Dr Rebecca Wood

  • Senior Lecturer (School of Education)


Rebecca is a former teacher and autism education practitioner who joined the at the School of Education as part of the research and teaching group Culture, Literacies, Inclusion and Pedagogy in May 2022. She is Principal Investigator of the Autistic School Staff Project, funded by the John and Lorna Wing Foundation.

Having studied for her first degrees at the Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford, Rebecca completed her PhD at the University of Birmingham with the support of a full-time scholarship from the School of Education. During this time, she was also appointed as a Research Fellow in order to project manage the Transform Autism Education project, a tri-national teacher training programme funded by the European Commission. This was followed by an ESRC postdoctoral Fellowship at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre of King’s College London and then a senior lectureship in Special Education at the University of East London.

Rebecca is often invited to speak at national and international conferences and has a number of publications in peer-reviewed journals, edited books and online media. She has had two books published: ‘Inclusive Education for Autistic Children: Helping Children to Learn and Flourish in the Classroom’ and an edited volume, ‘Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School’. Rebecca regularly provides consultancy and training for charities and government organisations and is a reviewer for a number of well-ranked academic journals. She is a visiting researcher at King’s College London where she is also a member of the Respect Research Lab.

Research interests

Rebecca’s predominantly qualitative research focuses on autism, education and inclusion. Her principal interests are in valuing and supporting multi-modal forms of communication in the context of autism and of promoting strengths-based approaches in schools. Her work also shows that educational inclusion can only be achieved by supporting acceptance and diversity across the whole school community, for adults as well as children. Her research has been based in the UK, but has also expanded to include Greece, Italy, Poland and the US. To date, Rebecca’s research has concerned:

  • The experiences of autistic children in primary schools
  • The perspectives of autistic children, autistic adults, parents and school staff on educational inclusion (a multi-modal approach)
  • The communication of autistic children in schools: how this can be supported and validated, or ignored and denied
  • The role of strong interests (monotropism) in facilitating educational inclusion
  • The experiences, needs and strengths of autistic school staff in the UK and beyond
  • The multifarious meanings of educational inclusion
  • Critical disability and neurodiversity perspectives
  • The value of autistic/disability perspectives and participatory approaches in research


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
Number of items: 35.


White, M., Harrison, M., Cohn, E., Wood, R. and StEvens, C. (2024) Becoming and Flourishing as a Neurodivergent Teacher: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

White, M., Harrison, M., Cohn, E., Wood, R. and StEvens, C. (2024) An Evidence Informed Guide to Becoming and Flourishing as a Neurodivergent Teacher: A Guide for Educators and School Leaders. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wood, R. (2024) Thinking Differently about Autism, Education and Inclusion. Autism Practitioner Network Seminar, London, UK, 17 October 2024.

Wood, R. (2024) AutAngel: Autism and Our Education System. Invited Talk, 9 September 2024.

Wood, R. (2024) Learning the Lessons from Autistic Teachers. American Educational Research Association (Neurodiversity and Autism Research in Education Committee) Invited Talk, 17 June 2024.

Wood, R. (2024) Happier on the outside? Discourses of exclusion, disempowerment and belonging from former autistic school staff. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 24(1), pp. 39-52. (doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12612)


Wood, R. (2023) Keynote Address: What Can we Learn from Autistic Teachers? Second International Teacher Diversity Research Symposium, Galway, Republic of Ireland, 20 Oct 2023.

Wood, R. , Gagat-Matuła, A., Bottema-Beutel, K. and Arshad, R. (2023) Learning Lessons from Autistic Teachers in Poland and the UK. European Conference on Educational Research 2023, Glasgow, UK, 21-25 Aug 2023.

Wood, R. (2023) Learning from Autistic Teachers how Autistic Children and Young People can Flourish in School. Reframing Autism 2023 Conference: Innovations in Autism Education: Neuroinclusive, neuroaffirming schooling, Online, 24-25 Feb 2023.

Wood, R. and Happé, F. (2023) What are the views and experiences of autistic teachers? Findings from an online survey in the UK. Disability and Society, 38(1), pp. 47-72. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1916888)

Wood, R. (2023) From disempowerment to well-being and flow: Enabling autistic communication in schools. In: Milton, Damian and Ryan, Sara (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies. Series: Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 277-287. ISBN 9781003056577 (doi: 10.4324/9781003056577-27)


Wood, R. and Gagat-Matuła, A. (2022) Autistic School Staff Project: Understanding and Supporting the Needs, Strengths and Experiences of Autistic School Staff in a Range of Education Roles in Schools. 13th Autism-Europe International Congress, Cracow, Poland, 07-09 Oct 2022.

Wood, R. (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers. Learning From Autistic Teachers: Online Workshop, 10 September 2022.

Wood, R. , Crane, L., Happé, F. and Moyse, R. (2022) Learning from autistic teachers: lessons about change in an era of Covid-19. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2103521) (Early Online Publication)

Wood, R. (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School. National SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Conference, London, UK, 15 June 2022.

Wood, R. , Crane, L., Happé, F., Morrison, A. and Moyse, R. (Eds.) (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London and Philadelphia. ISBN 9781839971266

Wood, R. (2022) Inclusion in School: Learning Lessons from Autistic Pupils and Teachers. CRAE (Centre for Research in Education Research) Webinar, London, UK, 7 April 2022.

Wood, R. (2022) Learning from autistic teachers. Share Magazine, 2022(Spring),

Wood, R. (2022) As We See It: an imperfect step forward for representing autism on screen. Conversation, 26 Jan.


Wood, R. (2021) Foreword. In: Clarke, Helen (ed.) Supporting Spectacular Girls: A Practical Guide to Developing Autistic Girls' Wellbeing and Self-Esteem. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London. ISBN 9781787755499

Wood, R. (2021) Changing the Narrative for Autistic Learners by Valuing and Supporting Autistic Educators. Live Webinar: Can you teach me as I am?, 9 September 2021.

Wood, R. (2021) A vital yet troubling story: Rebecca Wood watches 'The Reason I Jump', directed by Jerry Rothwell. Psychologist, 2021(27 Jul),

Wood, R. (2021) The Silencing and Marginalisation of Non-Speaking Autistic People. Interdisciplinary Autism Research Festival, 21 May 2021.

Wood, R. (2021) Autistic School Staff Project. Webinar: Autistic School Staff, 27 April 2021.

Guldberg, K., Achtypi, A., D’Alonzo, L., Laskaridou, K., Milton, D., Molteni, P. and Wood, R. (2021) Using the value creation framework to capture knowledge co-creation and pathways to impact in a transnational community of practice in autism education. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 44(1), pp. 96-111. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2019.1706466)

Wood, R. (2021) Autism, intense interests and support in school: from wasted efforts to shared understandings. Educational Review, 73(1), pp. 34-54. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1566213)


Wood, R. and Happé, F. (2020) Barriers to tests and exams for autistic pupils: improving access and longer-term outcomes. International Journal of Inclusive Education, (doi: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1866685) (Early Online Publication)

Wood, R. (2020) From difference to diversity in school. In: Murray, Dinah, Milton, Damian, Ridout, Susy, Martin, Nicola and Mills, Richard (eds.) The Neurodiversity Reader. Pavilion: Shoreham-by-Sea. ISBN 9781912755394

Wood, R. (2020) The wrong kind of noise: understanding and valuing the communication of autistic children in schools. Educational Review, 72(1), pp. 111-130. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1483895)

Eguiguren Istuany, O. and Wood, R. (2020) Perspectives on educational inclusion from a small sample of autistic pupils in Santiago, Chile. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22(1), pp. 210-220. (doi: 10.16993/sjdr.724)


Wood, R. (2019) Inclusive Education for Autistic Children: Helping Children and Young People to Learn and Flourish in the Classroom. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London and Philadelphia. ISBN 9781784506346

Wood, R. (2019) Foucault, Freda Fry and the Power of Silent Characters on the Radio. In: Courage, Cara and Headlam, Nicola (eds.) Gender, Sex and Gossip in Ambridge: Women in the Archers. Emerald: Bingley, pp. 77-85. ISBN 9781787699489 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-78769-945-820191010)

Wood, R. , Bottema-Beutel, K., Crane, L., Gagat-Matuła, A., Happé, F. and Milton, D. (2019) Autistic School Staff Project. [Website]


Wood, R. and Milton, D. (2018) Reflections on the value of autistic participation in a tri-national teacher-training project through discourses of acceptance, othering and power. British Journal of Special Education, 45(2), pp. 157-177. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12216)


Runswick-Cole, K. and Wood, R. (2017) Bag of The Devil: The Disablement of Rob Titchener. In: Courage, Cara and Headlam, Nicola (eds.) Custard, Culverts and Cake: Academics on Life in The Archers. Emerald: Bingley, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9781787432864

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 11:13:27 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 35.


Wood, R. (2024) Happier on the outside? Discourses of exclusion, disempowerment and belonging from former autistic school staff. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 24(1), pp. 39-52. (doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12612)

Wood, R. and Happé, F. (2023) What are the views and experiences of autistic teachers? Findings from an online survey in the UK. Disability and Society, 38(1), pp. 47-72. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1916888)

Wood, R. , Crane, L., Happé, F. and Moyse, R. (2022) Learning from autistic teachers: lessons about change in an era of Covid-19. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2103521) (Early Online Publication)

Wood, R. (2022) Learning from autistic teachers. Share Magazine, 2022(Spring),

Wood, R. (2022) As We See It: an imperfect step forward for representing autism on screen. Conversation, 26 Jan.

Wood, R. (2021) A vital yet troubling story: Rebecca Wood watches 'The Reason I Jump', directed by Jerry Rothwell. Psychologist, 2021(27 Jul),

Guldberg, K., Achtypi, A., D’Alonzo, L., Laskaridou, K., Milton, D., Molteni, P. and Wood, R. (2021) Using the value creation framework to capture knowledge co-creation and pathways to impact in a transnational community of practice in autism education. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 44(1), pp. 96-111. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2019.1706466)

Wood, R. (2021) Autism, intense interests and support in school: from wasted efforts to shared understandings. Educational Review, 73(1), pp. 34-54. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1566213)

Wood, R. and Happé, F. (2020) Barriers to tests and exams for autistic pupils: improving access and longer-term outcomes. International Journal of Inclusive Education, (doi: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1866685) (Early Online Publication)

Wood, R. (2020) The wrong kind of noise: understanding and valuing the communication of autistic children in schools. Educational Review, 72(1), pp. 111-130. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1483895)

Eguiguren Istuany, O. and Wood, R. (2020) Perspectives on educational inclusion from a small sample of autistic pupils in Santiago, Chile. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22(1), pp. 210-220. (doi: 10.16993/sjdr.724)

Wood, R. and Milton, D. (2018) Reflections on the value of autistic participation in a tri-national teacher-training project through discourses of acceptance, othering and power. British Journal of Special Education, 45(2), pp. 157-177. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12216)


Wood, R. (2019) Inclusive Education for Autistic Children: Helping Children and Young People to Learn and Flourish in the Classroom. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London and Philadelphia. ISBN 9781784506346

Book Sections

Wood, R. (2023) From disempowerment to well-being and flow: Enabling autistic communication in schools. In: Milton, Damian and Ryan, Sara (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies. Series: Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 277-287. ISBN 9781003056577 (doi: 10.4324/9781003056577-27)

Wood, R. (2021) Foreword. In: Clarke, Helen (ed.) Supporting Spectacular Girls: A Practical Guide to Developing Autistic Girls' Wellbeing and Self-Esteem. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London. ISBN 9781787755499

Wood, R. (2020) From difference to diversity in school. In: Murray, Dinah, Milton, Damian, Ridout, Susy, Martin, Nicola and Mills, Richard (eds.) The Neurodiversity Reader. Pavilion: Shoreham-by-Sea. ISBN 9781912755394

Wood, R. (2019) Foucault, Freda Fry and the Power of Silent Characters on the Radio. In: Courage, Cara and Headlam, Nicola (eds.) Gender, Sex and Gossip in Ambridge: Women in the Archers. Emerald: Bingley, pp. 77-85. ISBN 9781787699489 (doi: 10.1108/978-1-78769-945-820191010)

Runswick-Cole, K. and Wood, R. (2017) Bag of The Devil: The Disablement of Rob Titchener. In: Courage, Cara and Headlam, Nicola (eds.) Custard, Culverts and Cake: Academics on Life in The Archers. Emerald: Bingley, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9781787432864

Edited Books

Wood, R. , Crane, L., Happé, F., Morrison, A. and Moyse, R. (Eds.) (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London and Philadelphia. ISBN 9781839971266

Research Reports or Papers

White, M., Harrison, M., Cohn, E., Wood, R. and StEvens, C. (2024) Becoming and Flourishing as a Neurodivergent Teacher: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

White, M., Harrison, M., Cohn, E., Wood, R. and StEvens, C. (2024) An Evidence Informed Guide to Becoming and Flourishing as a Neurodivergent Teacher: A Guide for Educators and School Leaders. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Wood, R. (2024) Thinking Differently about Autism, Education and Inclusion. Autism Practitioner Network Seminar, London, UK, 17 October 2024.

Wood, R. (2024) AutAngel: Autism and Our Education System. Invited Talk, 9 September 2024.

Wood, R. (2024) Learning the Lessons from Autistic Teachers. American Educational Research Association (Neurodiversity and Autism Research in Education Committee) Invited Talk, 17 June 2024.

Wood, R. (2023) Keynote Address: What Can we Learn from Autistic Teachers? Second International Teacher Diversity Research Symposium, Galway, Republic of Ireland, 20 Oct 2023.

Wood, R. , Gagat-Matuła, A., Bottema-Beutel, K. and Arshad, R. (2023) Learning Lessons from Autistic Teachers in Poland and the UK. European Conference on Educational Research 2023, Glasgow, UK, 21-25 Aug 2023.

Wood, R. (2023) Learning from Autistic Teachers how Autistic Children and Young People can Flourish in School. Reframing Autism 2023 Conference: Innovations in Autism Education: Neuroinclusive, neuroaffirming schooling, Online, 24-25 Feb 2023.

Wood, R. and Gagat-Matuła, A. (2022) Autistic School Staff Project: Understanding and Supporting the Needs, Strengths and Experiences of Autistic School Staff in a Range of Education Roles in Schools. 13th Autism-Europe International Congress, Cracow, Poland, 07-09 Oct 2022.

Wood, R. (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers. Learning From Autistic Teachers: Online Workshop, 10 September 2022.

Wood, R. (2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School. National SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Conference, London, UK, 15 June 2022.

Wood, R. (2022) Inclusion in School: Learning Lessons from Autistic Pupils and Teachers. CRAE (Centre for Research in Education Research) Webinar, London, UK, 7 April 2022.

Wood, R. (2021) Changing the Narrative for Autistic Learners by Valuing and Supporting Autistic Educators. Live Webinar: Can you teach me as I am?, 9 September 2021.

Wood, R. (2021) The Silencing and Marginalisation of Non-Speaking Autistic People. Interdisciplinary Autism Research Festival, 21 May 2021.

Wood, R. (2021) Autistic School Staff Project. Webinar: Autistic School Staff, 27 April 2021.


Wood, R. , Bottema-Beutel, K., Crane, L., Gagat-Matuła, A., Happé, F. and Milton, D. (2019) Autistic School Staff Project. [Website]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 11:13:27 2025 GMT.


2020 – 2022: Principal Investigator, Autistic School Staff Project, funded by the John and Lorna Wing Foundation (£57,139 and £40,739). In collaboration with Professor Francesca Happé (King’s College London), Dr Laura Crane (University College London), Alan Morrison (Autism Rights Group Highland), Dr Ruth Moyse (University of East London). Additional Phase 3 collaborators: Dr Damian Milton (University of Kent), Dr Anna Gagat-Matula (Pedagogical University of Krakow), Dr Kristen Bottema-Beutel (Boston College, Massachusetts).

2019 – 2020: Postdoctoral Fellowship, ‘The Inclusion of Autistic Children in the Curriculum and Assessment in Mainstream Primary Schools.’  King’s College London, funded by the ESRC.

2015 – 2017: Research Fellowship, Transform Autism Education project.  Project manager, University of Birmingham, funded by the European Commission. Principal Investigator, Professor Karen Guldberg. In collaboration with the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation (Greece); the Ministero dell’Istruzione - Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia (Italy); the Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Monza e Brianza (Italy) and the Autism Education Trust (UK).


Rebecca welcomes students interested in the following areas:

  • Autism and education
  • Autism and multimodal communication
  • Autism and intense interests (monotropism)
  • Educational inclusion (critical national and international perspectives)
  • Experiences and perspectives of children with disabilities
  • Teachers with disabilities
  • Neurodiversity
    Investigation of the Relationship between Bullying Perception and Mental Health Problems of Autistic Children
  • JIANG, Tianle
    Enhancing Parental Engagement in Special Education in China: A Parental Perspective
  • Smith, Lauren
    What are the Views and Experiences of Autistic People in Alternative Provision Settings in England?


Rebecca currently lectures on the M.Ed in Inclusive Education programme and leads the Inclusive Education, Inclusive Pedagogies course.

Additional information

Peer reviewing includes European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research; Educational Review; Journal of Early Childhood Research; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autism, Jessica Kingsley Publishers; Routledge books.

Rebecca’s online publications can be found, inter alia, in The Conversation, the Times Education Supplement, The Psychologist and the BERA blog.