Dr Rhona Brown

  • Lecturer in Education Studies (School of Education)


I have taken a varied and rewarding path to get to my current role as Lecturer in the School of Education. My work in education started as an English language teacher 25 years ago with posts in Hungary, Turkey and the UK. Then I also became a teacher educator, initially in Scotland and then in Tanzania, Sri Lanka and Nepal, where I also moved into education programme management and partnership work. Prior to starting my doctoral studies, I was the Head of Education Programmes for the British Council Nepal.

My interests have shifted in these different roles, from the teaching and learning of English to the role(s) of language(s) in primary and secondary education more broadly and the implications for pedagogies. Much of my recent work has been in global South contexts, endeavouring to understand teachers’ work and students’ experience of learning, and the multiple intermingling trajectories that shape teaching and learning spaces.  

There has been a continuous strand of professional learning throughout my career with several periods of returning to formal studies, including a Diploma in language teaching (2005), a Masters in International Education and Development (University of Sussex, 2012) and a PhD in Education (University of Glasgow, 2022).

I joined the School of Education at the University of Glasgow as a Research Associate in 2023, having completed my doctoral studies here in 2022, as part of Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods. Prior to joining the School, I worked as a Senior Research Associate with the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network,

I now work as a researcher and lecturer. To give a flavour of my current research, I am currently Principal Investigator on the project: Teacher Agency and Innovation in Tanzania (TAIT): Exploring and Advancing Change. I am also co-editing the book: Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Learning from the Global South. And I’m an active member of the Glasgow Comparative and International Education Research (GLACIER) Network. 

Research interests

My main research interests are around the intersecting areas of pedagogies, learning, language and teacher education and much of my previous work has focused on educational contexts in the Global South. I am also interested in equitable, ethical research partnerships and worked as a Senior Research Associate with the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network as well as a doctoral researcher and research assistant at the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, both funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund.

I completed my PhD at the University of Glasgow in 2022, investigating primary children’s and educators’ perceptions and experiences of home, neighbourhood and school learning spaces in Tanzania. I continue to develop my interest in creative qualitative methods with adults and children and have worked on a range of projects in the UK and internationally.

I completed my Masters in International Education and Development at the University of Sussex in 2012 where my research and interests focused on  inclusion, pedagogy and teacher education. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2013
Number of items: 10.


Brown, R. and Schweisfurth, M. (2025) Considering “context” in comparative and international education. In: Thomas, Matthew A. M., Jules, Tavis D., Schweisfurth, Michele and Shields, Robin (eds.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Method in Comparative and International Education. Series: Bloomsbury handbooks. Bloomsbury Publishing: London, pp. 43-55. ISBN 9781350421257


Brown, R. and Schweisfurth, M. (2024) Making context matter through Massey's relational space: methodological and theoretical implications for Comparative and International Education. Comparative Education Review, 68(3), pp. 469-488. (doi: 10.1086/731786)

Rodolico, G. , Breslin, M. , Brown, R. , Dashaputre, N., Abodunrin, A., Mariani, A. and Dinger, C. (2024) Unpacking the Impact of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on Tutors and Students: A Critical Reflection. DU Internationalization Summit, Denver, CO, USA, 12 April 2024.

Adamson, L. and Brown, R. (2024) Exploring children's experiences of schooling in Tanzania: how the ‘hidden curriculum’ undermines aspirations for sustainable development. Children and Society, (doi: 10.1111/chso.12847) (Early Online Publication)


TESF Collective, (2023) Knowledge Co-creation in Action: Learning from the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network. A methodological sourcebook. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lynch, P., Schuelka, M. J., Brown, R. , Johnstone, C. and Tshewang, S. (2023) Meaningful employment opportunities for youth with disabilities in Bhutan: piloting an employment assessment toolkit. International Journal of Educational Development, 101, 102820. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102820)

Brown, R. , Tikly, L. and Mitchell, R. (2023) Knowledge Co-creation for Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Call to Action. Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Online Legacy Event, 17 Jul 2023.

Brown, R. , Tikly, L. and Mitchell, R. (2023) Knowledge Co-creation for Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Call to Action. [Research Reports or Papers]


Rodolico, G. , Dashaputre, N., Brown, R. and Abodunrin, A. (2022) Enhancing internationalisation through a remotely delivered hands-on stem challenge. A case study of collaborative online international learning with social media as medium of participatory pedagogy. Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva, 6(1), (doi: 10.32043/gsd.v6i1.610)


Westbrook, J., Durrani, N., Brown, R. , Orr, D., Pryor, J., Boddy, J. and Salvi, F. (2013) Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in Developing Countries. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 22:29:39 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 10.


Brown, R. and Schweisfurth, M. (2024) Making context matter through Massey's relational space: methodological and theoretical implications for Comparative and International Education. Comparative Education Review, 68(3), pp. 469-488. (doi: 10.1086/731786)

Adamson, L. and Brown, R. (2024) Exploring children's experiences of schooling in Tanzania: how the ‘hidden curriculum’ undermines aspirations for sustainable development. Children and Society, (doi: 10.1111/chso.12847) (Early Online Publication)

Lynch, P., Schuelka, M. J., Brown, R. , Johnstone, C. and Tshewang, S. (2023) Meaningful employment opportunities for youth with disabilities in Bhutan: piloting an employment assessment toolkit. International Journal of Educational Development, 101, 102820. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102820)

Rodolico, G. , Dashaputre, N., Brown, R. and Abodunrin, A. (2022) Enhancing internationalisation through a remotely delivered hands-on stem challenge. A case study of collaborative online international learning with social media as medium of participatory pedagogy. Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva, 6(1), (doi: 10.32043/gsd.v6i1.610)

Book Sections

Brown, R. and Schweisfurth, M. (2025) Considering “context” in comparative and international education. In: Thomas, Matthew A. M., Jules, Tavis D., Schweisfurth, Michele and Shields, Robin (eds.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Method in Comparative and International Education. Series: Bloomsbury handbooks. Bloomsbury Publishing: London, pp. 43-55. ISBN 9781350421257

Research Reports or Papers

TESF Collective, (2023) Knowledge Co-creation in Action: Learning from the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network. A methodological sourcebook. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brown, R. , Tikly, L. and Mitchell, R. (2023) Knowledge Co-creation for Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Call to Action. [Research Reports or Papers]

Westbrook, J., Durrani, N., Brown, R. , Orr, D., Pryor, J., Boddy, J. and Salvi, F. (2013) Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in Developing Countries. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Rodolico, G. , Breslin, M. , Brown, R. , Dashaputre, N., Abodunrin, A., Mariani, A. and Dinger, C. (2024) Unpacking the Impact of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on Tutors and Students: A Critical Reflection. DU Internationalization Summit, Denver, CO, USA, 12 April 2024.

Brown, R. , Tikly, L. and Mitchell, R. (2023) Knowledge Co-creation for Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Call to Action. Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Online Legacy Event, 17 Jul 2023.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 22:29:39 2025 GMT.



  • 2024-2026 - Aga Khan Foundation (Schools2030 programme) - “Teacher Agency and Innovation in Tanzania: Exploring and Advancing Change." (Co-PI, £117,780)


  • 2024 – 2025 - The British Academy, Early Career Researcher Network, Scotland Seed Funding Award Scheme – “Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence to Support Dialogic Instruction in Secondary Schools” (Co-I)


  • 2022 - Student-led Training Funding Award, Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) - "Creative Research Methods with Children: Principles, Positionality and Practice" (Co-facilitator)


  • 2021 - British Council Going Global India, Exploratory Grant - "Enhancing Teacher Education in STEM through a linguistic lens: a cross curricular and transnational effort challenging gender stereotypes" (Co-author) 


  • 2018 - 2021 - Global Challenges Research Fund - Sustainable, Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods - PhD Scholarship 2018 - 2021


Research Supervision Areas

I welcome supervision inquiries from potential doctoral researchers who share my research interests, including:

  • Teachers and pedagogy
  • Children’s perceptions and experiences of teaching and learning
  • The role(s) of language(s) in primary and secondary teaching and learning
  • Comparative and international education
  • Creative ways of understanding and exploring context in teaching and learning
  • Teacher education

Supervision Inquiries

If you are interested in studying with me, please email me the following: 

  1. Research proposal of approximately 3000 words (see here for guidance)
  2. Recent CV
  3. Any books, articles, chapters, or reports you’ve published already
  4. A 300-word description of how your research experiences/interests are aligned with my research and why you’re interested in pursuing a PhD specifically with me.
  5. A brief description of your funding situation (e.g., already in receipt of a scholarship, planning to apply to one, planning to self-fund, etc.)
  6. A listing of other academics/programmes you have contacted at Glasgow and beyond as well as the status of those exchanges.

Current Supervision 

  • Dahal, Pritha
    Exploring Contextually Relevant LCE Model in Nepali Schools