, UK, 19 Oct 2017.

Sageidet, B., Almeida, S. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Children's Access to Gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. 9th World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09-15 Sep 2017. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. and Smith, T. (2017) Scales of Childhood Roaming Within the ‘Educational Landscape’ of the National Park. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017, London, UK, 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2017.

Franklin, A. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Becoming a (green) identity entrepreneur: learning to negotiate situated identities to nurture community environmental practice. Environment and Planning A, 49(7), pp. 1500-1516. (doi: 10.1177/0308518X17699610)

Dunkley, R. (2017) Making Sustainable Places? Realising the UK’s Low Carbon Transition Plan in Rural South-West England, Through Local Third Party Engagement. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Umeå, Sweden, 19-22 Jun 2017.

Jones, S., Smith, T. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Measuring our Interaction with Digital Heritage Apps ‘in the wild’. Digital Past Conference 2017, Newport, Wales, 15-16 Feb 2017.

Dunkley, R. A. and Franklin, A. (2017) Failing better: The stochastic art of evaluating community-led environmental action programs. Evaluation and Program Planning, 60, pp. 112-122. (PMID:27842275)

Dunkley, R. (2017) Children Place and Sustainability, edited by Margaret Somerville and Monica Green. Children's Geographies, 4, pp. 498-499. (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2016.1184836)[Book Review]

Dunkley, R. A. (2017) The role of Citizen Science in environmental education: A critical exploration of the citizen scientist experience. In: Ceccaroni, L. and Piera, J. (eds.) Analyzing the Role of Citizen Science in Modern Research. IGI Global, pp. 213-230. ISBN 9781522509622 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0962-2.ch010)


Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) Evaluation of Learning Activity in National Parks. UK National Park Association Outreach and Educators Workshop, Stackpole Centre, Pembrokeshire, 24 Nov 2016.

Dunkley, R. , Smith, T. A., Lorimer, E. and Reeves, S. (2016) ‘Walking with Romans’: Technology, Nature, Navigation and Interaction in Outdoor Settings. HANS (Human activity in Natural Settings): Nature as a Site for Mobility, Interaction and Socialization Studies, Oulu, Finland, 24-25 Oct 2016.

Smith, T. A., Dunkley, R. and Jones, S. (2016) Measuring Our Interaction With Mobile Device Applications ‘in the Wild’ – Can They Change Visitor Behaviour? Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI) Conference 2016: Can Interpretation Change the World?, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 05-07 Oct 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) Interpreting a Dark Past for a Brighter Future? The Contentious Nature of Heritage Interpretation at Thanatourism Sites. Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI) Conference 2016: Can Interpretation Change the World?, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 05-07 Oct 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) Project wild thing & children’s relationships with nature. Environmental Education, 113, pp. 13-15.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) New Frontiers or Frustrating Distractions? Using Innovative Technological Methods to Understand the Role of Apps and Mobile Technologies in Children and Families Interactions Within the Outdoors. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London, 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) Citizen Science as a Leisure Pursuit. Invited Lecture: Department of Tourism Seminar Series, University of Otago, New Zealand, 14 Sep 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) A light in dark places? Analysing the impact of dark tourism experiences on everyday life. In: Hooper, G. and Lennon, J. J. (eds.) Dark Tourism: Practice and Interpretation. Series: New directions in tourism analysis. Routledge: London, pp. 108-120. ISBN 9781472452436

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) Roaming and Nature, Creativity and Technology: Experimenting with Contrasting Qualitative Methodologies and Impact in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Innovative Research Methods with Children and Young People, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 25 May 2016. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Engaging Participants in Citizen Science Studies: A Qualitative Approach to Exploring the Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Scientists. In: First International ECSA Conference: Citizen Science - Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 May 2016, (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Science. In: First International ECSA Conference: Citizen Science - Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 May 2016, (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Invited talk: Heritage Tourism and Thanatourist Experiences. Third Urban Transformation Conference (UTC), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 17 May 2016. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Engaging Publics in Scientific Research: A Qualitative Approach to Exploring the Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Scientists. WISERD Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 05 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. A. (2016) Roaming and Nature, Creativity and Technology: Experimenting With Contrasting Qualitative Methodologies and Impact in the Brecon Beacons National Park. South West Qualitative Research Symposium 2016, University of Bath, United Kingdom, 23 Mar 2016.

Dunkley, R. A. (2016) Learning at eco-attractions: Exploring the bifurcation of nature and culture through experiential environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education, 47(3), pp. 213-221. (doi: 10.1080/00958964.2016.1164113)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2016) Evaluating the outdoor learning experience – a toolkit for practitioners. Cardiff University.


Dunkley, R. (2015) The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Education: a Critical Exploration of the Citizens Scientist Experience. Sustainable Places Research Institute Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Wales, 18 Dec 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Invited lecture: 'History, Heritage and Battlefield Tourism'. In: War! Popular Culture and European heritage of Major Armed Conflicts, University of Rotterdam, Netherlands, 30 Oct 2015, (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Exploring the Potentials of Citizen Science as a Pedagogic Approach Within Informal Environmental Education. 2015 International Greening Education Event, Karlsruhe, Germany, 21-23 Oct 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) At Home in the Park: Exploring Resident Young People’s Interactions With Nature Within Brecon Beacons National Park. The Great Outdoors? Children, Young People and Families in Natural and Rural Spaces, The University of Northampton, United Kinddom, 09-10 Sep 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) The Role of the Citizen Science Experience in Environmental Education. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, University of Exeter, 01-04 Sep 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Invited Lecture: Eco-Pedagogy and the ‘Living Laboratory’. Evolving Eco-creative Pedagogies in Living Laboratories, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 17 Jun 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. A. (2015) Beyond temporal reflections in thanatourism research. Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 177 - 179. (doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2015.03.007)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Urban-Rural Community Engagement for Sustainability and Environmental Action. Social Science Department Seminar Series, Luleå Tekniska Universitet of Sweden, 23 Feb 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. and Franklin, A. (2015) Measuring Social Outcome. Outdoor Recreation Network Research Seminar: Values in Outdoor Recreation, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 30 Jan 2015.

Dunkley, R. A. (2015) Reimagining a sustainable future through artistic events: a case study from Wales. In: Moufakkir, O. and Pernecky, T. (eds.) Ideological, Social and Cultural Aspects of Events. CABI: Wallingford, Oxfordshire, pp. 100-109. ISBN 9781780643526


Dunkley, R. (2014) Ecopedagogy and the University Campus. Sustainable Places Research Institute Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Wales, 07 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Franklin, A. and Dunkley, R. (2014) Green Identity, Place Attachment and Community Sustainability Practice. Environment Research Group Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 30 Jun 2014. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2014) Homing in: Sensing, sense-making and sustainable place-making: Sensing, Feeling, Talking, Reflecting, Futuring. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R. (2014) Tourism and Sustainable Development: Reconsidering a Concept of Vague Policies (Jörn W. Mundt). Tourism Analysis, 19(1), pp. 125-128. [Book Review]

Dunkley, R. A. (2014) Botanics, birds and biomes: the role of eco-attractions in learning for a sustainable future. In: Aitchison, C. (ed.) Education and Outdoor Learning: Adventure, Tourism and Sustainable Development. Series: LSA publication, 174 (22). Leisure Studies Association, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9781905369379


Dunkley, R. (2013) A Light in Dark Places? Assessing the Transformative Value of Interpreting Death and Disaster in Promoting Peace Through Tourism. Post-Conflict, Cultural Heritage and Regional Development: An International Conference, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 09-11 Oct 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) The Value of the Environmental Arts and Humanities in the Context of Community Engagement with Sustainability. The Environmental Humanities Symposium, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 08 Sep 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) Invited lecture: The Motivations and Experiences of Visitors to the Battlefields of WWI. British Studies at Oxford Summer School, St John’s College, Oxford University, 16 Jul 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) Radicalising Higher Education? A Critique of the Appropriateness of Ecopedagogy for Addressing Sustainability Within Higher Education. Approaches to Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 28 Jun 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. A. (2013) Building Bridges for Education for Sustainability: 2013 Report for the Development of Education for Sustainability through the Monash-Warwick Alliance. [Research Reports or Papers]


Dunkley, R. (2012) Fortifications, post-colonialism and power: ruins and imperial legacies by Joao Sarmento. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 7(4), pp. 369-370. (doi: 10.1080/1743873X.2012.680749)[Book Review]

Dunkley, R. (2012) Finding Our Place: The Role of the Cultural Sector in Sustainable Place Making. Cardiff International Conference on Sustainable Place-Making, Cardiff University, Wales, 30 Oct 2012. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2012) The Role of Museums in Inspiring Environmental and Social Change. 1st International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communities, Seixal, Portugal, 19-21 Sep 2012. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2012) The Role of Eco-Attractions in Learning for a Sustainable Future. Annual International Conference of the Leisure Studies Association, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 17-19 Jul 2012. (Unpublished)


Dunkley, R. , Morgan, N. and Westwood, S. (2011) Visiting the trenches: Exploring meanings and motivations in battlefield tourism. Tourism Management, 32(4), 860 - 868. (doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2010.07.011)


Dunkley, R. (2008) Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustained well-being, by D. Hall and F. Brown. Leisure Studies, 27(3), pp. 351-353. (doi: 10.1080/02614360802109654)[Book Review]


Dunkley, R. (2007) The Vulnerable Researcher: a Hot Approach to Studying Thanatourism Experiences. Cardiff School of Management Postgraduate Poster Evening, Cardiff, UK, July 2007. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2007) A PhD Journey on the Road Less Travelled. 2nd International Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Split, Croatia, 20-23 Jun 2007. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2007) A shot in the dark? Developing a new conceptual framework for thanatourism. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(1), pp. 54-63.

Dunkley, R. A. (2007) Re-peopling tourism: a 'hot approach' to studying thanatourist experiences. In: Ateljevic, I., Pritchard, A. and Morgan, N. (eds.) The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies. Series: Advances in tourism research. Elsevier: Oxford, 371 - 385. ISBN 9780080450988 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-045098-8.50027-1)


Dunkley, R. (2006) Thanatourism: the Concept of a Thanasite Typology and Understanding the Visitor Experience. RGS: Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group (GLTRG): Progressing Tourism Research, Post-Graduate Research Conference, University of Exeter, September 2006. (Unpublished)


Dunkley, R. (2005) The Thanatourist: a Fascination With Death and Depravity? Dark Tourism: Cashing in on Tragedy?, London, UK, 17 Oct 2005. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2005) Thanatourism: a Morbid Fascination With Death and Depravity or Something Less Sinister? Wales Tourism Forum, Cardiff, UK, September 2005. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 11:45:33 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 132.


Barratt Hacking, E. et al. (2023) Mosaicking childhoodnature relations: Situated encounters with country in times of climate change. Children's Geographies, (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2023.2285473) (Early Online Publication)

Dunkley, R. (2023) Ecological kin-making in the multispecies muddle: an analytical framework for understanding embodied environmental citizen science experiences. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48(4), pp. 781-796. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12613)

Barrett-Hacking, E., Davies, B., Bastos, E., Dunkley, R. , Hogarth, H., Sands, B. and Wenham, L. (2022) Reimagining the place of nature in education: photographic provocations for relational becoming. NORRAG Special Issue, 7, pp. 55-60.

Smith, T. A., Dunkley, R. A. and Jones, S. (2022) Storying wild landscapes: multimodal interactions with digital app-based heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(7), pp. 803-819. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2022.2086154)

Dunkley, R. and Murphy, B. (2022) Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals? Engaging Young People With Issues of Environmental and Social Justice Through Participatory Photography Walks. SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 8(1), pp. 57-75.

Hart, A. G. et al. (2022) Understanding engagement, marketing, and motivation to benefit recruitment and retention in citizen science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 7(1), 5. (doi: 10.5334/cstp.436)

Laurier, E., Dunkley, R. , Smith, T.A. and Reeves, S. (2021) Crossing with care: bogs, streams and assistive mobilities as family praxis in the countryside. Gesprächsforschung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, (In Press)

Smith, T. A., Laurier, E., Reeves, S. and Dunkley, R. A. (2020) “Off the beaten map”: navigating with digital maps on moorland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45(1), pp. 223-240. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12336)

Dunkley, R. (2020) Making a difference. John Muir Trust Journal, Autumn(69), p. 23.

Dunkley, R. (2019) A climate change curriculum to empower the climate strike generation. Conversation, 16 Sep.

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2019) Geocoaching: memories and habits of learning in practices of ecopedagogy. Geographical Journal, 185(3), pp. 292-302. (doi: 10.1111/geoj.12295)

Dunkley, R. A. (2019) Monitoring ecological change in UK woodlands and rivers: an exploration of the relational geographies of citizen science. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44(1), pp. 16-31. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12258)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2019) By-standing memories of curious observations: children’s storied landscapes of ecological encounter. Cultural Geographies, 26(11), pp. 89-107. (doi: 10.1177/1474474018792652)

Dunkley, R. , Baker, S., Constant, N. and Sanderson-Bellamy, A. (2018) Enabling the IPBES conceptual framework to work across knowledge boundaries. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 18(6), pp. 779-799. (doi: 10.1007/s10784-018-9415-z)

Dunkley, R. (2018) Space-timeScapes as ecopedagogy. Journal of Environmental Education, 49(2), pp. 117-129. (doi: 10.1080/00958964.2017.1417223)

Sageidet, B. M., Almeida, C. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Children's access to urban gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 13(5), pp. 467-480.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Technology-nonhuman-child assemblages: reconceptualising rural childhood roaming. Children's Geographies, 16(3), pp. 304-318. (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2017.1407406)

Franklin, A. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Becoming a (green) identity entrepreneur: learning to negotiate situated identities to nurture community environmental practice. Environment and Planning A, 49(7), pp. 1500-1516. (doi: 10.1177/0308518X17699610)

Dunkley, R. A. and Franklin, A. (2017) Failing better: The stochastic art of evaluating community-led environmental action programs. Evaluation and Program Planning, 60, pp. 112-122. (PMID:27842275)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Project wild thing & children’s relationships with nature. Environmental Education, 113, pp. 13-15.

Dunkley, R. A. (2016) Learning at eco-attractions: Exploring the bifurcation of nature and culture through experiential environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education, 47(3), pp. 213-221. (doi: 10.1080/00958964.2016.1164113)

Dunkley, R. A. (2015) Beyond temporal reflections in thanatourism research. Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 177 - 179. (doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2015.03.007)

Dunkley, R. , Morgan, N. and Westwood, S. (2011) Visiting the trenches: Exploring meanings and motivations in battlefield tourism. Tourism Management, 32(4), 860 - 868. (doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2010.07.011)

Dunkley, R. (2007) A shot in the dark? Developing a new conceptual framework for thanatourism. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(1), pp. 54-63.


Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2016) Evaluating the outdoor learning experience – a toolkit for practitioners. Cardiff University.

Book Sections

Dunkley, R. (2022) Looking closely for environmental learning: citizen science and environmental sustainability education. In: Hammond, L., Biddulph, M., Catling, S. and McKendrick, J. H. (eds.) Children, Education and Geography: Rethinking Intersections. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 198-214. ISBN 9781032147468 (doi: 10.4324/9781003248538-17)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Conversations with practitioners 1: Dr. Sunita Welch. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 213-231. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_9)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Conversations with practitioners 3: Toby Clark. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 515-535. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_21)

Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. (2022) Negotiating the family in unfamiliar terrain: mobile technologies and ecopedagogic guardians. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 133-158. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_6)

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Unfamiliar landscapes: an introduction. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_1)

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Whose unfamiliar landscape? Reflecting on the diversity of young people’s encounters with nature and the outdoors. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (eds.) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 551-569. ISBN 9783030944599 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_23)

Dunkley, R. (2022) Children and sustainability. In: Brinkmann, R. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030389482 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38948-2_79-1)

Dunkley, R. A. (2022) Engaging local small to medium enterprises with environmental sustainability. In: Jensen, E. (ed.) From Conservation Education to Public Engagement: Research, Principles and Practice. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107629462 (In Press)

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2021) Video ethnography. In: Von Benzon, N., Holton, M., Wilkinson, C. and Wilkinson, S. (eds.) Creative Methods for Human Geographers. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 297-308. ISBN 9781526496980

Dunkley, R. (2018) Narrative analysis: Attending to the poetic structure of interview transcripts to understand the tourist experience. In: Lewis, J. (ed.) SAGE Research Methods Datasets [online]. SAGE Publications. (doi: 10.4135/9781526439307)

Dunkley, R. A. (2017) The role of Citizen Science in environmental education: A critical exploration of the citizen scientist experience. In: Ceccaroni, L. and Piera, J. (eds.) Analyzing the Role of Citizen Science in Modern Research. IGI Global, pp. 213-230. ISBN 9781522509622 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0962-2.ch010)

Dunkley, R. (2016) A light in dark places? Analysing the impact of dark tourism experiences on everyday life. In: Hooper, G. and Lennon, J. J. (eds.) Dark Tourism: Practice and Interpretation. Series: New directions in tourism analysis. Routledge: London, pp. 108-120. ISBN 9781472452436

Dunkley, R. A. (2015) Reimagining a sustainable future through artistic events: a case study from Wales. In: Moufakkir, O. and Pernecky, T. (eds.) Ideological, Social and Cultural Aspects of Events. CABI: Wallingford, Oxfordshire, pp. 100-109. ISBN 9781780643526

Dunkley, R. A. (2014) Botanics, birds and biomes: the role of eco-attractions in learning for a sustainable future. In: Aitchison, C. (ed.) Education and Outdoor Learning: Adventure, Tourism and Sustainable Development. Series: LSA publication, 174 (22). Leisure Studies Association, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9781905369379

Dunkley, R. A. (2007) Re-peopling tourism: a 'hot approach' to studying thanatourist experiences. In: Ateljevic, I., Pritchard, A. and Morgan, N. (eds.) The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies. Series: Advances in tourism research. Elsevier: Oxford, 371 - 385. ISBN 9780080450988 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-045098-8.50027-1)

Book Reviews

Dunkley, R. (2017) Children Place and Sustainability, edited by Margaret Somerville and Monica Green. Children's Geographies, 4, pp. 498-499. (doi: 10.1080/14733285.2016.1184836)[Book Review]

Dunkley, R. (2014) Tourism and Sustainable Development: Reconsidering a Concept of Vague Policies (Jörn W. Mundt). Tourism Analysis, 19(1), pp. 125-128. [Book Review]

Dunkley, R. (2012) Fortifications, post-colonialism and power: ruins and imperial legacies by Joao Sarmento. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 7(4), pp. 369-370. (doi: 10.1080/1743873X.2012.680749)[Book Review]

Dunkley, R. (2008) Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustained well-being, by D. Hall and F. Brown. Leisure Studies, 27(3), pp. 351-353. (doi: 10.1080/02614360802109654)[Book Review]

Edited Books

Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. (Eds.) (2022) Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030944599

Research Reports or Papers

Dunkley, R. (2023) Glasgow as a Living Lab Accelerating Novel Transformation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast Research Summary (2021). [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: The National Overview (2021). CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R.A. , MacDonell, C.J. , Naylor, L.A. , Muir, F.M.E. and Fitton, J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Mapping Coastal Erosion Disadvantage in Scotland. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R.A. , MacDonell, C.J. , Naylor, L.A. , Muir, F.M.E. and Fitton, J.M. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Mapping Coastal Erosion Disadvantage in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Muir, F.M.E. , Hansom, J.D. , Rennie, A.F., Hurst, M.D. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Central Tiree. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. , Mitchell, D., Muir, F.M.E. , Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. and Hurst, M.D. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Dumbarton to Bowling. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options at the Bay of Skaill. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Golspie and Coul. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for Montrose Bay. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rennie, A.F., Hansom, J.D. , Hurst, M.D. , Muir, F.M.E. , Naylor, L.A. , Dunkley, R.A. and MacDonell, C.J. (2021) Dynamic Coast: Adaptation and Resilience Options for St Andrews Links. CRW2017_08. [Research Reports or Papers]

Livingston, K. , Doherty, C. , Lido, C. , Cassar, R., Dunkley, R. , Gale, T. and Parker, S. (2018) British Council School Programmes in Scotland: an Impact Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2014) Homing in: Sensing, sense-making and sustainable place-making: Sensing, Feeling, Talking, Reflecting, Futuring. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dunkley, R. A. (2013) Building Bridges for Education for Sustainability: 2013 Report for the Development of Education for Sustainability through the Monash-Warwick Alliance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Halstead, F. , Dunkley, R. , Gambell, S. and Duncan, B. (2023) Exploring Past, Present and Future Urban Imaginaries in the Context of the Climate Emergency. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, 29 August - 1 September 2023.

Dunkley, R. (2023) Is Discovering Unfamiliar Landscapes the Key to Effective Ecopedagogy? Unfamiliar Landscapes: Book Launch and Discussing Diversity in the Outdoors, Cardiff, UK, 12 Apr 2023. (Unpublished)

Anderson, S. , Dunkley, R. and Tonner, P. (2022) Callipolis! – Philosophy, Education, and the City. Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-18 Sep 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) The GALLANT project – Cities in transition in times of ecological and climate crisis. Communicating Sustainability 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 6-7 September 2022.

Balogun, F. et al. (2022) Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency. Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency, Online, 23 June 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) Ways to Foster Nature-Relations Across the Curriculum. Developing an Evidence-Based School Approach to Climate Change Education, Bristol, UK, 29 Apr 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) Public Engagement: a Challenge of Planetary Scale. Edinburgh Science Festival 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland, 09-24 Apr 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2022) From Ambition to Reality: Higher Education’s Role in Realising COP26. British Council: From Ambition to Reality: Higher Education’s Role in Realising COP26, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 09 Mar 2022.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Why is Human Connection to Nature Critical to "sustainability"? College of Social Sciences Sustainability Networking Event, 07 Dec 2020.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Climate Change and Communities. Lectures at the Green, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Climate Injustice of Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion. COP26 Universities Network Stall, Glasgow, UK, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. , MacDonell, C. , Naylor, L. A. , Muir, F. M.E. , Fitton, J., Rennie, A., Hansom, J. and Hurst, M. (2021) Using Coastal Erosion Disadvantage Maps as a Climate Change and Strategic Urban Planning Tool for Scotland. Built Environment and Net Zero – A COP26 Conference from the Centre for Sustainable Solutions, 11 Nov 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Spot-a-Bee. Explorathon 2021; Bugs, Bees, Plants and the Great Outdoors, 20 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Looking Closely for Environmental Learning: Citizen Science and Environmental Sustainability Education. BERA Conference 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) More than Just a Litter Pick? The Experiential Affordances of Everyday Ecological Stewardship for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Literacy. BERA Conference 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Ecological Key-bearing and Ecopedagogy in Times of Climate Emergency. RGS-IBG International Conference, London, UK, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2021.

Barrett-Hacking, E., Dunkley, R. , Bastos, E., Hogarth, H., Wenham, L., Sands, B. and Davies, B. (2021) Climate Change Education Learning Provocations. Responding to the Climate Emergency: How to Adapt Your Teaching Now! The Climate Change Education Research Network Conference, 20 Apr 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2021) Childhood Ecological Encounters and Micro-practices in the New Climatic Regime. AAG Annual Meeting 2021, Seattle, WA, USA, 07-11 Apr 2021. (Accepted for Publication)

Dunkley, R. (2021) Giving Unknown Bees a Name. Cardiff Science Festival, 18-21 Feb 2021.

Dunkley, R. (2020) Ecological Stewardship and Childhood. Communicate 2020, 26-27 Nov 2020.

Dunkley, R. (2020) Understanding the Citizen Science Experience – A Contribution from the Social Sciences. British Ecological Society Citizen Science - Engagement, Marketing, Motivation and Change, Online, 11 Nov 2020. (Accepted for Publication)

Dunkley, R. (2019) Feeling Our Way Through: the Affordances of the Citizen Science Experience for Environmental Learning. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2019, London, UK, 27-30 Aug 2019.

Dunkley, R. (2019) Conceptual Approaches Place-based Thinking and a Social Science Perspective on Citizen Science. Deep-dive: Place-based Citizen Science: Newton-Ungku Omar Fund (NUOF) Workshop, Cardiff, UK, 15 Aug 2019. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2019) Beyond Lovely: Coming to Know Place Through Training the Citizen Scientific Eye. Place-Based Citizen-Science for Wellbeing: Conceptual and Practical Understandings of ‘Place’ for Science and Society, Cardiff, UK, 14 Aug 2019.

Dunkley, R. (2019) Feeling Our Way Through: Experiencing Citizen Science. Heidelberg Bridge Colloquium: Changing Climate, Heidelberg, Germany, 08 Jul 2019.

Sageidet, B. M., Almeida, S. C. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Children’s Access to Urban Gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. 28th EECERA Annual Conference: Early Childhood Education, Families and Communities, Budapest, Hungary, 28-31 Aug 2018. ISBN 9786158022668

Smith, T., Jones, S. and Dunkley, R. (2018) Using Mobile Evaluation Methods to Monitor Visitor Use of a Heritage App ‘In the wild’: Walking with Romans in the Brecon Beacons National Park. New Approaches to Monitoring Participation in Outdoor Recreation, Cardiff, UK, 18 Apr 2018.

Dunkley, R. and Smith, T. (2018) Representations of Identities Within Mobile Applications that Seek to Interpret Dissonant Heritage. European Social Science History Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 04-7 Apr 2018.

Dunkley, R. (2017) Approaches for Evaluating Outdoor Learning. Academics Go Wild: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Edinburgh, Scotland, 11 Dec 2017. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2017) “I’ve come back to what I was doing as a child”: The Spatial and Temporal Components of Environmental Learning. Human Geography Research Group T E S T I N G G R O U N D Seminar, Glasgow, UK, 19 Oct 2017.

Sageidet, B., Almeida, S. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Children's Access to Gardens in Norway, India and the United Kingdom. 9th World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09-15 Sep 2017. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. and Smith, T. (2017) Scales of Childhood Roaming Within the ‘Educational Landscape’ of the National Park. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017, London, UK, 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2017.

Dunkley, R. (2017) Making Sustainable Places? Realising the UK’s Low Carbon Transition Plan in Rural South-West England, Through Local Third Party Engagement. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Umeå, Sweden, 19-22 Jun 2017.

Jones, S., Smith, T. and Dunkley, R. (2017) Measuring our Interaction with Digital Heritage Apps ‘in the wild’. Digital Past Conference 2017, Newport, Wales, 15-16 Feb 2017.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) Evaluation of Learning Activity in National Parks. UK National Park Association Outreach and Educators Workshop, Stackpole Centre, Pembrokeshire, 24 Nov 2016.

Dunkley, R. , Smith, T. A., Lorimer, E. and Reeves, S. (2016) ‘Walking with Romans’: Technology, Nature, Navigation and Interaction in Outdoor Settings. HANS (Human activity in Natural Settings): Nature as a Site for Mobility, Interaction and Socialization Studies, Oulu, Finland, 24-25 Oct 2016.

Smith, T. A., Dunkley, R. and Jones, S. (2016) Measuring Our Interaction With Mobile Device Applications ‘in the Wild’ – Can They Change Visitor Behaviour? Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI) Conference 2016: Can Interpretation Change the World?, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 05-07 Oct 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) Interpreting a Dark Past for a Brighter Future? The Contentious Nature of Heritage Interpretation at Thanatourism Sites. Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI) Conference 2016: Can Interpretation Change the World?, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 05-07 Oct 2016.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) New Frontiers or Frustrating Distractions? Using Innovative Technological Methods to Understand the Role of Apps and Mobile Technologies in Children and Families Interactions Within the Outdoors. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London, 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2016) Citizen Science as a Leisure Pursuit. Invited Lecture: Department of Tourism Seminar Series, University of Otago, New Zealand, 14 Sep 2016.

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. (2016) Roaming and Nature, Creativity and Technology: Experimenting with Contrasting Qualitative Methodologies and Impact in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Innovative Research Methods with Children and Young People, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 25 May 2016. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Invited talk: Heritage Tourism and Thanatourist Experiences. Third Urban Transformation Conference (UTC), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 17 May 2016. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Engaging Publics in Scientific Research: A Qualitative Approach to Exploring the Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Scientists. WISERD Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 05 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)

Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. A. (2016) Roaming and Nature, Creativity and Technology: Experimenting With Contrasting Qualitative Methodologies and Impact in the Brecon Beacons National Park. South West Qualitative Research Symposium 2016, University of Bath, United Kingdom, 23 Mar 2016.

Dunkley, R. (2015) The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Education: a Critical Exploration of the Citizens Scientist Experience. Sustainable Places Research Institute Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Wales, 18 Dec 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Exploring the Potentials of Citizen Science as a Pedagogic Approach Within Informal Environmental Education. 2015 International Greening Education Event, Karlsruhe, Germany, 21-23 Oct 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) At Home in the Park: Exploring Resident Young People’s Interactions With Nature Within Brecon Beacons National Park. The Great Outdoors? Children, Young People and Families in Natural and Rural Spaces, The University of Northampton, United Kinddom, 09-10 Sep 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) The Role of the Citizen Science Experience in Environmental Education. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, University of Exeter, 01-04 Sep 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Invited Lecture: Eco-Pedagogy and the ‘Living Laboratory’. Evolving Eco-creative Pedagogies in Living Laboratories, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 17 Jun 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Urban-Rural Community Engagement for Sustainability and Environmental Action. Social Science Department Seminar Series, Luleå Tekniska Universitet of Sweden, 23 Feb 2015. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. and Franklin, A. (2015) Measuring Social Outcome. Outdoor Recreation Network Research Seminar: Values in Outdoor Recreation, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 30 Jan 2015.

Dunkley, R. (2014) Ecopedagogy and the University Campus. Sustainable Places Research Institute Seminar Series, Cardiff University, Wales, 07 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Franklin, A. and Dunkley, R. (2014) Green Identity, Place Attachment and Community Sustainability Practice. Environment Research Group Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 30 Jun 2014. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) A Light in Dark Places? Assessing the Transformative Value of Interpreting Death and Disaster in Promoting Peace Through Tourism. Post-Conflict, Cultural Heritage and Regional Development: An International Conference, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 09-11 Oct 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) The Value of the Environmental Arts and Humanities in the Context of Community Engagement with Sustainability. The Environmental Humanities Symposium, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 08 Sep 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) Invited lecture: The Motivations and Experiences of Visitors to the Battlefields of WWI. British Studies at Oxford Summer School, St John’s College, Oxford University, 16 Jul 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2013) Radicalising Higher Education? A Critique of the Appropriateness of Ecopedagogy for Addressing Sustainability Within Higher Education. Approaches to Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 28 Jun 2013. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2012) Finding Our Place: The Role of the Cultural Sector in Sustainable Place Making. Cardiff International Conference on Sustainable Place-Making, Cardiff University, Wales, 30 Oct 2012. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2012) The Role of Museums in Inspiring Environmental and Social Change. 1st International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communities, Seixal, Portugal, 19-21 Sep 2012. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2012) The Role of Eco-Attractions in Learning for a Sustainable Future. Annual International Conference of the Leisure Studies Association, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 17-19 Jul 2012. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2007) The Vulnerable Researcher: a Hot Approach to Studying Thanatourism Experiences. Cardiff School of Management Postgraduate Poster Evening, Cardiff, UK, July 2007. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2007) A PhD Journey on the Road Less Travelled. 2nd International Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Split, Croatia, 20-23 Jun 2007. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2006) Thanatourism: the Concept of a Thanasite Typology and Understanding the Visitor Experience. RGS: Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group (GLTRG): Progressing Tourism Research, Post-Graduate Research Conference, University of Exeter, September 2006. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2005) The Thanatourist: a Fascination With Death and Depravity? Dark Tourism: Cashing in on Tragedy?, London, UK, 17 Oct 2005. (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2005) Thanatourism: a Morbid Fascination With Death and Depravity or Something Less Sinister? Wales Tourism Forum, Cardiff, UK, September 2005. (Unpublished)

Conference Proceedings

Dunkley, R. (2016) Engaging Participants in Citizen Science Studies: A Qualitative Approach to Exploring the Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Scientists. In: First International ECSA Conference: Citizen Science - Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 May 2016, (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2016) Motivations and Experiences of Environmental Citizen Science. In: First International ECSA Conference: Citizen Science - Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 May 2016, (Unpublished)

Dunkley, R. (2015) Invited lecture: 'History, Heritage and Battlefield Tourism'. In: War! Popular Culture and European heritage of Major Armed Conflicts, University of Rotterdam, Netherlands, 30 Oct 2015, (Unpublished)


Dunkley, R. , Halstead, F. , Gambell, S. and Duncan, B. (2023) Open Aye / GALLANT Photo Project - exhibition of participant's work. [Exhibitions]

Dunkley, R. (2021) Spot a Bee. [Exhibitions]


Dunkley, R. (2023) The gender sensitive parliament and community-led climate action. [Audio]

Dunkley, R. , Dick, G., Northridge, E. and Hamill, A. (2021) Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde for the Future Cities Podcast. [Audio]

Dunkley, R. (2021) Episode 4 - Young people and climate change. [Audio]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 11:45:33 2025 GMT.



Selected Grants:



GALLANT (Glasgow as a Living Laboratory for Accelerating Novel Transitions)
NERC, £10.4M, Jan 2022 - Jan 2027
Role: Co-Investigator and Community Collaboration Research Lead


GALLANT Diversity and Inclusion Grant
NERC, £139,000, Apr 2023 - Mar 2024
Role: Co-Investigator


Global Systems Solutions for Global Soil Health and Soil Heritage
NERC, £8,576, Feb 2022 - Mar 2022
Role: Co-Investigator


Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde
UKRI (NERC/AHRC), £4,914.78, Jun - Sep 2021
Role: Principal Investigator


European Commission Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR): Walk the Global Walk Project
European Commission, 270,000 EUR, Sep 2017 - Aug 2021
Role: Co-Investigator and Scotland Lead


Using Biodiversity Research as a Catalyst for Community-Based Co-Production
Wellcome Trust Public Engagement Award, £11,341.24, Sep 2020 - Sep 2021
Role: Co-Investigator


National Coastal Change Assessment 2
Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), £237,774.70, Dec 2017
Role: Co-Investigator


Spot-a-Bee: Mapping the Urban Garden Bee
Spark Fund Crowdfunding, £3,577.50, Jan 2020 - Jan 2022
Role: Principal Investigator


Academic Returners and Research Support Grant
University of Glasgow, £10,000, Jun 2019 - Nov 2020
Role: Principal Investigator


British Council Impact Study on School Programs in Scotland
British Council, £66,000, 2017 - 2018
Role: Co-Investigator


Public Benefits Outcome Framework
Canal and Rivers Trust, £120,000, 2014 - 2016
Role: Co-Investigator


Ria supervises PhD students in environmental education, community engagement, and sustainability at the University of Glasgow. Her research interests include community-centred environmental education, participatory and citizen science, place-based learning, and climate resilience. Ria’s current PhD students come from various colleges, reflecting her commitment to interdisciplinary approaches that tackle complex environmental challenges.

She is open to inquiries from prospective PhD students interested in exploring innovative approaches to sustainability and environmental engagement, particularly projects that connect research with practical, community-centred outcomes.

  • Baird, Jack
    Data Analytics for Urban Environmental Planning
  • Hamilton, Sarah-Jane
    Ecopedagogy for accelerating a city-wide just energy transition in Glasgow
  • Jiang, Ruiqi
    Exploring the concept of formal environmental education
  • Plant, Emma
    Community and privately-owned urban (green) spaces as Nature-based Solutions
  • Somerville, Kirsten
    Earth Writing: Creative Pedagogies in Geographical and Environmental Education
  • Brighid Golden Thesis Title: Exploring the Potential of Development Education within Initial Teacher Education in Ireland to Develop Critical Thinking and a Commitment to Social Justice in its Students.

  • Shuqi Rao (2017-2020) Thesis Title: The Challenge of Unity among Diversity: A Comparative Study of National Identity Education in the Context of Globalization in China and Scotland. Institution: University of Glasgow

  • Alister Foreman (2014-2017) Thesis Title: Energy and Equity Revisited: Examining Local Approaches to Energy Justice through Community Renewables Development in Wales. Institution: Cardiff University
  • Justyna Prosser (2014-2017) Thesis Title: The Role and Transformative Potential of Finance in Mutual Ownership Models in UK Peripheral Places. Institution: Cardiff University


Ria has extensive teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, focusing on geography, environment, and sustainability. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, committed to advancing accessible, impactful learning experiences in environmental education.

Key Contributions to Online Learning

Ria leads and contributes to several FutureLearn courses, expanding access to sustainability and climate education:

Selected Teaching Roles (University of Glasgow)

In the Master of Education (MEduc Primary) programme, Ria served as Course Convenor and educator for key courses in education and sustainability:

  • Rethinking Education and Society (Course Convenor, Level 4)
  • Education and Society (Course Convenor, Level 3)


Additional information

Professional and Advisory Roles

  • Community Engagement Advisory Board Member, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) – Advising on strategies that connect biodiversity research with public engagement.
  • Scientific Advisory Committee Member, VISTA Milk – Providing strategic insights to support sustainable practices in agri-environmental research.

Professional Distinctions

  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow, Royal Geographical Society
  • PRINCE2® Practitioner (Project Management)